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Literary and musical composition dedicated to the anniversary of K. Khetagurov's birth.

USSR stamp, 1989

Kosta (Konstantin) Levanovich Khetagurov{!LANG-16102c77a3568ebbdc4131b10fef1411!} {!LANG-9166fa2b2601bb679a88f7f42e9e3450!}{!LANG-a0aab6b5e12d3b2e74beac2f75846973!} {!LANG-5b4e3e7b47a72155cadeede493848c11!}{!LANG-0cd84944c5df18b2c3f557fad2998a44!}



Ossetian lira

Thoughts of the heart, songs, poems and fables


I'm sorry if the echo of a sob
You will hear in my song:
Whose heart does not know suffering
Let him sing more fun
But if the human race
I happened to pay a debt,
Then I would sing differently,
I would sing without pain, without tears.


Let him not know
Peace Creator!
My own family,
Mourn my end.
I am weak, unknown
In the native land ...
Father, oh if only
Your valor is me!
Rejected now
A settlement for everyone
In sadness, in despondency
At meetings, I was mute:
I stand withered
From thoughts and worries.
Junior to battle
Doesn't follow me.
Over the edge of my blood
I don't cry with mine -
Slave of the shackle
Inglorious, I drag myself.


That you move your eyebrows
Father? You're wrong!
Why do you accept
Do you like my heart?
Whose son is waiting
Did you justify your father?
Who in early youth
Didn't know any mistakes?
For me is your glory
And a proud honor?
Leave me right
The way I am.
I don't hold a gun
I'm not rushing on a horse
And a steel saber
Do not snatch me.
Let the arrogant slander
You are not his friend! ..
Oxen at the ready
My plow is working, -
That my thoughts are a burden
That is a prophetic fandir;
I carry like a seed
Poetry to the world.
And the heart of the people!
Like a cornfield it is
Where are light shoots
It is given to me to nurture.
My land is fruitful
My barn is full
And in the sea of \u200b\u200bears
The cart is diving.
Don't be afraid for your son
Father! You're wrong.
You for no reason
I'm worried about my temper!

Oh, IF!

The human heart glows in the fog
From afar.
Sometimes there are many desires
The poor man.
If, - dreams, - the moment has come,
To the people
He gave me a father's blessing
Glory, honor!
If I accepted someone else's grief
Into your songs,
If I saw the peak of happiness
Just in love!


Hearing your song, dear,
I work without getting tired
You are my ray of sunshine, -
Sing, girl, sing! ..
The enemy took away our freedom ...
Sing! Already the bowl of suffering
Full to the brim ...
How bitter she is!
The earth feeds all the people ...
You mourn me, dear, -
"How now, - tell me, -
We should live without land ?! "
We don't have to work on arable land.
Sing! Teach me to pray! ..
Don't leave me
You are the light of the day! ..

LOST! ..

Lost your life
And with you and I.
You are my misfortune
Swallow, earth!
Like a snake, attack
She dug into my chest.
Fuck you away
Of evil grief power!
Cheated on me
Black-eyed ...
Oh, you are my shame!
Oh, cruel!
Before God you
No, she didn't swear to me
Not my ring
You are wearing it now.
Eh, beauty,
Why me
Have you cheated?
God is your judge!
Mountain winter,
Under the spring chime
I remember
Like a wonderful dream.
Or caress each other
Didn't we give?
Or tender words
We did not whisper -
Good days?
How happy I was
I am in my love!
Who takes you
Forever to your home
Let me dare
Exceed in everything:
Hit without a miss
Fly on a horse
Sail in the highland dance
Or sing songs.
Dressed up in silk -
Aul surprised!
Become your belt
Dearly pulled.
No clasps - stars
There is a game on the chest ...
In gold embroidery
You are dexterous, fast.
Lost your life
And with you and me!
You are my trouble
Swallow, earth!
Like a snake, attack
She dug into my chest.
Fuck you away.
Of evil grief power!


I know you will cry, maybe
You, burying my ashes,
And you will wish in God
The kingdom is good to me.
I know you will kill a ram
And, not sad at all,
Pour araki as much
To remember me.
Everyone will probably say
What custom commands.
After w - don't even remember
Where I am buried in the grave.


