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A scholarship to excellent students. Students have increased scholarships

The scholarship for students in 2017 is issued to all students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This year, there was an acute question of whether student payments would be increased. Funding for students is calculated annually, they change depending on what needs the population has for the current year. An increase in the scholarship is also expected in 2017.

As the latest official information shows, this year these payments grow by 5.9%, in the future - by 4.8%, and in two years - by 4.5%, which means that within three years there will be an increase due to indexing. which will not worsen the situation of people.

Based on the above numbers as a percentage, the minimum rate for students in Russian higher educational institutions is charged in the following amount: at the moment - 1419 rubles, next year - 1487 rubles, and two years later - 1554 rubles.

Innovations in 2017

As the practice of other countries shows, this is government funding. In addition to basic payments, which do not always fully satisfy all the needs of young people, there is an opportunity to receive additional rewards for active participation in the life of the university.

Last year, the State Duma introduced a bill, with the help of which the deputies plan to equalize the minimum amount of funding for students according to the minimum wage, while the minimum wage rate for the beginning of the summer is planned to be increased to 7800 rubles. After the adoption of the bill, students will increase their subsistence payments in relation to scholarships.


In the Russian Federation, at the moment, more than one scholarship is paid, in total there are four types of state funding, which differ in the rate, payment scheme:

  • State academic payments;
  • Academic premiums.
  • Social assistance to the poor;
  • Incentives and bonuses for certain types.

State academic scholarship

To receive this type of scholarship, it is necessary to receive positive marks (if there are no negative marks in the record book, the student will receive more) and participates in holidays, performances and activities of the institution.

To date, in 2017, the minimum amount of these payments is 1,340 rubles for those who receive higher education and 487 rubles if a person receives a secondary special. The maximum amount you can get together with all the allowances is 6 thousand rubles. If a person studies in graduate school, he receives 2600 rubles, doctoral studies - up to 10 thousand rubles.

The management of the educational institution issues increased payments only to excellent students who participate in the active life of the university. The amount of these payments is determined by the institution, depending on many criteria. At the moment, payments are 5-7 thousand rubles for an ordinary student, for a graduate student - 11-14 thousand.

There is a separate type of payments -. The scholarship is received by students from large families, with disabilities, without the care of their fathers and mothers, who have suffered as a result of the fight against the Chernobyl disaster, participating in the hostilities.

  • students from large families;
  • with disabilities;
  • who suffered in the aftermath of the fight against the Chernobyl accident;
  • participating in hostilities.
A person can independently apply to the administration for help if his family does not receive income above the minimum, this is considered low-income. This documentation is updated every year.

The social scholarship is terminated in accruals if a person does not pass the session, fails exams, with unsatisfactory grades, if it is not less than three, social payments do not change. In addition to social benefits, it is possible to receive other scholarships in parallel, this also does not affect the total amount.


The President's scholarship is provided only to those students who have chosen a specialty that is considered favorable for the economic state of the state. Postgraduate students who study in the country can receive no more than three hundred scholarships. Each year, these charges are made for up to three years.

Students who achieve merit during their studies qualify for Presidential funding. Receiving these payments goes through the development of planning, student development, from which the Russian Federation benefits.

The main requirements for accruals of presidential funding are:

  • full-time education;
  • for a whole year, 50% of the marks in the grade book must be above 4;
  • receiving awards and accolades in scientific activities that help the development of economics and science;
  • intellectual property that benefits the scientific activities of the state.

A student who receives presidential funding can, with the help of a university, study in some European countries. Those who study at a publicly accredited educational institution have the option of receiving government payments.

To this end, the pedagogical council of the university or college nominates among the available candidates (with full-time department on a budgetary basis) who are in the 2nd year (if it is a higher educational institution) and the 3rd year (if it is a university). From graduate school, a person is admitted to a candidate from the 2nd year.

