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  Built-in bed do-it-yourself drawings and diagrams. Table transformer do-it-yourself drawings - photos and video

The folding bed is a convertible design. The product, if necessary, is modified into a cabinet, a furniture wall, helping to save space in small-sized apartments. The design is convenient to use, compact, technological, and provides quality rest. DIY folding bed is a budget option. Self-assembly reduces the cost of the product, allows you to develop your own design, add details (shelves, mirrors, etc.).

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Types of folding beds

Designs with a folding mechanism are multifunctional, because combine several pieces of furniture. Manufacturers produce beds combined with a wardrobe, with a sofa or a shelving. There are designs that transform into a curbstone.

A bed with a folding mechanism, mounted in a closet, can accommodate a single bed or a double bed of Euroformat. Designed options that hide 2 separate beds. The doors of a simulated cabinet can swing open or slide apart.

The models of beds combined with a wardrobe and a sofa are ergonomic and allow you to arrange a place for a day's rest. The design is roomy, so only models of the double format are produced. A bed with a sofa is more expensive than other transformers.

The design with the folding mechanism can be modified into a curbstone. In the disassembled state, the product is a sleeping bed, and during the day it frees up space for the office. The model is budget because does not require a powerful lifting device.

To place a folding bed on the balcony is an ergonomic solution for small studios. But to organize a place of rest, it is necessary to insulate the room.

Folding beds can be with one or several tiers. More common products are single. Designs with 2 tiers are used in the arrangement of rooms for children and adolescents.

According to the method of opening, the models are divided into 2 groups: transverse-folding (horizontal) and longitudinally folding (vertical).

A vertical bed is popular in small apartments. The sleeping bed is fixed perpendicular to the wall surface. The model is not limited in length and width. The size range is represented by single, one and a half and double products. The structures are massive and not intended for children's rooms.

Beds with a horizontal lifting mechanism are suitable for narrow rooms with low ceilings. Designs are optimal for attics and children's rooms, as occupy a minimum of space even when unfolded. Products can be disguised as bookcases and shelves.

Types of Fasteners

3 types of folding mechanisms for transforming beds have been developed: manual, spring, gas.

In the hand-held device there are no elements that facilitate the lifting of the bed, so physical effort is required during operation. The mounting structure is simple, reliable and budget-friendly. However, the mechanism is not suitable for children's bedrooms.

The design on the springs is universal, with an affordable price. The hoist uses twisted spirals. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for the system from 3 to 5 years. During operation, the bed is required to inspect and monitor the condition of the springs.

The gas mechanism is the most functional, reliable, durable. The device does not require physical effort during operation, as the bed rises due to gas lifts. The power of the mechanism is selected depending on the dimensions of the structure, the weight of the mattress. Manufacturers guarantee for devices - 10 years. The cost of the mechanism is high.

Fasteners are selected taking into account the dimensions of the berth. The configuration of the room and the availability of free space affect the choice of horizontal or vertical type of lift.

The power of the gas mechanism is selected taking into account operating conditions. Some devices have a load limit, so you need to consider the weight of the bed and mattress when choosing a wall mount system. Amplifiers and blockers are implemented in conjunction with the mechanisms to protect against arbitrary operation of the device.

Drawer bed drawings

In the manufacture of a folding bed with your own hands according to the drawings, you can use schemes with standard parameters. Author's design is also possible. You can design furniture according to drawings developed for the dimensions, the configuration of the room and the required functionality. The product can be supplemented with a chest of drawers, drawers, shelves, including them in the drawing.

A typical design should be built using the parameters of the bed base, cabinet frame, lifting mechanism, decoration elements. It is required to fasten the box to the wall, based on the dimensions displayed on the dimensional and assembly drawings. It is important to accurately follow the installation diagram of the power element, taking into account the thickness of the mechanism, the height and width of the bed, the thickness of the sides, etc. It is required to display the main assembly lines in the drawings.

Self assembly

Before making a folding bed, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools, raw materials, elements and installation diagrams. You will need a wooden beam under the frame, edged boards for the crossbeams, and for the sidewalls and the headboard - furniture panels. The kit includes plywood sheets, hinges for attaching the structure to the wall, bars for legs. The tool kit includes a tape measure, a level and a square, a jigsaw, a set of screwdrivers and screwdrivers, a drill, a grinder.

