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What to make a great watch. DIY wall clock

Currently, do-it-yourself decoupage of watches has gained immense popularity! This is not surprising: in the age of stress, sometimes you want to do something for the soul, and if it still has a functional and aesthetic purpose, then this hobby is simply doomed to success!

Technique of decoupage watches

If earlier it was difficult to get materials and templates for decoupage, now they are in abundance in any bookstore or department for creativity. They can easily purchase stencils, dials, blanks, hands, accessories or other attributes for decoupage watches. Therefore, this newfangled hobby is an acceptable option for beginners.

Consider the do-it-yourself watch decoupage technique in stages.

  1. Stencil preparation. So, you bought a blank for a watch in advance in a needlework store (as in the photo).
  2. The surface of the workpiece should be prepared in advance: sand if the clock is wooden or degrease if it is plastic.
  3. Create a background image like in the photo. You can choose any style depending on your preferences or the interior features of the room that you want to decorate with a future masterpiece.
  4. We glue the selected picture onto the blank (see photo).
  5. Advice! Torn edges are easier to mask, so it's best not to cut out the image, but simply tear it off the paper with your hands.

    You can glue the picture onto the template either with PVA glue diluted with water, or with special glue for decoupage. The main thing here is to act carefully, not allowing creases in the picture. After that, the blank of the future watch should be dried and covered with acrylic varnish, after which the blank should be dried again. Repeat this pattern three times.

    This technique is described in more detail in the video at the end of the text.

    Choosing a style

    Before proceeding directly to decoupage watches with your own hands, you should decide on the style of the future masterpiece. Now the following decoupage options are most popular:

  • provence;
  • vintage or "semi-antique";
  • "Hollywood".

First, you should choose the room in which you plan to hang your future masterpiece. For example, if this is a kitchen, then some kind of romantic sketch or a clock in Hollywood style will look out of place in it. On the contrary, Provence or vintage style clocks will perfectly fit into the interior of most kitchens.

Perhaps the Provence style is one of the most common and understandable. If the directions of Provence and vintage are somewhat reminiscent of each other, then the Hollywood style is fundamentally different from them. So, it is characterized by the following nuances:

  • Use as the main colors of the following: black, red, white, blue. Whatever colors you choose, they should, if possible, contrast with each other and stand out from the background.
  • Maximum shine, use of all kinds of rhinestones is encouraged.
  • Using images of famous Hollywood actors, preferably the Golden Era of Hollywood: Audrey Hepburn, Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, etc. In this case, you will partially get a retro style.

All styles are suitable for beginners. You can familiarize yourself with these options by watching the video at the end of the text.

Features of decoupage dial

A ready-made dial can be freely bought in a store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. So, the numbers on the clock can be made practically from the first objects that caught the eye. It all depends on your imagination and, of course, on the decoupage style of the watch.

Let's say you have chosen the Provence style. Then, for the dial, it would be appropriate to use wine bottle corks, dried lavender branches, soap in the form of small hearts. In addition, it is not necessary that there are numbers on the dial: you just need to indicate the divisions.

Idea for a watch on the Pink Floyd plate.
It is also convenient to make a watch on a plate because the center of the dial for the hands is precisely marked. However, it should be remembered that it is difficult to “overlap” the circular printed sticker in the center if it is white. It will be more practical to take a plate with a red sticker for the base.

If decoupage of an ordinary wall clock may seem boring, then for you we have reserved another original option - decoupage of a clock on a vinyl record. The technique of such decoupage is not much different from that described above, but it has its own peculiarities:

  • First you need to prepare the plate by priming it with white paint. Let it dry for a while.
  • To apply a picture, it is better to use special decoupage napkins. We tear off the two lower layers and apply only the upper one to the plate. Apply glue over the napkin with a flat synthetic brush. Let it dry, after which we cover our workpiece with a layer of varnish. After drying, apply varnish again.

Attention! You need to use special varnish and glue for decoupage.

  • We make dial markings. To do this, you can use wine corks, shells and any other objects that you have enough imagination for.

Advice! Apply paint with a dishwashing sponge.

  • We cover the watch with at least three layers of acrylic varnish.
  • We glue the sticker on the back of the plate with cardboard. We make a hole in the center and glue the clockwork. We attach the arrows, insert the batteries.

The original watch is ready!

