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  The device of the rafter system of the gable roof of the frame house. Do-it-yourself roof truss system: Manual and Video

The simplest gable roof is also the most reliable. The availability of do-it-yourself performance does not give rise to self-confidence - before you start working, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the design features in order to make qualified decisions and execute them.

Diagram and features of the gable roof device

A gable is a roof formed by the intersection of two rectangular slopes at a certain angle. Such a device is the most reliable and simple, so even a person with average carpentry skills can mount a gable roof on their own.

The base of the roof is the rafter system, which acts as a support for the roofing cake and the finish. The durability of the roof and the comfort of living in the house depend on its strength and reliability. The rafter system, subjected to regular wind and snow loads, must be securely fixed to the building. This problem is solved with the Mauerlat, which is firmly fixed to the upper plane of the walls of the house. Thus, an almost monolithic system is created that reliably protects the interior of the house from any manifestations of the external environment.

Photo gallery: how to use the space under the gable roof

Under the gable roof you can arrange a residential attic   A gable roof with a Danish semi-hip ennobles the exterior of the building and allows you to increase the size of the attic   The attic above the garage can be used to store spare parts, create a relaxation room or to equip a warehouse of household equipment   The attic area under the gable roof depends on the height of the ridge and the angle of inclination of the ramps

Gable roof truss system

A roof with two opposite ramps is the most common construction used in individual housing construction. The intersection line forms a ridge, and the lateral openings of the extreme rafter legs serve for the device of gables - vertically located walls, creating a closed under-roof space. To obtain a strong and durable construction, many retaining and reinforcing elements are used, which give additional rigidity to the entire structure. The gable structure is based on a triangle - the most rigid geometric figure. The rafter system consists of the following main elements:

  1. Mauerlat is a wooden beam that acts as a connecting element between the box of the house and its rafter system. It is attached to the walls with threaded rods, anchor screws or wire harnesses. The size of the cross-section of the beam is from 100x100 to 150x150 mm and depends on the size of the building, its number of storeys and the shape of the roof.
  2. Rafter leg - a wooden beam measuring 50x150 or 100x150 mm, connecting at the top of the roof with the ridge and resting on the Mauerlat at the opposite end. Rafters - the main bearing element of the roofing system, perceiving all types of external loads: wind, snow, rain and dead weight of the structure.

    Rafter trusses form a power roof frame and determine its geometric shape

  3. Lezhen - a timber beam laid horizontally with support on an internal load-bearing wall. The size of the bed, as a rule, is equal to the size of the Mauerlat. It is a support for roof racks.
  4. Tightening is an element used in hanging rafter systems. Its purpose is to compensate for the tensile forces arising on the lower ends of the rafter legs.
  5. Racks - square bars, transferring part of the load from the rafters to the beds.
  6. Braces are structural elements that transfer part of the load from the rafters to the puff. Thus, a farm is formed with high strength characteristics.
  7. Counter lattice - wooden blocks from 25x50 to 50x50 mm in size, stuffed on the upper edge of the rafters. The purpose of the counter-lattice is the formation of a ventilation gap between the crate and the waterproofing film. This element is required when installing a roofing pie in the attic.
  8. Lathing - a support base for installing the roof topcoat. The lining can be solid or rarefied and can be made of a 25 mm thick board, waterproof plywood, OSB sheets and other similar materials. The choice of crate design depends on the characteristics of the finish.
  9. A skate is a horizontally located beam along which the intersection of opposite slopes occurs.
  10. Overhang of the roof - is a continuation of the rafters to a distance of 40 cm from the walls of the building. Protects walls from getting wet, and also serves to place spotlights, which are part of the ventilation system of the under-roof space. With an insufficient length of the rafters, the overhang is formed by additional details for their elongation - filly.

    The gable roof truss system consists of triangular trusses, supported by a Mauerlat and a ridge, lathing and several auxiliary elements that strengthen the structure

Calculation of the load on the rafter system of the gable roof

The rafter system experiences certain loads, which can be divided into two types.

  1. Constant loads acting independently of any other factors. Their value is determined by the design of the roofing cake and consists of the weight of waterproofing and vapor barrier films, insulation, additional elements, fasteners and any other elements of the roofing, including the finish. In practice, the average weight of all the components of the roof of the house is about 40–45 kg / m 2. More precisely, this value can be calculated by summing the values \u200b\u200bof the specific load of each material used, which can be taken from the reference tables. When calculating the weight of the roof, it is recommended to lay a margin of safety of 10%.

    When calculating the load, the weight of each element of the roofing pie is taken into account

  2. Variable loads. These include the effects of wind and snow, depending on their intensity. In fact, the roof of the house is a sail, perceiving the load from the wind. The strength of the direct impact on the roof along the normal depends on the angle of inclination of the ramp - the smaller it is, the lower the load. At the same time, there are turbulences on the leeward slope, and a load appears on the roof with a reverse exposure vector. In hurricane winds, the separation force can reach 630 kg / m 2. Alternating loads include snow impacts. It should be noted that they also have clearly defined regional indicators.

    Wind loads are a risk factor for roofs as they create large tearing and tipping forces

Obviously, a careful calculation of the loads from snow and wind, taking into account local climatic conditions, is vital when choosing the design and materials of the roof. These loads can be determined from the map compiled on the basis of SNiP 2.01.07–85.

Using the map, you can determine the magnitude of the wind and snow load in the construction region

The snow and wind load values \u200b\u200bindicated on the maps for each region are called normative. In order to get the estimated snow load, the standard value must be multiplied by a special coefficient that takes into account the angle of the roof. This coefficient is equal to:

  • 1 with a slope of less than 25 o;
  • 0.7 at an angle of inclination from 25 to 60 o;
  • 0 for steeper slopes.

The estimated wind load is determined by multiplying the standard value by a coefficient that takes into account the height of the building and the type of terrain in which construction is underway.

Table: correction factor for calculating the wind load (taking into account the height of the building and the type of terrain)

The specific load of the most popular roofing materials can be taken from the following table.

Table: weights of some roof materials

It is possible to take into account the specific effects of different types of loads only in aggregate, therefore calculations of a similar nature should be entrusted to an experienced specialist.

Video: calculation of the rafter system

Types of rafter systems of a gable roof

According to the principle of the device, rafter systems are of two types:

  1. Hanging.
  2. Overhead.

Hanging rafters are used for buildings in which the bearing supports are located at a distance of up to 10 meters in the absence of an intermediate wall inside the box of the building. For other cases, it is necessary to use a layered rafter system.