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculating the amount of the scholarship awarded to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and residents.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel himself a wealthy person, but if a student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, the total amount of his income can be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's do some calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

The size of the minimum, increased and social scholarships for the 2019 - 2020 academic year

So the minimum state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education (bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs) and 890 rubles for secondary vocational education (training programs for skilled workers, employees, training programs for mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can be received by university students, students without triples.

For well-performing students, an increased scholarship is provided - from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand, for students in graduate school, its amount ranges from 11 thousand rubles to 14 thousand. In order to be fully eligible for such an increased scholarship, a student or graduate student must not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other social endeavors at his university.

State scholarships for postgraduate and doctoral students, postgraduate studies or scientific and pedagogical personnel are from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in specialties of technical and natural sciences - from 7696 rubles, assistant trainees - from 3120 rubles, residency - from 6717 rubles. Doctoral students receive from 10000 rubles.

State social scholarship, for the 2018 - 2019 academic year, is paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

Students who receive academic payments are also eligible to receive this payment. Also, persons who are orphans, live without parental care, persons with disabilities (groups 1 and 2), veterans and disabled combatants, people affected by nuclear power plants and persons whose family income is on one of the members have every right to a social stipend. family does not exceed the minimum in the region.

Read also: How to get a student loan?

In addition to the above types of scholarships, a number of personal scholarships are accepted in the Russian Federation: for example, a scholarship to them. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1,500 rubles, a scholarship to them. V.A. Tumanov - 2000 rubles. A personal scholarship can also be awarded to students studying journalism, literature, them. A.A. Voznesensky - 1,500 rubles.

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-studying students ranges from 1400 to 2200 rubles, the amount for graduate students - from 3600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, paid to those students who are trained in the most priority specialties for the state: economics, modernization. The amount of payments is from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let us conclude: if you are interested in your successful study, it can be rewarded with a ruble: the better you study, the more you can receive scholarship payments.

If you think you can take advantage of additional scholarships, you should contact the dean's office to obtain the necessary certificates.

It will be extremely interesting for each student at a higher educational institution in Russia to find out how things will stand with the increase in scholarships in 2017. Let's see what scholarships students receive this year and how much these amounts will change in the future, including in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

How much will scholarships for students of the Russian Federation be raised in 2017

And straight to the good news: scholarships for students in Russia in 2017 will increase. So according to the latest official information, in 2017 student scholarships will grow by 5.9%, in 2018 - by 4.8%, and in 2019 - 4.5%, thus, in the next three years, scholarships will be indexed annually, which is already good. Based on the above figures, the minimum scholarship in Russian universities will be as follows: in 2017 - 1,419 rubles, in 2018 - 1,487 rubles, and in 2019, respectively - 1,554 rubles.

Of course, hardly anyone can feel like a rich man receiving such money. But if a successful and intelligent young man or girl studies well, participates in public life, and also has a certain talent, encouraged in the form of additional payments, then you can get quite decent money per month (see the most in Russia in 2017).

Note that quite recently, a bill was introduced to the State Duma, with the help of which the deputies plan to equalize minimum scholarship at the minimum wage levelBy the way, the size will be increased to 7800 rubles. If this bill is adopted, then Russian students will be able to count on a significant increase in their income.

Types of student scholarships in the Russian Federation

It should be noted that in Russia there are several types of scholarships that students of higher educational institutions receive:

State academic scholarship;
Increased academic scholarship.
State social scholarship;
Additional types of scholarships.

The size of scholarships for Russian students at the moment

Of course, the amount of scholarships in different regions of the Russian Federation and in different universities may differ slightly. But at the same time, you need to understand that the state transfers to the university a certain amount for cash payments to students, and each university already has the right to distribute funds among students with its own hand, determining the amount of payments, however, focusing on the national level.

State academic scholarship

To receive this type of payment, one should study without Cs (the fewer fours, the higher the scholarship) and actively participate in the social life of your educational institution. At the moment, the minimum amount of this payment in Russia in 2016 is 1340 rubles for senior students and 487 rubles for students receiving secondary vocational education. education. The maximum payment in this area is 6 thousand rubles. In turn, graduate students receive a scholarship in the amount of 2,600 rubles, doctoral students - up to 10 thousand rubles.