I envy those who warm
On the morning of cloudless years
The warmth of a mother's embrace.
I envy those who then
Will remember the days of childhood good,
Who is cheerful at a sad sunset.
I envy those who are in their
Fatherland among true friends!
Whose feast is a song with a game!
I envy those who are with a cart,
Who plows with their furrows
Occasionally takes place at work.
I envy those who are the people
With a rebellious speech it will light
Whose advice is expected.
I envy those who love
The honor of the name, the glory of the fathers
Keeps you in old years!


I am equipped for everyone: archita, knapsack;
I twisted the belt of twigs as best I could,
A stick with me, in rags of a fur coat ...
It's time to say goodbye to us ... My path is far ...
"Away!" - you spoke with your eyes for a long time,
I have frightened you with a look for a long time.
I heard your heart and froze:
It is given to me to hear a groan.
Goodbye, my light! ..
You won't see again.
Benefits from the wanderer should not be expected.
I know that tomorrow you will forget my look
And the day after tomorrow you will forget what to call.
Maybe it will suddenly be remembered, as in anxiety
Lived a poor man, dreamed, lonely.
Maybe you will dream, like on the road
Someone steps beyond the threshold of death.
Don't be scared! Behind this dream
Happiness will come to you, ruining grief.
Someone will take over your troubles
Someone would give their life for you.
In my companion I cry our evil fate,
Maybe I'll go over the edge with her
Life, and with it I will find death ...
Do not kill yourself! .. Goodbye, goodbye! ..


People have not a house, but a tower,
It's light, warm, comfort,
And in our empty cave
Children roar from hunger.
People have feasts, festivities
Ridges excite the mountains,
And here, like a lament,
Only cats meow.
People from oily carcasses
Drops fall into ash
And we have bats
You will not find it in a damp corner ...
People have plenty of wheat:
Grind for a year - you can't see the bottom,
And we, to our share, -
One scoop of grain per year ...


Winter has not passed us either,
Snow fell as tall as a man
And an evil cold from the pass
Already paved the river beds.
Here the nights are painful and long ...
When will spring come again?
After dinner, we do not burn the torch;
No dung - we go to bed.
The poor man lives in a barn and stalls,
There is no attention to his work,
And the gray felt is cruel.
And the fruit of his worries is dinner.
All his days are full of toil
And no consolation
But, in spite of grief, at night
He sees joyful dreams.


Mother shakes you easily.
The moonbeam plays with you.
You grow up, man!
A-lol-bark! ..
You are my hope, strength.
Let it be a white lamb, dear,
Forever for you
I will!
Our life is scarier than hell.
Your father knew no joy
He was all exhausted.
Sleep, son!
Get older - awaits
And you are destiny!
Man for me!
A-lol-bark! ..
Plain cow leather
You would have done archita too,
I would starve ...
Time to sleep!
You used to carry firewood, tired,
I would go out and say:
"Mother is always with you,
My clear!
And if I die, forget about the grief.
You love your native mountains
Don't leave them! "
A-lol-bark! ..


You worked a lot for us
Now you will rest in paradise.
Do not demand a reward from God:
We will not forget your life.
You lived with compassion for the people
From youth to gray hair,
I lit the lamp in bad weather,
To make it clear to us.
You were the shepherd of the disenfranchised
You fell in love with our land like a mother.
For the good of your glorious labors
What pay do you pay?
We ourselves, both children and grandchildren
We will not forget you, grieving,
But know that in grief and torment
We stayed after you.
March 3, Vladikavkaz


Without a mother, abandoned by a father,
Homeland, parental home
I left in my youth.
In a strange, indifferent land
I spent my spring,
Meeting only adversity.
I said: take it home -
To Ossetia, to our native land,
Your lonely grief ...
And tears flowed from my eyes
And joy spilled into my chest:
I saw snowy mountains.
But poorer than me
When I returned, I found you
A people worn out by care.
There is no place for you in the mountains
Not in our free fields:
Don't stand, don't go, don't work!
We have so few worthy people!
And what are we now?
And what will we eventually be?
You crawl blindly, my land.
Take a look, Uastyrdzhi, and don't let
Death to the tortured people!


