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Kitten make-up on the child's face. DIY cat makeup for Halloween: original, simple, seductive! Useful video clip about face painting for children

Face painting is the art of applying paints to the face. Face painting is especially popular among children. Each parent will be able to create an interesting image on the face of a child, using the advice of this article.

Every child dreams of reincarnating as a fairytale or fantastic character. It was for these purposes that special paintswhich adopted apply face painting... Their uniqueness is that they are made water based and do not contain absolutely any harmful substances.

In addition, face painting perfectly washed off with water... To do this, you just need to wash yourself with warm water and a little soap. Paints adhere perfectly to the face:

  • Do not crack
  • Do not crumble
  • Dry quickly
  • Do not flow
  • Do not stain clothes
  • Have a bright saturated color
  • Doesn't cause allergy or irritation

It is customary to apply paint on the face with a regular brush or sponge... They can create absolutely any patterns, three-dimensional drawings, small details. Face painting will help your child feel like a real hero at a holiday, children's event or matinee. Try to do the simplest makeup on your child's face, for example, a kitty.

Face painting on a child's face

How to draw a cat on a child's face?

Every parent can try to turn their child into a “kitten”. So you can diversify any children's holiday: Birthday, New Year, kindergarten graduation, Halloween and any other date.

In order to start drawing, you will need some tools:

  • Base color sponges
  • Detailing brushes
  • Essential wipes (to remove excess smears) and cotton swabs.
  • Face painting (paints)

Step by step drawing:

  • You need white paint
  • Soak a sponge in white paint and start applying makeup on your face.
  • First, bleach the area between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose.
  • Then paint over the area above the lip with white, all the way to the wings of the nose on both sides. (see photo # 1)
  • Lighten the chin a little
  • Take the pink paint
  • Using a sponge, apply the pink color above the brows. You should draw triangles - they will symbolize the cat's ears. (see photo # 2)
  • With pink paint, also shade the chin under the white paint, the cheeks in the cheekbones and apply a little on the tip of the nose.
  • Take a thin brush and dip it in black paint. You should draw the outline of the ears above the eyebrows. To do this, circle the pink triangles on both sides, without touching the base. (see photo # 3)
  • Paint the nose with black paint. Here you can show your imagination and depict a nose of any shape: triangular, round or heart. (see photo No. 4)
  • Above the lip, where you applied the white paint, draw some dots. Use a thin brush to paint long tendrils on the cheeks. (see photo No. 5)
  • You can add a few more fur-like strokes to your chin or cheekbones if you like. Face painting is ready!

How to make face painting of a cat on a child's face?

How to draw a cat's face on your face?

The following tips will help to draw a realistic cat's face on a child's face:

  • Dip a thin brush into the paint and apply it to the outline above the upper lip under the nose. The line should follow the curve of the lip and extend beyond the mouth on both sides, as well as curl inward. Also draw the outline of the cat's nose at the tip of the child's nose. (mi. photo No. 1)
  • White paint with a sponge should be applied to the face. You need to paint over the entire area above the previously drawn arc, capturing the cheeks, nose, eyes and eyebrows (see photo # 2)
  • Draw the contours with a thin brush using black paint, make a clear nose and draw the shape of the cat's eyes (see photo # 3)
  • With a thin brush, make small dots above the upper lip and in the brow region.
  • Soak a thin brush in brown paint and draw the cat's fur and antennae with neat strokes. (see photo No. 4, 5, 6).

The muzzle of a cat on the face of a child using face painting

Face painting: cat on the face, photo

Face painting allows adults to "roam the fantasies", creating unusual drawings on the faces of their children. The more you practice creating such a makeup, the better and more realistic the images will be. Such entertainment will decorate any children's holiday.

Every child will definitely want to try face painting on himself, take a picture as a souvenir with such a pattern and please his friends. There are a lot of kitty makeup options.