Assembly work is carried out on a smooth surface. At each stage, it is required to check the perpendicularity of the angles using a square. A typical design involves the assembly of an internal mechanism, a sleeping surface, facade walls, handles, belts for fixing bedding and a mattress.

Do-it-yourself upright vertical bed

The design of the vertical lift includes a box, a surface for sleeping, a lifting device. For the type of fastening, the strength of the walls is important, concrete or brick panels are preferred.

Work begins with the assembly of the frame, the size of which is affected by the size of the sleeping bed. The main components of the box: vertical and horizontal walls, rear panel, thrust shelf and baseboard. The depth of the frame is determined taking into account the thickness of the mattress, 32 cm is added to the indicator. For a furniture box, the width of the mattress is important, to which 16 cm is added. Details of the box are fixed with screws, the elements located on the facade are glued.

Then they complete the assembly of a sleeping place, which consists of sidewalls, a headboard, a rack base. The mattress is attached to the belt loops. The box and the bed are connected by a lifting mechanism to the screws. Complete the work by installing parts. Shelves are mounted on the sides of the box, under the wardrobes under the shelves.

What do you do with old furniture?

What a man does not come up with in pursuit of free centimeters of living space is our reality connected with the compactness of apartments and private houses. You need to place a lot, but there is not enough space for everything. So you have to go to various tricks, one of which is the use of multifunctional furniture - transformers. With a flick of the wrist, an ordinary wardrobe turns into a bed - it is about her, or rather, how to make a bed a transformer with your own hands, we will talk in this article. Together with the site, the site will deal with the principle of the independent manufacture of such products.

Double bed transformer do-it-yourself photo

Do-it-yourself transformer bed: device

By and large, the design of a folding transformer bed is by no means complicated - globally, such a bed can be divided into three components, which you will need to first make separately, and then combine them into one product. But this is a bit later, but for now it is necessary to deal with the parts and materials necessary for their manufacture.

  1. Cabinet body. It can have a different configuration, it can be equipped with any type of filling - the only thing that should remain unchanged is a large opening (niche) into which the bed will be laid. Such a niche is made according to the size of the mattress. As for materials, the most optimal among all the variety on the furniture market is laminated chipboard - this material is rather unpretentious in processing, and the only moment associated with its sawing is chips. It is very difficult to get rid of them, it is for this reason that it is better to order a chipboard cut at the appropriate enterprise - you only calculate every detail of the cabinet, then transfer the dimensions to the sawmill and there you are all not only cut, but also glued with an edge tape.
  2. The base of the bed is the part on which the mattress is laid. Everything is a little simpler here and such a product is made of three types of different materials. Firstly, it is a wooden beam - a rectangular frame is created from it. Secondly, these are lamellas or just sheet material such as plywood - a mattress will be laid on them. Well, and thirdly, chipboard or MDF, which are attached from the bottom of the bed - in the folded position, this part will serve as a furniture facade. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its manufacture in a special way more from a design point of view.
  3. Folding mechanism. It is better to purchase it in a finished form - it combines a wardrobe with a bed and heavy loads are imposed on it. It is better to give preference to a high-quality system - it is not worth saving here.

About the design and principles of making a transformer bed with your own hands, see this video.

In fact, except for such trifles as fasteners and other accessories, this and the whole bed are a transformer for giving. There may be variations with materials - for example, a cabinet can generally be abandoned in favor of a man-made niche in the wall. The facade can be made of wood, if the appropriate equipment is available. And one more thing - for the convenience of use, the facade of such a bed is equipped with a special handle. At the same time, it serves as an emphasis on the floor in the disassembled position of the bed - it is also better to buy it in a store, despite the fact that its manufacture does not pose any problem for skilled people.

How to make a do-it-yourself transformer bed in a closet

We have already briefly talked about this above, and the principle of manufacturing such furniture is very clear. Here we will talk only about some of the subtleties - by and large, there are two of them.

Also, the rigidity of the design of such a cabinet can be achieved by including a capital back wall in its design. As a standard, it is made of laminated fiberboard, but here it will be better to use chipboard, the same as that used to make the cabinet body. Also at this stage of work, you must not forget about the facade, which will subsequently be screwed to the bottom of the bed.

