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Wedding dresses are not wedding dresses, not white. Dress for a wedding in the church: requirements and where you can buy

Regardless of what faith you hold, you should look the part when going to the wedding ceremony. Otherwise, you will be judged, looked askance, or simply not allowed into the church. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of clothing for the wedding, both for the bride and the groom.

How to dress for a wedding for a bride?

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds are the center of everything that happens. All eyes are on them. Therefore, the image of the bride must be flawless and appropriate. The Svadbagolik.ru portal will tell you which dress to choose for the sacrament, because this is an important point in preparing for the wedding.

Wedding dress

The main component of a woman's wedding wardrobe is a dress. If the wedding takes place on the same day or after a couple of days of the wedding, and your dress complies with church rules, then you may well wear it again. Let's see what these rules are:

  • For a wedding in an Orthodox church or a Catholic church, it is important that the clothes cover the legs and shoulders. The neck can remain open. You should not get married in a dress with an open neckline or back, disregarding the rules of the church.
  • If you get married in a mosque, then you will not be allowed to this ceremony unless your legs, arms to the wrists, chest, shoulders, neck and even ears are covered. There, the rules for appearance are very strict, these are the laws of the Muslim faith.

When entering any temple, the woman's head must be covered. If in ancient times the veil was worn so that it completely covered the hair and face, today it is just a flirty element of the bride's image. Therefore, now the wedding veil is a separate accessory that is purchased specifically for the ceremony. This can be an asymmetrical veil that is shorter in the front than in the back, or a large floor-length veil that completely envelops the girl. Or maybe you will choose a comfortable hood for yourself, which for sure will not fall off your head during service. You can choose a headpiece from any material that matches your dress. This is what the church wedding rules say.

Muslims have different rules: a girl's head must be covered with a dense, opaque cloth. Therefore, the headdress of oriental brides for the wedding is the hijab, which covers the hair and ears. A light veil over the hijab can only complement the image of the bride.

Wedding shoes

There are no special rules for choosing wedding shoes. They limit themselves to common sense, because hardly anyone would think of wearing sneakers or, on the contrary, stiletto heels for a wedding. It is worth thinking about comfort, because the wedding service does not last a couple of minutes. Therefore, low-heeled shoes or ballet flats are an excellent option.

Clothes for the groom for the wedding

So, we figured out how to dress a bride for a wedding. Now let's move on to the strong half of humanity. We can say that the grooms are more fortunate in terms of choosing clothes for a wedding, and for any celebration.

A classic suit will suit him: jacket + shirt + trousers. You just have to choose the right colors. For them, whether in the Orthodox or in the Muslim faith, there are no strict restrictions. The taboo applies only to defiant colors of suits or shirts. Jeans with sports shoes will not work, of course. Perhaps this is all that men need for a wedding, if we talk about wardrobe.

Weddings years after the wedding: choosing outfits

And how to dress for a wedding, if wedding dresses have long been inherited by children. After all, many couples make such an important decision, having passed the years together, and hold a ceremony for a porcelain, silver or pearl wedding.

Outfit for a woman

What kind of wedding dress to choose for a woman? Remember, no pants! A woman cannot enter any temple in trousers. Therefore, it is worth choosing a medium for the sacrament of a dress of length, i.e. below the knee. Suits with a skirt, blouse and jacket will also work. The sleeve can be of any length, as long as the shoulder is covered. An open neckline is not allowed.

If you are going to get married in church and do not know what dress to wear, then read the recommendations and tips in this article.

A wedding is a very important step in the life of young people. Sometimes couples get married immediately after the wedding ceremony, and sometimes they decide on this action only after some time has passed. After all, you need to think over everything thoroughly, to approach this important procedure consciously.

It is required to prepare for this action not only morally, but also to solve all other material aspects. Besides, a woman needs to look appropriate at the ceremony. Any wedding dress that is suitable for going to the registry office is not always suitable for a wedding. Let's study this issue in more detail.

Wedding dresses for overweight, pregnant women, women of the age

The style of a wedding dress can be any, the main thing is that it fits well on you, and is not short, too open. It is also important that the head and shoulders of the bride and wife are “covered”. As a cape, you can use a veil or lightweight openwork materials, tulle fabrics, etc.