Face painting of a cat on the faces of children, examples with photos:

Face painting "cat", option number 1

Face painting "cat", option number 2

Face painting "cat", option number 3

Face painting "cat", option number 4

Face painting "cat", option number 5

Face painting "cat", option number 6

Face painting "cat", option number 7

Face painting "cat", option number 8

Makeup of a cat on the face with paints: photo

It is not difficult to make makeup that repeats the features of a cat on a child's face. For this, you can use face painting or simple gouache paints. You need to draw the main patterns:

  • Spout
  • Antennae
  • curve of the mouth

How to draw a cat's nose with paints?

Use a black makeup pencil instead of black paint. It has a rich black color, easy to apply to the skin, long-lasting and easy to wash off.

How to draw the eyes of a cat?

It is also recommended to draw cat arrows in front of the eyes and dots above the lip using a black cosmetic pencil.

Makeup of a cat on the face of a child with paints

Feel free to experiment while creating your makeup. Depict as much detail as possible to make the drawing look realistic.

Video: "Face painting kitten"

The traditional way to celebrate Halloween is to come up with a vivid image for yourself, in accordance with which you can apply makeup, hair and, of course, choose an outfit. And what a holiday without a catwoman ?! If everything is more or less clear with the hairstyle and outfit, then you will have to work hard on makeup and, as a rule, on your own. So that you don't have any problems with how to make a cat makeup for Halloween, we offer a step-by-step instruction - a guide to action.

Step-by-step scheme for making-up a cat for Halloween

Tonal basis

Like any other make-up, Halloween cat makeup starts with the foundation, or rather, with the alignment of the face tone. With this task, we will be helped to cope with the standard tools that you resort to in everyday life. To keep makeup on your face for as long as possible, choose a foundation, cream, mousse, etc. according to your skin type. This will help you hide minor imperfections inherent in certain skin types, and, on the other hand, will not overload your face with non-standard cosmetic products.

  1. With small defects (pimples, abrasions, spots), corrective agents with a dense texture will help us to cope with, which will reliably mask flaws. For dark circles under the eyes, a highlighter with reflective particles or a liquid fluid designed to correct the area around the eyes does an excellent job. To make the foundation smoother, use special brushes or a sponge, but don't overdo it: if you apply a thick layer of makeup, it will make your face look unnatural, like a mask.
  2. When toning your face, do not forget to paint over your natural eyebrows. So, it will be much more convenient for you to give your eyebrows the desired bend and shape with your own hands. The image of a cat allows for both thin, curved eyebrows, and "shaggy", fleecy, imitating cat hair. Choose an option that will organically fit into your image.

Make-up eye

  1. Catwoman makeup for Halloween involves giving the eyes a clear, elongated almond shape that repeats. The liner will help us with this. Draw a clear line at the base of the lashes, extending and extending its ponytail upward. Apply makeup in dark tones that contrast well with your skin tone.
  2. Halloween makeup for girls does not recognize any taboos - show your imagination: paint over the entire eyelid with a black pencil, lengthening the corner of the eye, or for a dramatic effect - depict the classic ones, drawing the outer corner with darker shades from the palette.
  3. Fluffy, voluminous eyelashes will help complement the cat's look. An expressive effect can be achieved with several layers of lengthening and voluminous mascara. Or just use false eyelashes.
  4. Catwoman makeup for Halloween will be more effective if you use lenses that simulate the iris and pupil of cat's eyes to recreate the look. Such an extraordinary approach to Halloween outfits will definitely not go unnoticed!

Cat face

A beautiful Halloween cat makeup would be unfinished without a neat cat face. You can depict it with a black cosmetic pencil or standard eyeliner.

  1. To draw a cat's nose, gently paint over the tip of your nose with a dark pencil, giving it a triangular shape. Draw a perpendicular straight line down to the level of the upper lip and paint over it in the same tone. Cover the lower lip with foundation or powder so that it does not stand out against the background of the face.
  2. Halloween cat makeup is also not possible without a gorgeous cat mustache. In the same way, in stages, using a black pencil or eyeliner, draw antennae radiating from the nasolabial fold.

A simple version of cat makeup for Halloween

Halloween cat makeup can be done at home and in a simpler version. The scheme for applying such a make-up involves focusing only on the eyes or on the face - here everyone is free to choose independently.

