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  How to cut log cabins. The technology of cutting the log house into the bowl - all stages

A wooden house is an aesthetic, ecological and safe housing, which is distinguished by high heat and sound insulation properties, strength and reliability. Many are interested in whether it is possible to assemble and install a log house with your own hands. Make it real, but difficult. When installing, it is important to take into account a lot of factors, including the quality of the log, lumber calculations and the layout of the house, installation features, etc.

Please note that poor-quality materials and assembly errors will reduce the performance and life of the house, lead to the appearance of rot and mold in the structure, skewed walls and many other, no less serious problems. But if you decide to independently build a country house or bath, this article will tell you how to make a log house.

Design and material selection

Do-it-yourself felling begins with the design of the house, taking into account the characteristics of the land, future engineering systems and room design. The layout of the log house can be rectangular or square, as well as curly in the form of a semicircle, hexagon, etc. Of course, the construction of the first option will be much easier.

After creating the project and calculating the estimates, lumber is carefully selected. Round logs are the best option for those who want to assemble a log house and build a house on their own.

Such logs are characterized by a smooth and even surface, the same dimensions and diameters. This will make installation quick and easy. In addition, logs that are closely adjacent to each other will provide good thermal insulation. Due to the aesthetics and naturalness of the materials, the round wood house will harmoniously fit into the environment. The wooden structure will look elegant and original. Read more about the benefits of a log home.

To get a reliable and durable house, you need to use only high-quality logs. It is desirable that the lumber be from forest regions and undergo special processing. In the company “Marisrub” logging takes place in the Kirov region, the republics of Mari El and Komi. These regions are famous for good, large and damp-resistant wood.

Raw materials and logs are carefully selected and processed in the company's own workshop. The tree is impregnated and treated with protective agents against the negative effects of moisture and insects. Such materials will last longer and retain their original appearance and properties.

Choose logs harvested from the winter forest. Since such wood is more strong and resistant to moisture. On lumber, small diameter knots and a small natural defect are allowed. Trunks of quality materials are characterized by yellow or dark yellow colors. It should be untwisted logs of the same diameter and one tree species. There should be no mechanical damage, rot or wormholes on the surface.

How to bandage a blockhouse

After the materials are selected, and the foundation for the wooden house is installed, proceed to the assembly of the log house. The fastening or ligation of logs is of two main types. It is “in the bowl” and “in the paw”. Both methods characterize the stability and strength of the structure of the future home, and they differ in the creation of grooves.

Chopping “into the bowl” or “into the cloud” is the traditional Russian method of assembling a log house. He suggests that the corners of the structure are connected with the release of the ends with a length of two log diameters. Because of this, the cost of lumber increases. The construction of such a house will cost more, but the heat inside will remain for a long time. In addition, building angles will not be adversely affected by wind and rainfall.

The “paw” method assumes that the logs are placed in brackets, aligned on the outer edge and squeeze the excess from the inside. This is a colder room, therefore, for insulation, the ends are closed with boards. This is necessary in order to protect sawn wood from decay. Note that the log house “in the paw” must be squeezed inside.

Bandaging the logs “in the paw” has a more modern and aesthetic appearance and less waste wood. But to create a warm and durable home, you will need a lot of additional work. Therefore, such cutting will become a laborious process.

Felling installation technology

  • Waterproofing is laid on the horizontal surface of the flooded foundation. As a material, roofing material is suitable. For laying, the foundation is lubricated with preheated and ruberoid sheets are applied on top. After drying, make another layer;
  • Boards with a thickness of at least 5 centimeters are stolen on the waterproofing layer, and a layer of tow or jute is laid on top of the boards. This will enhance the thermal insulation properties, because up to 40% of the heat goes through the floor and foundation !;
  • A log house is installed on the insulation layer. As a rule, production logs are numbered. Such a wall kit is easy to assemble according to the attached scheme;
  • Lay crowns strictly according to the level row by row and fasten with pins. Make sure that the logs lie flat !;
  • A layer of insulation is also placed on each crown placed in the form of tow or jute. The insulation is fixed with a construction stapler;
  • In addition to dressing at the corners, logs are connected through each meter of length using spikes. Additional fastening will make the structure stable.