But this is a digression, back to the dresses. Your dress length cannot be above the knee. After all, the appearance of the bride's attire speaks of her morals - this is what the clergy say. Do not wear see-through dresses with a deep neckline and bare back.

What should be a wedding dress for an elderly woman?

The married couples commit themselves before God to be faithful to each other. The age at which a man and a woman can get married can be: up to 70 years - for men, up to 60 years - for women (inclusive). But older ladies also have the question of how to dress correctly in order to look good and, at the same time, so that everything is according to the dress code.

Many women over forty now look much younger than their age. Therefore, they should not have any problems with the selection of a wedding dress. But if you already have noticeable age-related changes, then choose an outfit, guided by the following rules:

  • Do not emphasize your waist with too tight corset if you have extra pounds
  • Wear a dress that will cover imperfections (wrinkles on the skin of the chest, flabby muscles on the shoulders, arms)
  • Do not wear short dresses, priests advise to wear floor-length dresses for weddings. In addition, a beautifully selected long outfit, on the contrary: it will emphasize your figure, hide all the imperfections of the legs, if any
  • Match the tone of the dress to your color type. It is allowed to wear not only white wedding dresses to the church (beige, golden, with blue, pink, green, lilac tints, etc.)

Wedding dresses for obese women, photo

A very large selection of dresses in wedding salons for puffy ladies. Moreover, styles, fabrics are very diverse. Only to approach the choice of such clothing for a wedding should be thoroughly prioritized. Consider your body type.

  1. For an hourglass type (when the shoulders and hips are visually proportional), straight dresses or sewn in the "fish" style are well suited
  2. For the type - "apple" there are dresses in the style of ancient Greek princesses, a lush cut from the chest will successfully hide your tummy
  3. For the type - "pear" (narrow shoulders and heavy hips, visually larger than the upper body) outfits with semi-flared skirts, sun flared
  4. For the type - inverted triangle (broad shoulders, small pelvis), you need to choose A-line dresses

See beautiful options for wedding bows for obese ladies:

A dress for a plump girl with wide hips, a wedding cape or a cloak will be an excellent addition to it.

For this dress, you will need a light shoulder cape. This outfit is perfect for girls with a pear figure, an hourglass.

This dress will fit well on a girl with an "apple" body type.

Wedding dresses for pregnant women, photo

According to church interpretations: only innocent girls wear a white dress. It is advisable to follow the traditions and look at dresses with different shades. If you nevertheless decide to get married in an interesting position, when the tummy is already clearly visible, then choose the image taking into account the changes in your figure.

  • In the second trimester of pregnancy, when you cannot hide your tummy, wear a dress that will not fit around your waist
  • Also, dresses with a cut like "A-line" and dresses in "Greek" style are well suited

See below examples of such dresses

Short dress for weddings for pregnant women

Beautiful dress for a pregnant woman for a wedding procedure in a church

What should be the dress for a church wedding? Photo

As mentioned above, in order not to spoil the wedding ceremony in the church, you need to prepare in advance and dress properly. If it is enough for a man to put on a decent suit, then women need to choose a modest, stylish, beautiful dress.

  • Dress length should not be above the knee
  • Shoulders, chest, back should be covered if the style of the dress requires it
  • You cannot choose an outfit from translucent materials
  • It is allowed to wear a dress with a train to the church, if it is convenient for you. Just keep in mind that you will not only have to stand still during the wedding ceremony
  • Variegated, bright colors - don't choose

Beautiful white, long dress made of dense fabric

Wedding dress color

Above in the text, we have already mentioned what colors other than white can be chosen for a wedding dress. Of course, a bright red dress for the ceremony will not work, you should choose not such "flashy" colors.

Delicate shades of blue, purple, pink, green, etc. - will look great at the wedding. Pastel colors are allowed, beautiful if you wear a golden dress.

See examples of shades, wedding dresses

Long wedding dresses

The most popular among the fair sex for the wedding procession are floor-length dresses.

Closed-Back Wedding Dresses

Modesty always adorns a girl. Despite the fact that the dress is closed, it can still emphasize the femininity, the natural beauty of a woman.