The youth of my fatherland!
You won't even shed a tear! ..
And an evil foreign land torments and gnaws
My heart is stronger and stronger ...
I'm not afraid of death - but who will decompose
Bonfire on my grave?
Whose girl would sob for me
So that the cliff above trembled?
Who will play a song about me on the fandir,
Who will be on horseback in the race?
How the heart longs for you in separation,
The youth of my fatherland!
On my ashes - there can be no worse flour -
You won't even shed a tear! ..


In the thicket, the shepherd will not part with the flock,
Vigilantly he watches him ...
What about you, our youth, will become
Who will protect you?
You, mad as a hungry herd,
In the forest you wander, -
Are you looking for stalks in the forest last year ...
You are dying ... What will become of you?
Oh, if only over a mountain peak
Your shepherd sang a song,
I called you - and the family would be united
I managed to quickly gather everyone! ..


Let him not know happy peace -
The one who wants to destroy us.
Mother, do not wear a beautiful outfit for me,
I don’t wear it.
Thin cloth my gloomy soul
You won't please, mother.
Unther will strike, but woe, if I please
I will take revenge, do not remain silent.
Your son will not say a word about hunger,
Eating porridge alone.
In the barracks cold he will be huddled in a corner,
Sleeps on rotten straw.
Do not mourn a bleak life
Your son himself is not happy with her.
He will not ask for an elegant Circassian,
He is not a groom, but a soldier!
If they kill me, there is no revenge on me.
Weep you comfort grief -
Summon the village for the commemoration
Slaughter our cow.
Mother, do not weep over filial destiny,
Wipe your tears away!
Hungry for life, may I die
But I'll stand up for myself!


How not to cry, my mountains, above you!
I'd better see you with ash!
Oh why won't he be stoned
A terrible collapse of unrighteous judges?
Let even one of them shudder
Let the grief of the people go through him,
Let it echo in torment in your soul,
Let him shed at least one tear! ..
We are tightly bound by the enemy's hand,
Everything that we honored is abused here.
The mountains are taken away ... There is no rest for the dead,
Old and small are tyrannized, flogged ...
Like a herd from a ferocious predator,
We scattered, leaving our land.
What are you, our shepherd? Where are your children?
Gather us together with a fiery word!
Woe! We're running to death from shame
Enemies are viciously driving us to the abyss.
The might of the people would thunder you, mountains, -
Someone brave, hurry up! Help!


My beloved friend! My friend is a stranger!
What name should I call you?
Will I see, drawn by a vague hope,
Am I happy for you, oh motherland?
Native land! I will heed your moans
Sounding from a hard, granite chest ...
A friend of mine! On the ground, you or hid underground,
Wherever you are, come out to my cry as soon as possible! ..
Please respond! My call rings in the grave!
Or wander in women's clothing, grieving! ..
Ossetia is poor! By blood, violence
The Aldar aliens have humbled you!
But maybe in search of the desired truth
Did you deliberately entrust your rights to them?
Die from repentance, nameless friend,
Who recognized the stranger as his Aldar! ..