The final stage

After assembly, the log house is left for 0.5-1.5 years for shrinkage, while the structure is better to close with plastic wrap for waterproofing. During this period, you can sew up floors and install rafters for future roofing. Sew floors with boards with a thickness of 60 mm, which are laid on beams. Boards are connected using spikes. The ceiling can be laid in the same way.

After installing the roof, they move on to finishing work. First of all, it is the insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls. Do not forget about engineering systems, including electricity and water, ventilation and sewage. These communications must be carried out before the start of the interior decoration. At the same time, the location and installation of these systems are calculated at the design stage of the house!

Installation of a log house and the construction of a wooden house with your own hands is a complex and time-consuming process that requires knowledge and skills. Wrong sequence and technology of work, poor quality materials and lack of experience will lead to serious problems. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to professionals!

Masters of the MariSrub company will complete the construction of a wooden house, cottage or turnkey bath! We offer services for creating a project of your dream home, assembling and installing a log house, installing a foundation and roof, arranging communications and finishing the structure. The company has its own workshop for the production of logs and chopped logs. Independent production - a guarantee of careful quality control and low prices!

Log house made of round timber is a classic solution used in construction for centuries. Round wood is chosen as a material for houses and baths, with the help of log cabins, summer houses and outbuildings are erected.  Logs have high thermal insulation qualities, while retaining all the advantages of a natural material. It is difficult, but quite possible, to build the right log house from a round log with your own hands, however, it is important to deal with all the features of a wooden house.

Features of log houses

Log houses from roundwood do not lose their popularity, since this material allows for natural exchange and at the same time has very low thermal conductivity. In such houses there will be a comfortable temperature and at the same time a light pleasant atmosphere with the aroma of a tree that many people like. However, because of the round shape of the logs, the joints between them will need to be insulated. The log house of a round log can stand for a very long time, the best examples of wooden architecture cost hundreds of years. For the construction, several log options are used, and you need to decide on the most profitable of them:
  • A peeled log is a tree trunk, from which only the upper layer of the bark is removed, knots and various irregularities are removed. At the same time, the natural protective layers of wood are preserved, so the material will be more durable and durable. However, the cracked log always has a different thickness at the base (comel) and top, so when laying them will need to be alternated.
  • The rounded log is a kind of round wood that has undergone special processing. Several layers of wood are removed, only the most dense middle part remains. In addition, the log acquires an even cylindrical shape, so it will be easier to use.
  • Sometimes an additional calibrated log is isolated. Cracked trunks are selected strictly by diameter (caliber), making construction easier, and the walls will be more even.

Whichever option you choose, a round log house will be the most beautiful solution: log houses have excellent aesthetic qualities, their appearance reminds of Russian fairy tales. The surface of the walls will have to be subjected to a protective treatment, but it will preserve the natural color and texture of the tree, so the building will look great.

Preparatory work before construction

How to make a log house from round timber? Construction begins with the selection of suitable material and preparation of the project. The most popular in Russia are pine houses: it is inexpensive, grows in almost all regions, is easy to process. Soft material will require additional protection, but it can last quite a long time. A more expensive solution is a house made of larch logs: this type of wood does not decay, and it only gets stronger due to humidity. It is difficult to make a project yourself, especially if there is no experience in drawing drawings. However, you can find ready-made standard solutions and refine them in accordance with personal preferences. You can contact a specialized company, where a professional architect will develop a project that is most suitable for all requests.

Stages of construction of a log house

When all the preparatory work is completed, you can begin to assemble the log house on the site. The owner must decide on the type of foundation of the house: if a major two-story building is being built, the tape shallow foundation should be the best solution, and for a light small construction, a columnar base will be suitable. The site is marked with pegs between which the ropes stretch, after which you can lay the foundation strictly according to the resulting lines.

