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Getting pregnant during a cold consequences. Conception during a cold

During pregnancy, the female body is extremely vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections. This happens due to a natural decrease in immunity when carrying a child.

But in addition to unpleasant sensations for the expectant mother, colds and infectious diseases threaten the baby. They can influence its development and even cause early termination of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and colds

The likelihood of colds during pregnancy cannot be ruled out. No matter how hard a woman tries, she cannot completely protect herself from contact with other people. And even if you don't leave the apartment, you can catch an infection from your husband or older child.

In summer, the risk of getting sick is minimal, if you follow at least basic hygiene rules. A common infection in summer is rotavirus. But it is transmitted through dirty hands, water, and unwashed fruits and vegetables.

In winter, the situation is much worse. ARVI lies in wait for the expectant mother at almost every step, and with them pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. If a flu epidemic occurs, the risk for a pregnant woman increases significantly. Even people with normal immunity get sick, and with weakened ones - much more often.

Influenza is not only difficult to bear, it is fraught with complications and can be very harmful to pregnancy. High fever in this disease has a negative effect on the development of the unborn child and can provoke a miscarriage.

Cold and fertilization

The features of the reproductive processes in the female body are such that the expectant mother does not immediately find out about pregnancy. Most often, she can only be convinced of her position after 2-3 weeks. And it is not uncommon for a situation when, during the alleged fertilization, one of the future parents had a cold. Conception and acute respiratory infections or colds are especially common in the cold season.

Does this condition somehow affect the development of pregnancy and the health of the child? Is a cold and the onset of conception dangerous? What could this threaten in the future, and what measures should be taken?

A man's cold

If a man falls ill during the period of intended conception, then this is unlikely to result in any consequences. Sperm are usually resistant to external influences and they are renewed quite regularly.

If a man gets sick with the flu or SARS with a high fever, then this can affect the mobility of his sperm. But in this case, fertilization simply will not happen and there will be nothing to fear. In addition, in case of serious illness, a man is unlikely to be able to participate in the conception of a child.

A woman's cold

Female eggs cannot be renewed during life. Their number is constant from the moment of birth, new ones are not formed. That is why female germ cells are reliably protected from the influence of negative factors, because during its life the body experiences many different influences.

They are most sensitive to radiation and toxic exposure. The latter also includes conventional medicines. Common cold pathogens usually do not have a serious effect on the egg. They also do not affect her ability to fertilize or move through the fallopian tubes and uterus.

Effects on a fertilized egg

From the moment of conception, at least 5-7 days must pass for the fertilized egg to reach the place in the uterus where it can attach. It is after attachment, or implantation, that the active development of the unborn child begins, the formation of its organs and systems. And this will be the time when any impact on the maternal organism is unsafe.

The time period before the attachment of a fertilized egg is called the preimplantation period. At this time, all cells of the future embryo are the same. If an external factor damages some part, the rest will take over their function. If the damage is significant, the embryo will simply die. The pregnancy will end, and the woman will begin her period as usual.

This is the same law that gynecologists talk about - "all or nothing". The pre-implantation period is safe in relation to the development of fetal malformations, but may result in abortion.

Conception planning

Sometimes a different situation happens. It happens that a married couple plans pregnancy for a long time, prepares for it, but a woman or a man gets sick at the beginning of the cycle. What should you do in this case? Do I need to postpone conception for another month or can I continue planning, not paying attention to the disease?

There will be no definite answer in this situation. To select the optimal solution, a number of factors must be taken into account:

  1. Who is the source of the infection - husband or wife.
  2. When exactly the disease happened.
  3. Type of infection.
  4. Prescribed treatment.

Source of infection

The person who gets sick first is more likely to infect another. In conditions of cohabitation, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection. The incubation period for different diseases is also different - from one to ten days.

If the wife fell ill first and infected her husband after a while, by the time of conception, both of them can completely recover. But even if the man continues to be ill, it will not hurt the pregnancy.