It's no secret that the easiest way is to transform the interior of a room by adding a stylish accessory to it. Racking your head over what it could be, think about such a solution as how to make a watch with your own hands.

    Why watch?

    What to assemble from?

    Simple DIY master classes

    Do-it-yourself old watch in a new way

    DIY New Year clock


    Photo gallery - DIY watches

This piece of furniture will be appropriate in a room for any purpose. Moreover, to create it, one does not need to be seven spans in the forehead. It is quite enough just the desire to work, and we will try to suggest interesting master classes on assembling watches with our own hands and non-trivial ideas for their design.

To begin with, DIY watches do not have to be workers. They can play a purely decorative role. But even in this hypostasis, they will not cease to be a mystical subject, carrying the mysterious energy of invisible all-pervading Time. It can fly or drag, make a person happy or sad, and constantly requires tracking its progress. Isn't this the best reason to make a watch with your own hands not just a chronometer, monotonously counting down the minutes, but a real highlight of the interior?

Decorative clocks will become a highlight of any interior

What to assemble from?

"You can use a lot of different things and materials for DIY watch crafts"

Look at a photo of a watch assembled by craftsmen with their own hands, and you will understand that you can really make an accessory from everything that comes to hand! Creative thought, especially when it is already directed, will generate incredibly rewarding projects.

Someone will see the dial of the future masterpiece in the lid of a wooden cable reel, someone in an old plate, and someone will even think to take a wall surface under it.

An original watch from an old record

You can assemble a magnificent wall clock with your own hands from the halves of the globe. Although it will take a lot of space to implement such a project, it will look amazing in the interior. Such chronometric compositions are very relevant for design trends with a geographic bias. You can make geographic clocks in decoupage style or use parts of ready-made globes. This accessory carries with it the spirit of wandering, so it can be safely added to the decor of tourist offices or used when decorating travelers' homes.

Globe watches for design trends with a geographic bias

To decorate the hall and hall, try creating a picture clock with your own hands. The dial subject can be either a portrait or an originally printed fabric, enclosed in a frame.

Picture clock in the interior of the living room

The kitchen model of the chronometer, which is based on a tin can, is of interest among the photos of watches assembled by hand. Here such an abstract part of the watch as the spring of the mechanism is exhibited.

It is fashionable to make a watch with your own hands from a tin can

A clock made of cardboard decorated under a chessboard is very suitable for an office and a library.

In principle, you can use a lot of different things and materials to craft watches with your own hands. You can use:

  • paper;
  • gramophone records;
  • computer disks;
  • cuts of a tree;
  • plates;
  • glass, etc.

Plate clock is ideal for kitchen decor

Whatever you decide on, the result will be noteworthy anyway.

Simple DIY master classes

Model "Needlewoman"

To create this watch you will need decorative buttons and ordinary hoops used in embroidery. The dial will be fabric, the color and print of which is suitable for the room design. In addition, prepare:

  • tape;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • internal mechanism from old walkers.

Now we are looking at how to make such a watch with our own hands.

The process is intuitively simple. Pull the fabric onto the hoop, cut off the excess and sew the buttons to the resulting base so that they imitate the location of the dials on the dial.

Sew buttons onto fabric

Now we need to prepare the substrate. We will cut it out of cardboard for our watches. The part should have the diameter of the hoop and should be inserted from the inside. Its strength is enough to hold the hands and the mechanism itself. For reliability, the insert can be glued to the fabric. It remains to attach a loop and hang the accessory on the wall.

Attach the clockwork

Using this technology, they often collect thematic clocks, for example, New Year's. To emphasize their connection to the event, it is enough to add adequate decor in the form of: serpentine, golden cones, improvised snowdrifts. It will not be difficult to change the topic if you wish. The ability to change the design of the accessory will allow you to play with the perception of the environment of the entire surrounding space, which will really appeal to fans of frequent changes of scenery.

DIY hoop watch

Paper clock

Wonderful colorful do-it-yourself wall clock can be assembled from magazine and newspaper sheets. Cooking:

  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • silk thread;
  • transparent adhesive tape;
  • a needle;
  • cardboard;
  • 24 journal sheets of the same format;
  • a pair of transparent plastic discs.

The latter can be found in the packaging of CDs.

There are different DIY master classes for making paper clocks, but in our case we will twist paper blanks. To do this, wrap the magazine sheet on a pencil and get a tube. To keep the workpiece in shape, fix the free edge with adhesive tape.