The raven is stiff ...
The howl of the storm is terrible ...
Sleeps on the cooler black
Nar, aul is deaf.
The long night is better
Than a hard day ...
Glows on the cooler
Saklya with a twinkle.
On the edge of the aul
In an abandoned barn
Poverty bent
The bitter widow.
Grief tormented -
Where is it before sleep?
Tired over the fire
She fiddles.
On the cold floor -
Who is in rags, who is so -
Five hungry orphans
They look at the hearth.
Even the wolf mows
Hunger in the cold.
Evil death takes away
Weak without difficulty.
“Well, don't cry! - sad
Mother says to them, -
I will feed you deliciously
I'll put you to bed ... "
Juniper saklu
Enveloped in smoke ...
Dripping drop
Tears in the bowler hat ...
"Having disappeared under the collapse
On that unfortunate day
You, the breadwinner, of small
Deceived the orphans.
Left five ...
What's ahead?
I'd better take out my heart
From my chest!
Apparently my dear husband
You are smarter than your wives, -
That fled to the grave
From his family.
Dries up and withers
Your beloved son:
We would rather lie down
Next to you! "
Dripping drop
Tears in the bowler hat ...
Juniper saklu
Enveloped in smoke ...
The younger falls asleep
Before all children, -
Exhausted from crying
The best of people.
Wait a little! -
Everyone will lie down.
Hunger and fatigue
Winning soon.
“Mom, isn't it ready?
Give me some stew! Give!" -
You will all have enough
Enough over the edge!
The pot is boiling
Splashes on the ash ...
Children fall asleep
By the fire in the corner ...
The wind is howling deeper
Grief is fast asleep.
Sleep will dry your eyes
Hunger will satisfy.
I laid on the straw
Their kids
Gray, covered
What got them.
And as long as it is gloomy
The ash was warming
Satisfy everything with crying
Heart could not.
She told the children:
"The beans will boil!"
And she cooked
Stones for the guys.
Hovers over children
Sleep, clean and quiet, -
Her holy lie
Nourished them ...


What time of year?
At the place of gatherings,
In a thin fur coat,
Gray-haired, hunchbacked,
Sitting Cubads
With a sonorous fandir.
I wandered all my life.
Maltz remained.
One under the sky.
More than once rootless
Danced hungry
For a crust of bread.
Barefoot, beaten,
In my soul - resentment
And dirt on the body.
Life was not sweet
From cracked heels
The frogs were singing.
No, it's better to disappear
Than to fight, torment,
Without knowing the good!
In eternal separation
Let it endlessly
My dear roars
What did not feed
No sun by force
Not a white breast,
What's in early childhood
With your breath
I didn't warm you! ..
Him in bad weather
And the barn was happiness
Look at the cracks
The shepherd won't!
And the snow will fall -
Singing in the cave!
A sheep without food?
He will find hay
In a chuvyak refracted.
Fandyr wonderfully
He's from the influx
Made birches.
Peaks in the snow
Valley bushes
And a gloomy oak
They leaned towards him
And they shared with him
A cherished thought.
Eagle gusts
Howl blizzard melancholy
Thunder in the skies
Deer tear
The brooks boil -
Shepherd's songs.
Light after the storm
The beauty of azure
Halt for the herd,
Meadows and waters
It's time for freedom -
Kubada's dreams.
But happiness is short:
Trouble stealthily
Comes, does not ask -
And for no reason
Meat with sheepskin
The wolf does not carry away.
The shepherd is excellent
Accounting usually
Leads as it should ...
Where to go
Could fifteen
Sheep from the flock?
Lost somewhere ...
Who about this
Will you tell the grief?
Oh, it may crack
Shepherd's skin:
Aldar will screw up!
Anticipating the spanking,
Sheep prigorku,
He drove to the village -
And runs away
For the slope of Adai -
To the Digor rocks.
A native country
And Kabardoi
He walked with the fandir.
In Kalak with fervor
And he sang and drank
In a merry circle.
Which songs!
What is more wonderful than them
Kind, sweeter?
These sayings -
You will meet with laughter
That will bring sadness.
On the way-road
Legs will not weaken
And the songs are more beautiful.
Here we see again
The gray-haired singer
In our aul.
What time of year?
At the gathering place
He sits
Blind, humpbacked ...
But who are the Kubads
Doesn't he know?