Features of the hanging rafter system

Support for hanging rafters are the outer walls. Since the arch has a connection at the upper point, when exposed to vertical loads on the lower supports, bursting loads are created. To compensate for this, puffs are used - horizontal ligaments between the lower ends of the rafter leg. The result is a rigid force triangle. When installing the attic room, ceiling beams are used as a puff. Various structural solutions of the hanging rafter system are possible:

  1. Simple three-hinged arch. It is a construction in the form of a triangle. In this case, the tightening only works in tension and is not a support. Therefore, it can be replaced with a conventional metal beam. The connection of the cornice assembly in this case is carried out by a simple orthogonal insert using wooden plates or metal plates.

    The three-hinged arch is the simplest construction of a truss for a gable roof

  2. Three-hinged arch with reinforcement. This scheme was previously used in the construction of industrial buildings, when the span exceeded 6 meters. The puff is suspended from the wood headstock. The nodes are connected using metal parts and equipped with devices for adjusting the tension. The main load in such a system falls on the ridge of the roof. In individual housing construction, such rafter systems are not used.

    The three-hinged arch with reinforcement differs from the simple one by the presence of a vertical stiffener (headstock) and the ability to adjust the tension at the joints

  3. Hinged arch with a tightened puff. In this embodiment, the rafter leg is partially unloaded through the ridge of the roof with a suspension to a raised tightening. It rises to a height of at least 2.2 m from the attic floor level. Such a system is ideal for attic rooms in the roof space. The connection of the puff with the rafters is made by the insert, as a result of which the connection in the assembly becomes stationary.

    Raised pivot hinge arch ideal for attic roofing

  4. A three-hinged arch with a crossbar is used to strengthen the rafter system by creating an additional power triangle. The system is used for significant bursting loads. The connection of the crossbar with the rafter must be fixed, otherwise the whole system will not have the necessary rigidity.

    An additional horizontal element (bolt) gives the system greater resistance to bursting loads

The crossbar, unlike the lower tightening, works on compression, but not on tension.

In addition to the above, other elements are also used to strengthen the roofing skeleton. Very popular are the struts and racks located in the system at the places of the greatest load on the rafters.

In the most loaded places, rafters can be strengthened by struts and racks

Video: rafter system step by step

Rafter type systems

Rafter rafters are used for buildings with a width of more than 10 meters. They are characterized by the presence of a supporting wall inside the building, which is an additional support for the rafter system. Popular constructions come in several forms:

In undisturbed layering systems, the main load from the roofing frame is transferred to the Mauerlat

Determining the pitch of the gable roof rafters

The task of ensuring sufficient strength of the rafter system is solved by selecting material for the manufacture of its elements and calculating the parameters of their installation. The rafter pitch is one of these elements and is selected depending on the weight of the roofing cake. The distance between the support beams is usually set within 0.6–1.5 m. The actual step between the rafters depends on the geometry of the roof and is calculated as follows:

  1. The number of rafter legs is determined. To do this, use the ratio n \u003d L / d 1 + 1, where n is the number of rafters, L is the length of the roof along the ridge, d 1 is the desired distance between the rafters.
  2. The calculated distance between the rafters is calculated, for which the length of the roof along the ridge is divided by the quantity obtained in the previous paragraph: d \u003d L / n.

For example, consider a variant with a roof length of 13 m with a preferred distance between rafters of 750 mm (option for a roof with ceramic tiles).

  1. The number of rafter legs n \u003d 13000/750 +1 \u003d 18.33. Since the number of rafters should be sold as an integer, we round this value to 19.
  2. Rafter pitch d \u003d 13000: 19 \u003d 684 (mm).

Thus, on the roof of our choice, the rafters must be installed in increments of 68.4 mm.

It should be remembered that the result obtained is the distance between the axes of the rafters.

Gantry roof truss units

The main types of joints in the nodes of the supporting structure of the roof we have already considered above. But it makes sense to dwell in more detail on auxiliary materials that make the rafter system more reliable and durable.

Strengthen the fastening of parts during installation of the rafter system using metal plates and angles of various shapes

Such products are made of galvanized steel up to 1.5 mm thick. They have a different configuration and can be installed on any type of connection.

Photo gallery: types of joints in nodes of the gable roof truss system

  In the ridge, the rafters are usually joined by flat bolted plates   To strengthen the design of the rafter system, it is necessary to select metal plates that correspond to the configuration of the mounting unit   Sliding junctions unload the rafter structure   Adjoining nodes in the rafter system can be additionally reinforced with metal inserts   Depending on the type of rafter system used, there are different ways to mount the ridge assembly   On flat joints operating under high loads, it is convenient to use nail plates

All the connecting nodes of the rafter system have the function of strengthening the rafters due to the redistribution of loads and hardening of the bearing elements. So, in the lower part of the rafters lean on the Mauerlat at a right angle, for which they perform the corresponding inset.

To strengthen the rafter system, they try to use joints with maximum load-bearing capacity, for example, inserting the rafters into the Mauerlat at a right angle

In addition, for additional reinforcement in the docking nodes, metal mounting plates are used. The same principle is used when installing struts to the rafter. In any case, the mating parts must work "on a stop" and not be displaced during operation.

Any parts should be loaded along its axis

There are three main types of nodes in the rafter system:

  1. Skate connections. This is the joining of two rafter legs at a given angle along the line of intersection of the slopes. May be articulated or blind. The former are used in the installation of the rafter system on timber or log houses, which tend to sag and rise depending on the season for almost the entire period of operation. Blind connections are used in rafter systems of houses made of building stone. In such buildings, a reinforced belt is installed over the wall, which takes on lateral loads.
  2. Fastening the lower ends of the rafters to the Mauerlat. Since they are located at an angle to the support beam, a sliding vector is created, directed to the side external to the structure. To compensate, an insert is made in the Mauerlat, and a heel on the rafters. The rafter is inserted into the groove with emphasis on it and is fastened with a nail through the edge of the beam to the Mauerlat. Additional supporting parts from bars are also used. In cases where the rafter must be moved (on wooden log cabins), sliding mounts are used. They make it possible to compensate for seasonal changes in wall heights.
  3. Other nodes. All other parts of the rafter systems are essentially resistant elements that work in compression, rarely - in tension. They are installed by tapping into mating parts to prevent their displacement under load. Such details include bolts, struts, struts, stops and other similar details.

For a stronger connection, the additional elements mentioned above are used.

Installation of a gable rafter system

Currently, the construction market offers services for the manufacture of roof trusses in an individual design for specific buildings. It should be noted that such a service has several advantages:

  1. Guaranteed product quality, ensured by the use of special equipment and assembly technologies.
  2. Safety against fire, as all parts of the trusses are flame retardant.
  3. Increased service life, which is achieved by antibacterial treatment of products with special compounds.
  4. Easy installation of finished farms.

