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Choose a facade tile for facing the house. Do-it-yourself laying of facade tiles. Facing a house with stone

To date, the market for materials for private house building presents a large number of options for decorating the facade: various types of siding, plaster, wood, brick, metal and much more.

One of the most popular materials is facade tile.
It is convenient to operate, easy to install and very attractive in appearance.

Types of facade tiles

Very durable finishing material, not exposed to the environment. The average life of 100 years. However, this is expensive material and its fasteners are rather complicated.

This tile is made from a combination of quartz, granite chips, expanded clay and other binders, then it is fired and pressed. This material is convenient for different mounting options, both directly on the wall and on the crate, using a heater under it. It has almost all the functions of natural stone, but at times cheaper.

A big plus of this material is the ease of installation. The main disadvantages of concrete panels - the facade of the house needs to be treated with sealant 2-3 times a year. Such tiles cannot withstand frequent temperature changes (frost / thaw).

The manufacture of this type is similar to the manufacture of bricks, the clay is burned almost to its full fusion, thereby obtaining a material that almost does not absorb moisture. It is convenient to mount, it is durable, does not fade in the sun, can withstand frost, but it is quite expensive.

Polymeric front tile

Consists of sand, polymer and pigments. This is a fairly durable, frost-resistant material. It is easy to install and maintain.

Facade tile TechnoNIKOL HAUBERK and its types

Facade tile TechnoNIKOL - made on the basis of fiberglass, improved bitumen and sprinkling of basalt.

Main advantages:

  • does not fade in the sun, due to basalt granules in the upper layer
  • easy installation, so you can do it yourself
  • tightness
  • resistance to temperature changes
  • can be used for complex projects
  • warranty - 20 years

The facade tile Technonikol is presented in the following options:

  • burnt brick
  • sand brick
  • terracotta brick
  • beige brick
  • marble brick
  • antique brick
  • red brick

Tools necessary for laying tiles:

  • a hammer
  • metal scissors
  • level
  • lace
  • screwdriver
  • galvanized nails and metal screws
  • building hair dryer

How to put facade tiles on the walls of the house?

If the packaging comes across panels of a slightly different shade, this is easy to hide during installation. It is necessary to mix several packs. At the finished object, the facade will look harmonious.

When mounting at temperatures below +5 degrees, before the installation of the panel must be kept inside the building for 24 hours. The adhesive layer must be prepared by heating with a building hair dryer.

Do not install pallets with panels on top of each other.

Do not expose pallets with panels to direct sunlight. Otherwise, sintering of the adhesive layer may occur.

The panels are attached to the wooden base with galvanized nails with wide hats. There are 8 nails on the panel. When laying the upper row, the lower edge is also attached at the same time, that is, 16 nails are needed.

Storage of facade panels TechnoNIKOL HAUBERK

The material should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Storage and transportation is possible only at temperatures below 40º.

Transportation and storage of material is possible only when installing pallets in one row.

Stacking pallets in 2-3 rows is possible only when using special racks.

Guaranteed shelf life until installation - 18 months.

Before installing the facade tiles, it is necessary to prepare a continuous flooring. It can be done using plywood, OSP-3, edged or grooved boards. The base must be: at least 9 mm thick, solid, hard and dry. The gaps between the plates should be no more than 2-3 mm.

Before laying, it is imperative to make markings, so that later it is more convenient to mount, as well as align the material, if the facade is separated by a window or door.

1. If a basement is provided in the house, then initially a tide is mounted from the corner of the building. The tide is cut at a right angle, then the remaining base is installed.

2. Having departed from the corner of the house 5-10 mm, the starting strip is set. As it is possible to use the panel with cut off petals. The protective film is removed and the tile is fixed with 3 nails at the top and 8 nails at the bottom.

3. The first row is mounted on top of the starting flush with the base and is fastened with 8 nails. The next row is glued with a shift to the floor of the petal. For this, special notches are provided. The adhesive layer can be additionally heated with a building hair dryer, for best fixation.

4. Tiles that extend beyond the edge of the corner should be trimmed. The distance to the edge should be 5-10 mm. Above, the corner is closed by an external metal corner of the TechnoNIKOL HAUBERK. It is attached with self-tapping screws every 300 mm. Mounting occurs from bottom to top, the overlap between the corners should be at least 5 cm.

5. In exactly the same way, the device of internal corners is made. To do this, use the metal corners of TechnoNIKOL HAUBERK.

6. The arrangement of doorways is similar to the arrangement of corners. The panel is trimmed with a margin of 5-10 mm, a door trim is installed on top.

7. Window openings - fastening is made from two sides of the window to the top of the opening. The panels are trimmed with a margin of 5-10 mm to the window opening. Next, an ebb and a metal window platband are installed. On both sides of the opening you can also mount the material, if necessary - on top of the casing. Then install the platband on top, so that it is covered by facade tiles.

8. Installation along the eaves.

There are two mounting options along the eaves:

  • Facade tiles are laid above the eaves overhang line, a clamping rail is installed on top. Fastens with screws at a distance of 100 mm. Then finish the eaves overhang.
  • Or vice versa. First, the overhang is hemmed, the tile is brought to it and fastened with a clamping rail and self-tapping screws at a distance of 100 mm.
  • If the house does not have a cornice slice, then the upper row is blocked from above by the cornice bar.

Front tile is a very convenient material. Due to the fact that its pattern repeats a brick, you can easily come up with an individual design.

To come up with a design, you need to consider the following rules:

  • the panel is 4 petals
  • each row is shifted by half the petal
  • the figure should have a diagonal orientation
  • the panels are laid back to back, the next row overlaps it when shifted to the floor of the petal
  • to create a picture, the panel is divided by a knife into petals. If necessary, for example, the design of the corner, you can use even half the petals
  • you can combine different colors of facade tiles
  • before cutting and installation it is better to draw a mock-up of a drawing of facade panels in color, given the size of the brick 25 by 10 cm

Video instruction for installing tiles on the facade

You can more clearly see how the installation of facade tiles proceeds in the video.

The variety of options for finishing the facade of the house allows you to choose the best solution depending on your aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities. Most often, homeowners make the choice in favor of traditional plastering or installation of various types of cladding. For many, the determining factor in choosing the method of exterior decoration is the ability to independently perform all the work, and in this case, the facade tile is considered the best solution.

Brief description of facade tiles
So, facade tile is a material that provides the creation of a protective coating for the building. The feature of the tile is its multifunctionality: it is not only capable of reliably protecting the structure, but also making the facade of the house aesthetically attractive. The properties and characteristics of this material, the independent installation of each element, as well as the lack of a uniform installation technique (since the tile has many varieties) allow you to choose the preferred way to perform exterior decoration: installation work can be performed both using classical technology and using a method close its technology for siding.

What components will be required for self-assembly of tiles?
It should be noted that the need for the use of components does not exist for all types of material: for example, conventional technology is used for the installation of small elements, and there is no need for additional details. But, of course, if the installation of facade tiles with large dimensions is carried out, you can not do without the use of components. As a rule, angular profiles, mounting brackets and some other details are required for installation work. For certain types of material there is a need to create a supporting structure

Stages of installation of facade tiles
The installation process of facade tiles may vary depending on its type and characteristics, but, as a rule, installation involves the following steps:

Plastering and surface reinforcement;
surface preparation (cleaning and elimination of defects);
marking the surface (when performing installation on the subsystem);
installation of tiles directly (its technology varies depending on the chosen method);
grouting of joints (the stage is relevant for tiles, the installation of which was carried out using glue).

I stage. Stucco and reinforcement.