If the source of the infection is a man, then the wife may feel the first signs of the disease after a few days. And the height of the disease will come later - at the time of conception or after it. Since ARVI is quite difficult to predict, even a doctor will not be able to say for sure how many days the malaise will last and whether there will be complications. In this situation, it would be better to play it safe and postpone conception.

Time of illness

The earlier the disease occurs before ovulation, the greater the chances of success. A common cold in the early days of the menstrual cycle does not threaten future conception. The couple can safely continue planning and observing the woman's condition. As a rule, such infections do not last more than a week and the expectant mother will be quite healthy a few days before ovulation.

If the disease develops just before ovulation, you need to think about it. Even the most harmless cold can have a prolonged or two-wave course. And the safe period after ovulation is not that long. Perhaps, after weighing all the factors, it makes sense to wait another month.

Type of infection

Colds are different. They can develop after hypothermia or with reduced immunity, and then the pathogens will be microbes living in our body. But they can be of infectious origin and caused by a variety of viruses. The most famous of them are:

  • adenovirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • flu;
  • rhinovirus;
  • enteroviruses, etc.

The first three pathogens can cause severe or long-term illness.


Adenovirus infection is manifested by sore throat, fever, conjunctivitis. Sometimes intestinal disorders join. The temperature can rise above 38 degrees.

The disease is contagious enough. Its main feature is its tendency to lingering or undulating current. Very often, against the background of normalization of the temperature and the almost complete disappearance of symptoms, a second wave of fever occurs.

There is another variant of the course - in the form of prolonged subfebrile condition, persisting weakness, malaise. Temperatures up to 37.5 degrees, lasting more than a week, are also called a temperature plume.

Planning a pregnancy with a disease similar to an adenovirus infection is not worth it.


The course of the disease is a bit like the flu, but the course is easier. Parainfluenza is characterized by frequent damage to the larynx and bronchi. Usually it occurs in the form of laryngitis and bronchitis. The temperature may rise above 38 degrees. The cough sometimes lasts up to three weeks.

Parainfluenza is contagious and spreads quickly. Contact persons get sick within 1–2 days.

Given the tendency to develop bronchitis and a protracted process, it is better to postpone conception for a month.


The flu speaks for itself. It is a highly contagious disease that spreads rapidly and often occurs in epidemics. If one of the spouses falls ill, the other almost always gets ill.

The disease is difficult, with aching joints, headaches, high fever. Feeling unwell is characteristic, when the sick person literally lies in a layer. The flu also has one more feature - astheno-neurotic syndrome after recovery.

It can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • fatigue;
  • apathy and drowsiness;
  • prostration;
  • lack of appetite;
  • low temperature.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome lasts for one to two weeks and requires full recovery and rest for the body. It is highly undesirable to get pregnant with the flu or immediately after it.

Prescribed treatment

To resolve the issue of the possibility of getting pregnant in this particular cycle, it is imperative to take into account the treatment taken.

If the doctor has prescribed antipyretic or antiallergic drugs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, then taking them will not harm the unborn child.

In the event that the disease was serious and treatment with antibacterial drugs was required, pregnancy is not recommended. It is better to postpone conception for at least a month. Some antibiotics, contraindicated during pregnancy, are eliminated from the body for more than one day, but more than a week. And it may well turn out that the pill taken even before conception will have a negative effect on the unborn child.

The onset of pregnancy

What to do if pregnancy nevertheless came, but learned about the disease too late? The main thing in this case is to relax and accept the situation. The calmer the expectant mother, the more chances the child has. Nature has taken care of how to protect the baby as much as possible at the earliest period. And, most likely, everything will end well.

But at the same time, you must definitely visit a doctor and talk about the symptoms of the disease and the treatment adopted. Sometimes a genetic consultation and additional tests are required. A timely medical examination will minimize the risks, and parents can safely enjoy waiting for the baby.