The strip foundation is a monolithic concrete strip, which is poured along the entire perimeter of the building. Concrete is reinforced with a reinforcing cage, so the tape base remains one of the most durable and reliable.

After pouring the foundation, it needs to dry, it takes several weeks. Only after that it is possible to disassemble the formwork and proceed to the assembly of the log house. The foundation requires careful waterproofing: roofing material is laid in several layers on it, you can also use bitumen mastic. The log house itself is assembled in several stages:

  • The first crown is assembled from the thickest, strongest and most reliable logs that have to withstand the weight of the house. From the bottom, they are teased so that it can be laid flat on the foundation.
Typically, for logs from round logs, the “into the bowl” type of logging is used: in logs, semicircular recesses are selected, with which the corners of the log are fastened. It is important that the bowls are as even as possible, then the wall will be reliable.
  • Before laying the next crown, a roll insulation is laid on the log. Its use will allow to avoid constant caulking: flax or jute fiber, moss or other materials will not let out heat, and from the side the inter-crown insulation is almost invisible.
  • The logs crowns are laid one on top of the other, not forgetting the openings for doors and windows according to the project. Usually, the assembly work for professionals takes only a few days, the novice master will have to carefully adjust the logs to each other, it will take time.
  • The last crown serves as a Mauerlat - roof rafters will rest on it. For log cabins from round timber, they usually use a classic gable roof with a large slope so that snow does not linger on it. When the last crown is laid, ceiling beams are cut into it, and you can proceed to the installation of the rafters in the selected way.
  • When the log house of the round timber is assembled, it must be allowed to stand for at least six months to complete the shrinkage process and the wood to dry as much as possible. Before this, it must be treated with an antiseptic so that rot does not start.
Only when the finished log house dries, can we proceed to warming, external and internal decoration. It is imperative to warm the subfloor, roof, attic, less often use additional wall insulation.

Today, there is great interest in the construction of wooden houses, including the old log house technology. This is due to the desire of people to live in an environmentally friendly housing.

Log houses are popular due to their environmental friendliness.

Meanwhile, to satisfy such a desire, one has to remember the architectural and construction secrets of the ancestors. There are quite a few of these secrets, and one of them is the knowledge of how to chop a log house into a bowl.

In practice, there is nothing particularly complicated in mastering this technique, although carelessness and self-confidence are unacceptable here. It is necessary to carefully understand some of the subtleties and understand what a log house is in the bowl and what it is good for.

Chopping the log house into the bowl: its pros and cons

This method of constructing building frames brought the modern spirit of an old Russian home, reliable, enchanting with its folk style. In this technology, the connection of the times is very tangible, and today builders, who know how, like their colleagues hundreds of years ago, are actively building houses for permanent residence and the Russian baths that they love among people.

When a log is cut into the bowl, each upper log is placed in a semicircular recess, which is cut in the lower log lying perpendicularly.

The essence of this angular connection of the processed logs is that each upper log is placed in a special semicircular notch cut out in the lower perpendicular log. The recess, which is called the bowl, is made of such a size that the top log after laying sufficiently tightly laid on the previous log of the wall. Thus, a continuous, without significant gaps, vertical overlap is created.

The centuries-old experience of national construction and climatic features in a particular locality have had a definite impact on the development of this technology. A variant of the angular ligament of logs, when the upper log lays in the bowl, is called "Russian cabin" (or "round"). But there is also a reverse way of cutting down a blockhouse. It consists in the fact that the bowl is cut down in the upper log on its lower part and therefore lies on the lower log. This technique was called "Siberian cabin (or" in the hoop ").

The emergence of such a technology was due to large, compared with the middle zone of Russia, problems with cold and precipitation in Siberia. Many experts believe that the Siberian version of logging protects the log house more reliably from all-penetrating moisture and frost.

Choosing the option of chopping the felling in the way "into the bowl", the master assumes a certain responsibility for the result. Therefore, it is reasonable to know what advantages and disadvantages this technology is characterized by.

Thanks to this connection, the structure of the log building is very strong, with warm corners not blown by the wind.