Don't ask who I am.
After all, it is clear as day -
And I will not hide it, -
That I am not a bridle.
The shirt is canvas
Circassian, beshmet, -
For the mountain son
No more smart.
Archita, worries
Unbearable day.
He asked me: Who are you? -
So listen to me.
I was born in the mountains.
And where? I will name it.
I am born without fear
He appeared in the barn.
Woman in labor instead
Raw corner
More familiar place
I couldn't find it.
A severe curse
Since then above me:
Who is a kind word
Did the patient say?
Everything seemed to disappear
In that calamitous hour.
No one from disease
He didn't save his own.
Father is lonely
Life scolds.
Punished cruelly
He is her death.
I was nursed by another,
That day after day
Knowing no rest
Raised me.
And the days are bad:
There is bitter at times
The first year I lived
And he lived the second.
Then with rapture
Wandered, stubborn,
Sometimes dancing, sometimes singing
Many feasts.
I remember my father.
He was not happy with me.
I call him
Forgive me Hamat.
He got married again
And from that day on
A decent word
I have not heard.
Found out what it is
The power of an evil hand
Whose caress is the beat
Hotels - kicks.
The hunt tossed
Father in the mountains
And mother begged
In different yards.
Hunting business -
On the mortal path.
In the cemetery - bodies
Father cannot be found.
Wandered around the world -
Light or haze ...
He crashed somewhere! -
Suddenly the news reached us.
The wife was sad
And soon afterwards
Hastened to sell
Both the land and the house.
Eaten and - the lid.
After all, adults know better!
How could I, boy,
Point out to her!
Without a ghost at all
Remained, shot, -
I'm ten. How soon -
Cry at least! - matured.
And the stepmother is right there
(I only waited a year)
Found myself a husband
She followed him.
In a distant neighborhood
Amid new worries
Now in Alagirsk
The gorge lives on.
- Live, you are free,
You will die, it doesn't matter! -
What was I fit for
Work then?
- As you want! - said.
I remember now:
The lambs at first
Hungry, I pass.
My bed is herbs ...
Farmhouse, among the cases,
Snooty, right,
"Yes, yes, give" I sang.
Approximate reserve,
I became a shepherd.
I'm ten measures
They paid in grain.
A knapsack, yes a hat,
Yes a piece of bread, -
It's not chilly in the cape,
Work, buddy!
They scolded, flogged, -
I've experienced everything! ..
But still sometimes
"Yes, yes, give" sang.
And now I'm sixteen -
Man, busy.
I managed to play enough
I had time to sleep.
I am broad-shouldered, -
Cool hand.
Sweeping, clean
Shave the meadows.
I'm going - you can't hold it, -
Oblique ringing.
But where are they, where are
Do I have meadows?
My land, where are you?
Not visible at all.
Sold out, no.
Whom to reproach?
Wasted, in despair,
I'm up to twenty.
What has not happened
On this way?
He was strong, and dumpy,
And my step is strong ...
I carried any weight
Like a true donkey.
I knew any business:
How I weaved cloth!
Sewing gold
I mastered it long ago.
With a needle like a dressmaker
I famously owned ...
Working quietly
"Yes, yes, give" I sang.
And the heart ... Peace
It is not given to him.
Say: you are bad! -
Will it believe?
Plays with rays
Sometimes daytime
And loves at night
To wander with the moon.
And he hears - from where? -
Freedom appeal.
And blood is not a fad
Boils in it. Rush!
Long-browed beauty
Confused the youth.
Not a strong word
Not just a word.
I was pumped
And circles again.
No beginning in sight
There is no end in sight.
I will see - joy ...
But sometimes
From this look
Me ruin, trouble.
I was boasting, I was silent,
Ruining work
I cursed fate
I ran away from myself.
Fenced off from everyone
I walked a difficult path.
Gay heart who can
Fight you?
Why do I need lights
In broad daylight?
Why did you
Are you past me?
The very innocence, -
You are secretly kind.
After all, I am without a weapon, -
Why holster?
Why from afar
I am conducting a conversation,
Sadly cruel
Disturbing a dream?
In winter we are afraid.
And autumn - work ...
What is more beautiful than spring?
The earth - how rejoicing!
The heavens are bright.
Grass! Does not steal
Goat straw.
And the rivers turn yellow
And the mountains are black
And the birds grow bolder
From the feeling of spring.
Getting hotter, getting angrier
My heart has a fuse.
Hey boy, live it up!
Where have you gone?
Boasted about strength?
Humble your blood.
Parents sweet
Prepare the kalym.
The wealth of farm laborers ...
My kalym is ready.
It is assembled, which means -
Do not hesitate with him.
My horse - what is easier? -
I ate salt
From the palm, - for the mother-in-law
I bought a horse.
But here ... what happened
Cause of anxiety?
My darling father
Not only strict, -
He is arrogant
Always with the farm laborer.
Syrdon and the beast
He entered his house.
Stops everyone's mouth
Not a word to say ...
And the girl melts
Desperate mother.
We agree with her
And she is with us.
The father is getting angrier
Bear! Satan!
I gave sacrifices to God -
God did not accept them.
And the heart is anxiety
And a lump of pain.
Whom to send as matchmaker?
Who will find time
For a beggar brother
For a brother of adversity?
Whom to send as matchmaker?
Who can help?
Bear is rude
Drive everyone away.
Should I go? But I feel -
That I'll ruin everything.
What if I can't keep quiet?
I will flare up - I will not endure.
Some matchmakers
They sit with their father.
Mother in anger and holy
For us to the end.
And the daughter is inconsolable
Daughter tears her hair ...
And all - to no avail ...
I can't help her!
But all the same the other day
Called to me:
- Where are you? Immediately
Appear, even in a dream!
Such worries!
This is my whole story.
He asked me: who are you? -
I will answer: bob!