Whether it is possible to plan a pregnancy with a cold, the expectant mother can consult a gynecologist after the examination. Any conception with poor health carries a danger for the development of the fetus, since pathogenic bacteria can enter it in different ways. But it is worth considering that certain conditions must be created for this.

When can conception occur if a woman has a cold?

Due to the physiological characteristics, a woman learns that she is pregnant 14-21 days after conception. Often it turns out that conception occurred with a cold. This is often observed when planning a pregnancy. There are certain reasons for this:

  1. Due to the psychological stress in preparing for the fertilization process, when calculating the days favorable for pregnancy, some inexplicable "fixation" often appears in a woman, which prevents the development of the process. She gets nervous, stops looking after herself, catches a cold. At this moment, the situation gets out of control, which leads to pregnancy.

  2. The conception of a child in many cases cannot occur due to the strong immunity of the woman, which does not allow the fetus to develop, considering it a foreign body. For this reason, many of the fairer sex consider themselves infertile. But as soon as they catch a cold, and against the background of the fallen immunity, they can become pregnant.

How does a cold disease affect fetal development?

It all depends on the symptoms of the disease and the use of one or another drug. When conceiving a child, it is important that both partners are healthy, but if they catch a cold, the infection will have less effect on the man than on the woman.

If ARVI or flu affects a man, but he does not have a temperature, then a cold will not give practically any effect at conception. But if men have a temperature of 38 ° C and above, the mobility of spermatozoa can greatly slow down, their quality and quantity will decrease. Since sperm cells develop for about 30 days, some of them will be able to fertilize an egg. Moreover, there will be no negative consequences for the formation of the fetus.

If ovulation occurs immediately after a woman has a cold, and she does not have a fever in the presence of other symptoms, then a child can be conceived, since this practically does not affect the development of the fetus. It is only necessary to urgently start anti-cold treatment procedures. But you can only use the funds allowed in the first trimester. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

If ovulation made it possible for a woman to become pregnant in the presence of a cold lesion with a high temperature, then no consequences for the unborn child are expected when the ovum is fixed on the uterine wall.

The main task is to prevent complications from developing. To do this, you need to take antipyretic medications, but only at temperatures above 38.5 ° C. Usually, paracetamol-based medicines are used.

Conception usually occurs 1.5 days after intercourse. If at the same time a woman gets sick with the flu, the infection should be immediately cured. Strong intoxication of a pregnant woman should not be allowed. To do this, she is given a lot of water, forced to strictly adhere to bed rest.

If a woman becomes pregnant during a cold and it is not possible to get rid of complications, then a miscarriage is possible due to the penetration of viruses into the fetus. Attempts to treat the infection with drugs can terminate pregnancy if a cold occurs, which can also lead to miscarriage.

If a woman contracted the flu after conception, there are usually no consequences. You just need to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. You should not give up a planned pregnancy if the disease has struck a woman, but its symptoms are quite mild.

If the flu virus is accompanied by a high fever, then it is better to postpone conceiving a child until after a cold. In this case, it is recommended to schedule an important event for the next menstrual cycle. You can get pregnant with a cold, but only if there is no temperature.

When are these ailments dangerous for the unborn child?

The fetus is most susceptible to external influences in the first trimester, when the treatment of a woman with a cold is possible with a limited range of medications. At this time, the organs of the unborn child are laid, so any penetration of viruses into it can cause dangerous complications that will end in miscarriage.

Usually, the period from 2 to 4 obstetric weeks after ovulation is not so dangerous for the fetus, since the egg, clinging to the wall of the uterus, grows vigorously, and viruses and drugs can have only a minimal effect on it.

In practice, it is very difficult to accurately calculate the moment of fertilization, therefore, usually the period of protection of the fetus is unknown, which gives viruses the opportunity to penetrate into it. Nevertheless, pregnancy with a cold most often ends in a favorable outcome.