Roll up paper blanks

When all 24 parts are ready, each of them will need to be bent, thus separating 1/3 of the length.

We will sew the tubes along this fold, collecting them into a ring.

Collect the straws in a ring

We carefully lay out the sewn paper watch blanks on the table and put a transparent disc on top. This must be done so that the central holes of the elements coincide.

Insert and assemble the clockwork

We insert and assemble the clockwork. On the back side, we will hide it under a second plastic disk and a similarly shaped cardboard base. Now we fasten the arrows - and you're done!

Ready-made watches from magazines

Cardboard clock

They can be made unpretentious, in a flat projection, or you can sweat a little and assemble a real imitation of walkers. This DIY watch craft is quickly assembled from boxes. You will need a rectangular packing box for the case, perhaps even for shoes. Here everything will depend on what size you plan to make the product.

Example of a watch from a cardboard box

The first thing we will do is attach two ribbons to the bottom of the box. Then we will hang cones on them. Work on the dial will continue to assemble the watch from cardboard. We cut it out using a stencil and attach it to the front side of the craft.

Now let's get to the roof. We assemble its structure from two thin boxes and two triangular pieces of cardboard.

Decorating ideas will be prompted by a photo of a hand-made watch, which can be found in unlimited quantities on the Internet.

Bicycle wheel

A clock made of cardboard, a clock made of paper ... How about the idea of \u200b\u200ba clock from a bicycle wheel? Since the base is quite large, it will be necessary to find a clock mechanism of the appropriate size that can rotate large hands. When working on a wall clock with our own hands, we will take ordinary school rulers. Let's give them the required length. At the ends we attach triangles, symbolizing an arrow. Moving elements must be clearly visible against the background of the disc, therefore, if the design of the product allows, the arrows can be painted in a suitable color.

Attach the tin cover

There is one trick in creating such a watch with your own hands. To balance the movement of the arrows, you will need to attach a counterweight to the larger one. Washers usually play its role. This makes it easier to find an adequate mass.

DIY clock from a bicycle wheel

Decoupage watches

Decoupage technique is more popular today than ever. It is used in the decoration of a wide variety of things. It allows you to create a real exclusive. Thus, you can restore an old watch in a new way or trim just about to be born.

Decoupage clock decor

The technique of decoupage a wall clock with your own hands is not too complicated. She is rather demanding in details, so a new hand-made can be considered a perfectly acceptable hobby for novice designers. In a similar way, you can decorate watches made of cardboard, gramophone records, wood. For pasting the base, you should choose a pattern that you personally like and does not dislike the interior style.

Decoupage watches should be in harmony with the interior style

Do-it-yourself old watch in a new way

If we discard the decoupage technique, then it is possible to restore a clock that has lost its attractiveness or does not fit into the interior in a completely ordinary way, accessible to every needlewoman. Try to "dress" them in fun knitted clothes.

Update your watch with knitted decor

An unusual solution will help in creating a New Year's clock with your own hands. If in the ordinary everyday version, the products are simply tied around the perimeter, then in honor of the celebration they wear hats and scarves in the spirit of Santa Claus.

DIY New Year clock

Preparation for this holiday is a separate topic. This is a whole section of master classes for creating watches with your own hands. And why? Yes, because at this time a watch can be not only a decoration at home, but also a wonderful gift to loved ones. Cheap? Yes! But exclusive and memorable!

Clock from disk

A stunning looking watch model will come out of the disc. With the part of the mechanism fastening, everything is standard here. It is located in the center, but the peripheral design can be the most enchanting. There you can glue snowflakes, make a snow frame, etc.

Do not be lazy to make a clock for the Christmas tree with your own hands. Here you can do without any special frills and just paint the disc with a marker.

DIY CD clock

If you want to try your imagination, try to imagine a watch made of discs in a more complex design. Glue them together or connect them in another way into intricate compositions.

Styrofoam watches

Working with pliable material will be challenging even in the hands of beginners. Find watch crafts in the photo and try to assemble them with your own hands. Cut out a blank of your favorite shape and tighten it with a cloth or paint with paints. It remains to give the product a festive mood. Decorate it with shiny tinsel and other New Year's paraphernalia.

