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Test games for children 9 years old. Games tests

Two girlfriends Masha and Katya are going on a trip. They grab their suitcases, choose the most beautiful clothes, grab their camera with them and hit the road. Play with beauties and help them make the adventure even more fun. The Test 9 Years game tells about an unforgettable story that will be captured in many photographs.

Use the mouse to select the most suitable parts, put the girls in a balloon, collect coins and move towards the goal. Tests 9 Years brings together the journey and creative possibilities of dressing up and decorating dolls. Follow the prompts, and also try to meet the limited number of minutes. After all, there are no passenger planes that are allowed to fly freely outside of the schedule.

On the way, the girlfriends will also receive a special boat that collects funds for shopping. Try to save as much money as possible, because then you can choose the best dresses for the participants. Solve puzzles carefully and move towards success!

In fact, we are all curious. It's just that someone is interested in solving the mysteries of the Universe, and for someone his inner world is much more curious than everything that is happening around. We seem to ourselves so unique, amazing, and most importantly - not understood ... The most real miracle is psychological research, which through the simplest manipulations penetrate into the darkest jungle of our "I". Once upon a time, when computers were not yet so widespread, girls were fond of psychological tests that were printed in magazines or books.

It seems absolutely amazing that you answer simple questions, such as what color you like, or what animal is close to you in spirit, and in the results you read, say, a complete and fairly close to reality description of your problems with your parents. And at this moment you understand how everything is interconnected in your personality! It turns out that all your actions have logical causes and consequences, and knowing how you behave, for example, with your dog, you can fairly confidently compose a portrait of your future communication with your own child.

But writing out answers on a piece of paper, counting points is all a rather tedious task. That is why with the transfer of psychological testing to the virtual world, to the Internet, its popularity has only increased! After all, games for girls Tests are very easy to use: you just click on the most suitable option, and the program, embedded in the game, calculates all your virtual points by itself, and then makes a verdict. Often illustrated as well!

History of psychological tests

Ever since people agreed that human behavior is governed by complex psychological mechanisms that can be understood and deciphered, they have developed a desire to anticipate future human behavior. However, any scientific prediction must be based on some facts, the so-called "initial data", without which you will not go far. And how to get these initial data in psychology? Yes, watching a person for a long time, we can say that he is prone to conflicts or, conversely, prefers to endure inconveniences, but avoid a scandal. But, for example, when hiring a person, you want to know in advance whether he is psychologically suitable for the position for which he is applying. In this situation, there is no time to watch him for a long time, information must be obtained as soon as possible!

That is why, at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists began to develop various mechanical psychoanalysis, among which psychological testing turned out to be the most effective. Good tests that reveal all the characteristics of a person's personality have been developed for at least ten years. They contain many questions that carry a variety of information for the examiner! Such a test turns out to be impossible to deceive. Sometimes the list of questions contains several practically identical ones, just formulated slightly differently; and if a person passes the test honestly, and does not try to please, the answers will not contradict each other. There are also questions that a person, filling out the test absolutely honestly in front of the examiner and in front of himself, can only answer in one and only way. If the answer is not what is expected, the subject is lying.

Psychological testing techniques developed actively during the period from the twenties to the seventies of the twentieth century. The most active role in this was played by the scientists of the United States, which is why most of the common methods are applicable precisely to the citizens of this country. Surprisingly, it turns out that social conditions and some kind of national traditions force people with the same psychological types to react diametrically to the same circumstances. Because of this, a test written for Americans will simply not be valid for representatives of other countries!

More tests, good and different!

But not all psychological research claims to be so complete. Often they are small, designed to define only one aspect of the personality. This is exactly what the tests for girls that are common on the Internet are: these are fairly simple studies, the purpose of which is rather narrow. But this does not mean that they are worse! After all, as a rule, you do not need your complete psychological portrait, but such games, tests for girls, are able to answer simple everyday questions.

For example, they can talk about how easy or difficult it is for you to communicate with peers and explain why this is happening; but, as you know, to know about a problem is already halfway to its solution! Or, for example, a test on what is your relationship with the opposite sex. You may not even know what you look like in the eyes of the boys! Psychological research, even such a small one, can open your eyes to your strengths and weaknesses, give an impetus and indicate the direction of development.

The main thing is, having found out what the problem is, you don't need to think that you have already done everything you could. The problem, if any, must be solved! After all, it will not become easier for others to communicate with you if you "know that you are rude and do not argue with it." They will be pleased to talk to you only when you get rid of this rudeness! A psychological test gives you, in some way, a diagnosis - and you have to treat yourself.

But there are other tests that do not urge you to work on yourself and serve, rather, for entertainment. For example, such free games for girls tests, in which the program chooses which cartoon character you look like, or which animal is your alter ego. However, you can draw your own conclusions from such tests! For example, if the game has chosen as a similar character that you do not like in character, you should think about what makes you so similar to the unloved character! And most importantly - do you want to stay that way.

Our site has collected many exciting tests for you and your friends! Pass games for girls tests and discover the secrets of your subconscious. You can play all games for girls for free - tests are available online and do not require installation on a computer.

We read one of the first tests for girls and girls in a famous fairy tale. The stepmother poured a plate of millet into a plate with poppy seeds and told Cinderella to go over everything overnight. Cinderella quickly dealt with him - albeit with the help of her godmother. It was a test of accuracy and patience.

We have completely different tests - not tedious. No one claims that they are one hundred percent reliable, but still you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from them.

For example, there are tests that will tell you which guy is right for you, who you will fall in love with, which flirting is closer to you.
Our love calculators will scrupulously, with an accuracy of one percent, calculate whether a fan with such and such a name or zodiac sign is right for you.
The "What to Wear Tonight" test will give you advice on your outfits without having to rack your brains. And not only about clothes - other tests will tell you what hairstyle is best for you to wear, what shoes, what kind of handbag.

Tests for girls free online

Where else can you find out the whole truth about yourself, like in our tests for girls! Play and be amazed!

Any person is arranged in such a way that he would like to know with precision what he really is, what suits him, what and how affects his mood, as well as how other people treat him, and so on. With the development of the science of Psychology, a wide variety of tests began to appear, representing a series of multiple-choice questions. Depending on which answers will be noted by the subjects in a particular question, the results are calculated, which is most often expressed in percentages or numbers. In accordance with the data obtained, a suitable group is selected, which gives a complete picture of the answers to the question asked at the beginning of testing.

In the games section of our site Tests, each girl can find an interesting test for herself for free and take it. Unlike psychological tests, our entertaining online tests can consist of one, two, ten questions and with a huge number of answer options in pictures. Also, here you can pass such virtual tests that you will never find in psychological books. For example, today, in our cool flash game for girls, called Games tests for girls of 9 years old, you have to find out what kind of person you are today, and the computer will tell you based on your current preferences in shoes. Go through this toy every day and get a complete picture of how your mood and condition changes over a long time. site wish you a pleasant pastime!

Walkthrough tips:

When this toy is finally loaded on the screens of your monitors, after which you can immediately, completely free of charge and without registering on our website, start testing. First, click on the Play button located in the lower right corner of the game space. Now you will be presented with a calendar with today's highlighted on it. Wedge on the allocated number and go on an exciting journey through the virtual world. First of all, you will be asked to choose the beautiful shoes that you like best today. Then you can decorate it as you wish, choosing different materials for certain areas of shoes, boots, boots, and so on. When you're done with your creative work, decide on the place you would like to go in your designer shoes.

When finished, click on the Analysis button located in the lower right corner of the playing space and wait for the result.



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