To eliminate the effects of a cold, a young mother can use only drugs indicated by a doctor.

Self-medication does not lead to positive results. To eliminate the disease, nasal drops made on the basis of plants are most often prescribed, the nostrils are washed with salt water, hot baths are made for hands, inhalations with chamomile or sage. If the infection has struck the throat, then gargling with medicinal plants is recommended. Rosehip syrup, tinctures of antimicrobial herbs are used. A woman should avoid large gatherings of people, wear a special bandage on her face, drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

At home it is useful to drink tea with a slice of lemon, warm lingonberry juice. The rooms where the woman is located must be ventilated. With the flu, the woman in bed must adhere to strict bed rest. Food should be eaten light and low-fat: it is better to consult your doctor about the diet. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of doctors, since the life and health of the unborn child depends on it.

For every woman, the happiest period in her life and in the life of her family is the time of waiting and having a baby. But in order for the desired baby to be born healthy, the expectant mother must protect her body from colds before and during pregnancy.

Often, expectant mothers do not think about whether it is possible to plan a pregnancy with a cold, because sometimes common colds seem to be such minor and familiar conditions for the majority of our population.

Types of unwanted viruses

Meanwhile, SARS, influenza and acute respiratory infections are of a viral nature, adversely affecting our immunity. Let's list these viruses:

  • Rhinoviruses (cause nearly half of all colds)
  • Parainfluenza and influenza viruses
  • Coronaviruses, Echoviruses and Reoviruses
  • Syncytial respiratory viruses
  • Enteroviruses and cytomegaloviruses

As a rule, three days after the onset of the disease, the virus "leaves" the body, but infections of bacterial origin or herpes viruses present in the body "attack" the weakened immune system. And if we take into account that while carrying a child, the female body "works" with a double load, then the pregnancy process with a cold can be complicated, and the normal development of the fetus can be disrupted. In some cases, viruses, penetrating the fetus through the placenta, can lead to a frozen pregnancy.

Colds are terrible in their complications, so the immunity of a pregnant woman may not cope with the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system, kidneys, liver, with the risk of pneumonia, and the need to take antibiotics can also adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Conception during a cold is more likely to be difficult due to the presence of these factors. For example, during illness, pregnant women are not advised to take certain types of tests, as well as visit some specialists and carry out certain studies.

As a rule, during a cold, appetite decreases, so expectant mothers will not be able to provide their body and fetus with sufficient vitamins and nutrients. In addition, the healthy condition of both parents is very important, therefore the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with a cold is relevant both for the woman and for the father of her child.

Any cold disease can negatively affect the maturation of the follicle and the development of the egg, whose early exit may be due to the presence of a high temperature in the body of the expectant mother. By the way, this factor contributes to a significant decrease in the activity of spermatozoa in the genital tract, and a reduction in the duration of their life cycle.

Possible consequences

It should be noted that in the case when a woman planning to become a mother is diagnosed with a disease caused by the influenza virus, the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant with a cold cannot even be put on the agenda, since this ailment can cause serious consequences and pathologies. Influenza causes a threat of miscarriage, the appearance of severe defects in the unborn baby, which are congenital. Future pregnancy can lead to fetal freezing.

Viruses in early pregnancy, and especially after conception, when the laying of future tissues and organs begins, can damage the embryo and cause pathological mutations in the fetus. Moreover, it is impossible to predict where, when, at what stage, in which organ, dangerous defects in development may appear.

In a word, couples planning to give birth to a child should try not to get colds during the conception of a baby, and expectant mothers - during pregnancy.

Preparing for such an important event as pregnancy is one of the most important stages in every woman's life. Many couples, especially those who are preparing to become parents for the first time, take this with special responsibility. They prepare the body in various ways: they go in for sports, eat right, eliminate concomitant pathologies and give up bad habits.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from all harmful influences. It may happen that conception occurs with a cold, because a woman learns about the onset of an interesting situation only after at least two weeks from the moment of fertilization. Let us consider in more detail what will happen if you become pregnant during a cold, what dangers can live on during the development of the fetus and after the birth of the baby.