The only drawback of this method of installing the rafter system is the relatively high cost of the products.

For self-construction of a gable roof, you can use ready-made roof trusses ordered from professional manufacturers

Assembly of trusses on the ground

The assembly of rafters on the ground is used in cases where directly at the house there is a flat platform of sufficient size for the manufacture of farms. At the same time, not full trusses are mounted, but rigid structures of three to four parts, which can be raised to the installation site by the efforts of two or three people. Lifting is carried out with the help of ropes on the slams. The advantage of this assembly method is the possibility of using a single template, which ensures high precision manufacturing of each structural element. A possible partial installation of trusses below is as follows:

  1. Make a stock for assembly of farms. It consists of three platforms, the distance between which corresponds to the length of the mating parts. They can be assembled from several boards or bars located in one horizontal plane.

    For the convenience of assembling the truss frame on the ground, a free area of \u200b\u200ba certain size and auxiliary elements are necessary on which construction details can be placed

  2. To assemble the first truss you need to take two rafter legs and a puff - lower or upper.
  3. Having laid out the details on the slipway, place them in accordance with the farm drawing and fasten with nails. Check the harvesting of the farm for compliance with the dimensions specified in the technical documentation. Reposition components if necessary.
  4. Final fixation of parts in truss units using additional mounting plates. Nail plates can be installed using a power clamp, using additional linings made of steel plate under its jaws.

    The power clamp allows you to pre-pull the nail plates, and then fix them in any convenient way

  5. Lay the details of the second truss on top of the first and fix with clamps, exactly repeating the contours of the lower truss, which plays the role of a template. After assembling the second farm, remove it to the side.
  6. Make the required number of farms, repeating the operations from the previous paragraph. This ensures full compliance with all manufactured farms.

    In the manufacture of trusses according to one pattern, they will exactly repeat the size and shape of each other

Installation of the rafter system at the installation site is as follows:

  1. The first two farms rise to the roof. To do this, you can use an inclined flooring of several bars and fairly strong ropes.
  2. The first are the gable trusses at the ends of the roof. They must be set strictly vertically and secured to the Mauerlat with temporary jibs.

    The first to install pediment farms

  3. A construction cord is stretched between the pediment farms perpendicular to the location of the rafter legs.
  4. Each subsequent truss is installed in compliance with the previously calculated rafter pitch.

    In order for all the truss trusses to be installed evenly, twine is stretched between the extreme structures

  5. After installing the last truss, the entire structure of the rafter system is strengthened with girders, after which temporary fastenings are dismantled.
  6. Next, the remaining structural elements are mounted - jibs, ridge beam, beds, racks, etc., provided for in the rafter system design.

Additional strength to the roof gives the crate, stuffed last.

Assembly of rafters directly at the installation site

The assembly of rafters in place is used on small roofs. At the same time, billets-blanks are fed up, from which the necessary details are cut. Installation is carried out from the bottom up, starting with the installation of rafter legs. The horizontal level of the rafter system is controlled by tensioned cords, and the verticality of the truss assembly - by a construction plumb. The installation procedure is the same: first the pediment farms are mounted, then the rest in any convenient order.

The assembly of the rafter system directly on the roof begins with the installation of racks and a ridge run, on which the rafters are laid

Exactly fulfilling the requirements of the drawings, you can mount the rafter system yourself. It is almost impossible to do this alone, so the participation of one or two assistants is mandatory.

Video: do-it-yourself rafter installation

When assembling the roof frame for a gable roof, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. All wood used for the installation of the rafter system must be treated with antiseptic and fire fighting compounds.
  2. When working with a hand-held power tool, the safety requirements specified in the instructions must be observed.
  3. The installation of nail plates cannot be done with hammering, this leads to their deformation. During installation, use a clamping tool.
  4. A waterproofing layer should be laid under the Mauerlat. Traditionally, roofing material is used for this.
  5. When installing the rafter system, you need to use fasteners with a protective coating.
  6. Installation of the rafter system should be carried out in dry, calm weather.

Video: gable roof for metal

Like any roofing system, a gable roof requires an attentive and responsible attitude. Mistakes in the construction of such roofs are usually expensive. It is important not only a careful selection of materials, but also their competent use. Nevertheless, most of the work can be done independently. I wish you success!

The roof frame sets the geometric and operational parameters of the pitched roof. Due to violations in the installation technology, because of flaws in the manufacture of its elements, distortions of the system, traditional leaks, and holes in the coating appear that threaten emergency situations.

In order to build a reliable and stable roof structure, you need to clearly know how to saw and install rafters with subsequent fixation to the supporting elements.

Rafters, or rafters, are called wooden or metal beams installed on the box of the house at a given angle. They determine the configuration of the roof structure, take over and steadfastly resist the sum of constant and temporary loads acting on the upper enclosing system of the building.

The structural simplicity of the rafters is extremely misleading. In fact, these are rather complex elements that require careful marking and careful cutting. Discrepancies in the joints of the rafter legs with the Mauerlat, with each other and with other components of the system lead to a change in the shape of the slopes, a violation of the integrity of the coating and the destruction of the nodes.

On the other hand, the proper installation of rafters can correct some errors in the construction of the box at home, and not aggravate the situation by a clear repetition and increased wall height differences. True, in such situations, the elements of the frame are made individually and meticulously customized in fact directly at the facility.

However, before dealing with the specifics of installation, you need to find out what their design differences are, according to which the rafters are divided into two groups, these are:

  • Hanging.  Type of rafters that do not have an upper support. At the top of the roof, the rafters abut each other against each other. So that under the weight of the components of the roofing cake and snow, such a design does not burst the Mauerlat beam, the hanging rafters are connected by a horizontally installed puff.
  • Overhead.  A kind of rafter legs, stacked on two supports, different in height. Above, they most often rely on a ridge run installed in the cross of the rafters, less often they rest against each other, sawed at an angle, to each other. The bottom rests on the Mauerlat bar or rests against it.

The scope of their application and the installation technology depend on which group the rafters belong. The hanging variety is collected on the ground, and trusses made in the form of peculiar triangles are lifted to the roof and mounted in a form completely prepared for installation.

Plus, the construction of the rafter frame by hanging technology is the safety of the work and the ability to perform the most accurate nodal joints. If the simplest version of the hanging truss with a tightening at the bottom is used in the construction of the roof, you can abandon the Mauerlat device, in the place of which a narrow leveling board is quite suitable.

The downsides of hanging technology come with benefits. For example, a farm assembled on the ground is much more difficult to transport to the installation site than planks and timber for lathing rafters. There are restrictions on overlapping spans: the limit is considered to be 14 m, beyond which it is unreasonable to install wooden beams prone to sagging without intermediate supports.