Marking and cutting down the log house “into the bowl”.

A beautiful original house created by environmentally friendly building materials looks very harmonious and does not require additional external wall decoration.

At the same time, the customer may have difficulties if he nevertheless decides to sheathe the blockhouse. This is a minus of this technology. Another drawback of the log house in the bowl is a rather high material consumption compared to other log house technologies. Due to the projecting angles of 50-60 cm, the builders lose the useful living space of the house.

How to cut a log house into a bowl: materials and tools

For a comfortable and productive cutting down of bowls you will need the following tools:

  • carpentry ax;
  • chainsaw (electric saw);
  • chisel;
  • carpenter's compass (carpentry trait);
  • insulation (tow, moss, jute, etc.).

Which wood is better to use for the construction of a log house?

In order to successfully cut a log house into a bowl, a good tool and the corresponding skill of a carpenter builder are not enough. It is necessary to determine the best material for this, which will resist infection by the fungus and attacks of bark beetles

Types of cuts “in the oops”.

Carpenters recognize a pine as an almost ideal tree species for this. It is valued for a smooth, almost knotless trunk, characterized by a high degree of hardness. However, this fact does not interfere with the convenient processing, which is distinguished by pine. On the other hand, as an integral element of the building wall, it captivates with its reliability and durability, good resistance to decay and the absence of cracking as a result of drying.

To cut the cabin confidently and quickly enough, it is recommended to select logs of approximately the same length and diameter. In this case, the most practical diameter according to the experience of using this technology is considered to be 22-24 cm.

As for the time of harvesting logs for the future log house, experts advise doing this in the winter. It was at this time in the tree trunk contains the least juice. Therefore, during subsequent drying of winter wood, it will be minimally warped, destructive cracks will appear in the trunk.

How to chop down: a sequence of operations

A good species of wood for the construction of a house from a log house is pine.

The production of any log house, including in the bowl method, begins with the preparation of the site on which the house will be built. By the beginning of the installation of the first, lowermost layer of logs, the foundation of the future structure should be mounted in such a way that a strict horizontal starting salary is ensured. Before starting the construction of walls, it is necessary to put a layer of waterproofing material on the foundation.

The device of the flange begins with the installation of two parallel to each other logs, which will subsequently become part of the long walls of the future building. Between them there should be a distance equal to the length of the planned log-cross.

After the first logs take their strictly horizontal and parallel position, 2 perpendicular logs are placed on their edges. On the crossbars laid out in this way, the marking of the future recesses is made. This operation is carried out using the carpentry features.

The contractor should very carefully note the semicircles on both logs at the same time, since only the perfect accuracy of calculations and marking provides the maximum density of contact of the logs to each other. At the same time, the depth of sampling of the bowl should guarantee such a landing of the upper log in the lower one, so that the upper trunk protrudes from the lower one to half its diameter.

The markup is followed by the actual selection. It is produced with a chainsaw, ax and chisel. After removing the wood from the bowl, a test installation of the logs is done to fit them tightly to each other.

To create a snug fit of the logs in the vertical plane, a special groove is cut out on the upper edge of the lower logs.

To create the most tight fit of the logs to each other in a vertical plane, a special groove for compaction is cut down on the upper edge of the lower logs along their entire length. Its thickness is influenced by the size of the logs, as well as the climate that prevails in the area where the building will stand. Usually it ranges from 120 mm to 200 mm.

No gap should appear in perfectly selected sealing grooves. Nevertheless, despite such a technological requirement, for additional thermal insulation before installing each upper log, the groove of the lower log is laid with a heater.

When installing logs in bowls, they are leveled with the help of special studs-pins, for which holes in the workpieces are pre-drilled to a depth equal to the height of one and a half logs. Laying the logs in this way, they are tapped with a wooden block. And all this time it is necessary to follow the strict verticality of the walls.

The nuances of work

To cut down the log house and to be resistant to weather, the logs are oriented with thin annual rings to the street, and with thick rings - inside the future home.