The problem of the inability to conceive a child for a long time is known to more than 15% of married couples who have regular unprotected sex. In medicine, there are cases when a child was conceived with a cold in one of the spouses. On this occasion, there are two points of view - psychological and physiological, on the basis of which physicians explain this fact.

As for situations where pregnancy does not occur due to psychological problems, the moment of distraction of men and women from their true goal plays an important role. Parents-to-be stop trying to conceive and start trying to get rid of the common cold. The bottom line is that the obsession to become parents as soon as possible acts as a kind of barrier.

During sexual intercourse, spouses begin to think only about whether they will succeed in fertilization this time or not. As a result, the goal is not achieved, because they cannot relax as much as possible.

Many people wonder, during a cold, whether it is possible to get pregnant, and doctors give a positive answer to it, but already taking into account the physiological processes. Sometimes conception can occur against the background of a decrease in the protective function of the body of the expectant mother. The fact is that some women naturally have excessively stable immunoglobulins, which do not allow active sperm to break through the barrier and reach the egg.

Since the protective ability decreases with ARVI, cells that were previously considered foreign can penetrate to their target without much interference. It is also worth noting that pregnancy itself can also be the reason that a cold has come after conception, since after fertilization of the egg during the first few days, the immunity is weakened, so that spontaneous rejection of the fetus does not occur.

In order to unambiguously understand the relationship between conception and ARVI, it is worth considering the varieties of these diseases. In most cases, a cold is usually understood as an infection of the body with viruses.

Based on this, doctors distinguish several varieties:

  1. Typical acute respiratory viral infection, which is mild, without an increase in body temperature;
  2. Severe ARVI, the main symptoms of which are high body temperature, as well as a state of fever;
  3. Flu;
  4. Complications after a mild respiratory viral disease, in which patients develop long-term bronchitis or sinusitis;
  5. Angina.

Each of the diseases presented has a different effect on the body of a man and a woman. So, for example, if a cold occurs in a mild form, then the lesion extends only to the nasopharynx, and the reproductive organs function normally. In the second case, the pathology also affects the reproductive system, which leads to malfunctions in its work.

A man's cold

A woman can find out about the onset of pregnancy 14-21 days after fertilization. Of course, initially, the expectant mother feels euphoria and joy, which is gradually replaced by a feeling of anxiety. At this moment, the spouse recalls that the husband had a cold during the period of conception, and she begins to worry if this will affect the development of the fetus.

It should be said right away that if conception occurred during a cold in a man, then you should not worry too much, and be afraid that this will somehow affect the child. If you understand the process of spermatogenesis, it becomes clear that sex cells mature long enough, and ARVI does not affect their quality.

As for complicated viral diseases, when angina progressed in the spouse a few days before the alleged fertilization, there are more reasons for worry, since the infection could reduce the mobility of sperm or change their morphology.

However, doctors also pay attention to the fact that although conception and a cold are closely related, during fertilization, the most active and high-quality sperm, which is many times stronger than others, will take part in this process. The female body also does not stand aside, and if it notices that the fetus does not meet any minimum quality requirements, spontaneous rejection will occur and a miscarriage will occur.

Since there is a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with a cold, it is worth knowing that if a man did not have a temperature at the time of fertilization, and the disease proceeded without complications, then there is no reason for worry. Along with this, doctors advise to postpone attempts to get pregnant if one of the spouses has recently suffered from ARVI.

A woman's cold

If you ask a specialist a question, is it possible to get pregnant with a cold, then he will definitely answer that such a probability exists. Based on this, it is worth considering how the disease affects the development of the fetus, if it happened at the time of conception in the mother. In the case of uncomplicated pathology, there is no reason for concern, but measures should be taken to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.