The rafters of the layered group, both on top and bottom, are supported by independent structures. The top of them is laid on the run-through structure, which is mounted on the floor beams or on the bed, replacing the Mauerlat on the inner wall. The bottom is either mounted on the Mauerlat, or rests on it, clinging to the beam with a tooth or a support bar sewn instead of a tooth.

The advantage of layered systems is rightfully recognized as the possibility of overlapping virtually any spans in size. Simply, with an increase in the overlapped space, the design becomes more complicated: it is supplemented by struts for a couple with racks, additional runs, along with lounges, contractions.

The layered construction is assembled and mounted longer, because they build it not from farms, but from individual elements. However, just this scheme has more opportunities in correcting the defects of the box or the unevenly settled log house. Because rafters of a layered type are stacked individually, it is possible to slightly change the position and dimensions of the assembly, so that as a result a perfectly flattened plane of the ramp is formed.

The specifics of the manufacture and installation of rafters

It is clear that for the erection of the rafter system you will need lumber - long products of woodworking enterprises with clear geometric parameters. You will need a board or timber, on which, of course, there are no mounting gaps and notches for installation.

Why do we need cuts and cuts? The fact is that when placing on an edge at the boards and beams, the support area is too small. They come into contact with the Mauerlat only with one Vestma with a thin line, because of which, at the slightest load, they can “move” from the occupied position from above and drag the entire structure behind them.

In order to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe support in the junction of the rafters and the Mauerlat, or it and the additional run, in the beam or board, choose an angular notch, saw out a tooth or sew a support bar. If the top of the rafters is paired with a mirror-opposite counterpart, then for reliable emphasis, a gash will be required, the plane of which should be clearly perpendicular to the horizon.

The basic rule in the construction of rafter frames is that the supporting areas selected in the lumber are strictly horizontal and vertical. At the slightest violations of horizontality with verticality, stability is lost, structural details are displaced under their own weight and load until the system is completely destroyed.

Note that the nodes of the rafter systems have the responsibility to ensure the possibility of slight displacement and rotation when the load is exceeded. These movements are necessary so that the structure bends slightly, moves slightly, but does not collapse and remains stable.

These subtleties should be known to both the master, who decided to do the manufacturing and installation of rafters with his own hands, and the owner of the house under construction, who does not want to pay for the low-quality labor efforts of the builder team. We will analyze common options to understand the essence of the process.

Hanging roof frame construction

Consider the example of the construction of the rafter system over the log cabin of the bath. The span between the walls is small, it is easier and more reasonable to block it with a hanging structure, the installation of which will be carried out at the bypass of ceiling beams - matrices.

Log base - an almost perfect option for installing hanging systems, as it is easiest to squeeze into the horizon, eliminating the need to fit rafters in case of violation of the foot geometry. There is no need for a Mauerlat device. However, the puff will have to be moved up to bypass the upper crown of the log house and form a useful attic space.

Before installing the rafters, phased preparation of the log house is carried out. On both sides of the foot we align the bypasses according to the lace tied to nails hammered into two extreme beams. On top of the crossings, we squeeze the slab so that the edge of each beam ends with a flat horizontal platform.

The logs formed after squeezing the upper bulge of the log along the edges of the beams are aligned to the horizon in level. We apply the specified control tool to three or more beams at the same time. If the level is not long enough to carry out such a test, use a long rail or board instead.

After squeezing all the excess, we mark the nests for the rafter tooth. To do this, we again use nails and lace. We note that it is possible to delineate the places of sampling of nests at the crossings both before the construction of hanging farms and after. However, it is much more convenient to make nests before making rafters. They will help to try on with higher accuracy.

To facilitate your work, it is advisable to find the center of the log house on the part of future tongs. At these points, it is recommended to nail along the control rail, one of the edges of which will indicate the axis of symmetry. You can do without rails if there is already some experience in the construction of roofs.

  • Two two-inch boards 10–15 cm longer than the projected length of the rafters are sewn at the top with a nail or bolt so that they can rotate around this connecting point.
  • On the rail installed in the center of the future forceps, we note the design height of the rafter system. We put one more mark above it - this is the height of the tooth, more precisely, the length of the vertical, deferred from the base of the tooth to its top.
  • We put boards sewn at one point at the extreme bypasses so that the corner of each board abuts against the future nest under the tooth.
  • We combine the connection point of the boards with the upper mark on the rail, which determines the length of the rafters with the tooth.
  • From the lower corner of both rafters, we postpone the height of the tooth, return with the template blank to the ground and cut out the tooth according to the markup.
  • We return the template blank to its place, install it, driving the teeth into the slots intended for them. It may happen that after installation, the top of the workpiece does not match the rail instructions. Then you need to pull out the nail and adjust the position of the top, be sure to mark a new point.
  • After adjusting the top, draw a vertical line on their upcoming joint on both boards, measure the crossbar size and mark the shape of the overlays for the top joint of the rafters on the board scraps.

If everything turned out exactly and adjustments are no longer required, the template is ready. We return with him to the earth. We disassemble the workpiece and make cuts along the marked lines. The parts obtained as a result of fitting and fitting will serve as a standard for almost in-line production of rafter trusses in the required quantity.

We will assemble hanging farms on the earth. Their installation, as well as fitting, must be carried out by at least two people. One master simply can not cope with such a job. The performer located above will install the farm, and the second will change its position according to the instructions of the plumb line. The position of each leveled and installed truss should be fixed with temporary struts.

To increase the stability of the system, install racks under the rafters:

  • We mark the matrices under the installation site of the additional supports in a proven way: we hammer on the nail from opposite sides and pull the lace.
  • We will hollow out the nests in the logs according to the marking.
  • Let's try a piece of bar to the installation site. Note on it the line washed down taking into account the height of the spike.
  • Let's make a rack and two overlays for its fastening to a rafter.
  • We install the support made and in the same way fix the position of the truss truss on the other hand. According to the verified scheme, we continue to work until we equip each rafter with an additional support.

To ensure the rigidity of the hanging system, the trusses are connected by wind ties - boards, poles or slats nailed from the inside of the structure. From the outside of the rafter frame, the rigidity will increase due to the construction of the lathing.

The rafters are attached to the matrices with 200 mm nails or corner brackets. In this regard, metal corners and plates with perforations for fasteners significantly lose to traditional methods. To the sides of the rafters we nail fillets made of planks, the width of which is half as much as the material used in the manufacture of rafters.

The length of the filly should be 70 - 80 cm longer than the projected width of the overhang. This distance is necessary for their reliable connection with the rafter legs. Mares can be cut in advance, or without preliminary cuts, you can nail the trim of a narrow board to the rafters, and then draw a cornice line. However, the first option is more convenient and economical.