Enhanced State Academic Scholarship

An increased scholarship is received by excellent students participating in public student organizations. Its value is determined by universities independently. In 2016, it ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles for students, for graduate students - from 11 to 14 thousand.

State social scholarship

First of all, social scholarship are received by children from low-income families, disabled people, orphans affected by an accident at a nuclear power plant, disabled people and war veterans. The amount of this payment in 2016 is 2010 rubles. for students of higher educational institutions and 730 for the secondary professional level.

See also: detailed schedule, compulsory subjects.

Basic scholarships have been increased to adjust for inflation - by 5%. And for the increased scholarships, they set clear requirements. Previously, universities themselves decided what to count as sporting success or social activity. There are now criteria for each type of achievement for which students will be paid extra.

Excellent students and athletes 🏆 will get what they deserve

The conditions for social scholarships have also changed. Now they will be received not only by orphans at the time of admission, but also by students who have lost their parents during their studies. Under the new rules, the social stipend for studies without Cs in the first and second year will be no less than the subsistence minimum - almost 10 thousand rubles.

What scholarship can I expect?

Students will receive at least the rate set by the government, taking into account inflation. For example, in 2017, the minimum academic scholarship at the university is 1,484 rubles, and the social one is 2,227. Most of all are received in residency - from 7,441 rubles.

The amount of the scholarship depends on the region and the university. For example, at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, the basic scholarship is 2,400 rubles, at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman - 2600 rubles, and at the Pacific State University - 1904 rubles.

There is also an increased scholarship. There are no standards for the amount of payments for her. Universities themselves decide how much to pay students for special merit. The government only specified what criteria these achievements should meet. For example, at Moscow State University, excellent students are paid 3000 rubles, and at Kursk State University - from 7000 rubles.

Is the scholarship paid to all students?

Not everyone. Only to those who study full-time, on a budget and in a state university. In the first semester of the first year, the scholarship is paid to everyone, and then - according to the results of the session. If there is even one triple or arrears, there will be no scholarship in the next semester.

Some students, in addition to the academic one, also receive a social scholarship. For example, orphans, children with disabilities or contract soldiers.

How do I get an increased scholarship?

The government decree lists the criteria that should be met by the achievements of applicants for an increased scholarship:

For excellent studies. For example, you passed two sessions in a row with excellent marks or won a regional Olympiad in computer science.

For scientific work. You patented an invention, received a grant to research the influenza virus, or published a high-profile article in a scientific journal.

For sporting success. You play in the national team of the university in volleyball all year round or you won in city competitions in wrestling.

For public activity. You have created a university blog and are running a newsletter for students. Or study to be a lawyer and help retirees to prepare documents for subsidies for free.

For creativity. You have developed a project for the improvement of the territory around the hostels. Or they organized a drama club for children from orphanages. Or they won an international throat singing competition.

The amount of the increased scholarship is set by universities themselves every year. By law, relevant information must be posted on the university website.

I want to go to the academy. Will I be paid a scholarship?

No, they will not do. Under the new rules, the regular scholarship is not paid during maternity leave or academic leave. But the student will continue to receive a social scholarship, if he has such a right.

The new procedure does not apply to students who are already on vacation. If they were awarded an academic scholarship, it will continue to be paid.

Why are students paid so little?

In Russia, a scholarship is not a means of subsistence, but a bonus for studies or merit.

As long as a child is a full-time student on a budget, he is considered a dependent. This means that parents must provide everything necessary. If there are no parents or the family is poor, the student receives social benefits in addition to the scholarship.

The state cannot pay for housing and food for all students. Money is allocated from the budget for educational literature, equipment, teachers' salaries and the maintenance of hostels. A year of study for one student costs the budget about 300 thousand rubles. In total, in 2016, 484 billion rubles were spent on higher education.