Making a transformer bed for a summer residence: sleeping place

By and large, everything is elementary here and the whole process of making a berth can be represented in the form of three main stages of work.

And the last one is the side trim. Like it or not, a wooden beam does not look very attractive. For this reason, it is necessary to close the chipboard - it can be screwed to the beam with the same confirmations, subsequently closing their hats with caps.

Now the matter is small - it will be necessary to connect the wardrobe and the berth into a single whole. Do not think that this is a simple job - it is very important to install the system in the right place. In principle, serious manufacturers supply the installation scheme complete with similar mechanisms. If it is not available, contact the Internet - this is truly a storehouse of useful information, and at the same time a large landfill.

DIY bunk bed transformer do-it-yourself photo

And in conclusion of the topic of how a transformer bed is made with one's own hands, it remains to add only one thing - exactly according to the same principle a bunk berth can be made. Naturally, with the exception of some details. Here it will be necessary to think carefully about the support for the upper berth - this problem is aggravated by the fact that this support should have a decorative appearance, since it will be on the front side when folded.

In a small apartment, a wardrobe bed can be a real salvation. During the day, it does not take up much space, but is decomposed only at night. In addition, such transformer furniture is not difficult to make on your own. And if you give free rein to imagination, then it will combine not only a berth and storage boxes, but also a desk. But before you begin assembling this interior item, you need to draw up competent drawings of future furniture.

Figure 1. Drawing of a wardrobe-bed.

Drawing up a drawing

In order to make a competent drawing, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of future furniture. As a rule, a transformer bed is assembled taking into account the dimensions of a particular room. If you have a narrow but long room at your disposal, it is more reasonable to make a tall cabinet. A folding bed will occupy its central part, additional storage spaces can be arranged on the sides, and mezzanines can be equipped at the top. Such a design is shown in Fig. 1.

If the room is square in shape, then transforming furniture can be more complicated. Now in stores you can find modules in which a desk becomes a retractable element, and the berth is located on 2 tiers.

Figure 2. An example of a cabinet-bed design.

For self-production, the most difficult part is the mechanism for raising the bed, which is cleaned in a closet. The easiest way is to purchase a finished design, sold in an assembled form. But as a rule, such mechanisms are not cheap.

The way out of the situation may be the acquisition of individual elements of the system and self-assembly of the mechanism. At work, instructions will help you, which manufacturers place in the catalogs of finished furniture. An example of such a drawing is shown in Fig. 2.

When drawing up the scheme, you can provide your own dimensions. But make sure that the overall proportions of the product are maintained.Otherwise, the wardrobe bed will not have the expected functionality.

Back to the table of contents

Materials and Tools

Transforming furniture is usually made of chipboard, chipboard (laminated particle board) or a joinery. It is the latter material that has the greatest durability. But natural wood is more expensive. Therefore, masters prefer to use chipboard. But plywood, even thick enough, experts do not advise taking. Since its service life does not exceed 5-7 years.

Figure 3. A table-bed is especially convenient and practical to install in a teenager’s room.

In addition to the main material, a beam with a cross section of 5 * 5 cm and an edged board (1.5 * 5 cm) will be required. It is most reasonable to use Eurobolts as fasteners. This type of connection becomes much more reliable than when using self-tapping screws. And nodes, which do not have a serious load, to connect using wooden dowels.

For work, you will definitely need the following tools:

  • jigsaw or hacksaw for wood;
  • electric drill and drill set;
  • screwdriver;
  • a grinder or a special nozzle on a drill;
  • hex keys;
  • set of screwdrivers.

Do not forget about the measuring tools that will help to assemble the wardrobe-bed correctly. You will need a centimeter tape measure, a square and a building level. It is wiser to prepare everything you need in advance. This will allow you not to be distracted from work.

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Do-it-yourself transformer bed - step-by-step plan and 5 decor options

Folding furniture is considered the best way to rationally use living space in small houses and apartments. Let's take a look at the popular models of transformer beds, and home craftsmen will receive step-by-step assembly instructions and 5 decor options for the folding bed facade.

Determine the design and construction of the future bed

Before you design and purchase material, you need to decide which design you need. For decades of furniture experimenting, craftsmen have come up with many models of transformers, it’s impossible to talk about everything, so we will focus on proven and most popular options.