See a selection of closed, chic dresses

Lace Wedding Dresses

Among the huge variety of wedding dresses, it is sometimes difficult to choose "your own", the one that will emphasize all the charms and, at the same time, will be suitable for the wedding ceremony. Lace dresses fit these criteria. Simple, modest wedding dresses

Now you will see simple, modest and at the same time stylish wedding dresses.

Is it possible to sell or wear a wedding dress after the wedding, or take it to dry cleaning?

According to old beliefs, it is believed that the bride should keep her wedding dress all her life. You can not sell it, not let it be measured, and even wash it, the bride herself needs to remove stains. You cannot trust this business to anyone. All this is done to maintain a strong family in order to live a long and happy married life.

Video: church wedding. Bridesmaid dresses


The first thing to consider is the color of the wedding dress. It should be white or any other light color. Of course, most often brides choose a white dress. But now it is not uncommon to see a newlywed in a red, green, purple dress. For these colors are categorically not suitable. The bride's dress should not be too bright or dark. In addition to the traditional white color, beige, ivory, light blue, pink, cream are allowed. However, there is one "but". Often, couples who have been legally married for several years, often already having children, decide. And in this case, priests usually recommend not to choose a white dress. After all, the essence of the bride's snow-white dress is in her innocence, even if in fact it is not. Therefore, a bride with children, pregnant, or just for a long time in the church looks strange. In this case, any other light shades are the best choice.

The second nuance is that the wedding dress should not be too open. Neckline, open shoulders and back are not welcomed in the church. The length should be no higher than the knee. Of course, in the registry office and at the wedding party, any bride wants to look beautiful and sexy, and it's a pity to hide her figure in a closed dress. Especially if the summer is hot. There are two ways out of this situation. You can buy two dresses - one for a wedding party and one for a wedding. True, this option is very expensive, and not every girl can afford such a luxury. But there is another way out - in the church to cover all the "immodesty" with a bolero, a cape, a stole. You can cover your shoulders with a falling veil. If your hands are open, you should choose elbow-length gloves for the dress.

As for the material from which the wedding dress should be sewn, there are no restrictions. But all kinds of rhinestones, beads and other shiny and iridescent details should be few, or not at all. But this does not mean that the dress should be completely simple and inconspicuous. Feel free to choose satin, chiffon, lace. Popular dresses with a voluminous skirt on rings are acceptable, but excessive splendor is still not needed. In the West, a rather popular attribute of a wedding dress is a long train. Of course, this is beautiful, but this attribute has nothing to do with the Orthodox tradition and is more appropriate for a wedding in the Catholic Church.

As you know, a woman is allowed to enter the church only with her head covered. Therefore, during the wedding ceremony, there must be a veil on the bride's head, or a stole, a gas scarf. But a hat as a headdress is not very suitable for the reason that crowns - church crowns - are held over the heads of the wedding couple, which is why the ceremony bears this name. If the bride has a hat on her head, it is elementary inconvenient.

Choosing a wedding dress is not easy. It is important not only to choose a dress that suits the appearance of the bride, but also to stay within the strict framework of church requirements. But Orthodox traditions do not oblige to choose necessarily boring and too simple dress, because there are many acceptable variations.

An increasing number of couples choose a church wedding after registration at the registry office - someone because of a fashionable trend, someone - to please parents, and someone - because of their own deep faith.

It should be understood that a religious sacrament is not just beautiful decorations. This is the creation of a strong spiritual bond between husband and wife, which cannot be broken in principle. Therefore, you can take a serious step only when you are confident in your chosen one., your compatibility and the fact that this is the same person with whom you are ready to spend your whole life, because the procedure for debunking in church law does not exist.

The bride's appearance is no less important. Unlike a mundane wedding, it requires compliance with certain rules. must be chaste and pure, because at the symbolic level, she plays the role of the Church, which Christ takes as a spouse in the image of the groom.


  • pretentious, too bright, dark details;
  • excessive luxury;
  • emphasized sexuality - bare hands, knees, deep neckline;
  • uncovered head.

Of course, there can be no question of any trouser suits, jeans or mini-skirts. The bride must be in a dress, and by all means closed and long (below the knee). should also be used with extreme caution. Let's say a light, unobtrusive nude, only slightly hiding imperfections.

