home - Homemade
The interior of the sewing workshop in the apartment. Sewing art - sewing corner
To begin with - about the main parameters that are important for the organization of the workplace. Its size and equipment will not least depend on how much time you devote to sewing and how professionally you do it.

If sewing is, in fact, your profession, if you sew a lot and often, almost every day, if you have several machines and a special cutting table, ideally, your workplace can take up an entire room or a significant part of it.


If sewing is more of a hobby for you, or it is not possible to allocate a separate part of the apartment for the work area, a compromise is possible. About the main parameters of organizing a sewing corner and ideas that facilitate work and storage - in our review.

First of all, for work you need a table, a chair, lighting and an outlet - in order to connect the sewing machine. A computer table or a convenient writing table is also suitable. For seamstresses in production, special chairs are produced: they look like a swivel office chair, but with a straighter and more rigid seat and back, which exclude the possibility of sitting too imposingly. Such a chair is not necessary, the main thing is that your seat is stable, fits in height and allows you to sit on it for a long time without fatigue.

A good table lamp with the ability to adjust its position and tilt is important for work. Better to use fluorescent or LED bulbs. Firstly, they do not heat up, and there is no possibility of getting burned by accidentally hitting the lamp. Secondly, unlike ordinary ones, such lamps do not distort the color of materials and threads (this is especially important if you are embroidering). Plus - eyes get tired of them less.

Stand with pockets for a sewing machine and a pin cushion

Photo: howjoiful.com

A mat can be used to keep the sewing machine firmly on the table. And you can sew such a backing yourself: it is also convenient with pockets for small items. Bonus - a pin cushion.

You will need:
- two types of dense fabric;
- metal clip for clothespins;
- glue;
- a little padding polyester or other material for stuffing the needle bar;
- sewing machine, threads.

1. Determine the length and width of the future underlay. Cut the fabric, keeping in mind that the pocket detail will be double. You will also need 4 parts for processing the edges.

Photo: howjoiful.com

2. Fold the pocket in half with the inside out and stitch back slightly from the fold. Sew the piece on one of the short sides to the edge of the main piece.

Photo: howjoiful.com

3. Fold in pleats to form a zip pocket and sew.

Photo: howjoiful.com

4. The other three pockets will be flat. Mark the stitching lines and sew. Sew the entire pocket detail at the bottom.

Photo: howjoiful.com

5. Now we need to process the edges of the underlay.

Photo: howjoiful.com

6. In the same way we process the bottom edge of the substrate, carefully closing the corner.

Photo: howjoiful.com

7. We start making the needle cushion.

Photo: howjoiful.com

8. First, install the invisible clothespin. It is better to glue it from the inside with glue.

Photo: howjoiful.com

9. We attach the colored parts to the main one and, folding the inside out, sew the needle bar, leaving one side free.

Photo: howjoiful.com

10. Turn out the needle bar, fill it and sew up the hole. By the way, this needle cushion can also be worn on the belt.

Photo: howjoiful.com

Sewing machine mat options:

Photo: katiesquiltingcorner.com

Photo: stitchesoflovequilting.com

Photo: atesewingblog.files.wordpress.com

Sewing machine cover

The cover protects the sewing machine from dust, hides it from children and can become an element of interior decor - with the appropriate choice of fabric for it.

: Master Class

Here is another detailed master class: we sew a cover with convenient pockets.

Sewing machine cover options and ideas:

Photo: love-to-sew.com

Photo: whip-stitch.com

Photo: craftsfromkaren.blogspot.com

Photo: feelincrafty.wordpress.com

Photo: cheekycognoscenti.blogspot.ru

Thread storage stand

Photo: sugarbeecrafts.com

Such a stand can be hung on a wall or cabinet door from the inside, placed in a tray or drawer of a bedside table. It is just as convenient to store bobbins with thread on it as spools. The main thing is to find the right size perforated panel. Often, home improvement stores that sell these can help you cut the panel to your size.