  • If your trump card for Halloween cat makeup involves making eyes, then lips can be filled with bright red lipstick, opened with varnish or lip gloss. Such a beautiful cat makeup for Halloween is very sexy and highly revered by the male audience, which, together with a tight-fitting outfit, will make a splash.
  • If you decide to make the main accent a cat's face, then draw the tip of the nose with a dark pencil, bring the nasolabial fold with white shadows to give your make-up a relief. Outline the upper lip with dark lipstick or pencil, draw antennae or mark their location with black dots.
  • Beautiful feline makeup for Halloween involves a noticeable sculptural face with prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks. You can achieve this effect with bronzing powder and blush. Pull your cheeks into the places where the cavities have formed, and on the protruding parts - peach blush with reflective particles. The visual effect of this combination of textures is truly unique!

Video: beautiful Halloween cat woman makeup

Full of mysticism and mystery, the image of a cat has long become traditional for costume parties on the eve of All Saints' Day. As a rule, girls choose him, because the fashionable look of Lady Cat is the embodiment of femininity and grace.

And of course, children are the permanent lovers of the cat style in fancy dress. Less often men try it on themselves, preferring more brutal images to a black cat suit.

In this article, we'll look at the most popular Halloween cat outfits for women and kids. So, read about all the intricacies of the "alchemy" of this reincarnation below.

Halloween is perhaps the most original and unusual holiday celebrated all over the world. Until recently, All Saints' Day was a celebration only for the peoples of America. Today pumpkins are carved and dressed in the most mystical and terrifying images also in Europe and Asia. However, the amazing and extraordinary moment of this holiday is not so much the decor as the opportunity to demonstrate your individuality and singularity in an unnatural theme. After all, the images inherent in Halloween are not refined and beautiful bows, but frightening and somewhere even disgusting roles. Nevertheless, it is very important for modern girls to remain feminine, attractive and sexy as well. Considering that All Saints' Day is not considered a "young" holiday, choosing a costume today is not a difficult task. How many ideas on the topic of vampirism, witchcraft and rising from the dead have been suggested by stylists! And even in such images, you can demonstrate the uniqueness and show from a completely new side what, it would seem, everything has already been said. And, nevertheless, women of fashion are looking for more and more new and unexpected solutions.

Today, the animalistic theme has gained great popularity. And the most popular for girls was the image of a black cat. In everyday life, this animal evokes associations with mysticism and witchcraft among many. Remember how the most non-superstitious spit over the left shoulder or go around the place where the black one. However, without being distracted from the set topic, let's return to creating this image for Halloween directly. Of course, the main element of the role of the mystical role is the outfit. But it is also very important to pay attention to the Halloween black cat makeup, which often determines the role of the girl at the holiday.

Halloween Cat Makeup

For girls who have chosen the image of a cat for Halloween, it is important to make makeup not so much expressive as characteristic of this animal. In this case, it means that make-up is completely different from everyday makeup. Let's take a closer look at what a catwoman should be on All Saints' Night?

Halloween Cat Eye Makeup... The main element in the mystical make-up of an animalistic theme is the eyes. If you are doing makeup at home and your costume does not involve a mask, you should definitely draw black expressive arrows. It is also worthwhile to lengthen and fluff your eyelashes well to make your eyes even more attractive. Remember that in this case it is not enough to do just shadows in the style of smoky-eyes. Eyeliner is a must. In addition, the actual solution will be creating an unnatural bright green or amber shade, as well as constricting the pupil.

Halloween Cat Lips... As a rule, girls choose a rich red lipstick for a feline look. You can leave this option in the classic form or add a black pencil to the lips. However, it will be more typical for a mystical image to highlight the upper lip in black with a strip connecting the black nose. In this case, the lower lip should be colorless.

Halloween Catwoman Makeup Eyebrows... This part of the face can be given the least attention. It is better if you do not dye your eyebrows at all or give them a little expressiveness. But stylists also offer decorative make-up, conveying the shape of the "house" and the animal's coat in this area.