Even beginners can make styrofoam watches

Dough clock

It's also not a very difficult way to make a New Year's clock with your own hands. In the course of work, you will need to knead the salted dough and bake figurines in the shape of Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes from it. The main emphasis when conducting do-it-yourself baked clock master classes is done precisely on dough kneading, since the success of the enterprise as a whole depends on its quality.

Essential Ingredients for Salty Dough

After kneading 250 ml of water, 250 g of salt and 0.5 kg of flour, immediately start forming a curly base. For beginners, do-it-yourself watch crafts are best cut out of dough rolled into a layer. Those who already have some experience can try to assemble the watch case from small parts. Next, the workpiece is sent to the oven for drying. The painting and decoration of the received will complete the work.

Bright DIY clock made from salt dough

Council. Do not add vegetable oil to the dough, even in small amounts. Its elasticity may improve, but the quality will sharply decrease. Crafts from it will crumble.

Food grade plastic clock

A wonderful do-it-yourself clock for the New Year can be assembled from a plastic box that served as a packaging for a cake or other sweets. Put colored rain inside the box, you can mix it with small toys. Cut out numbers and hands for the dial from bright paper and glue them to the front of the product. Sculpt or cut out cones from plasticine or foam and wrap them in shiny foil. Hang the decor to the finished craft and additionally wrap its body in fluffy rain. DIY decorative New Year's wall clock is ready!

New Year's clock made of food grade plastic

How to decorate the New Year's clock?

"Making New Year's clock with your own hands, it would be nonsense to forget about coniferous branches"

In addition to all kinds of tinsel and toys, it is recommended to attach real cones, placers or bunches of berries, bows to crafts. Simulations of snow are encouraged. It can be painted, sprayed with a toothbrush and paint, pasted on with an applique. Naturally, making a New Year's clock with your own hands, it would be nonsense to forget about the coniferous branches. However, live variants are not always suitable. For example, on a clock made of paper, they simply cannot resist because of their weight, so in such a situation you will have to use their artificial counterparts.

DIY New Year clock


You can talk about how to make a watch with your own hands day and night. This direction is so rich in ideas that it seems simply unrealistic to exhaust this storehouse. Try to immerse yourself in the mysteries of creating a masterpiece at least once, and maybe an exciting activity will become your hobby.

Photo gallery - DIY watches

A wall clock is a very practical interior detail. In the kitchen, they make it possible to keep track of the time without being distracted from cooking and not turning on the phone for this (especially since your hands can be in flour, oil or something else during cooking). Located in the room, they allow you to quickly find out the time without going into your pocket for a mobile phone. Eco-style lovers can make a clock from wood with their own hands.

Why a wooden clock is good

Wood is a special material, items made from it have a number of advantages:

  1. Naturalness.
  2. Low cost (provided that the product is made by hand, because processing by a master is often quite expensive, especially if it is an individual order).
  3. Originality. Many people like to consider interior items made of natural wood, but not everyone dares to keep such things in their home.

A clock made from juniper or other medicinal tree will disinfect the air. For this they do not have to be varnished. The look will be more natural if you walk thoroughly with the sandpaper on the surface.

If you make a clock from a saw cut with your own hands, you can leave a layer of bark. This will give the product a more natural look.

How to choose a tree

The first step is to decide on the type. Will it be linden, soft enough and easy to process, hard oak or healing juniper? You can choose what is easier to get or buy, and then stain it to match the desired look.

After choosing a type, you should find a suitable material. In this case, there are several possible options:

  1. You can buy a ready-made saw cut at a sawmill, in souvenir or specialized stores, it is also possible via the Internet.
  2. Make it yourself if you have a suitable stump or block, a chainsaw and the ability to use it.
  3. Wait until the annual sanitation is carried out and ask the workers to saw off the desired piece. Or take a whole block of wood from them and continue to act in accordance with paragraph 2.

How to prepare material

Before making a clock from wood with your own hands, you should spend time getting ready for work. After the material is found, it should be left in a dry place for two weeks to dry. This is not necessary if the saw cut was bought in a store, but even a tree purchased from a sawmill may be damp. If the material was taken from freshly sawn trees, the moisture level in it is many times higher than the permissible one. Such a blank, not pre-dried, should not be used.

If you neglect to dry the wood, cracks can form in the finished watch. In the worst case, the saw cut will split, and all the work done will be ruined, you will have to start all over again.