You will need:
- perforated panel;
- sticks or rods on which you will hang the coils (for example, wooden sticks for barbecue are suitable);
- wood glue;
- jigsaw;
- optional paint and trim strips.

1. First, use a jigsaw to cut the sticks into the desired lengths so that the coils fit on them. If you have larger spools or bobbins, make a few longer rods.

Photo: sugarbeecrafts.com

2. Lubricate the tip of each pin with glue and insert into the hole. For extra strength, glue the attachment point of each pin and on the back. Leave to dry.

Photo: sugarbeecrafts.com

3. In principle, the stand is ready. If you want to decorate its edges with decorative strips, saw off the strips of the desired length at an angle of 45 degrees, paint with acrylic and dry. After - glue the strips along the edges of the stand.

Photo: sugarbeecrafts.com

Bobbin and bobbin storage options:

Photo: edge2edgequilting.com

Photo: running-w-scissors.com


Ideas for storing needles:

Photo: letitshinedesign.blogspot.com

Photo: letitshinedesign.blogspot.com

Photo: patternskid.com

Photo: thedomesticdiva.wordpress.com

Photo: thedomesticdiva.wordpress.com

More storage ideas:

Photo: twopeasinabucket.com

Photo: scrapbooksetc.com

Photo: spelloutloud.com

Photo: scrapbooksetc.com

Photo: running-w-scissors.com
"A man wants everything that can be achieved, a woman wants what cannot be achieved"... George Dennison Prentice
A striking illustration of this phrase is an attempt to organize a sewing corner where it cannot be by definition, for example, in a one-room apartment of thirty square meters, a husband and two children. It seems impossible. However, if a woman wanted something, then it is better to give it to her, otherwise she will take it herself. And since you managed to fall in love with sewing, then the household should take a deep breath and let you grab the brightest corner for yourself.

Logically speaking, the sewing corners can be divided into stationary or mobile, economical or luxurious, comfortable or "cranked" (if you have to sew "on the knee").

For example, a very powerful annoying factor for non-sewing family members is the discovery of needles, scissors, ribbons, pieces of fabric, paper, non-woven fabric and other sewing joys throughout the apartment area, especially when the machine is not removed from the table under the pretext "I will finish sewing tomorrow." Well, okay, not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow, or even two days later - should I lay it out again ?!

This situation describes mobile sewing cornerwhen the lack of free space forces you to take up any flat surface for sewing: from a kitchen and writing table to a bedside table the size of a sewing machine.

On the one hand, difficulties temper and give an additional incentive. On the other hand, sewing on the knee without many years of experience can give the product such a curvature that it can only be worn in a black-black room without light.

Therefore, regardless of whether the sewing space is permanent or temporary, the working surface should be sufficient to accommodate at least a sewing machine, at most an overlock, tools and accessories, magazines or books on sewing.

Minimum table size- with the installed machine on right there are 5-10 cm to the edge of the table, before the machine can position both elbows, and left all fabric or stitched parts are removed.

Arm support is key to stitch quality: Only by resting your elbows on the table can you evenly advance the fabric under the foot, which is important for sewing straight stitches. Keeping your hands on weight, it is impossible to get straight lines, the fabric will "walk" from side to side. The absence of a table under the item being sewn leads to the same result. Under the weight, it slides to the side. Moreover, together with the line being laid.

On some sewing forums, you can find advice to use a removed door as a table. In size - yes, I agree, you will get an almost cutting table, which is, however, somewhat larger, 2-3 meters. Only I am always puzzled by the question, where should this very door be taken or where should it be removed? Or should any dressmaker always have a spare?

Choosing the option of a mobile sewing corner, you will have to come to terms with the idea that the pleasant process of "coming up and sewing" can be complicated by the need for lengthy preparation. For creative and expansive natures, such a procedure causes a toothache. However, sometimes you don't have to choose, then you have to try and come up with a number of tricks.