For tiles, the installation of which is planned with glue, the presence of a flat surface without any defects - cracks, delaminations, etc. is of particular importance. The most common way to level the surface for installing facade tiles is to apply a layer of plaster. The need for reinforcement exists when an external insulation is installed on the facade or the walls themselves are made of material that is susceptible to shedding or has a loose structure.

II stage. Surface preparation for tile installation.

Directly to the installation of tiles is preceded by a number of preparatory measures. First of all, it is necessary to free the surface from all kinds of elements - brackets, lighting fixtures, gutters, etc. If there is any damage (for example, shedding, etc.), they must be removed, and the existing potholes filled with a solution. In addition, upon completion of the cleaning process, two primers are applied to the surface (with an obligatory intermediate exposure).

III stage. Surface marking.

Marking is relevant if the installation of elements will be performed on a subsystem. To make markings, the distance between the fasteners is measured (measurements are performed both horizontally and vertically), and then markings are applied to the surface.

IV stage. Preparation of the adhesive.

This stage is necessary if the installation of tiles is carried out using the "wet" method. To install the tiles, it is recommended to use specialized glue or a composition suitable for the properties. To prepare the solution, the dry mixture must be diluted with water until the desired consistency is achieved (the adhesive composition should not have a high viscosity, but at the same time it should be applied to the surface without problems). Before preparing the solution, you must read the instructions.

V stage. Installation of facade tiles.

Installation is from bottom to top. When applying the “wet” method (ie using glue), the adhesive composition is applied both to the installed elements and to the wall surface. An important point: if the adhesive composition on the tile is applied in vertical stripes, then on the surface of the structure it must be applied in horizontal stripes. If a porous surface is characteristic of a tile, its base must be moistened with water.

When performing the installation of facade tiles on self-tapping screws, its installation is carried out both by means of hidden fastening and by an open method (in this case, fasteners are visible visually). Corner profiles can be used to bypass corners. If the use of corner profiles is not provided, it is necessary to ensure an accurate fit of the elements and to make them neatly installed.

VI stage. Grouting.

Grouting is necessary in order to prevent moisture penetration. For this procedure, both glue and special compounds can be used.

Thus, the use of facade tiles is a popular method of exterior decoration, which provides reliable protection of the building and has excellent aesthetic characteristics. Compliance with the installation technology will achieve a flawless decorative effect and is guaranteed to increase the life of the walls of the building due to the protective properties of the material.

Modern facades can impress with their uniqueness, unusual performance and, of course, breathtaking value.

But none of the possible facades costs anything without a well-built ventilation system that will help you to feel comfortable in the room and keep all the finishing materials in a suitable condition for a long period of time.

Porcelain facades

To understand the assembly process, you must first study the structure of the porcelain stoneware facade, and only then proceed to the selection of the most suitable insulation and, of course, to the installation process itself.

Of course, it cannot be said that the design of the ventilated facade consists only of porcelain stoneware. It includes other materials, but due to the fact that they are located between the wall and the front layer, they are not at risk of being exposed to moisture.

Facades from porcelain tile are all-weather, therefore it is possible to establish them even in the winter;

  • Panels do not need maintenance;
  • They are resistant to aggressive environmental influences;
  • Operation is very cheap, since it does not require additional costs.

We can say that the efforts of engineers and builders, who for many years were looking for effective ways to protect the walls of buildings from moisture, were successful as soon as this method of mounting fastening was invented.

Structure and basic elements

The structure of the ventilated facade is a rather complex structure, the installation of which must take place in strict accordance with all rules and technological standards. It is precisely because of how well the facade is installed that the period of use of the building itself will depend, since a reliable and correctly installed facade can protect the surface from wear and damage for many years.

The facade structure consists of such basic elements as:

  • Insulating layer.
  • Heaters.
  • Wireframe.
  • The sending design elements.
  • The facing material, in our case, is porcelain tiles.

We select a heater

In order to choose a really high-quality and most suitable insulation material, it is necessary to take into account such basic factors as its thickness and resistance to a humid environment. These criteria are due to the fact that water will constantly accumulate moisture in granite, and the insulation must completely resist it in order to maintain its heat-insulating properties.

The minimum thickness at maximum efficiency is important due to the fact that porcelain stoneware is very heavy and should be located as tightly as possible to the building itself, because the thinner the insulation, the denser the porcelain stoneware facade will be installed.

What to look for when choosing panels

To answer this question you need to start with the most basic characteristic - the size of the tile. It should be a multiple of the area of \u200b\u200bthe facade of the building, and seams between the individual elements should be taken into account, taking into account temperature fluctuations. The selection of auxiliary parts is also carried out, bearing in mind this parameter.

The size of the tile is also important from an aesthetic point of view. Having decided to use small porcelain stoneware for facing the building, otherwise it will get the appearance of a leaf from a notebook into a cell. Therefore, experts recommend choosing products with a size of at least 600 × 600 mm.

It is worth remembering that there are differences in caliber. So 600 × 600 mm porcelain tiles can have real sizes from 592 to 605 mm. But if, nevertheless, any deviations occur during installation, then you need to have a certain margin in order to compensate for them.

We must not forget about the details for fixing the tiles. Choosing the right installation method can save you money, for example, by installing a porcelain stoneware facade just above the base.

Types of Mounts

There are two types of fastening of such structures:

The first will cost more, so it is performed at a lower level, and in the rest of the area - open. This reduces the total cost of installation.

The material of the fasteners is selected taking into account resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Usually use stainless steel or aluminum, as less susceptible to corrosion. An integral part of the ventilated facade is insulation. In its quality should be used materials designed for use in outdoor conditions.

Ventilation Facade Installation Technology

To make the installation, it is necessary to study in more detail each of the stages, which individually is a rather complicated technological process. You will need to install different components and at the same time maintain a clear sequence. The technological installation system allows you to get a very high-quality, attractive and durable end result.

The facade system and accessories are installed following these steps:

  • Preparatory stage.
  • Marking the area and marking points for fastening.
  • Installation of fasteners.
  • Fixing insulators and insulation.
  • Installation of a guide structure or frame.
  • Installation of cladding panels.

Step 1: Surface Preparation

The first stage of preparation for further installation is practically the most important, as it solves many problems in advance and contributes to a more smooth, high-quality and safe implementation of all installation works.

Many of the actions that need to be done at this stage are prescribed in a special law, which strictly monitors the correctness of the organization of construction. So, the first thing you have to worry about the safety of passers-by and residents of nearby buildings:

  • Equipped with a restrictive structure, at a distance of at least three meters from the wall to be processed.
  • Along the perimeter, place the necessary materials, as well as provide builders with a platform for assembling the structure directly on the ground and near the installation site.
  • Introduce restrictions on installation in unsuitable weather conditions.
  • Adhere to all the rules and safety management systems at work.

All these nuances are generally related to the decoration of facades of multi-storey buildings, but you should also adhere to them when decorating your home in the private sector.

To equip the lathing of the facade, you will need the following elements

Step 2: Marking the points for fasteners

The next step, which is not yet related to installation, but is no longer preparatory, will be the marking of the attachment points of all the supporting elements. All measurements and beating of lines should be carried out in strict accordance with a plan that was previously developed by engineers.

The technology for marking up components will take place according to the following stages:

  • Define and mark lines of lighthouses. You need to recapture both the extreme vertical and horizontal lines.
  • On the vertical extreme lines, we mark with a paint the points where the support joints with the wall of the building will be mounted.

Designate the beacon lines, which are formed in the form of a lower horizontal line and lateral vertical ones. Mark the intermediate marks on which the brackets will be mounted.