Materials and tools

There is nothing difficult in making a clock from wood with your own hands if you have quality raw materials and tools. What you need to prepare before starting work:

  1. Dry saw cut.
  2. Clock mechanism (you can disassemble old ones or buy cheap ones).
  3. Paint or a burner (if the numbers are planned not to be drawn, but to be burned).
  4. Scissors.
  5. Electrical tape or paper
  6. Hot glue gun.
  7. Fine grit sandpaper or sander.
  8. Hammer and chisel.

You can avoid the unpleasant situation when in the process of work it suddenly turns out that something is missing, if you make a list of what you need in advance and check with it.

How to make a clock from wood with your own hands

In order not to complicate your life by sanding the saw cut or preparing the dial after the mechanism is installed, it is important to follow the correct sequence of actions:

  1. Drill a hole for the arrows in the center of the saw cut.
  2. Use a chisel and a hammer to make a recess for the mechanism on the back.
  3. Sand the dial and groove with sandpaper or a sander.
  4. Install the mechanism, attach it with electrical tape and fix the box in which it is located with a heat gun.
  5. Draw or burn out numbers on the dial.
  6. Install arrows.
  7. Install the mount on the back so that the clock can be hung on the wall.

Without spending too much time and effort, you can make a clock from wood with your own hands. An item made by hand in a single copy looks much more interesting than a mass-produced product.

Variety of wooden clocks

A saw cut clock is one of the simplest options. By analogy with them, you can make not from a transverse, but from a longitudinal die. The product will turn out to be of an irregular shape, so it is important to select the material so that the longitudinal cut is of a beautiful shape.

There are many ways to make beautiful wooden clocks. Wall-mounted, do-it-yourself, made for yourself or as a gift, they will delight their owners for a long time.

Possible design options for wooden clocks:

  1. Cut out the base of the desired shape from the furniture board.
  2. Make non-standard numbers designations. For example, in the form of coins or wooden balls. You can do without numbers and their designations at all
  3. Take a lot of thin dies or wooden rulers, fasten them so that you get a volumetric circle with a thickness equal to the short side of the dice. You will get an original dial.
  4. You can use birch bark as a dial, stretched in a frame of beautiful branches peeled from bark.

Craftsmen can make more complex wood clocks with their own hands.

Drawings of the mechanism can be found on the Internet at specialized resources. In order to create such models, one must have certain experience and skills. The simpler options described above can be done by anyone with such a desire and a little patience.

Hooray! I'm officially a shoemaker with boots. I saw enough how the participants of our master class in KhVOE made wall clocks, and now (less than six months later) we have a tropical timekeeper in our kitchen.

At the beginning of May, a master class was held in our KhVOE where we made a wall clock with our own hands. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe workshop came up back in January, and it was very pleasant to implement it. Here, very handily, a clock broke in the kitchen, which I had long ceased to like. Combined business with pleasure. Firstly, I made a new device for determining the time, secondly, an article for a blog, and thirdly, I wrote in my favorite tropical decor this summer.

Why make a watch yourself if you can buy

And so it is clear that done with your own hands, it is with heart and soul. Perhaps the purchased ones will be of better quality and with a guarantee, but there are more advantages of making a wall clock with your own hands:

  • you can implement any idea (for example, like mine with the tropics)
  • choose exactly the size you need
  • find the correct arrows and mechanism
  • start to understand a little better how the wall clock works
  • proudly inform everyone that you made them yourself (and this is not just a postcard or a flower, but a whole device).

What to make a dial for a wall clock

Thinking about the panel under the dial, it is worth remembering that the clock can be not only round, but also triangular, square, even in the shape of a flower.

  • The panel can be ordered from a laser cutting workshop
  • find and buy ready-made plywood in the online store or in the store with goods for needlework
  • made from cork backing or thick thick cardboard
  • cut out of drywall
  • make a tree saw
  • or from a vinyl record.

How to decorate a wall clock

There are a lot of ways to decorate a wall clock, it all depends on your desire to create and bother.

  • You can print and glue the finished picture
  • apply a drawing with acrylic paints
  • draw something in watercolor, cut and paste
  • glue bulky parts made of thin plywood
  • embroider something on the fabric and fit the workpiece
  • you can draw or glue numbers.

Wall clock - materials and tools

The time taken is an hour and a half. We will need:

  • round plywood panel with a diameter of 30 cm
  • clockwork with hands
  • paper and pencil
  • ruler
  • acrylic paints and brushes
  • palette for mixing paints
  • pliers
  • scissors.