When carrying out prophylaxis, it is worthwhile to be especially careful not only to the choice of medicines, but to the means of traditional medicine, because there are herbs that can provoke a miscarriage. It is worth choosing medicines that will prevent the development of a strong cough.

The fact is that at the time of the contraction of the diaphragm, the uterus is strongly strained, which can also cause a pregnancy failure. You should also be puzzled by your condition with an increase in body temperature, since indicators of 38.5 degrees are extremely dangerous for the embryo. To stabilize the condition, you can take drugs that contain paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is a group of doctors who believe that if a child is conceived during a cold, then when the embryo is exposed to infection, it will die. In those situations where there was no unauthorized rejection of the fetus, it means that you should not worry about its development, the pregnancy in the future should proceed normally.

Cold after conception

As for whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, it is relatively clear. It is also necessary to figure out whether there is a danger if the expectant mother has the flu after conception. If you identify such symptoms as fever, cough, runny nose, aching joints, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct medications, while you need a plentiful warm drink.

Answering the question whether a cold affects conception, we can safely say that there is a certain effect, but its strength directly depends on the degree of complexity of the disease. The specialist will definitely advise the expectant mother to adhere to the most strict bed rest, and subsequently the gynecologist will put the woman under special control.

Almost all women are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant with a cold, and doctors tell them that ARVI is not an obstacle for this. In the case of conception, the most dangerous periods are considered to be 5-7 days, since at this time the process of implantation of the ovum to the walls of the uterus occurs.

During the first four obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the zygote has its own defense, so the effect of viruses is not dangerous for it. But after the growth process of the ovum is accelerated, these resources become insufficient, and the embryo can be adversely affected.

Doctor's opinion (video)


In order to give birth to a healthy baby, it is important not to suffer a serious illness at the time of conception. A cold lowers the immunity of both women and men, provoking a number of complications during pregnancy. Taking medications during the period after embryo implantation can also negatively affect its further development.

The effect of the common cold on the reproductive function of men and women

The common cold is represented by a variety of respiratory diseases of an infectious nature, manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Such diseases affect the physiological activity of a person in different ways. A mild cold affects only the nasopharynx area, without affecting reproductive function. But flu or ARVI with temperature affects the functionality of the body, provoking disruptions in the development of the embryo.

Any disease of any nature can adversely affect reproductive function. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and on the state of the immune system.

Not always a painful condition negatively affects a person's condition. Very often, the presence of ARVI or influenza contributes to successful conception. This is due to several factors.

  1. When planning a pregnancy, the couple is in a tense state, which does not contribute to fertilization. The development of a cold disease requires attention and proper treatment. The obsession with conception disappears, contributing to calmness. At such a moment, a woman is able to become pregnant.
  2. The high immune status prevents the ingress of any foreign compounds and substances, including sperm. During a cold, the immune system is weakened, which promotes conception.

In many situations, the presence of ARVI does not allow a new life to arise. If the embryo has suffered from the action of the virus, then the implantation fails. At such times, the embryo obeys the "all or nothing" law.

If a man has ARVI without an increase in body temperature, then there is nothing to fear. This phenomenon does not in any way affect the quality of the seminal fluid and the result of conception.

The sperm formation cycle is 72 days. This means that a cold cannot affect semen.

With a cold, accompanied by an increase in temperature above 38 ° C, the development of spermatozoa slows down, which leads to a decrease in their quality. Usually, these sperm are unable to fertilize the egg.

Conception with ARVI

Any disease can negatively affect the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg. The danger of ARVI for ovulatory function is as follows:

  • an increase in temperature provokes the premature release of the egg;
  • due to hormonal imbalance, anovulation may occur;
  • high values \u200b\u200bon the thermometer reduce the activity of spermatozoa in the female genital organs;
  • successful conception cannot take place in a weakened organism.