Step 3: mount the brackets

We have prepared for you a small instruction that will describe the technological process for mounting the bracket system, it consists of only three stages:

  1. Using a punch or any other drilling rig, we make holes in the wall.
  2. We install a paronite gasket in the prepared holes.
  3. We fix the brackets with anchor dowels using a powerful screwdriver.

Make holes in the walls using a hammer drill. In the finished holes you need to insert gaskets of paronite.

Step 4: Install the insulators and insulation

This stage should take place with special care, as the comfort of all rooms directly depends on it. To begin with, we install insulation plates, on which holes for brackets are initially prepared. Then roll them over and lightly fix the insulators. Through insulation and insulation we drill holes into which we fix special plate holders.

It is worth noting that the insulation must be staggered, so the risk that cracks form and the amount of cold passed through the joints will be significantly reduced. The most ordinary stationery knife is used to trim the majority of insulation materials.

Step 5: Install the Guides

The installation of the guides is quite quick, as you capture a large space at a time. You just need to attach the profile to the bracket, align it and fix it with brackets or bolts. The adjustable profile brackets are not fastened as tightly as possible, so they will be able to move during the process of subsidence and deformation of the building.

Insert the profiles into the corresponding recesses of the support brackets and fasten them with rivets. Do not forget to make fire cut-offs.

In conclusion, it is necessary to fix special fire cut-offs, it is best to ask about them from the firemen themselves. By virtue of their specialty, they are more competent in this matter.

Step 6: Install the Facing Plates

The installation process is quite simple, but requires many different small manipulations. First of all, you need to mark the points on the profiles where the Kleimers will be installed. After that, according to the marking, a drill is required for their device.

The fasteners used for fastening this material - clamps, are installed using holes on the guide profiles.

As the kleimers are screwed in, the granite slabs are also laid, which can be installed in two ways: with a seam between separate sections or in a seamless structure. Which is better for you or the customer who decides to decorate their facade with such materials.

Porcelain ventilated facades, phased installation technology

Types of ventilated facades. Stages of installation work. Nuances in the installation design.

Facade cladding technology

The modern building materials market offers such a large number of options for facade decoration that it is easy for an inexperienced person to get confused.

Before you go shopping, you need to familiarize yourself with the options available and choose the right one even at home. Today we’ll talk about porcelain stoneware, how good it is for facade cladding.

Manufacturing technology for porcelain stoneware

Although the material is manufactured in the factory, it is considered environmentally friendly. As raw materials choose:

  • refractory clay;
  • quartz sand;
  • high kaolin clay;
  • feldspar;
  • mineral additives acting as a pigment.

As you can see, the substances are only natural, no synthetic components. By composition, porcelain stoneware belongs to the ceramic finishing material.

The technical process begins with the selection of the necessary components and their grinding. Each substance is crushed separately and stored in special containers. Then, the components are mixed in a dry form. The dry mixture is sent to dry to remove moisture.

After drying, they begin to form tiles. A dried mixture with a moisture content of not more than 7% is poured into prepared forms and sent for pressing. This process takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Removal of air bubbles under a pressure of about 80kg / m2.
  2. Tile formation - 400kg / m2 and more.

After the press, the forms are poisoned for additional drying, where moisture is completely removed. Next, they carry out firing of billets in long furnaces, they are divided into sections, and each has its own temperature regime:

  • 4000 C - preliminary heating;
  • 9000 C - primary firing;
  • 13000С - final firing. At this stage, the blanks are reduced by 5-10% and the finished tile is obtained.

After such high temperatures, it is impossible to get the material out of the furnace, because the tile in the forms is still in the last compartment of the furnace for some time, where it is gradually cooled.

It is important that when firing the molds are found, a certain amount of time at each temperature. If the substances do not pass complete fusion, the tile will lose strength. If you overexpose, then the elements will change color - they will quickly fade.

The main types

Despite the fact that only natural substances are used in the manufacture, manufacturers produce many varieties of porcelain stoneware. Based on the finishing method, there are:

  • Matte slabs - pass only the grinding process.

  • The polished material is additionally polished, resulting in a glossy and smooth surface.

  • A semi-polished finish is obtained by using more coarse materials when polishing. The cost is slightly lower than the previous version.

  • Satin slabs have an original pattern. To create it on a dry mixture, a small amount of mineral salts is scattered before firing. After fusion and get a beautiful ornament.

  • The structured version is only matte. This is an imitation of natural materials. The process of creating such a tile is difficult, because the price is the most expensive.

In addition, you can choose the color of products that will be faced with walls. Manufacturers suggest choosing from natural shades:

There are also radical black options.

The plates differ in size. There are small elements of 30x30 cm, and details of huge sizes are 120x180 cm. Professionals recommend choosing medium-sized tiles - from 40x40 to 80x80 cm, so as not to overload the facade in one place. Well, installing such parts is easier.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

To make sure that the material is suitable not only in appearance, but also in technical and operational characteristics, will help to study the advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the advantages of plating:

  • Fire and environmental safety. The material does not burn, and only natural substances are used for production.
  • Stability at sharp and frequent variability of temperature conditions.
  • Moisture-repellent properties.
  • Additional features of noise and heat insulation.
  • Easy installation.
  • Long term of operation. Some manufacturers indicate a figure of more than 50 years, but if you take into account all the subtleties of installation, then this value can be increased.
  • Unpretentious care. The surface does not accumulate dust and dirt, therefore it is easily cleaned by precipitation. Water from a hose will do.
  • Inertness to chemical and ultraviolet exposure. The material does not react with cleaning agents if used. And for a long time retains its original appearance throughout its entire life.

Of the shortcomings, only two can be distinguished, but for someone they will be decisive factors:

  1. The large weight of the individual elements of the ceramic granite finish and the entire structure as a whole. If the design of the house does not take into account the use of such casing, then it is better to abandon this option. Otherwise, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation and load-bearing walls, and this will delay the cladding process and draw additional costs.
  2. Great value.

If these shortcomings are not frightening, then porcelain stoneware will become a decoration of the house.

Facing technology of the facade of the building with porcelain stoneware

To perform finishing work yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of fixing the material and the main stages of the process. Porcelain tile can be fixed in two ways:

  • Mechanical. Special cleats, rivets or self-tapping screws are used. Suitable for installation on the frame of a ventilated facade.
  • On the adhesive solution. It is fixed directly to the pre-aligned wall of the building or stairs.

Wet and mechanical installation methods can be combined. As for the technology itself, you need to adhere to such a plan:

  1. Foundation preparation. Cleaning dirt and stains, removing attachments, repairing cracks and holes for fasteners, if necessary, alignment with cement mortar. Be sure to treat the surface with soil. A concrete base without flaws does not need to be leveled.
  2. If the installation method is chosen according to the principle of a ventilated facade, mount the frame.
  3. Facing with porcelain tile.

Mechanical mount

This method of installing the facing material involves the use of clamps, rivets or self-tapping screws. He can be:

  • Open - a through hole is made in the tile, and the fasteners will be visible. So that the fasteners are not subjected to quick corrosion, options are chosen, galvanized or coated with a paint suitable in shade.

  • Hidden - holes are made at the end of the cladding element. Then the fasteners will not be visible to others.

If the wet method of facing the facade of the building is chosen, you need to carefully inspect the base. The surface should be perfectly flat, if there are potholes or protruding parts, plaster will help to eliminate them.

For facade work, special glue is chosen. It must withstand changes in temperature conditions and mechanical stress. In addition, it is worth making sure that it can withstand a large load. On the packaging, such information is indicated by the manufacturer.