Sweet to sleep tired.
In the morning sleep is powerful ...
But glides over the rocks
The first ray of the sun.
Everything sparkles around
The breeze is rustling
The birds have awakened ...
Only FSati is sleeping.
Giant Elder
Who is ancient in the world?
Here are the tops of the top -
He lives on it.
The snow is shining mountain:
The height beckons.
There is a spacious nihas,
And on it is a pine;
Overthrowing wild rocks
The waterfall howls;
On both sides, sparkling,
Glaciers hang
Stones with a terrible noise
Rolling from heights ...
A gloomy forest is hidden,
FSati lives here.
His table, seat -
All crystal is solid.
From deer antlers -
A bed under a pine tree.
The fur on it is bearish,
Goat down lies ...
Fsati morning fresh
Sleeps carefree.
Waving burdocks
Seven beardless servants
From him stubborn
Driving off flies.
Seven others blush
Kebab on fire
Roast side of mutton -
The old man will be glad ...
It thunders.
Fsati got up from the bed: “Of!
I'm hungry -
Is my breakfast ready? .. "
He gnaws a fat side.
Suddenly they began to sing. "Hey!
It can be seen again - hunting.
Look quickly! .. "
Young man agile
I stepped to the glacier
From the mountain rapids
Looked into the abyss
And without hesitation
Shouted: "I hear the call -
They ask for a deer there
Nine riders.
The horses are stately. Shotguns
Crimean shining ...
- We would need a deer,
Let him thin! - they shout. "
- To the dandies brilliant,
Silly, refuse:
Know - the poor drags
Cattle named after Uastyrdzhi.
Let him treat them
Stolen cattle
Yes well fed with araki
Give me a drink later! ..
Sun at sunset.
The songs are heard again
FSati's servant again
Looks from above.
"Seven on the steeper
I see the poor
I hear them mighty,
Their cheerful call:
- Oh, huaraida, FSati!
Generous, come to us.
You're on a mountain slope
Look down
You are a deer, FSati,
Give us a good hour.
You're on a mountain slope
Look at us! .. "
In old archita,
With an inferior gun.
Heads shaved
Broken sickle ...
- Hey, youth! Horned
Release it soon:
Treat it right
Dear guests.


There is no funeral more crowded than ours ...
Today such a crowd of people seeing off
Gathered from mountains and valleys -
There was no turning to the cemetery