If conception occurred during a cold, accompanied by an increase in temperature, it is necessary to knock down the indicators. Pregnant women are allowed to use paracetamol-containing drugs. This condition does not affect the development of the fetus.

The presence of influenza during the conception of a child requires the prompt evacuation of the infection from the body. To do this, you need to drink a lot, preferably using cranberry juice. You should also call a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications.

Risks and main consequences

When conceiving during a cold, the risk of viruses entering the embryo is minimal. In the first few days, when the fertilized egg moves to the uterus, there is no relationship between the mother's body and the egg. The elevated temperature also cannot have a negative effect on a moving egg.

But when the embryo is implanted into the uterine wall, the virus can enter the embryo through the woman's blood. This can lead to the following complications:

  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • fading pregnancy;
  • congenital developmental anomalies.

The number of spontaneous abortions of pregnancy increases several times during the flu epidemic.

Cold during pregnancy

The weakening of the immune status during pregnancy is a necessary physiological process. This is required so that the body does not reject the fertilized egg, which contains genes foreign to the mother.

If a cold is diagnosed, then there is a significant decrease in protective reactions, which leads to a severe course of ARVI.

Danger and possible complications

A cold during pregnancy increases the risk of developing the following complications:

  • pneumonia;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the digestive system, liver, kidneys;
  • violation of the blood supply to the embryo;
  • improper formation of the internal organs of the fetus;
  • development of placental insufficiency;
  • miscarriage, premature birth.

A cold during pregnancy can lead to serious problems. Expectant mothers have a hard time tolerating infectious diseases. The situation is complicated by the impossibility of treating a woman with effective drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid crowded places, taking preventive measures in time.


Taking medications uncontrollably can reduce the likelihood of conception. Cold medications can affect the quality of your semen, making you less likely to become pregnant.

During ovulation

For a woman during ovulation, it is important to prevent the progression of the disease. It is recommended to see a doctor who will prescribe safe medicines that are highly effective.

When choosing drugs for the common cold yourself, you should carefully study the instructions to find out contraindications and side effects. It is advisable to give preference to sprays (Ingalipt, Hexoral), absorbable tablets - locally acting agents.

The expectant mother should not be nervous during illness, since emotional stress leads to spasms of the myometrium, which provoke a miscarriage.

Nasal sprays or drops containing xylometazoline can be purchased to treat rhinitis. To treat a cough during ovulation is allowed by Sinekod or Stodal - sparing agents that gently affect the body. To reduce high body temperature, you can use Paracetamol and other products that contain it.

After conception

It is important to properly treat a cold after fertilization so as not to harm the baby. For ARVI therapy during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  • with a runny nose, you need to rinse the nasal passages with saline, lubricate them with eucalyptus oil, needles;
  • gargle with a decoction of chamomile, sage, soda solution;
  • inhalation will help when coughing;
  • take tincture of eleutherococcus and rose hips, which have antiviral effects.

It is important to drink more liquids (green tea, homemade fruit drinks), which will help to clear the virus as soon as possible. You need to rest, ventilate the room more often.

Prevention of colds

In order to prevent the development of painful conditions, a woman should be less likely to visit public places, especially during the winter flu epidemics. It is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment, which prevents the penetration of viruses.

Pregnant women herbs should be used with caution, some of them can cause uterine bleeding and miscarriage.

To improve the body's defenses, vitamin complexes should be taken to enhance immunity. It is useful for expectant mothers to drink a rosehip decoction, which does not lead to the development of allergic reactions. The drink strengthens the immune status by saturating the body with vitamins.

A balanced diet is essential. It is necessary to enrich the diet with fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs. You should often walk in the fresh air, and take time to regular physical activity.

If a woman catches a cold during ovulation, it will be safer to postpone conception until the next month. If a man fell ill and he was treated with antibiotics, then pregnancy should be planned in 2 months. This is enough time to renew the semen. Timely elimination of adverse factors will help to avoid problems in the future.



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