To facilitate this process, you can build a building in parts. Shifts (the so-called these parts) are usually connected on the earth, lining up by the size of human growth. Then each of them is disassembled and installed again on the base frame.

The pile option will be the best choice for a foundation under a wooden blockhouse. It is lightweight and easy to install.

In the absence of the necessary experience, the production of log cabins is recommended to start with the construction of something small and not very significant, for example, with a garden gazebo or a small bath. So experience will come and develop the skill necessary for the construction of a full-fledged house.

Having gradually learned building wisdom, the master will be able to create something not only suitable for housing, but also provoking enthusiastic responses with his exquisite appearance.

Wooden materials retain heat well, and are environmentally friendly, and also have an attractive appearance. Log house can be prepared with your own hands.

Materials and tools for the performance of work

To harvest the log house, you need to take the following tools:

  • Ax, it should not be too heavy.
  • Chisel.
  • Roulette, level and marker.
  • Plumb and bracket.
  • Hacksaw, shovel.
  • A rope and a compass marking tool.
  • Chainsaw.

Consider what the various expressions in the carpenter’s language mean:

  • A log house is the main structure without a roof and floor; its height is determined by the number of crowns.
  • A crown is a place in a log house that has a square or rectangular shape. In the corner part they are fastened with locks. The crown is of three types and is placed according to the name:
  1. window type;
  2. window type;
  3. window type;
  • The crown is the first element of the log house, with which the lower harness is protected from decay.
  • The lower harness is the second element of the log house, it is considered the main part where the logs are placed.
  • Logs are the support of the floor, and fix the harness in the lower part.
  • The crown of the closing type is the first window element.
  • The harness in the upper part serves as a support for the roof, it includes rafters and rails.
  • A comel is a section of the trunk that sits at the bottom of a tree. And on the opposite side is the peak.

Logs can be processed below to secure the work in progress. The construction of the log house takes place in three stages: the main part is performed, and then the middle and upper. The entire length of the log can be of a different circle, so you need to change the top and the comet. If you make a edging, then the crowns will connect well, and do not form large gaps. The deck in the extreme part is squeezed on both sides to get a flat surface.

Logging material

Initially, timber is harvested, after calculating the required number and size of logs, these figures depend on the width, height and length of the building. Therefore, before proceeding with this work, it is necessary to carry out a drawing of a building with clear dimensions, and calculate the amount of material. The preparation of the log house depends on the layout, type of fastening of the logs, and their processing.

When carrying out the project, they note what form the building will be, that is, it can be standard, which consists of four walls. And it can have an unusual appearance, and include a larger number of load-bearing elements.

Logs are attached in two ways: in the "bowl", and in the "paw", these types of construction of the grooves differ. In the first option, strong winds do not affect the corner parts of the structure, but more material is left in the dressing.

With the second version of the material, less is needed, but the angular parts will be under the influence of a strong wind, and it is more difficult to complete the grooves.

Construction can be made of cylindrical and profiled logs. In the first case, the log is processed to such an extent until it takes the form of a cylinder, special machines are used for this. Such material has a number of advantages:

The profiled view of the bar on the cut has a rectangular or square shape, its processing is also performed using a machine. At the final stage, the side parts of the log will be flat, and special grooves for fastening are located above and below. Such material also has its advantages:

  • Thanks to the grooves, the construction will be more stable, the work is faster than the first option.
  • Due to the flat surface of the lateral joints, water from precipitation does not penetrate horizontal joints, and the material does not lend itself to decay.
  • At the end of time, the logs do not move, since cuts are performed during manufacture. Such material has minimal shrinkage.
  • A profiled log has a small weight, therefore, it does not require the construction of an expensive and massive foundation.

For the manufacture of logs, coniferous species of wood are used. After harvesting the logs, the bark is removed and dried.

Initial work

According to the drawing, marking is carried out on the territory, stakes are installed and the rope is pulled. Then, the foundation is made in the form of linings, with dimensions of 1 meter in length, and 1/3 meter in circumference. Their installation is carried out near the corner of the proposed building using the level, while the load will be uniform.