For example, you can make an easy rearrangement and try to bring the table to the window. It will be lucky if this can be done without additional approvals from her husband and if the builders have provided wide window sills.

In this case, the sewing area will be well lit, and on the windowsill it will be possible to organize a convenient storage system for everything you need. Various boxes are ideal for this: in one - scraps of fabric and thread, in the other - ribbons, elastic bands, in the third - scissors, pencils, rulers, etc. After finishing work, everything is closed with lids, the machine hides under the table and - voila! - perfect order with a minimum of physical effort.

If you've managed to get yourself a few feet of floor space and some money, you can go ahead and create an almost normal sewing corner for yourself. This will require shelving unit with folding table top, behind which you can hide the technique.

The rest of the rack can be open, then it is better to leave only folders with magazines, stacks of fabric cuts and boxes with accessories so that there is no feeling of clutter, or it can be closed in any way: with a fabric curtain to match the interior, horizontal or sliding blinds.

With a modest sewing area, this option will allow you to optimally place everything you need in compliance with all aesthetic requirements.

Examples of setting up a workshop:

Arrangement of a workshop at home from Julia "Dress-therapy"

Arrangement of a workshop by Lina Frolova "ARMALINI sewing school"
How to equip a sewing place. How to make your workshop comfortable. These questions are always asked by those who are engaged in sewing and needlework.
And also those who decided to make money by sewing clothes are usually interested in what kind of sewing technique is needed. Is it necessary to purchase industrial equipment or enough household appliances.
I am often asked questions on what equipment they work with us, at the ARMALINI sewing school (Armalini). Almost every day someone is sure to ask what kind of ironing equipment we have. What to build patterns on and how to store them. What sewing machines we have and what overlocks. This interest is understandable. After all, I want to see and understand what is still necessary for comfortable work in the sewing business.
Today we invite you to visit us! You can visit us, our small workshop and see everything with your own eyes.
We will show you everything we are working on at the moment. We will show every detail of the workshop arrangement. Perhaps you will take note of something to equip your sewing place.
We hope that you will find useful information about the sewing machines that we have and that it will be interesting for you to take a virtual walk through our workshop.
I wanted to make a short overview, but somehow it didn't work out)) After all, there is so much in the workshop! And I wanted to show all the "usefulness" that we have at hand. Suddenly you will need them too ... After all, there is so much in the little things.
In general, see for yourself!))

How to store threads? The more we sew, the more we accumulate sewing thread. Something was bought for future use, something remained from the sewing of any products.

Organization of a tailor's workplace from Paukshte Irina Mikhailovna

How to equip a sewing room from Galina Balanovskaya
Today I will share my experience in setting up a sewing workplace and take a tour of my office.

roomtour My sewing room from the project "I do it myself"
Secrets of fabric storage, ideas on how to use space in the sewing room. How do I store my sewing tools and accessories. This and other information is in my today's video.

"Housing question": Sewing workshop and secret cinema in the married bedroom
From myself I will say that this is not a masterpiece, but you can take some ideas into service.

Sewing corner from the project "Notes-Minders"
In this video I will show my workplace, my huge stocks of fabrics (I don’t need so much !!!) and the equipment I use when sewing .. at the end of the video, a slightly cluttered workshop will appear !!! we look to the end !!!

Handicraft corner from the "SEWNTASTIC" project

How did I design my work area? from the "Brave Tailor" project

How do I store my sewing accessories and fabrics (Fix price, ikea) from the Sewing Fads project

How to store fabric. Ideas and advice from the project "I am a Woman"

Top 10 + ideas for storing tools and materials for needlework and sewing from Elena Krasovskaya

Storage of small flaps from Evgenia Panova

The idea of \u200b\u200borganizing the storage of fabric and scraps from the project "My day ULYANA TV"

Reader's question

I rented a small room for a sewing workshop. Could you help with organizing the space? I would like to combine the working area where it is planned to place equipment, sewing accessories (fabrics, threads, etc.), as well as a place to rest. The room is small - 20.2 sq.m. What is planned to be placed in this room: for work - a sewing machine, overlock, 2 mannequins, a mirror, a table for cutting fabric (160 cm wide), an ironing board. Need a small seating area as well as storage space for books, magazines, and sketch paper. It is planned that two people will work. Thank. I really hope for your help.
Best regards, Elena Kuznetsova.