Porcelain stoneware can also be glued on the porch of a private house. The technology is the same, only after completion of work the surface cannot be loaded for about 3 days so that the glue can completely harden.

Combined method

For a more reliable fixation, use the combined method of fastening. A small amount of glue is applied to the tile and applied to the frame, after the glue dries, proceed to mechanical fastening.

Fasteners can be hidden or left in sight. Then the owner decides for himself which is more preferable.

As indicated above, the cladding of the house with granite can be carried out on the principle of a ventilated facade. For a weighty design, you need to select a reliable profile. A wooden beam may not withstand the load, therefore it is better to buy a metal profile. In addition, there are fewer lines of exploitation of wood than cladding.

The frame for the venfasade is equipped according to the standard plan:

  1. Marking and installation of brackets.
  2. Arrangement of waterproofing layers and laying of insulation.
  3. Fixing guides according to the size of the tile. Be sure to check how smoothly the profiles are installed.

Just sticking the slabs on the cement mortar is not the most reliable option. The base is constantly subjected to mechanical stress and therefore the parts can boil. If a decision has been made to wet the plinth of the plinth, then you need to choose a suitable adhesive solution. The gluing process will be the same as facing walls and steps.

But a more reliable combination method of fixation will be. The crate is installed only from metal profiles, and fasteners are made hidden. The basement insulation will not be superfluous. It is only better to choose materials that are more resistant to high humidity.

Estimated prices for facade cladding with porcelain stoneware

As indicated above, such a lining will cost a little. Matte tiles cost from 320 rubles per square meter, polished will cost from 1000 rubles / m2. Satin tiles can be bought at a price that starts at 1250 rubles per square meter.

In addition, you still need to spend money on cool mix or profiles and fasteners. Those who do not want to spend their time or do not lay hands on such work need to be paid also for the work of a professional team. The cost of the work is almost the same as the materials.

Facing of facades with granite: installation technology (photo, video)

How to properly clad the house or its parts (basement) with porcelain tiles? What are the advantages of porcelain stoneware cladding, its main characteristics.

Porcelain tile front

Although the material on the construction market has existed for several decades, for some developers it is still little known. In order to consciously make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with porcelain stoneware in more detail.

Installation of a ventilated facade

Manufacturing technology and main types

Artificial stone is made from powders by pressing under high pressure followed by firing. Pressing pressure up to 500 kg / cm 2, firing temperature up to + 1300 ° С. The composition of the powder includes quartz sand, clay, kaolins, feldspars and mineral dyes. Other additives may be used to give the original appearance. Initially, porcelain stoneware was used only as a technical tile, later it began to be used for the manufacture of floor coverings, plumbing equipment. Recently, porcelain tiles have been cladding facades of various buildings and structures.

Porcelain tiles allow you to implement complex architectural projects

One option for porcelain stoneware

Unlike flooring, the thickness of porcelain tiles for the facade does not exceed ten millimeters. Otherwise, the heavy weight of the structures negatively affects the foundation of the buildings. In addition, the requirements for the bearing indicators of facade walls are increasing, not all of them are suitable for covering with such material. There are no standard overall dimensions; manufacturers are guided by their own specifications. But for facades it is not recommended to use too small or large tiles, the size should be at least 40 × 40 cm and not more than 80 × 80 cm.

Facade porcelain tile

Porcelain stoneware

Unfortunately, domestic companies (“Kerabud”, “Estima” and others) cannot yet produce high-quality large-sized tiles for facade decoration. Professional builders strongly recommend purchasing goods from Spanish or Italian companies: Alfa Ceramiche, AO Ceramicas Aparici, etc. You should not deal with the Chinese, the facade surface will be uneven due to problems with the accuracy of the plates. The material belongs to the category of expensive, you do not need to throw a lot of money and as a result have curved facades, albeit from fashionable porcelain stoneware.

Table of options for external surfaces

Features of porcelain tile for facades

Companies produce mosaic, glazed and other types of porcelain tiles, but they are not used for the decoration of facades because of the very high cost. In order for the edges of the artificial stone to be ideal in size, they are trimmed with precision machines during manufacture. The higher the quality of the tile and the less deviations from the dimensions, the easier it is to work with it. But such material is not available to all consumers because of the high price.

Physical characteristics of porcelain stoneware

Facade ventilated porcelain stoneware with wood effect

Advantages of Porcelain Facade Slabs

The relatively high cost of the facing material is fully justified by its excellent operational characteristics.

  1. The material does not fully support combustion, fire departments are recommended to create barriers.

Material is completely non-combustible

Original facade solutions

In all respects, porcelain stoneware for facade cladding surpasses traditional materials. The only problem is the price, but if you take into account the additional savings on surface maintenance and excellent design performance, then the high cost is justified.

Facade porcelain at the moment - the most durable solution for cladding buildings

White and black exterior with porcelain stoneware

Step-by-step installation instructions for facade porcelain tiles

Important. Installation of facade porcelain tiles is a very responsible job. If you do not have any experience - do not handle. Poor execution will result in the loss of significant financial resources. In addition, a stove falling from a height can cause serious injury. Follow all manufacturers' recommendations implicitly, use only fasteners that are designed for a specific weight.

Wall cladding with plates (ventilated facade system) consists of several structural elements:

  • carrier system. It includes mounting brackets, vertical and horizontal guides. They are made of galvanized steel plate, special holes are provided for adjusting the spatial position. Must not only withstand the weight of porcelain tiles, but also the wind load;
  • thermal insulation layerif one is planned to be installed. All modern buildings must be insulated without fail, this is provided for by applicable regulatory acts. On old buildings, the decision on additional wall insulation is taken by each owner individually;
  • facing finish plates. The size and appearance of the granite is selected taking into account the planned design of the facade walls.

For work, you will need an electric drill with a perforator, a device for installing rivets (if the supporting frame is assembled with their help), wrenches, a plumb line and a long accurate level. If there is a laser level - excellent, the markup will be much faster and more accurate. If not, you will have to use the hydraulic level.

Fasteners for installation of porcelain tile

Before starting the installation, clean near the wall, collect scaffolding, think over the places of storage of materials. Be sure to work together, and preferably three together. The final number of people is determined taking into account the size and weight of the plates. It is advisable to draw a wall on paper, indicate its dimensions and pre-think about the layout of the brackets, taking into account the linear dimensions of the plates and the way they are fixed. Determine the fixation points of the brackets, calculate their number and linear meters of horizontal and vertical rails. Considering the weight, select dowels or anchors, the heavier the slabs, the stronger the hardware should be.

Assembly diagram of substructure elements and porcelain tiles. Option 1

During the preliminary planning, count the number of window openings and doors, determine the places of entry / exit of utilities. They should be accessible for prompt emergency response.

Any installation of the ventilation façade must first be correctly calculated

Step 1. Marking the wall. It is necessary to immediately indicate the location of the brackets on the wall. Drawings for the placement of brackets are included in the documentation for ventilated facades. Use them to identify the extreme control points.

Important. The brackets must be at least 10 cm from the corner of the building, window and door openings, otherwise there are risks of breaking the strength of the frame.

Fix the two uppermost brackets, lower the long plumb line from them and mark the extreme lower points. With a blue rope, beat off the vertical lines.

The unit for attaching the bracket to the wall of the building

Step 2 Taking into account the dimensions of the porcelain tiles and the manufacturer's instructions, beat off the remaining vertical lines at the recommended distance. For most cases of facade decoration with porcelain tiles, the vertical distances between the brackets are up to 1000 mm, horizontal up to 800 mm. When calculating the quantity over the entire wall, round off the obtained values \u200b\u200btaking into account the dimensions of the facade wall.