In most cases, as in the above example, the filly must be partially buried in the bypass of the matrices, for this:

  • We mark in fact the width of the filly at the bypass.
  • We make two cuts with a saw according to the marking for 2/3 of the thickness of the filly. We also saw a log between the extreme cuts with a saw. We are finalizing the deepening with a chisel accompanied by a hammer.
  • We set the filly in the formed recesses, sew them with rafters with nails 100 mm long.

At the end of the installation of all the fillies in the extreme, we hammer on the nail. Pull the control cord and mark where to cut off the excess.

The device of the pitched roof frame

In the construction of the rafter frame using layered technology there is much in common with the installation of a hanging structure. The fitting is carried out practically in the same sequence, therefore, describing the action twice does not make sense. The main difference is in the methods of forming the upper node, because the tops of the lay rafters have a support - a ridge run.

If at the top the lathing rafters are corny based on a ridge run, they are laid either with a spacing, i.e. parallel to each other, or with a strictly vertical joint, similar to the joining of hanging legs. However, in most cases, they try to fix the upper part with a notch or a vertical gash with a tight fit to the ridge beam.

There are schemes according to which layered rafters do not rely on the ridge, but on the side run. In such situations, the top is formed according to the hanging principle, and the point of support on the runner beam is formed by an angular notch.

We will analyze the most popular variant in the construction of private rafters with a support on the lower corner cut and on the ridge run through a vertical gash. Note that the maximum depth of the cutting should not exceed 1/3 of the width of the board.

Variant of marking with a construction square:

  • On the square, we note on a scale the height of the roof and half the span. These values \u200b\u200breflect the slope of the slopes and set the main angles. The proportions must be precisely maintained.
  • If further use of the square is not planned, then you can mark the delayed points with bolted bosses or short screws with screws, if planned, it is better to use paint that is removed with a solvent.
  • To the laid flat board we apply a square with the side on which the height of the roof is marked. We draw a line according to the testimony of the square - this is the line of the upper saw cut of the rafters - the site of its interface with the ridge run.
  • We cut along the marked line with a circular saw. We lay the sawing board flat, as it should when cutting in width. Longitudinal cuts are made with a statement on the rib.
  • From the top of the angle formed, we postpone the length of the so-called diagonal. This is the distance from the mating point with the run to the outer edge of the Mauerlat or the upper harness, if a frame house is being equipped.
  • Move the square to this point. Draw a line parallel to the first.
  • Turn the square over, move it along the workpiece so that 2/3 of the total distance is on the left, and 1/3 on the right. The picture is 8ʺ and 4ʺ.
  • The line of the smaller segment will just indicate to us the notch.

At the end, we draw on the board the outline of the eaves overhang, cut it along the outlined lines and use the do-it-yourself rafter blank to saw the rest of the roof elements.

It is possible to apply the described method without a building square and marking the parameters of the roof on it. It is enough to represent the process in order to postpone the necessary distances with a conventional drawing tool. However, without experience, you can get confused in the calculations of angles and segments.

To help novice builders, a template with options for the formation of corner cuts has been developed. It will help to orient in the manufacture of rafter legs from the most common lumber in this area.

In cases of laying rafters with cuts in the upper and lower parts, it should be remembered that the depth of both recesses should be the same so that the roof slope does not change during construction work. Usually, for the device of two equal cuts, an auxiliary bar is used, the thickness of which is not more than 1/3 of the thickness of the board.

Harvesting rafters is then installed edge on the Mauerlat and on the run. The bar is applied laterally in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower and upper nodes to outline the notch.

If the cut is needed only in the lower part of the rafters, and the top will rest on the run with a saw cut, the board is installed at the bottom on the Mauerlat, and at the top on the run and block, so that the angle of inclination of the ramp does not change as a result of cutting. Below, a second block of the same size is applied to the future node and the outline of the future cut is outlined with its help.

To form gaps with a tooth, the same methods are used. The difference is only in the form washed down.

Installation of layered rafters begins with the installation of two extreme trusses. The elements are mounted one at a time, carefully checking their position using a level with a plumb line. Most often, farms are arranged from twin boards, because they are distributed more load. They are fixed with temporary struts, then connected with a lace or rail to indicate the plane of the ramp.

Ordinary rafters located between the extreme bearing trusses, install shoelaces according to the instructions. If necessary, adjust the position of the legs in accordance with the actual situation.

Video about installing rafters

Installation of rafters with fastening with metal corners:

How to make rafters with gaps for landing on Mauerlat:

The device of the rafter frame under the roof of the garage:

We have given and described only a part of the methods for constructing roof frames. In reality, the manufacturing and installation methods are much larger. However, the analysis of the basic options allows you to perfectly understand how to properly make rafters and roof trusses for the roof, how to saw them before installation.

Each roof is based on a large number of beams, rafters, racks and girders, which are collectively called the rafter system. Over the centuries-old history of the types and methods of its organization, a lot has accumulated, and each has its own characteristics in the construction of nodes and cuttings. We will talk in more detail about what a rafter system of a gable roof can be and how rafters should be attached and other elements of the system in more detail.

Gable roof truss system

In the context of a gable roof is a triangle. It consists of two rectangular inclined planes. These two planes are connected at the highest point into a single system with a ridge beam (run).

Now about the components of the system and their purpose:

  • Mauerlat - a beam that connects the roof and walls of the building, serves as a support for rafters and other elements of the system.
  • Rafter legs - they form the inclined planes of the roof and are a support for the lathing under the roofing material.
  • Skate run (bead or skate) - combines two roof planes.
  • A puff is a transverse part that connects the opposite rafter legs. Serves to increase structural rigidity and compensate bursting loads.
  • Lodges are bars located along the Mauerlat. Redistribute the load from the roof.
  • Side runs - support the rafters.
  • Racks - transfer the load from the runs to the beds.

Filly may still be present in the system. These are boards that extend the rafters to form an overhang. The fact is that to protect the walls and foundation of the house from rainfall, it is desirable that the roof ends as far away from the walls as possible. To do this, you can take long rafter legs. But the standard length of lumber of 6 meters is often not enough for this. Ordering a custom is very expensive. Therefore, the rafters simply grow up, and the boards that do this are called "filly".

Structures of rafter systems are quite a lot. First of all, they are divided into two groups - with open and hanging rafters.

With hanging rafters

These are systems in which the rafters rest only on the outer walls without intermediate supports (load-bearing walls). For gable roofs, the maximum span is 9 meters. When installing a vertical support and strut system, it can be increased up to 14 meters.