Storage in a sewing workshop. In a sewing workshop, it is important to properly plan storage space, since fabrics, paper and accessories take up a fairly large area. It is very convenient to use for this "hidden resources" of the room - niches and spaces next to the windows (between tables and partially under them).

Designer response

Interior designer Maria Solovyova offered Elena two variants of the workshop layout. They differ in the possible arrangement of the working surface for two seamstresses. The designer placed the cutting and sewing area by the window so that the worker always received daylight. The built-in tabletop can be two-level, which also provides additional storage space for fabrics.

In the first version of the layout, the work tables are located in parallel. In this case, the light falls from the side and two people do not interfere with each other while working.

A huge question is caused by a narrow niche on the plan provided to the editor by the reader. If there are no communications in the niche and the wall that partially covers it is not load-bearing, you should think about dismantling the partition (having previously agreed). Then the space in the niche can be used to store rolls of fabric or make shelves for placing accessories. Shelves can be hidden from prying eyes with decorative curtains.

What a sewing workshop without an entrance group - you will definitely need a wardrobe and a clothes hanger. Another functional area is the fitting room, which can be hidden by curtains. This leaves enough space for a pair of mannequins located in different parts of the sewing workshop.

The designer did not forget about the recreation area, where the master and the client can comfortably sit down to discuss the nuances of the order.


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Suspended workplace - the choice for a novice needlewoman

If your hobby does not require a lot of space, for example, you are doing, or, it is quite possible to equip a needlewoman's working corner from a hanging cabinet-table designed for students and office workers working at home. Such systems are sold in furniture stores and can be easily modified to suit your needs.

Wall furniture is a compact wardrobe with a folding table, similar to a secretaire. When folded, all accessories will be reliably hidden from the eyes of guests and the hands of small children, if you master. When unfolded, you will receive a full-fledged table, next to which there will be all the necessary little things, neatly folded into lovingly hand-made boxes and decorative jars.

Such a table-cabinet can be placed in any room, including in the kitchen and even in the hallway, but do not forget to provide good lighting, which will be discussed below.

A workplace in a closet - always in perfect order

If you are engaged in types of needlework that require more space, including for installing equipment, for example, sewing or knitting, or your hobby has already left the category of while away the evenings, having turned into, take a closer look at the transformer cabinets. The organization of the needlewoman's workplace in the closet will always allow you to maintain order at home and hide the traces of the work process from guests, showing them only the results of your labor.

Such cabinets can be ordered at a furniture factory or an individual furniture maker, having drawn up a preliminary drawing in advance or showing him, as an example, a photo of a needlewoman's workplace. Naturally, in each finished project there is always the opportunity to make additions, taking into account the type of activity. Then you can also build baskets, boxes and other storage facilities with your own hands.

Remember to use the doors. If you earn by sewing to order, then glue the mirrors to the inner sides, if mirrors are not needed, organize additional storage there in the form of pockets. You can also attach holders for colored paper or fabric rolls to the doors.

Storage room as a separate office

Before organizing a needlewoman's workplace in the pantry, decide to get rid of unnecessary things that have accumulated there over the years. Seeing the empty pantry, you will understand that here you can equip a full-fledged workshop for sewing, knitting and weaving.

You can equip the inner space of the pantry with the help of ready-made furniture, items made to order or with your own hands. The most practical thing is to approach the task in a comprehensive manner - to buy part of the furniture, and make and sew all kinds of shelves, hanging baskets and pockets with your own hands.