Step 3 Using a laser or hydraulic level, make horizontal marks at the corners of the wall, beat off parallel lines with a blue rope. After marking, a grid with the same cell sizes should appear on the wall of the house. Check them for all parameters, everything is fine - start drilling holes. Keep in mind that along the perimeter of window and doorways, it is also necessary to mount the supporting brackets.

Step 4 Use a hammer drill with a drill bit. The depth of the holes should be several centimeters greater than the length of dowels or anchors. For porcelain tiles, it is recommended to use anchors, they withstand considerable effort. It is not safe to work with dowels.

Marking and drilling holes

Step 5 In the reach zone, immediately install the brackets, carefully check the strength of the fixation. To prevent the appearance of cold bridges, gaskets can be installed between the wall and the brackets. Use only paronitic, they are more durable and do not deform under prolonged exposure to loads. Plastic can bend, which negatively affects the strength of the entire structure. The design of the brackets has special holes for adjusting their exact position.

L-shaped bracket for mounting rails

Step 6 After all the brackets are fixed, proceed to wall insulation. Building codes and rules allow you to use only non-combustible materials, only those foams that do not support open fire are allowed. But it is better not to use it, during burning it emits deadly toxic substances. To lose consciousness, just inhale the smoke just a few times. The optimal solution is pressed mineral wool.

Schematic diagram of the installation of insulation

Schematic diagram of the installation of a two-layer insulation

Practical advice. For insulation, take sheets of a thickness of at least 10 cm, thinner ones have a negligible effect, and labor costs are the same. But the final decision depends on the thermal conductivity of the wall.

Glass wool is fastened with special dowels with large hats. Press the mats tightly to each other, install them in a checkerboard pattern, do not allow the formation of gaps. Any violations of the technology lead to a significant decrease in the efficiency of heat saving. There must be at least five fixation points per standard mat. Remember that a gap of 2-3 cm between the glass wool and the wall reduces the heat saving efficiency by at least 60%. In the gap, air convection occurs due to the temperature difference, warm air goes outside, and the wall is cooled by the incoming cold.

Plate Fixing Sequence

Insulation with dowels

Important. Do not cut large openings at the locations of the supporting brackets, or create additional heat loss areas. Estimate in what place the bracket will come out and only here cut the mat along or crosswise. How specifically to cut depends on the characteristics of the bracket.

Mineral wool should be reliably protected from water. Cover it with a waterproof fabric; there is a huge selection of them on sale today. Do not use a plastic film, moisture will accumulate under it, and condensation will appear in winter. Mineral wool is moistened, with an increase in relative humidity indicators, heat saving values \u200b\u200brapidly decrease.

Installation diagram of a windshield membrane

On this, the first part of the installation of porcelain stoneware tiles is completed, you can proceed to the second stage.

Step 1. Start installing vertical and horizontal profiles. This is a very crucial moment, if all the elements will not be located strictly in one plane, then during fixing the plates there will be great difficulties. How to install items correctly?

  1. Fasten the two extreme bearing profiles strictly in level, adjust their position relative to the wall. Check the spatial position again.
  2. Pull the ropes between them and mount the remaining vertical elements over them. We have already mentioned that fixing can be done with rivets or bolts. Never buy elements that are fastened with self-tapping screws, they are made of thin steel and are not designed for heavy loads.
  3. After the vertical rails are set, fix the horizontal ones to them. The more often you check their position, the less disappointment awaits during the installation of porcelain tiles.

Step 2 Mount the slabs. They are fixed with metal clamps.

Porcelain stoneware fastening scheme

This is how the clammers look for installing porcelain stoneware

Mounting the start clamps

Fasten the two lower kleimers, place a plate on them and fix the two upper ones. One kleimer has two ears, they must hold two adjacent plates. Due to this technology, their position is automatically adjusted, the faces will lie strictly on one line.

Installation of porcelain tiles

Installation of porcelain tiles

It is important to observe the gaps between the plates

The distance between the side faces of the plates is visually controlled, but some types of kleimers have special stops. Working with them is faster and easier, and the appearance of the facade wall is improving.

Porcelain stoneware fastener in the guide

Porcelain stoneware attachment on the inner corner of the facade

Feud mount on the outer corner of the building

Step 3 If there are exits of pipes or electric cables on the wall, then technological holes should be made in these places in porcelain tiles.

On a properly installed frame, work is done quickly. Remember that the lost time for marking and mounting the load-bearing elements is always returned during installation.

Before choosing a specific installation method for porcelain tiles, consider the following factors:

  • the size of the house;
  • climatic features - temperature factor, prevailing wind direction, average annual rainfall;
  • design look and personal budget options.

The supporting elements of the frame must be made of one metal, otherwise, currents that accelerate corrosion will appear at the contact points. Never save on the strength of the brackets, always buy the most reliable. Porcelain tile has a lot of weight, you need to constantly remember this.

Work only in good weather, if there is a chance of rain - protect structures from water. Manufacturers claim that it is possible to mount structures at air temperatures up to -15 ° C, but we do not recommend listening to them. Not because the designs will not stand, but because working in such conditions is very difficult. As a result, there may be a violation of technology, errors during the layout or fixing of frame elements. In addition, snow that has fallen on mineral wool will surely melt someday. And increasing the insulation moisture by only 5% increases the thermal conductivity by 50%. Mineral wool quickly gets wet, but dries for a long time. Especially if it is protected by facade membranes.

For porcelain tiles, be sure to install vertical and horizontal supporting profiles. The combined frame evenly redistributes the loads on bending and torsion, compression and tension. The design becomes very reliable and durable. In case of violation of the strength of fixation of vertical profiles, the load is perceived horizontal and vice versa. The disadvantage of a combined system is the increase in cost. But safety is not worth saving.

Window Framing Installation Scheme

The junction of the facade to the window opening, lower

The junction of the facade to the window opening, side

The junction of the facade to the window opening, upper

Carefully make adjacencies and frames, cover the side ends only with solid plates. Pay special attention to the plinth and the places of contact with the roof. Avoid moisture, but do not block the ventilation. According to the inspection of defective facades, it was found that 55% of the problems are due to improper installation of porcelain tiles, 40% due to incorrect layout and 5% due to unprofessional selection of load-bearing elements.

Facade decoration - photo

It looks like a ventilated porcelain stoneware facade

Facade porcelain tile: installation technology step by step

Find out what facade porcelain tiles are. Types and features, operational characteristics. Step-by-step installation instructions. Photo + video.

Facade tiles are one of the most beautiful, durable and durable types of decoration and decoration of buildings outside. It will allow you to update the appearance of the building, to perform high-quality heat and sound insulation. At the same time, such material does not imply a difficult installation, does not require constant updating and complex maintenance. A wide variety of types, methods of fastening allows any homeowner to choose the right option that meets his preferences and tastes.

In this article we will tell you how to finish the facade of a private house with tiles. We list the existing varieties, indicate their characteristics and give the stages of work that are performed during installation.

Material Features

It refers to the options for external cladding made of various types of stone and clay. It stands out by its unpretentiousness and durability, relative ease of installation. In the vast majority of cases, it retains its natural shade and texture, less often with the help of such a finish some kind of coating can be imitated. Often it has a production system similar to the process of making bricks or building blocks.

Unlike other cladding options, each tile fragment is installed separately, which makes it easy to replace them if necessary. They do not interlock with each other and can be easily removed using simple tools, which compares the material favorably with siding or special panels.