I am a student and I don’t want to ask my parents for money. What should I do?

Find out how much your university pays for sports achievements or social activity. Think about what you can do for the university and prove yourself.

Ask the dean's office if you can get financial assistance. Sometimes students are given money for school supplies, travel, or medical treatment.

Find a part-time job. You can write term papers, lead children's parties, participate in opinion polls or take up tutoring.

What about the others?

In the USA, higher education is paid. For academic or sports success, the university may give a discount on tuition. Education is also expensive in England, but the best students are reimbursed for tuition, room and board.

France has free higher education, and scholarships depend on the social status of the student and even the distance of the university from home. Students from Russia for 9 months of study in a French master's program can receive 767 € per month under the government program.

In China, a scholarship for foreign students in terms of rubles can reach 30 thousand rubles a month, plus funds for arrangement and free housing.

It is no secret that applicants who have not passed the competition in the university strive not to waste time, and are looking for an alternative option for admission. A technical school and college are institutions that graduate specialists in various fields and guarantee certification in a short time spent on study. Mid-level specialists are in high demand in the labor market, so colleges do not experience a shortage of applicants.

When all the exams are passed, the places are determined, the student could breathe easy, if not for one "but". I'd like to know if college students qualify for a scholarship? Get an answer to the questions about what it is, whether it differs much from the university one, what is its size. Only knowledge can illuminate all the nuances of a student.

College payments

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, scholarships in colleges exist and are divided into social and academic.

How much is the amount of the scholarship:

  • payments to students for social scholarships are 730 rubles. Children from large families, children with disabilities, students who already have children of their own, and several other categories of the poor or needy can apply for it. This payment may not be delayed if the student takes the credit on time. At the same time, no attention will be paid to how successful the delivery was. Orphans are also given a social stipend;
  • for each student in a college in Moscow, an academic scholarship of 487 rubles is established, paid monthly. In this case, the session must be submitted without triples. A difficult task for scanty encouragement from the state;
  • higher scholarships in colleges are also paid, but it is an individual decision of the teaching and management staff of the college or technical school.

Only those who study at the full-time budgetary department can receive a scholarship; contractors are not entitled to scholarships. There is no doubt that the size of the scholarships is laughably small, student forums are seething discussing this burning topic. But no changes are expected in the legislation in the near future, so this issue cannot be resolved yet.

Disappointing facts

The scholarship for college students evaporates in the first half hour after receiving. This is a joke of the students themselves. Based on the minimum amount of payments, which do not even carry a semantic load, many students would willingly exchange this privilege for regular travel passes or would prefer that hot meals be organized with this money during the educational process.

There is not enough scholarship money even to pay for hostels, if any. It is much easier to say that students do not visit museums, exhibitions and generally do not participate in the cultural life of the city, but such a minimal allowance cannot afford highly aesthetic entertainment. Many get out through additional work or with the help of support from parents.

Minimum student budget

The expenses of today's college students include the costs of food, accommodation, Internet, travel, mobile communications. Due to the acute shortage of funds, many are forced to earn extra money in their free time, and sometimes not paying attention to the fact that there is simply no time to study. This affects academic performance and, as a far-reaching consequence, the amount of knowledge learned. Today there are no problems with payment, except for one - very little money.

It should be noted that in order to apply for a social scholarship, it is necessary to provide a certificate from social services to the college dean's office. But it will take quite a long time to get such a certificate due to the influx of applicants. This is also a tangible inconvenience, but these are the rules established by law.


From September 1, the Ministry of Education intends to increase the amount of scholarships by 15-20%, but basically this will affect only those students who have distinguished themselves in the scientific, research, sports, cultural life of the educational institution. Freshmen will not be able to rejoice at this fact yet.

It is also known that in Sevastopol there was a shortage of scholarships for the period from January to April, which affected students in a medical college. The prosecutor's office insisted on the payment of all debts, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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