Bed in the closet

This type of collapsible structures is considered the most popular and affordable for self-assembly. A box with a mattress is created, which in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head is attached to the folding mechanism, as a result, the entire panel rises vertically.

There are 2 options for rollaway beds built into the closet:

  1. The first option is built into a real closet. In such models, the appearance of the structure is not important, the bed is simply integrated into the interior of the cabinet, after which the common panel, together with the real shelves and drawers, is covered by sliding sliding doors;

  1. The second option is done from scratch, that is, the box is going specifically for the size of the bed and then decorated under the closet. Such a makeshift wardrobe-bed is half cheaper and it is much easier to assemble.

Sofa bed

Here we are dealing with the same folding bed decorated under a wardrobe, but only on the facade of this wardrobe is a real sofa attached. When a person needs to make a bed, he removes the pillows of the sofa back and flips the panel with the mattress.

Such models are especially popular in one-room apartments and studio apartments. The main plus is that when the bed is folded, the owners get a full, comfortable place to sit.

Such models are not suitable for self-assembly, as the master will have to create a new or remodel the old sofa, and such works require serious professional skills.

Table bed

Tables capable of transforming into a bed were originally designed for a small room of a teenager, therefore single models prevail here. Compared to the previous two options, they differ in more complex mechanics.

It’s realistic to make such a transformer with your own hands, at a cost price the design is relatively inexpensive, but all details require an exact fit. If this is your first time encountering the creation of furniture, it is better to order the manufacture of the main components in a professional workshop, and only assemble it yourself at home.

Choosing a folding table scheme, it is desirable to give preference to the option in which the countertop moves horizontally down and at the same time there is space. So when unfolding you will not need to completely remove all objects from the table.

Two-level transformer

In fact, the bunk folding design is an improved model of a folding bed cabinet. The photo below shows that the mattress shield is simply cut in half and a folding mechanism is installed on each of these single sections.

And to ensure synchronization and reliable support, parallel plates are installed on both sides, which replace the ladder to the inhabitant of the second tier. It is not much more difficult to make this model with your own hands than a wardrobe-bed, of course there is more work, but the technology is simple and of the same type.

Chest of drawers

From a technical point of view, a chest of drawers or, as it is also called, a bedside table, which is absolutely identical to the models built into the cabinet. Only the size of the mattress folding shield and the orientation of the bed differ (it is attached to the side). All nodes are the same, but the box is decorated not under the cabinet, but under the cabinet or chest of drawers.

Ceiling bed

To save space, such transformers are ideal. The only problem is that these designs are assembled to order and have a high price. Briefly, here on the wall are installed rails with a powerful lifting mechanism that raises the mattress shield in a horizontal position to the ceiling.

In order not to spoil the interior, a plasterboard hanging box with a niche under the bed is arranged in the ceiling, in which the horizontal structure is placed. Without any special knowledge, undertaking the construction of a ceiling bed is simply stupid.

Firstly, we need an accurate calculation of the load on the mechanism, plus the calculation of the power of the electric drive with a winch, and secondly, if the master makes a mistake, then all this heavy construction can fall off the ceiling and crush someone.

Manufacturing process

As mentioned above, the closest bed is considered to be the simplest design for self-production, so we will focus on it.

Tools and materials

As the main material, we will use chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm or more. According to experience, it is not advisable to buy a whole sheet in a hardware store, take it home and dissolve it manually, it is easier to order material in the nearest furniture workshop, for several reasons:

  • The minimum sheet size of a 16 mm thick chipboard is 2440x1830 mm, respectively, for delivery it will be necessary to hire a cargo taxi, and if the apartment on the upper floors still has to call assistants or pay for movers to lift the sheet.
  • In order to break the sheet evenly and beautifully, you will need a hand-held circular saw with a special disc and the corresponding power. Chips remain from the electric jigsaw on the chipboard, and with a manual hacksaw it is generally better not to approach this material.
  • When you draw a sketch and write down the details (the dimensions of each part separately), you will need to arrange all the details as economically as possible, taking into account the thickness of the cut. A special program is used for this in the workshop, and at home, even having a cutting card on hand, it is easy to make a mistake.