Types of facade tiles

  • A rock- marble, basalt, granite and other rocks are used for facing buildings. They differ in a natural shade, a wide variety of textures, but are more expensive than other models.
  • Clinker - It is made by the same technology as the brick of the same name. Only the tile is much thinner, which simplifies its installation. It is made from quality clay. It stands out for its strength, durability and resistance to damage.
  • Porcelain Tiles- otherwise called "artificial stone." It is used for the construction of ventilated facades, equipped on the basis of a solid frame. Less often, such canvases are mounted on special glue.
  • Concrete - It is able to simulate a coating with any pattern and texture. It is installed in various ways, depending only on the size of the fragment.
  • Terracotta - It is used to recreate the decoration in the spirit of an old house. It is created from clay, by firing at high temperatures, because of which it has a pleasant, beautiful shade. But such a tile requires complex and constant care, although all costs are paid off due to the attractive appearance.
  • Agglomerate - It is made of crushed stone from crushed rocks of natural stone. During processing, it forms thin and strong layers, which do not differ in shade from natural materials in any way.

Advantages and disadvantages of this finish

Advantages of facade tiles

  • Suitable for decoration of buildings made of wood and brick, foam concrete.
  • Available in a large number of shades and options.
  • It is easily and simply dismantled, which allows it to be reused.
  • It resists mechanical and weathering.
  • Most models do not require maintenance or complicated maintenance.
  • It is steady against frosts - does not crack, does not grow dull and does not lose its other qualities.
  • It stands out for its long service life. On the example of many houses, it is noticeable that such a coating can stand for decades without complex repairs.

Material flaws

  • A large mass, which can adversely affect old or weak foundations bearing structures.
  • It does not allow moisture to pass in both directions, therefore, they initially think through the ventilation system.
  • The high cost of all models, which can scare away many. To finish the entire building with such a coating, a lot of funds will be required. Or you need to do all the work yourself, which is not as difficult as it seems.

Preparation of the base for the installation of facade tiles

Most often this is required when finishing buildings made of brick or foam concrete. During operation, cracks and chips are formed on them, which must be carefully coated and repaired before being crossed to the lining. After eliminating all damage, installing thermal insulation, if it is planned, a layer of plaster is applied. A fiberglass mesh is attached to it, after which the surface is plastered again. The layers are allowed to dry completely and only then transgressed to further work.

How to fasten a facade tile to a wall?

There are two main ways:

  • Wet - on the adhesive composition. Only moisture resistant varieties are bought. Each of them is selected individually for the type of material. In order not to be mistaken, it is advisable to check with the sellers for what works this or that type is suitable in stores.
  • Dry - to the crate for self-tapping screws or kleimers. So usually large fragments of the cladding are fixed, less often they can be found when installing small varieties.

Features and stages of installing tiles on glue

Thus, most often the houses are finished with bricks or foam blocks. Often this is combined with wall insulation from the outside with foam or polystyrene foam. First, the insulation is laid, then the crate is built, which is plastered, and only then go to the work itself.

Finishing the facade of the house with tiles takes place in several stages:

  1. The surface is primed.
  2. The adhesive composition is mixed for a particular type of material. This should be done in strict accordance with the instructions.
  3. On the wall, the adhesive is applied in one direction with a notched trowel, on the tile segment in the opposite, which provides better adhesion.
  4. Installation of the facing tile starts from the bottom corner and is carried out gradually upwards on the entire canvas. For alignment, marking is done before laying. You can nail the guide to the very bottom, which will then be removed.
  5. Each fragment is firmly pressed against the wall, tapped with a spatula.
  6. After drying, the seams are wiped with a moisture-resistant grout. It is important to remember that it is necessary to remove its excess immediately, otherwise they will dry out and not be cleaned.

Technology of installation of facade tiles on fasteners

The method assumes that the fragments are attached to the base in the form of a crate - wooden or metal. The first is more preferable. All actions go in several steps:

  1. Careful marking is performed using the level, guides are set.
  2. A grid is created with a step width not exceeding the dimensions of the tile.
  3. A sealant layer is laid so that it has cold bridges. On top is a vapor barrier membrane. There is a small gap between the tile and the thermal insulation layer for ventilation and condensate drainage.
  4. Installation of facing tiles starts from the bottom corner of the building and gradually goes up. Fasteners are made using the hardware that comes with this type of finish.

How to draw corners?

The openings, windows and all the turns of the building are made out in the first place, because otherwise it will be extremely difficult to fit them later. Some models are complemented by special corner profiles.

To get beautiful coal, the facing material is cut and lined up along the wall clearly in level. When all the protrusions are designed, you can proceed to fill the wall canvas.

Features of grouting

Upon completion of the facade tiles, buildings are engaged in sealing joints and free areas between the panels. To do this, use a moisture-resistant grout or the remains of tile glue, if it suits the tone. They work quickly, remove excess layers immediately, since they dry extremely quickly and it is almost impossible to clean them.

Thus, you can install facade tiles with your own hands, if you follow a few simple rules and instructions for the materials. First, material and suitable fasteners are selected - glue or hardware. Then the walls of the building are processed and prepared, after which you can safely proceed to the cladding. Such a coating will last for many years and does not require complicated maintenance, which explains its popularity.

Hello! Thank you so much for the intelligible answer to my question about how to make facade tile! It turned out, though not the first time. Now the next question is ripe - how to lay facade tile? It turns out that this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. On the Internet sensible advice, how to put facade tile on the wall, not found. I would be glad if you tell me how to do it right. Particularly interested in the question - how to lay facade tile from porcelain tile? Thank you in advance.

Hello Sergey! Glad to see that our advice really helped you. You are right, sensible advice on how to mount a facade tile, the Internet is really small.

It all depends on how facade tiles are fastened. There are several ways:

  1. fixing to the wall surface with glue;
  2. mounting on the frame using clamps (clamps);
  3. fastening with screws.

How to fasten a front tile self-tapping screws? Self-tapping screws are used for mounting tiles on a special frame (metal or wooden). Also, the tiles are fixed with screws directly to the walls, if they are made of wood. It is important to remember that not every tile is suitable for this - ceramic or porcelain tiles are mounted differently.

For the installation of ceramic front tiles, special metal fasteners are used. They are mounted on any walls that can withstand the weight of the facade and installation system.

Installation of facade tiles with glue will require some skill and construction skills from you, so before how to glue a facade tile you will need to soberly weigh your strengths and honestly answer to yourself whether you will pull this matter or not.

Source: xn - 80abucji3abjli3c.xn - p1ai

Laying facade clinker tiles: DIY installation instructions

Among the wide variety of different building materials for decoration, clinker tiles stand out noticeably. The steady demand for this tile among consumers is due to its reliability, resistance to abrasion, low maintenance, low water absorption and a wide variety of different colors and textures.

Clinker tiles are thin plates made of natural clay, fired using special technology. The following types of clinker tiles are distinguished:

  • Technical tiles are used for laying sidewalks, paths, pedestrian zones, and can also be used as flooring in public buildings.
  • Facing tiles can be used to decorate both internal and external elements of buildings and carry out decorative design work.
  • Facade tiles are designed for exterior cladding of buildings.

Wall cladding with facade clinker tiles

Laying facade clinker tiles on your own is a difficult, but quite feasible task. In this matter, it is important to choose the right materials and clearly follow the established order of work.