It is better to buy or order a table, taking into account your type of needlework. Think about whether you need a sewing machine, whether you will use hot objects (iron, soldering iron, glue gun), whether there is a danger of moisture - taking these and other points into account, determine the height and size of the tabletop, as well as its surface.

Additional storage can be arranged under the table, but so that there is free space for the legs. Place the most popular items above the table, and be sure to equip the rest of the walls for storage, not forgetting the beauty of your handmade "boudoir".

Arrangement of a balcony for a home workshop

Try to convince your family to organize a needlewoman's workplace on the balcony, promising them perfect order and comfort in this abandoned area. Naturally, for such purposes, it will be necessary to glaze and insulate the balcony, therefore, it will not work to get a mini-workshop without investments. A workspace on the balcony is ideal for those whose creativity is accompanied by the release of unpleasant and harmful odors, for example, you use chemical dyes, varnishes or glue.

To equip the needlewoman's corner, select the end part of the balcony. It is desirable that daylight falls from the left side. Be sure to take care of the curtains and do not forget about the floor covering, which can be easily removed from the remains of thread, wool and other small debris.

A narrow cabinet for small items can be made under the window, and the walls can be supplemented with shelves and hanging storage units. Also on the balcony, you can use the suspended workstation and cabinet described above. Or set up a full-fledged table, taking into account your main hobby. Look in furniture stores for folding transformer tables that grow as needed. There are special models for sewing machines in which the machine is hidden inside.

How to equip part of the room for a handicraft corner

Having at your disposal a separate room or part of it, you can turn around to the fullest! This option is ideal for handicrafts that require a lot of space to work and store materials and tools.

Here all the same advice that we have already given above will do, but in scale you can not limit yourself.

Be sure to provide mirrors and screens, if clients come to you, buy mannequins, equip seats for visitors. Do not forget about open shelves, but be sure to keep order on them, and if neatness is not your feature, put only finished work on open shelves, and hide everything that is in the process in cabinets.

Arrangement Ideas - How to Organize Storage Spaces

For storage of accessories, it is convenient to use hanging baskets fixed on rails, these can be plastic containers, cardboard boxes covered with fabric, knitted bags.

It is convenient to store buttons, beads and other small items in. To maximize the use of space, screw the screw caps to the bottom of the cabinet - so you can screw and twist the jar at the right time, and at other times it will hang stylishly, decorating the cozy workplace of the needlewoman.

For small items, it is also convenient to use transparent plastic chests of drawers sold in beauty shops and suitcases with many compartments for recreational anglers.

Naturally, do-it-yourself storage facilities are welcome - chest of drawers made of cardboard or plywood, boxes with dividers, denim boxes and other attributes that emphasize your talent.

Remember that the corner should not only be beautiful, but also functional. Take care of sockets, waste bins, practical flooring.

Lighting is an important point

Do not forget that any work that requires attention negatively affects the eyes, and if you do it in a poorly lit room, fatigue will quickly turn into chronic fatigue, and vision will begin to deteriorate.

Take care of overhead lighting first. If there is no desire or opportunity to change the ceiling lamps, pay attention to floor lamps with a long and high leg - such a lamp is quite capable of replacing a ceiling light, moreover, its mobility allows you to quickly direct the lighting to another place. This is very convenient if you work in different parts of the table or room, or people come to you for fitting.

Contrary to popular belief, sunlight is not the best solution, so provide protection from it by working by the window or on the balcony. Too bright sun can lead to fatigue if you are embroidering with beads or creating jewelry with small details. However, daylight is also necessary - without it, it is impossible to choose the right shades of threads, fabrics and accessories.

When working with small details and, be sure to buy a table lamp. It is good if it is a model with smooth control of the degree of illumination - this way you can choose the desired intensity and create the most comfortable conditions for the eyes. Now there are rechargeable lamps - the perfect solution to protect against power outages in the house.