▫ 1. To refer to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 11, 2016 No. 536 `On the approval of the Peculiarities of the working hours and rest hours of pedagogical and other employees of organizations carrying out educational activities, namely to paragraph V. Working hours of pedagogical workers and other employees during periods of cancellation (suspension) for training sessions (activities of the organization for the implementation of the educational program, for the supervision and care of children) on sanitary-epidemiological, climatic and other grounds. After that, a reference to paragraph 4, where everything is clearly and step by step spelled out IV. Working hours of teachers and other employees during vacation time. Then there are two options for an answer, namely from those installations that are in your management. 1 installation - vacation time and everyone is at work. You write an order on working hours during the holidays and additionally points on the conduct of antiviral measures (wash your hands with soap and water upon arrival at work (self-control), restrict movement in the offices of employees, cancel teachers' councils and medical organizations ... well, and all the activities that are planned, give an assignment teachers, such as checking work programs, organizing the analysis of the method of materials in the classroom, well, etc.) 2 installation - there is an OFFICIAL DOCUMENT from the department on the introduction of quarantine measures in school collectives. On the basis of this document, write an order, referring to clause 5.1, that `` Periods of cancellation (suspension) of classes (activities of the organization for the implementation of the educational program, supervision and care of children) for students in individual classes (groups) or as a whole for the organization for sanitary -epidemiological, climatic and other reasons are the working time of pedagogical workers and other workers`, the same as above .... Write an order on working hours during the holidays and additionally points on antiviral measures (wash your hands with soap and water upon arrival to work (self-control), to restrict movement in the offices of employees, to cancel teachers' councils and MO..well, and all the activities that are planned, give an assignment to teachers, such as checking work programs, organizing the analysis of the method of materials in the classroom, well, etc.). You can give a methodological day (if it is provided for in the collective agreement. Then you can poke your bosses a little on the table ..))) referring to the Convention of the International Labor Organization N 175 `on part-time work` Article 1 p. D `` not considered part-time workers, full-time workers who find themselves in partial unemployment due to a collective temporary reduction in their normal working hours for economic, technical or structural reasons. ' Therefore, if the school is in quarantine or vacation, this is not a reason to release teachers from work. During this period, there is no reason to reduce the duration of working hours. Teachers can be instructed to carry out methodological and organizational work that is associated with the implementation of the educational program. They can also fill out journals and electronic diaries. At the same time, if you have an order from your department, then the order will actually release teachers to their homes on the basis of the same order ... The working hours of all employees on days when classes are not held at school should be regulated by the local regulations of the school and work schedules. If the teacher does not need to be at school in order to fulfill his labor duties, he has the right to work at home (paragraph 4.15.2 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 05/11/2016 No. 536). Independently making decisions on the suspension of work, as well as on part-time work, is fraught with inspections of the labor inspection))) Well, that's a little chaotic, if you have any questions, write in a personal. I can share orders on the introduction of quarantine measures)))
▫ Long live our dear Internet!
▫ Evening, gray-winged, Blessed light! As if from the grave, I'm watching you follow. Thank you for every Sip of living water, In the hours of the last thirst, Given by you. For every movement of Your cool hands, For the fact that I do not find comfort around. For the fact that you lead away hopes, leaving. And the fabric of your clothes From wind and rain. Arseny Tarkovsky 1234639-a189559
▫ The artist and his Muse. But the memory of the love and devotion of these talented people is alive. She is in the artist's paintings. And, perhaps, the most unusual and memorable portrait of Nadezhda Ivanovna is his `The Swan Princess`. 407739-a27995 Unusually attractive and sad is the image of a woman-bird who, it seems, is about to fly up and dissolve in the blue of the evening sky. A century has passed since the time when the artist and his Muse lived, but to this day there is a mystery, the secret of his amazing works. 1070463-a284183 Thank you, Alina! The love story of a great artist and a talented actress is very sad! But it is not invented, captured in canvases and will live for centuries! “Before that Vrubel and his ilk open up to humanity once a century, one can only tremble,” wrote Alexander Blok.
▫ Painted by the artist admiring Women pensive portrait. Thin profile, illuminated by the sun, The light in the eyes is a spring blue light. The years rushed, melting like snowdrifts ... How many paths the autumn covered up ... The master died, And she must have, the Woman from the portrait, died. Well, maybe somewhere between us Gray, decrepit lives With sad, extinct eyes And is reputed to be a grumpy grandmother. But although the oil has dried up long ago On the unfading canvas, The golden sun has not extinguished, Speaks of eternal beauty. Speaks about youth in love, Speaks: do not believe - there is no death! Painted by the artist admiring Light in the eyes - spring blue light. Violetta PALCHINSKAYTE (1943) Translated from Lithuanian by P. Kanovich Thank you, Alina! How many tragic and mystical love stories of two great people! Probably it is- More than love !!!
Date of death:
Place of death:

poet, educator, sculptor, artist


























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