What tools and materials will you need

  • First of all, you need to purchase the tile itself and cement. If you don’t feel like messing with cement, you can purchase a special dry mix for laying clinker tiles or a universal adhesive mixture, but their cost will be higher. Some additionally add special elastic emulsions to the mixture to improve the elasticity of the mixture and improve adhesion. It is also possible to add plasticizers to the mixture, which provide low viscosity and good plasticity of the solution. Their use is also economically justified, since when using plasticizers, less cement mix will be required in concrete.
  • Grout for tiles;
  • Bulgarian with a diamond disk;
  • Master OK;
  • Smooth for concrete;
  • Stonework of a mason, gun or rubber grater for grouting;
  • Rule
  • Notched trowel.

Technology for laying clinker tiles on the facade

In order for the tile to lie evenly, hold well and maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary to carefully carry out preparatory work. Tiles should be laid on a perfectly flat and clean surface. Therefore, any cracks and chips in the wall must be coated before laying tiles, and then it is recommended to prime the entire surface.

If you want to additionally insulate the walls before facing, you will need to prepare the surface of the insulation for laying clinker tiles.

  • Clean and level the surface, and then prime the wall and let it dry.
  • Glue to the walls of the insulation plate.
  • On top, cover the slabs with a reinforcing mixture and a mesh of metal or fiberglass.

  • After the reinforcing mixture has dried, you can proceed with the installation of clinker tiles.

Clinker tile laying instruction

Laying of facade clinker tiles occurs in stages:

1. Make sure that the tiles from the various boxes have the same structure and color. Tiles of the same manufacturer from different parties may vary slightly in shade.

2. Prepare cement or adhesive according to manufacturer's instructions.

3. Using a notched trowel, apply a solution about one and a half centimeters thick on the wall section where you plan to place the tiles.

4. Lay the tiles gradually, row by row. It is better to start from the corner of the building and move from bottom to top. The tile is pressed into the solution with a slight pressure. It will be easier to lay the tile evenly if you use the starting corner. The distance between the tiles is chosen arbitrarily depending on the type of tile used and the decorative features of the building. Typically, the seam width is about 7-12 mm.

5. When the entire tile has been laid, grout the joints with a suitable color, then remove excess mixture and clean the surface of the tile.

Features of laying brick tiles "brick"

Brick brick tiles imitate masonry. When installing it, it is necessary to pay special attention to the width of the joints between the tiles, since not only the appearance of the facade of the building, but also its durability depends on this.

The rules for laying clinker tiles under a brick differ slightly from the rules for laying ordinary clinker tiles.

1. Before starting the finishing work, the surface must also be made perfectly smooth, smooth and clean. All cracks and chips are sealed with a cement mixture, the surface is covered with a primer.

2. Begin laying also from below, but usually not from the first, but from the second row. The bottom row is usually laid after laying and leveling the floor covering.

3. According to the instructions on the packaging, the adhesive solution is mixed. It is applied in parts, on an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 1 sq. M, since the solution dries quickly. The solution is applied with a spatula. The choice of a suitable spatula depends on the size of the facade clinker tile - the wider it is, the larger the teeth of the spatula should be.

4. Since when laying tiles under a brick it is important that all joints are perfectly smooth, it is recommended to use distance crosses in addition for convenience and simplification of the installation process.

5. Sealing of joints is carried out not less than one day after the completion of tile laying, not earlier than the complete drying of the mortar.

6. Remains of putty can be removed with a damp, hard sponge or a special grater.

7. Temperature joints between separate parts of the building structure (near window frames, door frames, near the floor and ceiling, etc.) are treated with polyurethane or silicone sealants. Clinker tiles are protected from accidental ingress of sealant using a special self-adhesive tape, after which the surface is slightly moistened with water from the spray gun and the seams are carefully filled with sealant. After it has completely hardened, the tape and excess sealant are carefully removed.

How much will it cost to lay clinker tiles?

The cost of laying clinker tiles must be calculated taking into account several factors. First of all, the cost of laying clinker tiles directly depends on the cost of the materials used. The cost of a tile is affected by its type, quality, size, manufacturer, physical indicators, etc. The presence of decorative elements will increase the total cost of the work.

Also, when calculating the cost of laying tiles, it is necessary to take into account the cost of other finishing materials: adhesive mixtures, grouts, etc.

If you plan to order the laying of clinker tiles from specialists, the final cost of this service will be affected by the volume of work and its external conditions such as season, altitude, time in which work must be completed, etc.

Source: vse-postroim-sami.ru

How to lay tiles on a wall

Facing the front wall with tiles is not the cheapest, but the most durable, beautiful and respectable type of finish. Most often, brick clinker tiles are used to design facades, perfectly imitating real brickwork. Suitable for all surfaces: wood, concrete, brick, plaster.

The installation process is energy-intensive and long, but the result is a reliable coating that will last for many years without losing sight and protective properties. How to put tiles on the wall so that the result meets expectations?

Preparing the wall for laying tiles

You can lay the tile on an unprepared surface, but it is better to plaster the wall first: this will eliminate bumps, cracks, voids, which can adversely affect the quality and durability of the tile coating.

1. Inspect and tap the surface, remove flaking plaster, paint, dirt.

2. If the surface is concrete, first the stucco mesh is fixed to the surface with dowels, on which a rough layer of plaster is placed.

3. Primed the wall.

4. Prepare a solution based on a conventional sand-cement mixture with the addition of tile glue. The proportion of cement and glue is 1: 1.

5. Install beacon profiles. They are attached to the mortar. It is better to start from the extreme lighthouses, level them out. Pull the fishing line along the upper and lower cuts: this is a marking for intermediate profiles. Intermediate during installation should also be measured by level. The step between them is about 15 centimeters less than the length of the rule used by the installer.

6. Dry the lighthouses during the day.

7. Plaster the wall along the lighthouses. Grater can not overwrite.

Styling technology

The technology of laying tiles on the wall is quite simple, but it is mandatory. Putting tiles on the wall is desirable after the plaster layer has completely dried out (about three weeks).

1. Use the level and the masking line to mark the walls. The control line is marked at the level of the second row (the first row will be regulated under the blind area). Fasten the profile or a level board along the line with the dowels - the first stackable row will rest on it.

Tip: so that the solution lays down better and does not crack after drying, it is recommended to moisten the wall.

2. Laying tiles on the wall begins with window and doorways, from the corners of the house. For this, tiled corner elements are used.

3. Apply a layer of mortar to the wall using a comb with a tooth length of 1 centimeter. Put a little glue on the back of the tile.

Important: the glue dries on average about 15 minutes, faster in the wind. The size of the site should be such that you have time to glue it during this time.

4. Putting the tile on the wall is necessary with a run. The width of the seam at the joint is different: for an extruded clinker about a centimeter, for a pressed clinker, 0.5 is enough. During installation, building crosses are used.

5. Dry the masonry. Wipe with grout or the same tiled adhesive. No voids should remain: if water leaks into the masonry, the tile may peel off. It is better to wash the tile stained with grouting immediately.

There is a modification of the tiles for self-tapping screws. More often it is used with a ventilated facade, but can also be used with conventional cladding. The marking and installation in this case is the same, only the installation of the coating itself is carried out in a dry way.

The main disadvantage of tiles for self-tapping screws is that it is even more expensive than usual. But to lay such a tile on the wall is easier, and more difficult to spoil the masonry.

Putting tiles on the wall in the wet way is possible only in good weather, dry - in any way.

Source: fasadra.ru

How to install facade tiles with glue and screws

Exterior decoration of the house can be performed in various versions, from the application of plastering materials to various methods of installing the casing.

The choice of a particular type of finish depends on the owner's capabilities, his aesthetic preferences or the availability of a particular material.

In addition, the choice is often based on the possibility of independent work.