Then they build a edging, choose where it will be located, and with this part upwards, they lay down, fix the log with brackets. Using a plumb line draw vertically, they will be the extreme parts of the edging. Pull the rope along the edges of the log, cuts are performed, and material is cut off until the edging is completely obtained. The same work is done on the opposite side of the log.


After the foundation is poured, it must be left to dry completely.

A waterproofing material is laid on the completed foundation, roofing material can be used. From above, a board with a thickness of 5 centimeters is installed, on which the crown will be located. To keep the building warm, tow are laid on top.

Then, the initial crown is laid, in which the logs should have a larger circumference compared to the rest of the material. Before starting this work, cuts of about 15 centimeters along the entire length are performed on the log. In this case, the material will fit snugly against the board.

After that, lay the remaining crowns to the required height. A tow is placed between the elements of the crown, the logs are tied in the corner, spikes are also used for tight connection, they are placed at a distance of 1 meter. In this case, the building will have good stability.

How to install the first window sill element

First, mark the doorway, then install the logs using a dowel. With the help of plumb lines, the vertical arrangement of the corner parts is checked, the final window sill is installed on two dowels.

Then the crowns of the window element are laid, observing the opening height of up to 130 centimeters. After that, strapping is performed in the upper part.

After that, the elements are prepared under the rafters, for this, the logs are cut off, and about two edgings are made on each of them. Elements cut into the deck, with a chisel, make recesses for the rafter legs.

When making rafters, there should not be many small knots in the log. Near the base of the rafters, a spike is made using sawing, and pair laying is performed.

How to install openings for doors and windows?

Openings can be performed in two ways: after the work is completed, and during construction.

In the first option, the installation of openings is performed after completion of all work, for this purpose, gaps are made in the crowns at the intended place. After laying, these openings are cut with a chainsaw.

In the second version, the openings are performed during the laying of logs, for this special bars and grooves are used, this method takes a lot of time and money.

Metal materials cannot be used as casing, since heat will pass through them. To install the pigs on the end parts of the logs, a vertical tenon 50 * 50 is made on each side. A pigtail is installed on it, a groove is located on its back side.

Roof construction

First, the beams are laid on the wall trim.

Beams are fixed, and the legs of the rafters are set at a distance of 1 meter. Near the ridge, an angular file is made for a tight connection.

Boards are nailed to the legs of the rafters or a crate is made.

Then lay the main roof covering according to the instructions for the selected material.

The skate is covered with galvanization to protect it from strong winds and rainfall.

After completing all the work, I proceed to the interior decoration, namely the construction of floors.

Varieties of pillars and their laying

Pillars are:

  • angular;
  • window;
  • intermediate;
  • door.

They are arranged according to their names, the thickest elements are angular, the thinnest are intermediate.

Corner posts are placed in a pocket, the depth of which is up to 7 centimeters. The remaining columns are set to a depth of about 3 centimeters. On the log house, up to three edges are performed, after shrinkage occurs, they proceed to laying the remaining posts.

At the end, rafters are installed, for this use bridges, jibs and nails, as a mount. Elements are laid on the bridges, the upper part is fastened with nails. The spikes of the rafter elements are placed in pockets, fixed with jibs, and the legs are fixed with brackets.

After completion of all work, the construction is left for 1 year for shrinkage. In order to prevent skewing of doors and windows, as well as material not being deformed, it is necessary to perform gaps that disappear with time. While shrinkage occurs, you can perform the construction of the floor or rafters for the roof.

After shrinkage occurs, tow gaps fill all the gaps formed.