  • In the workshop, the ends of the parts are qualitatively laminated to you, and at home you will be able to glue with your own iron only the cheapest melamine tape, which will begin to peel off after a couple of years.
  • And finally, the price, if you start from the cost of a chipboard sheet in the market, then buying, cutting and laminating the ends in the workshop will cost 15 - 20% more. But taking into account self-transportation, time spent and possible marriage, this margin is lower than when doing the work yourself.

In addition to the chipboard, we need a mattress shield. It can be made independently from a wooden bar and plywood, or you can buy a finished metal structure. The first option is 2 to 3 times cheaper, the second is considered more reliable.

From auxiliary fittings you will need:

  • confirmations;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts or studs with a cross section of 8 - 10 mm, plus nuts with washers and engravers for them;
  • dowel nails;
  • metal furniture corners;
  • two blocks of lifting fittings with gas or spring shock absorbers.

You may need extendable legs, but you can do without them, as I will discuss later.

If you order cutting parts in the workshop, then to assemble the structure you will need the following tool:

  • Electric drill with shock function.
  • A set of drills, including drills with a victory tip and a confirmation drill ;.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hacksaw for wood or jigsaw.

How is the built-in bed going

First of all, remember - a makeshift transformer bed is designed to fit the dimensions of a particular mattress, so a mattress is bought first and a sketch is already drawn up on it.

Artwork Recommendations

Confirmation assembly diagram.

To fix the details with confirmations, you will need a confirmation drill and an Allen key.

Assembly of the outer cabinet cabinet.

Step 1.

After marking, holes for the confirmations are drilled in the ends and the parts are pulled together. Fixation step 100 - 150 mm.

Step 2.

At intervals of 50 cm, adjustable furniture legs are screwed to the sole of the structure with screws, after which the box is leveled near a solid wall.

It is forbidden to mount such a cabinet on a drywall.

Step 3.

Using steel angles from 1 mm thick, the box is fixed on the wall at 4 points.

The corners are bolted to the wall with dowel-nails, and to the cabinet box with screws.

Before fixing, you need to measure the diagonals of the box, fastening can begin only if the diagonals are the same.

Assembly of the inner box.

Step 1.

At the initial stage, the inner box is assembled similarly to the outer one, for confirmations.

Step 2.

The inner box experiences high dynamic loads, so it must be strengthened with strong metal corners at all 4 corners.

The lifting system is screwed to the box with powerful studs or bolts, wide washers are necessarily laid here and engravers are used.

Step 3.

By the way, in order not to splurge on retractable metal legs, the side mounted at the feet of the structure is placed above the inner box, as a result, when unfolding, the bed rests on the foot. However, when folding, this side will form a visor.

We build the base under the mattress.

Step 1.

There is no problem with the metal system, it’s not even necessary to assemble the inner box, but there are nuances with the wooden mattress pad.

We used a pad with lamellas from the old bed. If you did not have such a design, then you can make a supporting frame from a 50x50 mm timber and lay plywood on it with a thickness of 10 mm or more.

Step 2.

On the side racks of the inner box with self-tapping screws are screwed bars from the mattress pad.

The central support in the same plane is attached with 4 metal corners.

Step 3.

In this case, lamellas were used as a support, but no one bothers you to lay a sheet of plywood instead of lamellas.

The technical assembly of the transformer is completed, then we just have to decorate the facade, but we will talk about this in the next chapter.

The last step - decor of the finished product 5 options

Artwork Recommendations

Option number 1: chipboard.

The easiest option is to fix 2 shields from the same chipboard on the facade and screw the handles to them. So the design will look like a cabinet with swing doors.

Option number 2: a mirror.

The mirror on the facade looks more solid, but in this place and with such dimensions it is advisable to use acrylic mirrors, they do not break even when deformed.

Option number 3: sliding doors.

An imitation of sliding sliding doors is also possible, but this decor is expensive and it only makes sense to mount it if the interior concept requires it.

Option number 4: pendulum shelf.

Here the facade is sutured with a smooth sheet, and in the upper part an oscillating shelf is mounted, which when the bed is lowered turns into legs.

Option number 5: photo printing.

With a reasonable approach, you can find a photopanel under any interior, and if you do not spare money and apply the image in 3D, then the room will be completely transformed.


The method of arranging a transformer bed described above is easy to install and is relatively inexpensive, and the 5 decor options presented can completely transform the interior of the room. There are alternative approaches to the video in this article. If after studying questions remain, write in the comments, I will try to help.