In this regard, facade tile is a material having the widest range of possibilities.

Unlike siding or facade panels, which have a certain general technological sequence of installation, facade tiles are available in many versions and do not have a single installation technique.

Depending on the design, it can be laid using traditional technology, or installed using methods close to the siding installation technique. The main difference between facade tiles from other types of exterior decoration is the independent installation of each element, a wide variety of types, materials and appearance.

Types of facade tiles

Facade tile is a material that has many different types of manufacturing and installation options.

Installation possible:

  • On the glue. The method that is most similar to the methods of laying tile facing.
  • On fixing materials (self-tapping screws, kleimers, etc.).

For the manufacture of facade cladding can be used:

  • Porcelain tile, artificial stone.
  • Cement mortar.
  • Plastic (polypropylene, vinyl, etc.).
  • Fiber cement compositions.
  • Polymer sand.
  • Basaltic.
  • Asbestos-cement, etc.

By species, it differs by:

The main task of the facade cladding is to form a protective coating of the house, able to withstand external atmospheric manifestations and possessing high decorative qualities. The appearance of the decoration is special, since it is the external effect that is the first thing that catches your eye when looking at any house.

In this regard, facade tile breaks all records - it has the largest number of types of imitation of a stone or wooden surface. All design options used in the manufacture of siding, facade panels and other cladding are used in the manufacture of facade tiles.

Accessories for facade tiles

The presence of components is not typical for all types of facade tiles. Many types of material are laid according to conventional technology and do not need additional elements. This situation is typical for small material.

If the elements are quite large, then without specialized parts it will be difficult to do without. Typically, corner profiles are made that make it possible to accurately veneer the external (in some cases, internal) corners of the house.

In addition, fasteners - kleimers, mounting brackets, etc. can be used as component materials. For some types of material, manufacturers provide for the creation of a subsystem - a supporting structure for installation with the formation of a ventilation facade.

At the same time, most types of tiles intended for dry installation, do not have a strict binding to the type of subsystem and can be installed on any planks - wooden or metal.

Stucco and surface reinforcement

For tiles that are installed on glue, a smooth and uniform base is required. The walls of the house, especially at a respectable age of construction, can have a large number of various flaws - cracks, dents, stratified or crumbling areas. In addition, an external insulation can be installed on the surface of the wall, requiring the application of a dense layer on top of it to lay the tiles.

The best base is a layer of plaster. If it is applied to a rigid base, then it is possible to do without reinforcing, but if relatively soft insulation is plastering, or the wall material is loose and prone to shedding, then for the strength or resistance of the plaster to mechanical stress, it will be necessary to use a reinforcing mesh.

A metal or fiberglass mesh is used, which is installed on the insulation or on the wall and a layer of plaster is applied over it.

It must be understood that the presence of a grid does not save from the appearance of cracks, does not strengthen the wall material. The mesh serves for greater strength of the plaster, without contributing to the adhesion to wall materials. Therefore, on problematic walls, before plastering, all fragile areas should be removed as much as possible, after which a deep penetration primer should be applied.

When plastering on insulation, first of all, it is necessary to put a layer of the solution on it with a notched trowel, slightly push the mesh into it, then, on top of it, apply another layer. Then the grid will be inside the layer, which will allow it to maximize its functions.

Surface preparation

The surface of the wall should be freed from all foreign objects fixed on it - remove all the lights, disconnect the platbands, gutters, brackets, air conditioners, etc. Then you should carefully inspect the wall, determining the quality of the surface, the condition of the material and the number of problem areas.

Existing cracks should be opened with a spatula to make sure their depth and facilitate access to the plaster material. Peeling or shedding should be removed as much as possible, the entire wall should be strong, without problem areas, reliable.

After cleaning the wall, apply a double coat of primer with an intermediate exposure to dry. Large potholes are recommended to be pre-filled with a solution so that the subsequent layer is more even.

Surface marking

If you plan to install tiles on a subsystem, you will need preliminary marking of the surface. It is necessary that the location of the batten planks matches the tile attachment points. To do this, measure the distance between adjacent fasteners vertically and horizontally and, taking into account the obtained values, mark the wall with the obtained step.

When performing the operation, it is necessary to control the horizontal and vertical using the building level. If you plan to use corner profiles, then when marking, you should take into account the features of their installation and ensure the appropriate location of the strips.

Setting the start (start) bar

The starting plate for the tile serves as a reference line, providing an even and horizontal installation line for the first (lower) row. Since the design of the facade tile does not have any lock connected to the starting bar, then to support the bottom row, a regular even level bar from any material is sufficient, subsequently it will still be removed.

Installation of the starting bar is carried out along a line drawn along the perimeter of the house strictly horizontally and corresponding to the lower cut of the first row of tiles.

Methods of fixing tiles

Depending on the design, the method of fixing the facade tiles may be different:

  • “Wet” method - with the help of adhesive. Specialized types of glue are used for the tile material (porcelain stoneware, fiber cement, clinker, etc.).
  • Mounting on self-tapping screws. Perhaps hidden fastening (hidden seam), or open with a visible arrangement of fasteners.
  • The use of various mechanical locks - for example, kleimers. With this method, fixing is performed on specialized devices that are most suitable for the material used in size and other indicators, but significant secrecy of the fasteners cannot be achieved - the climers are visible on the surface of the tile. With a small size, this spoils the overall appearance of the cladding canvas.
  • Facade tiles with metal fittings.

Typically, each type of tile is designed for a specific installation method, which cannot be changed.

Adhesive preparation

For laying tiles, use specialized or at least the most suitable glue varieties in terms of characteristics. It is sold in dry form, it must be diluted with water in a certain consistency.

The density of the finished solution should be such that the adhesive is freely applied, does not drip from the surface, but is not too viscous. There are a great many types of glue; to exclude possible errors, you should read the instructions for use on the packaging.

Exactly following the instructions, observing the proportion of dilution and the exposure time of the composition before use increase the strength of the adhesive and its adhesion to the tile and base.

Tile Laying Technology

Laying tiles is from bottom to top in the direction corresponding to its design (especially if there is a hidden seam). Glue is applied with a notched trowel on the surface of the wall and on the tile, and the direction of the adhesive strips should be transverse - if the lines on the wall are horizontal, then on the tile - vertical.

How to get around tiles corners and openings

If the tiles have the corresponding corner profiles, then they are used to design the outer corners of the house and window or doorways. If such elements are not provided, then the corners are formed in the same way as when applying ordinary tile - precise fitting of the material and accurate installation at the corners.

In any case, the outer corners are faced first, then window and door openings are formed. If there are corner profiles, then the openings are made out by them, but if only tile is used, then the slopes should be faced first, and the outer frame of the opening is made at the same time as the wall canvas.


The joints between the tiles must be grouted, i.e. filling gaps to prevent water from entering wall materials. For grouting, the same types of glue are used that were used during installation, or special compositions for external use, the method of application depends on the type of tile and its design features.

At the same time, not all types of tiles need grouting, but only those that are installed on glue and have gaps. When applying a trowel, you should be careful, because many types of material are poorly removed from the surface of the tile. It is recommended to remove excess glue immediately before it sets.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to lay facade tiles:


The use of facade tiles is a more time-consuming option for exterior decoration than, for example, installing siding, but as a result, you can get your own version of the coating. A lot of options for choosing both material, and the pattern or color of the tile makes it possible to realize many design ideas and create a strong decorative effect.

At the same time, the protective properties of the tiles, providing a cut-off from atmospheric moisture and temperature, make it possible to increase the service life of the walls of the house.



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