Mandatory Rules

When constructing buildings from a log house, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Logs are harvested in the winter period because the material at this time is more resistant to precipitation, and not prone to decay. The tree can be used for workpieces by dropping iodine on it, if it turns blue, then they begin to work.
  2. To increase the service life and prevent rotting of the material under the influence of precipitation, it is necessary to process the logs with an antiseptic.
  3. Before starting the main work, the crowns are laid out on the surface and signed, and then they are installed sequentially.
  4. All seams and clearances must be covered with tow, and this will keep heat warm.
  5. When tying "in the paw", the connection of the corner parts is sheathed with boards, for additional fixation.
  6. You also need to consider that after shrinkage, the height of the building can be reduced to 10%, so you need to immediately calculate this indicator.
  7. In order for the roof to be stable, the rafters are fixed with a wire to the 3rd or 4th crown.
  8. To prevent cracks in the log, it is necessary to cut to the center. If they did arise, then the recesses fill the tow.
  9. When filling the gaps, the tow should be hidden from getting wet, otherwise moisture will fall on the main material, which will lead to rot.
  10. Gaps are filled in the absence of rain in order to protect the material from getting wet.
  11. So that the logs do not move out, and are securely installed, they are fixed with pins located in the recesses that are made in the center of the material.
  12. When laying the initial crown, a gap may form between it and the foundation, which must be hidden by the halves of the logs.

In order to complete the construction from the log house, it is necessary to select the necessary processing of the log, prepare the material, build the foundation, put waterproofing material, boards on it, and the initial crown of the log house is laid on them. Then they proceed to the construction of the remaining crowns to the required height, after which openings for doors and windows are made, floors are made, and the building is left for shrinkage, after which the roof can be made. In order to prevent deformation of the material and openings, it is necessary to leave compensation gaps that fill the tow.

With the right job, the building will be warm and durable.

Wooden houses were built in Russia from ancient times and have not lost their popularity in our time. This is due to the unique properties of wood, a natural, environmentally friendly natural material. Almost all the masterpieces of Russian wooden architecture were built by our ancestors without a single nail cutting into the bowl. The name of the method is due to the type of connection of logs in a single construct. A semicircular recess in the form of a bowl was cut out in the lower log, into which the upper log was tightly placed at right angles. The result was a solid, beautiful, warm, not blown in corners design.

Varieties of method

Log construction can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Felling in the area, called Russian, in which the bowl is cut in the lower rim. The classic bowl is cut smooth, but in order to prevent possible displacements in the bowl, a protruding spike (kurdyuk) may remain. It is in this way that the architectural monuments made of wood have been preserved;
  2. Cut into a hoop or Siberian cabin, in which the bowl is cut down from the bottom of the upper crowns. Many construction companies and “carpenters” in every possible way propagandize the advantages of this method, claiming that moisture will be accumulated in the bowl of the log house, causing the wood to rot. And then why did our wise great-grandfathers rarely use it? The casket opens simply. It is enough to consider how the logs work in the finished log house. The inner layers of wood dry with a decrease in volume more slowly than the upper ones; therefore, cracks form in the outer layer. When cutting in the logs of a longitudinal groove, cracks appear primarily in this weakened section. The groove expands, trying to turn around. The lower position of the bowl prevents this, preventing the groove from opening with the appearance of additional gaps, which does not happen when the bowl rests on top of the log. And the accumulation of moisture in the connection node is generally idle fiction, with a quality caulking performed, moisture will never get to the wood, only the top layer of moss or jute will get wet, which will gradually dry under natural conditions. Modern “specialists” advertise Siberian logging, because it is easier to manufacture. Felling can be carried out below on a specially equipped site, and in the first method this will have to be done at the top of the log house.

Advantages of cutting the log house in the bowl with your own hands

  • the strength of the nodal fastening in the construct;
  • excellent thermal insulation of the house, due to not blown corners;
  • the traditional greatness of the Russian tower;
  • ecological cleanliness of wooden buildings;
  • the magnificent appearance of natural wood does not require additional decoration;
  • increased stability of the structure allows the construction of several floors.

When comparing that it is better to log in a paw or in a bowl, the choice of the second method of construction is preferable, this is confirmed by many years of experience in our national wooden architecture.