The hanging type of the gable roof truss system is good in that in most cases there is no need to put the Mauerlat, and this makes installing the rafter legs easier: no need to make cuts, just cut the boards. To connect the walls and rafters, a lining is used - a wide board, which is mounted on studs, nails, bolts, crossbars. With this structure, most of the bursting loads are compensated, the impact on the walls is directed vertically down.

Types of rafter systems with hanging rafters for different spans between the bearing walls

Roof system for small houses

There is a cheap version of the rafter system when it is a triangle (photo below). Such a structure is possible if the distance between the outer walls is not more than 6 meters. For such a rafter system, you can not do the calculation according to the angle of inclination: the skate should be raised above the tightening to a height of at least 1/6 of the span.

But with such a construction, the rafters experience significant bending loads. To compensate for them, they either take rafters of a larger cross section or cut the ridge part so that they are partially neutralized. To give greater rigidity, wooden or metal plates are nailed to the upper part on both sides, which securely fasten the top of the triangle (also see not in the picture).

The photo also shows how to grow rafters to create a roof overhang. A notch is made, which should go beyond the line drawn from the inner wall up. This is necessary to move the incision and reduce the likelihood of a rafter breaking.

Skate assembly and fastening of rafter legs to the underlay with a simple version of the system

For attic roofs

Option with installation of a crossbar - is used at. In this case, it is the basis for the hemming of the ceiling located below the room. For reliable operation of this type of system, the cross-section of the crossbar must be hinged (rigid). The best option is half-baked (see the figure below). Otherwise, the roof will become unstable to stress.

Please note that Mauerlat is present in this scheme, and rafter legs should extend beyond the walls to increase the stability of the structure. To fix and dock with the Mauerlat, a notch in the form of a triangle is made. In this case, with an uneven load on the slopes, the roof will be more stable.

With this scheme, almost the entire load falls on the rafters, so they need to be taken in a larger section. Sometimes a raised puff is reinforced with a suspension. This is necessary to prevent its deflection if it serves as a support for the materials of the ceiling lining. If the puff is short, it can be secured in the center on both sides by boards nailed to the nails. With a significant load and the length of such insurance may be several. In this case, there are also enough boards and nails.

For large houses

With a significant distance between the two outer walls, a headstock and struts are installed. This design has high rigidity, since the load is balanced.

With such a long span (up to 14 meters) it is difficult and expensive to tighten the whole, therefore it is made of two beams. It is connected by a direct or oblique cut (figure below).

For a reliable connection, the joint is reinforced with a steel plate mounted on bolts. Its dimensions should be larger than the size of the cutting - the extreme bolts are screwed into solid wood at a distance of at least 5 cm from the edge of the cutting.

In order for the circuit to work properly, it is necessary to correctly make struts. They transmit and distribute part of the load from the rafters to the puff and provide structural rigidity. Metal reinforcements are used to strengthen the joints.

When assembling a gable roof with hanging rafters, the cross-section of lumber is always greater than in systems with layered rafters: there are fewer load transfer points, therefore, each element has a large load.

With layered rafters

In gable roofs with layered rafters, the ends they rest on the walls, and in the middle part they rely on load-bearing walls or columns. Some schemes are bursting walls, some not. In any case, the presence of Mauerlat is mandatory.

Non-supported circuits and nodes nodes

Houses made of logs or timber do not respond well to spacer loads. For them, they are critical: the wall can fall apart. For wooden houses, the rafter system of the gable roof should be undivided. We will talk more about the types of such systems.

The simplest undivided scheme of the rafter system is shown in the photo below. In it, the rafter's foot rests on the Mauerlat. In this version, it works on bending without bursting the wall.

Pay attention to the options for attaching rafters to the Mauerlat. In the first, the support platform is usually mowed, its length being no more than the beam section. The depth of the notch is not more than 0.25 of its height.

The top of the rafters is laid on the ridge beam, not fastening it to the opposite rafter. Two single-pitched roofs are obtained by the structure, which in the upper part adjoin (but do not connect) one with the other.

It is much easier to assemble an option with rafters fastened in the ridge part. They almost never give way to walls.

For this circuit to work, the rafters below are attached using a movable joint. To fix the rafter leg to the Mauerlat, one nail is hammered on top or a flexible steel plate is placed on the bottom. For options for attaching rafter legs to the ridge run, see the photo.

If the roofing material is planned to be used heavy, it is necessary to increase the bearing capacity. This is achieved by increasing the cross section of the elements of the rafter system and strengthening the ridge node. It is shown in the photo below.

Reinforcement of the ridge knot under heavy roofing material or with significant snow loads

All of the above gable roof schemes are stable in the presence of uniform loads. But in practice this practically does not happen. There are two ways to prevent the roof from sliding towards a higher load: by setting the scrum at a height of about 2 meters or by struts.

Options rafter systems with contractions

The installation of contractions increases the reliability of the structure. In order for it to work normally, in places of its intersection with drains, you need to attach nails to them. The cross section of the beam for the scrum is the same as for the rafters.

They are attached to the rafters with bots or nails. They can be installed on one or two sides. The attachment point of the scrum to the rafters and the ridge run, see the figure below.

In order for the system to be rigid and not “crawl” even under emergency loads, it is sufficient in this case to provide rigid fastening of the ridge beam. In the absence of the possibility of horizontal displacement, the roof will withstand even significant loads.

Beam truss systems

In these options, for added rigidity, the rafters, which are also called braces, are added. They are installed at an angle of 45 ° relative to the horizon. Their installation allows you to increase the span (up to 14 meters) or reduce the cross-section of beams (rafters).

The strut is simply substituted at the required angle to the beams and nailed from the sides and from the bottom. An important requirement: the strut must be cut precisely and fit snugly on the uprights and rafter leg, eliminating the possibility of its deflection.

Systems with truss legs. Above is a spacer system, from below - indispensable. The correct cutting units for each are located nearby. Below - possible brace attachment schemes

But not in all houses, the average load-bearing wall is located in the middle. In this case, it is possible to establish struts with an angle of inclination relative to the horizon of 45-53 °.

Systems with struts are necessary if significant uneven shrinkage of the foundation or walls is possible. Walls can sit in different ways on wooden houses, and foundations on layered or heaving soils. In all these cases, consider installing this type of rafter system.

System for houses with two internal load-bearing walls

If the house has two load-bearing walls, install two roof beams, which are located above each of the walls. On the intermediate load-bearing walls, pits are laid, the load from the sub-rafter beams is transmitted to the piles through the racks.

In these systems, the ridge run is not set: it gives spacer forces. The rafters in the upper part are connected to each other (they are cut and joined without gaps), the joints are reinforced with steel or wooden plates, which are nailed.