Halloween black cat makeup decor

In addition to making up a black cat, stylists suggest decorating your appearance in the style of wild animals for Halloween. Such roles are characterized by leopard, tiger or lion face coloration. The latest trend on All Saints' Night was the image of the Cheshire Cat with an unnaturally wide smile. To create such a make-up, the services of a professional are needed, who, using decorative makeup, will make a beautiful coloring. In addition, face decoration with large rhinestones, sequins, and mustache trim is considered a topical decoration for a cat on Halloween.

Halloween parties and the celebration of this unusual dark holiday will begin very soon. If you are going to go to the club or just for a visit, but do not want to dress up in the costume of the famous sorceress, you should do your Halloween makeup. Militta has already talked about bold ideas, and today we will consider more restrained options for a festive color.

A spider web on the face or a small spider web along with shadows are suitable for a variety of Halloween looks. The spider web can adorn a vampire, a gothic beauty, a black widow, or a sorceress.

To create a cobweb, paint the lower eyelid with black pencil, and on the upper eyelid, until the crease, apply black shadows. Color the space under the eyebrows with the image of a cobweb: first draw vertical lines, and then connect them with curved ones.

To create an adorable cat look, draw long arrows with pencil or eyeliner. Draw the arrows, carefully filling the space between the eyelashes. When you reach the outer corner of the eye, make a smooth upward movement and draw a checkmark triangle. Paint over the resulting space. Pull the tip of the line to the side, drawing a tail.

It is best to use a thin brush to make the arrow more accurate.

Finally, we will complete the cat look with a black nose and antennae, using the same black pencil. We will also outline the lips, painted with scarlet lipstick.

3. Halloween makeup with unusual arrows

For many dark Halloween looks, a sharp arrow makeup technique will work. First, draw an arrow on the upper eyelid and then underline the lower eyelid. To create a false eyelash effect, complement the bottom arrow with sharp triangular ridges.

Another option for non-standard pointed arrows is to draw the top and bottom arrows and connect their edges. Extend the lines at the top and bottom by drawing sharp ends.

For a truly mystical and mysterious look, experiment with a black pencil. For example, try decorating your eyes with a lot of casual lines. A suitable option for the image of a sorceress, vampire and other guest from another world.

Check out our other Halloween makeup articles, every year we tell you how to prepare for this dark holiday, so the site has a lot of inspiring materials ...

Remember the children's story about the secret that becomes apparent? It turns out that this thesis applies not only to the hated porridge thrown out the window. A little makeup - and you will be surprised to find that in. And very gifted.

If you come across face painting with an oily texture, you can apply it with a dry sponge. If not, then the sponge should be slightly moistened. However, it is imperative to remove excess water in order to avoid streaks when applying the paint.


  • face painting in white, black and red
  • glitter
  • glitter glue or hair gel


  • cosmetic sponge for face
  • cosmetic brushes of different diameters
  • faux glitter brush

Step 1

Apply white face painting between the eyebrows, on the upper half of the bridge of the nose, above the lip on both sides of the nasolabial cavity (dimple, popularly known as the "angel's kiss"), and on both sides of the dimple on the chin using a sponge. To get a blurry effect, the sponge can be slightly moistened.

Step 2

Draw ears on the forehead with pink or dim red paint. To do this, again, with the help of a sponge, we draw triangles above the eyebrows, the base of which is actually the eyebrows themselves. We also apply pink face painting with a sponge on the chin and the lower part of the bridge of the nose.

Step 3

Using a thin brush, paint over the ears with black paint. First, they circle the side of the triangles that is closer to the eyebrow, then the one that is closer to the temples. You don't need to circle the base of the triangles! We connect the inner lower corners of the triangles of the ears with a thin line.

Step 4

We decorate the cat's nose. He may look however you like. In our case, we draw a fairly bold semicircle on the tip of the nose with black paint using a thin brush.

Step 5

On a white background above the lip, draw some black dots using a thin brush. After that, draw a mustache on the cheeks.

Step 6

Using a thin brush with black paint, paint a beard: several lines converging to a point under the chin.



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