There can be no ideal designs, the following points can be attributed to the minuses of the considered construct:

  • sufficient complexity of execution without experience in carrying out such work;
  • the difficulty of arranging the exterior finish due to protruding corners;
  • the presence of angled protrusions leads to a decrease in the useful length of the crowns and, accordingly, to a rise in the cost of the log house to 10%. This argument is given as the main one in a dispute on the topic of chopping in a paw or in a bowl, which is better. But a log house cut into a paw needs enhanced thermal insulation of corners, which practically reduces real savings to zero. A lack of rigidity leads to the fragility of the building due to the variability of geometric dimensions with the appearance of cracks.

Wood selection

Coniferous species are preferred. Most often, pine is used, which is characterized by a smooth trunk of uniform thickness along almost the entire length, a minimum number of knots, and resistance to decay. The best is considered wood from the northern zones, felled in the winter. In winter, the movement of juices in the tree is minimal, which leads to less cracking of winter blanks during drying. The blanks should have the same overall dimensions, the recommended diameter is ≥ 22 cm. The larger, the better, this will reduce the number of nodal joints and increase the thermal performance inside the building.

The material is peeled and chipped from the inside to the thickness of the upper section. For the stability of the log house to weather conditions, the blanks should be oriented along annual rings. The part with thin rings is located outward, and with thicker ones - inward. Prepared billets are dried in a ventilated stack to provide shelter from precipitation. Minimum drying time ≥ 6 months.

The technology for assembling a log house in the lower thicket

The design is assembled on a ready foundation, due to the light weight of the construct, most often used columnar, shallow strip and slab foundations, as well as pile-screw ones. The upper surface is covered with horizontal waterproofing from a hydroisol laid in two layers with a sticker using bituminous mastics.

Work execution order:

  1. On the waterproofing fit sections of thick larch boards. These false boards are recommended to be antiseptic by immersion in antiseptic solutions. Next, a thorough horizontal level control of the top of the boards is performed using a laser level.
  2. Installation on boards one log along the long sides of the future building. The distance between them should be strictly identical at both ends of the elements and equal to the length of the transverse log, taking into account the angular protrusions. Horizontal control is performed by the laser building level, and the length of the tape measure with a metal sheet.
  3. After conducting the necessary checks, two transverse logs are laid on the edges of the stacked logs.
  4. The marking of the log when cutting into the bowl is carried out by a carpentry line, consisting of a strap with a handle and two pointed rods, the distance between which can vary. The tool allows you to draw two parallel lines at once when marking. The placement of the outer edge is planned to be indented from the end of the log by 30 ... 50 cm (the upper trunk should protrude from the lower half of its cross section). The depth of the thicket is ½ of the thickness of the upper trunk.
  5. Cutting down the bowl. The recess is sawn with a gas or electric saw and chopped to the desired size with the help of a rounded forged ax and chisels. The bottom of the notch should be perfectly smooth, all the bumps are sanded for a snug fit of the upper element without the formation of cracks.
  6. After checking the conjugation density, the upper workpiece is removed, and a longitudinal groove is cut out in the lower element on top, it is made semicircular and of small depth. The work is done with a forged rounded ax.
  7. The lower crown is assembled. Similarly, the elements of the second crown are prepared. Logs are stacked by butt in different directions with maintaining the horizontal position of each row.
  8. Installation of the next crown. Insulation of jute or linen ribbons is laid in the longitudinal groove, before, moss was mainly used, for tightness of fit of the upper logs, tapping with wood chock is performed. All crowns are stacked with careful control of the horizontal and vertical position of the installed elements.
  9. For reliable fixation of the crowns they are interconnected in a checkerboard pattern with wooden pins made of hard wood. Nagels are tightly immersed in pre-drilled holes with a sledgehammer. An arrangement step of 1,5 ... 2 m. Reliable result gives installation instead of dowels of spring nodes "Strength".
  10. After completion of assembly, caulking of all seams is performed, there should be no hanging ends of insulation tapes. After 6 months, the procedure must be repeated.
  11. After completion of all work, all wooden products are antiseptic and treated with flame retardants twice.

Properly cut log house will provide durability, warmth and comfortable living in a future home.



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