   August 5, 2018

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With small apartments in which a large number of people live, there is a need to save space. The issue of furniture placement can become an acute issue in a children's room, especially if it is single, and several children of school or preschool age are forced to sleep in it. To save space, you can buy a folding bed. You can create a drawing and make a wardrobe bed with your own hands. This will significantly save financial expenses and will allow you to create a bed of the required dimensions, taking into account the color scheme of the room and the decorative elements present in it.

Before starting the bed manufacturing process, you must have a drawing, following which you can make a wardrobe-bed with or without additional shelves. A detailed layout of parts will help create a quality bed as quickly as possible, which will function correctly.

Such schemes most often involve the manufacture of beds with sizes 1800 * 2000, 2120 * 1715, 2040 * 2200, 1731 * 2020. These make double beds. Single ones are most often intended for children's rooms, therefore they are smaller. Since their installation is carried out independently, it is possible to create a drawing of the size of the bed, depending on the availability of space, the age of the child and the possible use of this bed by younger children after the older ones are older. To create a transformer bed, drawings must be as accurate and clear as possible.

To make a wardrobe bed with your own hands, you will need such tools:

  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Saw;
  • File;
  • Pliers;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Joiner pencil;
  • Sandpaper with different numbers of abrasiveness;
  • Furniture screws;
  • Self-tapping screws.

This is a minimal set of tools; in the process, others may be required.


It is also necessary to have the following materials:

  • Furniture plates or chipboards;
  • Wooden beams;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Hinges for fastening;
  • Corners;
  • Swivel mechanism;
  • Materials for decorating;
  • Materials for the manufacture of legs.

It is also a minimal set of materials. Cutting is done according to the drawing. It is done like this:

  1. Using a tape measure and a pencil, all the details of the future cabinet are made in the form of patterns according to the data from the drawing;
  2. For patterns, you can use connected sheets of Whatman paper or wallpaper;
  3. Each item needs to be signed;
  4. Identify the joints and fastenings of the transformation mechanism.


Frame assembly

To assemble the frame, you need to know the clear dimensions of the proposed bed. They depend on the size of the bed and on the type of bed: single or double. For the frame, you need 2 side plates located along the frame, 2 side plates for fastening along the width of the bed, as well as the rear base. The back wall will occupy the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called cabinet, so it should be larger in size than the mattress that will be on the bed. Based on these considerations, it is recommended that the frame be made 15 cm wide and 40 cm large in length (a margin in length is necessary for folding).

Having decided on the size of the side plates and the back wall for the frame, you must:

  1. Make cutting on a chipboard panel or on a furniture plate, using patterns for this;
  2. Cut the parts with a jigsaw, sand them thoroughly, fringe the edges;
  3. Prepare a layout for fasteners, transferring data from patterns to plates;
  4. Connect the shield with furniture screws, for the reliability of their fastening to drill a hole in advance with a drill with a drill with the possibility of preparing a groove for the cap and fasteners (connection with screws should be made every 25-35 cm).

We carry out a cut

Grinding coating

We connect the elements with fasteners

Mattress box

Creating the mattress box yourself is the most difficult part in making a wardrobe-bed. When cutting, cutting parts from furniture plates (or from other materials), carefully follow the numbers indicated in the drawing. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a box that will correspond to the size of the frame.

To make the box you need:

  • Two side walls that can be diagonal;
  • One side wall;
  • Bottom (plywood is the most suitable material for manufacturing).

How to make a box:

  1. It is necessary to cut and cut the plywood bottom in the same way as the back wall for the frame;
  2. To make back and side walls, to process their edges with sandpaper and a fringing tape;
  3. Attach the side and rear walls to the plywood bottom with furniture screws. It is necessary to adhere to a distance of 25-30 cm between the screws;
  4. Around the perimeter of the resulting structure, it is necessary to lay a wooden beam, which will serve as a support for the mattress pad. It is advisable to use a beam measuring 50 * 50 mm. It is fastened with wood screws to the side walls;
  5. To create a device for the mattress pad, edged boards are used that are screwed to a wooden beam. The length of one board should be such as to get from one edge of the beam to the opposite. They are placed in the same plane as the plywood bottom. The distance between the boards is 10-20 cm.