Important! The wedding ceremony is spiritual, which means that purity of thoughts and beauty of the soul are more important than the body.

In no case should you paint your lips, either with a light gloss or long-lasting lipstick. During the sacrament, you have to kiss the crucifix and the image, so the remaining trail can become an extremely unpleasant moment that spoils the ceremony. In addition, a strict priest may simply not give you sacred things, seeing bright lips, without understanding how super-resistant cosmetics are.

What should it be?

A miniskirt in the walls of a church is definitely inappropriate: the hem should at least cover the knees. Many brides choose a floor-length dress - this is the most chaste and very beautiful option, emphasizing the quivering femininity of the bride and the general sacredness of the moment. This length suits almost everyone, except, perhaps, short, full girls. It is better for them to look at a shorter skirt - to the middle of the calf.

As for the train, first of all, this magnificent element is rather inconvenient. They will stand behind you with crowns, which can accidentally step on the delicate fabric. If you really want something beautiful, then choose a model with a removable accessorythat fastens with hooks, buttons or ties. Secondly, remember that this train is an attribute of the bride, so if you are getting married in an Orthodox church, then it may seem inappropriate, although the church does not impose a direct ban on trains.

The style of the dress may vary. Only emphatically revealing outfits will not work - with a deep neckline, open back, shoulders or arms, too tight or shiny.

Better to choose a modest one. It is better to refuse excessively lush skirts on hoop rings, but petticoats are quite acceptable.

The decor should be modest but graceful - lace, hand embroidery, beads.

Dress material may vary... Delicate silk, shining satin, and royal velvet will do. Lighter, airy options - organza, chiffon, tulle - are also possible, but make sure that the dress is not overly lush. There are many candles in the church, and synthetics are easy to light up.

If the wedding is scheduled for one day with official registration, at which you would like to be in a more open dress, then transformer models with a detachable fluffy skirt, as well as shawls or capes that cover the shoulders, will come to the rescue during the wedding.

The color of the outfit, contrary to popular belief, does not have to be pure white. Moreover, canonically, this option is allowed only to innocent girls, although now this rule is no longer so jealously observed.

If you want to adhere to traditions and rules, then pay attention to gentle undertones - ivory, champagne, cream, other soft variations of white. Any other light shades are also allowed - pink, blue, golden, green, lilac. It is important that the color is not too bright or dark. You will have to refuse dark chocolate or purple in any case, otherwise there is complete freedom of choice.

Folk signs

The ancient and sacred rite is surrounded by many superstitions. How to treat them is your choice.

Important! The Orthodox Church considers such beliefs to be sinful and does not approve, but folk wisdom does not arise from scratch.

In particular, the signs say the following about the wedding dress:

  • The dress must be new, and even the bride herself can try it on only once. No long admiration in front of the mirror or selfies on Instagram!
  • Part of the outfit must be borrowed - ribbon, string of pearls, brooch. In case of trouble in a new family, relatives and friends will certainly help to overcome adversity;
  • Even the best girlfriends or sisters should not be allowed to try on the dress.otherwise they will "try on" the bride's happiness;
  • The longer the hem and veil, the longer family happiness will last;
  • Gold elements on the dress - to luck and wealth in the family;
  • The stronger the fabric from which the outfit is sewn, the closer and kinder the daughter-in-law's relationship with her mother-in-law will be;
  • You cannot choose separate models consisting of a skirt and a corset, otherwise the family boat may split into two halves;
  • The groom should not see the bride in the dress immediately before the ceremony, the more it is forbidden to choose an outfit together;
  • After the wedding, the dress should be carefully stored and not given to anyone in the hands. You cannot wear it again or sell it - it is your symbol of a happy life and protection from evil.

Fabric and finishing

Almost as much depends on the choice of fabric as on the style.

Silk wedding dresses look great. A natural material, the density of which is ideal for creating draperies, and at the same time breathable, gentle, with a noble delicate shine, suitable for a bride of any size and age.

Atlas is an extremely common material, very beautiful both in flowing form and in folds. The downside is a rather bright shine, so it is best to choose this option for slender brides.