In the upper pressure-free system, the tensile force neutralizes the puff. Note that a puff is placed under the run. Then it works efficiently (the upper diagram in the figure). Stability can be provided by uprights, or flanges - beams installed obliquely. In the spacer system (in the picture below), the crossbar is a crossbar. It is set over the run.

There is a version of the system with racks, but without rafters. Then, a stand is nailed to each rafter leg, which rests on the intermediate end with a second end.

Fastening of a rack and tightening in a rafter system without a truss run

For fastening the racks, nails for 150 mm and bolts 12 mm are used. Dimensions and distances shown in millimeters.

The arrangement of the roof is the last stage of construction, if we consider the standard options, then the outbuildings are built with a single-pitched construction, and houses with a gable roof. Construction technology has a long history, the sequence of operations is practically unchanged, despite the fact that modern roofing materials are used today.

Advantages of the gable structure

  • Different architectural schemes
  • Cost savings
  • Simple calculations
  • Natural rain and snow runoff
  • Geometric shape reduces the risk of leaking roof
  • Possibility to equip the attic in the attic
  • Maintainability, reliability, long service life, wear resistance.

Roof variations

Symmetrical. This choice is justified: a reliable design is formed by symmetrical slopes, the load is distributed evenly. If necessary, increase the load install the rafter system.

Asymmetric. The slope of the slopes is made at different angles, on one of the sides the owner will be able to equip the room. In this case, the load is distributed unequally, it will be necessary to carefully calculate the load capacity of the foundation with load-bearing walls, correctly select roofing materials, calculate their amount, change the method of insulation, exterior decoration and waterproofing.

Asymmetrical. The design is characterized by the presence of an internal or external fracture, as in the photo of a gable roof.

Each of the options has its own characteristics and advantages, which should be carefully studied so as not to make a mistake in choosing a design.

Preparatory phase prior to the erection of the roof

The correct gable roof is first created in the drawing, in most cases, the shape of the structure is chosen according to the design of the house.

It is important to consider many factors: the size of the house, the material from which the supporting walls are built, as well as the geographical location of the land. It is necessary to accurately calculate what load the gable roof will withstand during operation.

If the ramp has an inclination angle of 400 or more, the possibilities to equip a full attic in the attic are very limited.

When the angle of inclination is 100 or more, the load on the roof from precipitation and wind increases. Owners who wish to equip the attic in the attic are advised to choose an asymmetrical roof.

How is the gable roof area calculated?

Performing calculations, follow the axiom - the less roofing materials by weight, the less load on the foundation and walls of the building. If you build a roof from wood, you need to select the appropriate species of wood to make wooden elements more durable, you will need to increase their cross section.

The main parameter in the calculations is the total roof area, it is easiest to calculate for a symmetrical structure: the perimeter of one slope is multiplied by 2, and the exact result is obtained.

The long walls of the building must withstand the main load of the roof structure: the rafter system is created to redistribute the load evenly.

If the house is no longer than 6 m in length, it is not necessary to install supports, a system of hanging rafters is suitable. When it is planned to erect a large out-of-town building, layered rafters are used, which have a more complex configuration.

The gable roof drawing should indicate the location of all the necessary nodes and elements:

  • mauerlat;
  • rafter system;
  • struts with skates;
  • crate;
  • thermal insulation and moisture protection;
  • roof covering.

A self-made sloping roof is erected when the project provides for the construction of a full-fledged attic in the attic space.

Installation work

Mauerlat is designed to support the weight of the roof, it provides an even distribution of the load on the foundation with walls, the width of the beam for its manufacture is equal to the width of the wall. Fastening is carried out using steel wire, brackets, studs, metal plates, anchors or wooden timbers.

The pediments and the lower part of the crate are fixed on a Mauerlat or a beam with a smaller cross section, the last element is screwed or nailed to the upper trim.

Beam ceilings are created from 200x100 mm wooden beams, the crate is placed on the longitudinal beams in increments of 50 or 60 cm, they are attached to the Mauerlat using long nails (200 mm). The rafter system is made of beams with a cross section of 100x50 mm, the height of each rack is equal to the distance between the floor and the upper part of the Mauerlat.

Experienced builders who know how to build a gable roof are sure to sew up the pediment, for this purpose you can use siding, profiled sheets or lining. For ventilation and lighting of the internal space of the attic, a window opening is left in the pediment.

A curtain rail and a plastic drainage system are installed around the perimeter. Roof installation requires steam, hydro and thermal insulation; roof tiles, ondulin and others are used as roofing materials.

Photos of gable roofs

Rafter system - powerful roof frame  for holding roofing and other elements.

How well is the roof frame depends on the strength of the roof as a whole.

Otherwise, its functionality, ability to protect the building from external influences and provide heat in the house may deteriorate.

Therefore, you need to correctly approach the choice of rafter systems and correctly draw up a rafter plan.

And how to calculate the rafter system you can read.

Depending on the purpose of the room, the size of the gable roof, the device of the rafter system is classified as follows: a hanging system and a layered one.

Hanging system

Suspension rafter system of a gable roof relies only on the supporting external walls of the building.

Depending on the span, roof project, the device of hanging systems has features.

For small houses

It is advisable to erect a hanging structure for buildings where the distance from one wall to the opposite does not exceed 6 meters. The frame has the form of a triangle.

To strengthen the bearing capacity of the faces of the frame triangle, several methods are used:

  • The bases of the rafter legs at the top are fixed with overlays;
  • Use on the side of the bars of a larger section;
  • The bars are fixed by cutting them into a ridge element;
  • The ramps for the equipment of the canopy are increased by cutting an opening for the frame beam in the extended boards so that they are reduced behind the line passing from the edge of the inner wall to the slope of the rafters.

Using these methods, it is possible to distribute the load throughout the structure.

Strengthening the frame triangle

For attic roofs

When arranging the frame under, you should pay attention to some points:

  • Mandatory installation of the Mauerlat, on which the frame beam is installed by cutting;
  • Installation of a crossbar - the basis for a ceiling canopy of a floor. The most effective mounting option is to cut the crossbar into the rafters half-root;
  • The length of the bevel board should be longer than the line of the wall;
  • The cross-section of the frame bars should be maximum;
  • The tightening should be fixed with the suspension. With a long puff, it is necessary to strengthen it in the center with the help of nailed boards from above and from below.


Particular attention should be paid to the fastening of the elements, as   the attic is under pressure from inside and out.

In addition, the rafter system of a gable roof with an attic is equipped with heaters, which increases the load.

Roof frame for attic roofs

For large houses

With a span of more than 6.5 meters, it is required to install more fastening elements to install the suspension system in order to prevent the sag of the tightening, which causes its own weight.