We carry out a chipboard cut

Making the side and back wall

We lay lamellas

Mounting the transformation mechanism

The lifting mechanism performs the function of the movement of the box in relation to the immovable frame.

How to mount:

  1. The hinges of the articulated mechanism are screwed onto the bed box and frame. The main support in this case should fall on the frame, because it is immovable;
  2. The dimensions of the box and frame are adjusted to each other, and the mechanism is connected;
  3. This work must be done with an assistant;
  4. After mounting the transformation system, it is necessary to raise the box, check its compliance with the size of the frame;
  5. For smooth installation of the articulated mechanism, it is necessary to use a level so that the bed rises evenly and thus reliably rests on the same plane with the frame. A uniform line should be achieved at the junction of the upper edge of the frame and the lower edge of the box.

To facilitate the transformation, you can use additional parts that simplify the movement of the mechanism (gas shock absorbers, counterweight). Such mechanisms are especially necessary if a baby bed or teenage bed is made. It is not recommended to allow children to fold and unroll a folding bed on their own, but even in this case, it is necessary that the children can independently lay out the bed without any help, therefore, the transformation system built into the cabinet with their own hands should be easy.

Create a headboard

The head of the transformer cabinet should be made of soft material, especially if the bed is for children. It is desirable to make soft not only the headboard, but also the lower part of the side walls of the frame. The easiest option for a soft headboard that you can make yourself - soft foam padding. The role of foam rubber can also be performed by a synthetic winterizer.

How to make a headboard:

  1. Folding material in several layers;
  2. This material must be sewn with a beautiful fabric with decorative elements or quilted stitching;
  3. For ease of care, you can create a detachable beating, with hidden zippers. It will be convenient to remove, wash and put it on again;
  4. The height of the soft headboard should be at least 60-70 cm, and preferably about 1 m. This will ensure the presence of soft upholstery under the back of a seated person at the head of the bed. For the same reason, the same softening upholstery should be prepared for the side walls of the frame;
  5. The height of the foam pillow on the side walls of the frame should match the height of the same upholstery at the head;
  6. The prepared upholstery can be attached to the frame or to the wall using screws and fabric (or made from elastic) loops. If the padding is not removable, then the back of the fabric cover can be attached with a stapler.

We cut sheets

Making holes for buttons

Glue the foam

We fasten an upholstery

We mount buttons


The legs for such a bed must be movable and turn around at least 180 ° C. In such cases, it is convenient to use metal legs connected together and representing a metal bar with corresponding bends.

How to fix:

  1. Make measurements of the height of the box above the floor, determine the height of the legs;
  2. Measure the width of the box. Calculate the length of the metal strip;
  3. Weld, grind, varnish a leg or order a finished one;
  4. Prepare holes for mounting on the box and on the leg;
  5. Such legs are attached to the bottom plank of the box so as to attach to a wooden beam in the middle;
  6. Check legs for turning.

When unfolding the transformer, the legs must be rotated 180 degrees and put a bed on them. When the box is lifted, the legs are tucked so as to be hidden inside the so-called cabinet.  In addition, a metal strip connecting two legs (or a straight strip of a cast leg) to each other simultaneously performs the task of holding the mattress on the mattress pad. Thus, its movement during folding and unfolding of the bed is excluded. For the same purpose, you can install stops at the upper edge of the mattress pad. Limiters can be horizontal bars. There may be several legs, but in this case the folding process is complicated. The leg should be strong to support the weight of the box, mattress, bedding and sleeping people.

We measure a box

We get special legs

Make holes

Fasten the leg

Decoration and fittings

With the help of decorative elements, you can completely hide the presence of a transforming bed in the room. There are many ideas for decorating the bottom trims of a bedside box that looks into the room. One of the most beautiful and simple options is to create an imitation of a three-door or four-door cabinet.

The doors can be imitated using wooden planks and handles, supposedly designed to open such doors. On one of the doors you can put a mirror.

Another good option to hide the presence of a transformer bed in the room is to mount this cabinet in the furniture wall, creating a bed of furniture plates of the same color as the wall. Next to other parts of the wall, the cabinet will look quite natural, especially if you add decorative elements such as handles and trims. At the same time, neighboring cabinets in the wall can be used to store bedding, which will greatly simplify the process of cleaning the bed every morning.



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