Lighter, airy materials such as chiffon, tulle or organza require a dense lining in a wedding dress. However, on the sleeves or neckline, such draperies will look absolutely charming, without violating church rules.

Delicate lace, which has many patterns and shapes, is great both for decorating an outfit and for its upper part as a whole, but with a lining.


Mini-skirts, as mentioned above, are under the strictest prohibition, and it is unlikely that the bride herself will want to unduly naked herself at such an important, exciting moment of taking an oath of loyalty to her beloved person before God.

Otherwise, the church does not regulate the length of the hem. Perhaps as a strict midi, the main thing is that the knees do not peep out from under the fabric, and maxi to the floor, as well as all intermediate options.

Remember that it is most convenient when the hem rises 2-3 centimeters above the floor, taking into account your shoes. This will definitely not step on and tear your dress.

Color: white and alternatives

The white color of a wedding dress is traditional, recommended for innocent girls to choose, although this rule is allowed to be forgotten. Snow white looks great on swarthy or tanned brides, but older ladies with a curvaceous figure should avoid it.

Beautifully blue dress, because the color personifies heavenly grace and purity. This outfit will suit blondes, as well as romantic, dreamy girls. Be careful with heavenly hues if your color type is fall.

Other colors are possible: from various shades of white (cream, beige, champagne, ivory) to various tones of the light spectrum (pink, green, lilac).

Important! Dark tones are prohibited - black, brown, purple, as well as too bright and acidic colors.

The color red stands apart - on the one hand, it is too aggressive for a delicate wedding look, and on the other hand, it is extremely popular and is historically correct, because a wedding dress several centuries ago was just scarlet. If the choice fell on red, we recommend that you ask the priest who will marry you for approval.

Styles - evening and non-wedding with photos

Closed, chaste models of a simple style are classic, but there are many other options for every taste and shape. Be sure to choose an outfit that fits perfectly on the figure, hides flaws, because modesty does not at all mean the need to look not elegant enough.

With sleeves

The style of a wedding dress with sleeves certainly does not go beyond the church dress code, even if the sleeves are made of weightless chiffon or openwork lace.

Full brides should pay attention to bell sleeves, however, they look fabulous on thin arms. The flashlight or wings will only hide your shoulders, leaving your arms open. In this case, it is better to add elegant gloves to the outfit, but remember that they are worn only on the skin, because by tradition the jewelry is not removed. Therefore, if you decide to wear gloves, do not forget to take them off in timeso as not to do it in a hurry in front of the altar. An original alternative is the transition of the sleeve to the mitt: part of the bare wrist is closed, but the fingers are free for the rings.

A simple straight sleeve to the wrist looks very gentle and elegant. It can be from the same material as the whole dress, or from a more delicate and airy one.

If you opt for fluffy lace cuffs, be careful with the lit ones: one of them will be in your hands during the whole ordinance.


Such models hide the chest, shoulders, back and arms from prying eyes, and sometimes even cover the neck with a high collar, and for girls with a long graceful neck, this will become a truly royal option.

Idea! Draperies, embroidery, lace, or just a shawl of a different color will be a wonderful decor for a wedding dress. You can combine different fabrics, then, despite the closeness, the dress will still look more airy and softer.

A closed dress is the most modest style, designed for elegant girls who understand the solemnity of the ceremony, or for older brides. In general, a small neckline is allowed by the church, so you can choose a “boat” or a shallow V-neck. The main thing is that it does not expose the skin too openly, and the dress remains chaste.


Openwork motifs look wonderful both as a decor and as a single canvas.

It is important to remember that in the case of using other lace accessories, for example, or, you should carefully select the shade. If these are different tones of white, then a darker one inevitably looks untidy.

You should also be careful with the pattern - patterns of very different density will conflict with each other, destroying the integral image.


A-silhouette, straight cut or any other simple models are quite budgetary, but at the same time they look very organic on the sacrament, demonstrating the modesty of the bride and not distracting attention from her natural beauty with unnecessary decor.

The absence of unnecessary details allows you to create an elegant one-piece look that will appeal to older brides.

For pregnant

Pregnancy is not a hindrance to the wedding; on the contrary, the clergy believe that it is better for children to be born in a married marriage. But choosing the right outfit in position becomes more difficult, because you should be comfortable.