The magnifying lamp is a special invention that makes it easier to work with miniature elements, complex embroidery and is indispensable for those with low vision. Such lamps can be supplemented with holders, on which it is convenient to attach patterns for embroidery.

We will be glad if our advice will help you in arranging the needlewoman's corner, and the photos will inspire you to new solutions!

As it often happens, the needlewoman's workplace is formed spontaneously. First, we do our first creative work and we have enough space at the kitchen table, and all the tools and accessories fit in a small bag. But with each new work, the bags become more and more. Cuts of fabrics, shreds, threads, fittings, tools take up more and more space in the apartment, capturing more and more shelves in the closet, and then move to the window sills, floors ... All surfaces in the apartment are "overgrown" with stacks of magazines, folders with patterns , boxes for small things, various tools and devices, bags with leftovers and scraps from creativity under the code name "what if it fits." I think that all this is familiar to many craftswomen.

How to get rid of the creative clutter, how to organize your workspace so that it is always convenient, beautiful and cozy?

Agree that it is always pleasant to do what you like when you have your own workplace, your own corner. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to preparing your workplace. Let not a whole room be allocated for this, but only a small corner - a small table, where all the tools and materials will always be at your fingertips. You will not need to waste time looking for tools that have gone missing somewhere.

The arrangement of the sewing place depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or part of it, which can be allocated for your activities. The less space you can set aside for your workshop, the more organized it should be.

Let's first consider the option when we have no restrictions on the area for your creativity, consider the requirements that apply to the arrangement of all work areas. And then we will consider placement options when the space is limited to a small area. So, let's begin.

There are three zones for sewing:

  1. Handicraft area;
  2. Area for machine work;
  3. Zone for damp heat works.

Organization of a workplace for manual work.

Handicrafts can be very diverse, so they organize the workplace based on their type. However, there are still general principles for approaching the arrangement of a workplace for manual work. So it should be equipped with a table, chair and footrest. You can choose the design of the chair to your liking, but it should be able to be rotated, the height of the chair should also be adjustable. The chair must have a back support. On the table, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands, there is a specialized stand for spools of thread. On the right side of the table there should be a bedside table with drawers, where all the necessary tools for performing manual work, as well as product parts and semi-finished products are stored. On the table to the right of the worker, there should be a special box with compartments for tools that can be useful in the process of performing work. Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of the working area, your vision, the speed of fatigue, and the quality of your product directly depend on this. The illumination of the workplace should be good and the light source should be on the left side if you are right-handed (on the right if you are left-handed).

Manual work can be done while sitting or standing. If you do the work while sitting, then the product is placed on your knees, and if you are standing, the product is completely placed on the table. The size of the table depends on this. Based on this, the optimal table size will be 120 cm long, 70 cm wide and 80 cm high.

In the atelier, when a team of 8 people work for manual work, a table 1.5 m wide, 3 m long and 80 cm high is used.If you have a room at home, then it is good to put such a table and combine its use for both manual and for cutting work.

Upon completion of work, the workplace must be well cleaned. All parts of the product, tools and fixtures at the end of the work are removed in the drawers of the tables or in the cabinets.

Organization of a workplace for machine work.

The workplace for machine work is equipped with a table and chair with adjustable seat height. The working surface of the table must be smooth. The sewing machine and all the necessary tools and devices are placed on the table.

Particular attention is paid to the lighting of the machine workplace - it must be well lit. After all, your health, fatigue and, of course, the quality and speed of manufacturing the product depend on it. There must be local lighting. The luminaire can be installed in the machine body or stand separately.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe working surface of the table should be determined by the nature of the work performed and the size of the processed parts of the product, as well as the size of the equipment and fixtures. When processing light clothes, the length of the desktop cover is 110 cm, the width is 60 cm, and the height is 80 cm.