DIY wall clock - work progress

The mechanism can be ordered from the online store or used from the rest of the old watch. There are a couple of points to pay attention to:

  • dial thickness
  • thread diameter (must match the diameter of the hole in the middle of the panel)
  • and the height of the stem (the stump on which everything holds and on which the arrows are put on).

For example, in my mechanism the stem height is only 8 mm, which means that the thickness of the plywood blank should not exceed 4 mm, otherwise there will not be enough space to tighten the nut. The best overall stem height is 16mm and the thread height is 9mm. This mechanism is suitable for most wood blanks.

If there are bulky details on the dial, you need to make sure that the hands will not cling to them.

1. Before you start making a wall clock with your own hands, you need to decide where the number 12 will be. To do this, you need to turn the panel over, insert the clock mechanism, mark with a pencil the middle of the top of the mechanism (it will coincide with the middle of the loop) and draw a perpendicular line. It is from here that the countdown will begin and the distance between the numbers will be marked (if they are planned).

2. Take a sheet of paper, trace the outline of the dial on it and draw the decor. This is useful for seeing if a composition looks harmonious before it's too late to change anything. I drew the outlines of the leaves on paper, then cut out and transferred to the plywood blank using a pencil.

3. Coloring the blank in accordance with the decor. I used white construction acrylic, art acrylic and colored tinting paste.

4. When the paint is dry, fasten the clockwork. It can have many details that can be used or ignored depending on the thickness of the dial. Usually, an assembly diagram is attached to the movement, which I advise you to adhere to. We string a rubber backing onto the stem and apply it to the dial from the back. The top (middle of the eyelet) should line up with the pencil mark (see point 1).

5. Turn the workpiece over, put a washer on the stem and tighten the nut. Here we need pliers so that we can tighten it tightly.

6. String the arrows. By the way, I repainted the arrows from white to black. There are also two points here. First, the arrows may have a protective film that needs to be removed. Secondly, black art acrylic did not fit very well on the metal, so I had to first prime the arrows with building white acrylic, and then apply black after drying.

Before stringing, make sure all arrows are straight. First, we string the hour, then the minute. The second is worn last. They are strung up to a light click. It is important not to overdo it and not to overdo it, so as not to break the delicate fasteners. The hands should be strictly parallel to each other and not touch, otherwise the watch will simply not run.

7. We set all hands at 12 o'clock according to the mark, insert the battery and set the correct time using a special wheel that can be found on the mechanism on the back.

A couple of evenings, an hour and a half - and I happily started my time. Save your time, spend it with those who give you joy!


You do not need to have special knowledge to understand how the clock mechanism works. Probably, in every home there is an old Chinese watch with a still working mechanism. It can be useful for you when creating original wall clocks with your own hands. A clock in the understanding of a person has a certain mystical power. After all, they have a special function - to be the governing link of time.

Any housewife can create watches with her own hands. It may take only a little imagination from her, and a certain amount of time to create this decor element. As a result, such a clock will be an attractive place in your interior. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that anything can serve as a dial. Most importantly, such a watch must be original and beautiful.

One of the options for creating can be a round board, which previously served as a coil for cables. In this case, the designer, not paying attention to the main purpose of the coil, saw stencil inscriptions and a hole in the middle as the basis for the dial of a homemade watch. If you are decorating a travel agency office or a room with a geographic bias, a special option for creating a clock would be to use halves of the globe. Such a clock will take up a lot of space on the wall, but in any case it will be worth it. In the kitchen, you can use the version of the clock with buttons to place the numbers on the dial. Such a watch will create the effect of a grandmother's chest with old things. The ball clock will be complex, but rather unusual. Here, you need to take a bright ball and curved arrows as a basis. A wall clock like this will look like a real time machine from science fiction movies. To create a clock-picture, you will need to take any picture you like and adapt it so that it shows the time.

The strict style of a living room or study would be suitable for a clock decorated on a chessboard. In this case, elegance, severity and precision in the room are provided to you. Use wood as the base of your homemade watch, and use thin twigs as hands. You get a natural and environmentally friendly version of the wall clock. For music lovers and music lovers, figures carved from old, unnecessary gramophone records have a right to life. This will be a very creative watch design. If you do decide to hang the clock, then make sure that it will be visible from anywhere in the room, and you will always be aware of what time it is at the moment.



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