Advice! Since white is associated with virginity, it is better for a pregnant bride to look at other shades: from cream to pale pink or blue.

The dress should fit, not squeeze, so it is better to choose a stretch fabric, especially if you choose an outfit at the stage of rapid tummy growth. Give preference to a loose fit style. Perfectly hide the interesting position of the Empire style dresses, Greek draperies, high waistline.

For full

Curvy girls will not be prevented from looking perfect at the wedding if you choose a dress that hides flaws and emphasizes advantages.

Closed A-line dresses, Greek motives, Empire style are suitable for donuts. It is better to choose sleeves either with a bell, or straight, without excess volume, which visually increases the shoulders.

Be extremely careful with draperies, they make the look heavier. Be no less jealous of shiny fabrics, large or, on the contrary, too small lace pattern - all these solutions are complete.

For a woman aged

More and more often couples come to the decision to get married after 20 or more years of marriage, so an older bride needs to choose a dress differently than a young girl.

Don't choose white. He will emphasize the imperfections of appearance. Better to stay on cream, golden, other light options.

Elegant closed dresses with a light cape or bolero look good. Choose shoes with your own convenience in mind: if you can stand in high heels for at least an hour, then do not give up the elegant option.


Wedding shoes should be not only comfortable, but also practical. You should not choose an excessively high heel, because it will be difficult for the witness to stretch almost all the time of the ceremony in order to hold the crown over your head. Choose modest shoes in a neutral color, without fancy details. Classic elegant pumps are perfect.

A veil is a traditional element of an attire, but optional, because it can be replaced by a hood, a scarf, a cloak with a hood. If you decide to stay on a veil, then give preference to models that are mounted high enough on the crown. According to church rules, women should have their heads covered at least to the middle.Of course, a veil cannot be colored, too short, emphasized unusual. Be careful with overly layered, lush designs, as there are many lit candles around.

Despite the closed hair rule, your face should be open, so be careful when you want to throw a piece of a multilayer veil back on your own, without the help of a witness.

A more classic version is a scarf, which can cover both just the hair and represent an elegant cloak or bolero that also wraps around the shoulders, arms, back and neckline. The material of the accessory is very diverse - from lace to weightless tulle. The color is not necessarily white, but certainly light and not too bright.

What to do with the outfit after the church wedding?

It is best to keep your outfit as a symbol of a happy marriage - this is another reason why it is better to avoid overly curvy models. It is not recommended to sell or rent such a memorable thing, and also cut or alter it.

Sometimes a wedding dress is worn on a wedding anniversary; it will look especially touching on the 20th anniversary and beyond.

Important! The Orthodox Church itself does not regulate the future of the wedding dress, and all of the above are not strict rules, but worldly wisdom.

  • The main thing that your image should talk about is elegance and modesty., so choose a simple cut;
  • Dress must cover knees, chest, shoulders and back. In case of very short sleeves, gloves or a cape are indispensable;
  • Remember to cover your head. A scarf in a shade different from the color of the dress will add charming accents to the image that do not go beyond the church dress code;
  • Be sure to choose. Fitting within the walls of the temple is, in principle, inappropriate, but it is worth considering your parameters and height. Full girls do not need to abuse decor and shiny fabrics, and short brides are better off abandoning a hem to the floor;
  • The color of the wedding dress may be white, but it is still better to give preference to creamy, creamy, ivory and other light shades. Leave the acidic and dark colors for another occasion;
  • The train at the Orthodox wedding is an extra element. Leave it to the Catholics!
  • The most varied fabric is possible - silk, satin, guipure, organza, velvet, tulle, chiffon.

Useful video

A wedding is a very important and solemn event, therefore the wedding dress should be appropriate. In the video, the opinion of the clergyman on what should be a dress for a wedding:


A wedding dress is not only an outfit for an important day, but also a symbol of happiness and protection of a newly-made family. Modest, but therefore no less beautiful, it is a guide to the life consecrated by heavenly marriage. Therefore, it is worth choosing it so that after many years, when looking at photographs or a dress taken out of the box, you feel tenderness and grace in your soul.



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