In the process of work, only the processed parts of the product and those tools and devices that are necessary to perform this technological operation should be on the table.

Upon completion of the work, the workplace is removed, the workpieces are folded into the cabinets, and the tools and fixtures - into the drawers of the table. With the correct organization of the workplace, labor productivity increases and the quality of the manufactured product improves.

The correct seating position while doing the job has a big impact on your well-being and the quality of the work you do. According to safety regulations, the working distance from the eyes to the product should be about 30 cm (not less than 25 and not more than 35 cm). This distance is adjusted both for manual and machine work by lowering or raising the chair seat. In this case, the legs are located on a crossbar or stand. An important point is also the use of technical breaks and periodic exercise throughout the working day.

Organization of a workplace for damp heat work.

The workplace for performing wet heat works is equipped with an ironing table with an electric steam iron and various pads, a rubber mat or a wooden stand.

A specially equipped table is used to perform wet heat work. The table board is covered with cloth or canvas. The workplace should be well lit and, if necessary, use local lighting, for which a luminaire with a flexible leg is used. The iron stand is installed on the side of the board. An asbestos gasket is placed on the iron stand. The size of the table depends on the size of the manufactured products. The requirement for determining the size of the table is that the product or workpiece must fit completely on it.

In accordance with safety regulations, an insulating (rubber) mat or wooden stand is placed on the floor in front of the ironing table, so that you are always on the mat or stand during work.

Organization of a workplace for sewing on a small area.

Of course, ideally you need a separately equipped room. Everything is in one room and dust, scraps of fabric are not scattered throughout the apartment. But not everyone can afford to allocate a whole room for sewing. In this case, you need to think about the organization of the sewing corner more carefully. You can find a way out of any situation.

The most important thing to look out for when organizing your craft corner is lighting. Try to position your corner closer to the window. Consider also the possibility of additional lighting. Your corner should be very well lit, this will save your eyesight and reduce the speed of fatigue. By placing a corner by the window, you get daylight, which is an important point when choosing colors for your products.

It is necessary to think over two more important points when arranging a corner: arranging a working area and arranging a storage area. Let's look at some ideas for creating a sewing corner. Let's start by organizing the working area.

If you can give a little space for a handicraft corner, then in this case, you can pick up transformer tables for the working area. There are a lot of them today. At the time of work, they unfold, after work they fold. After work, all sewing accessories are removed to the table and nothing reminds of your hobby.

It can be a pedestal table, for example:

Or this option, in my opinion, is more convenient, but also takes up more space:

Computer tables can be used under the working area for manual work. They, as a rule, are equipped with a large number of different shelves, which is convenient when organizing a workspace. The tabletop itself is used for machine work, and the slide-out keyboard shelf can be directly used as a table for manual work:

An equally important part of arranging a handicraft corner is the storage area. Correctly and conveniently organized even a small storage area will give you the opportunity to save time searching for the items you need and will allow you to spend it on creating a new beautiful masterpiece. For this zone, various shelves, cupboards, bedside tables, drawers are used. The more, the better. In order for the storage area to look neat and tasteful, try to pick up boxes, baskets, drawers in the same style. To do this, they can be decorated independently, for example, pasted over with paper or cloth. In order to facilitate your search, attach labels with the contents of this container to your boxes. It is convenient to use transparent containers.

If you are fond of various types of needlework, then try to allocate a separate shelf or cabinet for each type.

Now there are many types of various tables and transformer cabinets that allow you to conveniently organize your space.

For storing small things, it is good to use various pockets on the back of a chair or on the door, which you can make yourself.

Interestingly, you can beat your wall with this panel:

If you are puzzled to equip your workplace, then on the Internet you can find a lot of great and interesting ideas for decorating your handicraft corner. While preparing the material for this article, I myself got fired up with the idea of \u200b\u200bredoing my sewing workshop. What ideas do you have? Please share them in the comments.



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