Points to consider:

  • It is advisable to make a puff of two bars by cutting, secure with metal plates;
  • In the central part of the frame, a headstock should be installed;
  • For a confident distribution of gravity, it is better to fasten the struts, as well as other retaining elements, to the headstock and rafters.

When installing a suspension system, sometimes it can do without installing a Mauerlat and limit itself to installing boards on the film. In addition, the suspension system is characterized by the absence of complex nodes, which facilitates the work on the arrangement of the roof frame.

Hanging system


The difference between the design of the layered type and the hanging one is that the structure has additional support points indoors. A prerequisite for installing a layered system is the installation of a Mauerlat.

The design of the system provides for the installation of both a spacer frame and a non-support frame.

Support frame

The non-supporting frame should be installed in houses with log walls. When installing rafters, their bases must be attached to the Mauerlat.

Options for attaching the base of the system to the Mauerlat:

  • By mowing the soles of the rafter foot so that its area with the Mauerlat is the same, and the cut does not exceed 0.25 cm of the height of the beam. In this case, the rafters, not connecting with each other, are attached to the ridge element from two sides;
  • By connecting with one nail the rafters at the ridge - at the top, and hinging a flexible metal plate to the Mauerlat - at the bottom.

When attaching rafter legs without connecting them in the ridge part particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of calculations.

Even with slight differences in the scheme, spacer pressure will act on the walls of the building, which   can lead to the destruction of walls.

Support frame

With fights

To strengthen the structure and give it stability,  Struggles are mounted to construction racks. A beam of the same cross section as for rafters should be used. To increase the strength, the contractions are nailed on both sides of the timber.

The same mounting option is effective when the ridge element is firmly fixed,  which prevents the displacement of the roof in the horizontal direction.

Scrum frame

With braces

Braces increase the bearing capacity of the wooden frame and provide strength to the rafters.

An important requirement when installing the strut is a correctly measured cutting angle,  which makes it possible to tightly fit the strut to the connected elements.


If the support part is in the center of the base of the frame with the layered system, then the strut is attached at an angle of 45 ° to the horizontal line, if the support is closer to one of the supporting walls, then the mounting angle may be different: from 45 ° to 53 °.

It is advisable to erect a frame with struts in places where there is a chance of planting a foundation, or in wooden buildings where slight shrinkage of walls is permissible.

Brace Frame

With two supports indoors

When there are two pillars in the form of internal walls,  then when arranging the rafter legs, beams are laid under them. If the beams are not installed, then a rack resting on the internal support is nailed to the base of the rafters.

Sub-rafter beams are installed on bearing supports.  On the supports inside the premises, lodges are installed, on which the load from the rafters from the racks falls. The rafters are trimmed so that they fit snugly against each other, and are fixed.

With this design, the ridge run is not installed.

To ensure the non-propensity of the structure, tighten the puffs.

The stability of the structure is ensured by racks,  which are installed horizontally from the inner base to the rafter leg, and the bridging, - wooden beams that connect the base of the uprights obliquely.

If the structure is spacer, then a beam connecting the frame legs is attached above the girder - the crossbar.


Types of rafter systems

The device of the rafters for the attic roof

Before installing the rafter system under the attic, it is necessary to correctly calculate the roof load and take into account other factors, which may affect its functionality. All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptics.

Installation of the rafter system is carried out in stages:

  • Mauerlat is installed on the waterproofing layer. Fasten the board to the walls with brackets or nails and tie it with a metal wire to the hooks prepared in advance in the wall;
  • Elements of the frame are cut;
  • The main rectangle is made of puffs and racks;
  • Two middle runs are mounted, to which the lower rafters are attached;
  • The design can be lifted to the roof, where the upper rafters are already installed, connecting them at the upper base, fixing the ridge beam and side run;
  • Strengthen the design with the necessary elements: puffs, struts, struts, additional stops.

After installing the frame, a vapor barrier film is laid on it, and the elements and coating material are installed.

The attic roof

The device of the rafters for the attic

The gable roof attic has the simplest hanging system.

For attic flooring, it is advisable to make finished trusses on the ground, and then raise them to the roof, after installing the Mauerlat.

The trusses consist of rafter legs firmly fixed by a puff at the lower base. You can additionally use struts or headstock.

Of great importance is the fastening of puffs on the rafters.It is recommended to install puffs so that their bars are located half a meter behind the wall line, then there will be no need to additionally install an overhang.

How to make rafters yourself you can read.

Farms are secured using the upper and lower runs.

Rafter system for the attic

Gable roof system: elements

When arranging a gable roof frame, the following elements are used:

  • Mauerlat.  An element that is attached to a load-bearing wall. The whole structure of the rafter frame is mounted to it;
  • Run.  A beam connecting the rafters on the sides and in the ridge element;
  • Puff  A beam attached to the rafter legs, preventing their divergence;
  • Grandma.  The bar located vertically and fixed at the ridge and tightening;
  • Brace.  A plank connecting the slant and the rafter at an angle;
  • Rack.  Vertically rests in a prone and rafter;
  • .   Beam connecting the upper bases of the rafters;
  • Filly.  The growing part of the rafters for the overhang;
  • Overhang.  Additional design, used to protect the outer wall from rain;
  • Crate. A grill mounted on a rafter frame for attaching a cover layer.

The combination of several elements (rafters, racks, braces) in one plane is called a farm.

Roof system gable roof, drawings and photos below:

Drawing elements of the rafter system

Gantry roof truss units

Reliable fastening of structural units provides strength and endurance of the structure, contributes to an increase in its service life.

The durability of the base of a gable roof depends not only on proper fastening.

It also consists of the correct calculation of all elements of the frame, from a verified determination of the type of structure at the design stage.

Rafters for a gable roof are connected with different structural elements.

The main components of the design:

  • With beam: fastened either with a studded tooth, or with a tooth with emphasis.  Additionally use corners. Mount to the beam, cutting out the thorn stop in the beam with a socket. A single tooth is attached with a spike and an emphasis. If a cut is made, then the distance from the edge of the bar should be 0.2 - 0.4 m;
  • With Mauerlat: with a hard mount, use corners or make a gash,  which is fixed with nails or brackets, with a hinge - moving metal fasteners, with gash - a nail or a bracket;
  • With a skate: cutting the edge at an angle they fasten butt with the help of nails,  secured with a bracket or billboard. The lap boards are fastened with a bolt or studs.

Depending on the span, the elements are fixed:

  • Grandma.  Top - brackets and clamp, bottom - clamp;
  • A skew.  The top is attached to the rafter, the bottom to the grandmother;


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