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  How to paste a wallpaper of two types (combination). How to glue wallpaper in the hall: original solutions for your interior Nuances of material combination

One of the latest trends in interior design is the use of different colors on the walls. This technique allows you to diversify the design, focusing on some part of the room. To correct the flaws in the layout, different patterns are used in the same color scheme. All these tricks work perfectly with wallpapers: they have different textures, colors, patterns. Moreover, the result can be estimated previously - by rolling two rolls next to the wall. That is why wallpapering of two types of wallpaper is more and more popular: it is modern and makes it possible to make rooms interesting.

Rules for combining wallpaper and texture

In such a case as design, rules cannot be dispensed with, and even more so when combining colors, patterns and textures. To stick wallpaper of two types looked harmonious, you need to consider a number of parameters.

Ceiling height

It is this characteristic of the room that dictates the choice of the type of drawing, and also determines the texture and color in many ways. If the ceiling height is less than 2.5 m, use light-colored wallpaper, without a rough texture, with a medium-sized pattern. If the ceilings are very low, a combination of a light main background with a slightly pronounced texture or pattern can rectify the situation, vertical stripes (a picture, or just canvases of a different color) that can be located on one wall, but it is better to distribute them in two, or even three.

Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling

High ceilings - from 3 m and above - require a radically different approach. Here, on the contrary, you need a large drawing, stretched in width. You can use horizontal wall division using different colors in the upper and lower half (see below for details). To make this design look modern - it's still a classic trick - you need to really try with a choice of colors and / or patterns.

Room Dimensions

In addition to height and width, we pay attention to geometry. Firstly, to the square. If the room is large, you can use more saturated or darker shades. This will visually reduce the size. If monophonic dark walls do not please you - find a wallpaper in a dark tone with a large light pattern. As a rule, these are plant motifs, abstraction or geometry is found.

In small rooms, everything is clearly the opposite: use bright colors. If with the texture, then not large, the picture is small, not very pronounced.

Secondly, we pay attention not to geometry. If the room is long and narrow. In this case, the situation will be saved precisely by gluing wallpapers of two types: lighter are glued onto short walls, and some of them “go” around the corner. Thus, visually the geometry is aligned.

There is also a technique that is used if the entrance to a narrow room is on one of the long sides. Then it is worth highlighting the middle of the opposite wall with a different color, pasting the corners with the same wallpaper that is intended for short ones. The perception of the room will change significantly: it will no longer seem so long.

Billing Selection

In general, gluing wallpapers of two kinds requires careful selection of texture and thickness of the paintings. When combining it is desirable to use the same type of cloth. If the docking takes place only in the corners, then you can not pay special attention to the thickness and texture: you still won’t especially look at such a place. But if the connection of paintings on a flat wall, the difference in thickness will only emphasize the transition. It looks, as a rule, too exaggerated.

Another moment. If you still decide to glue different types of canvas, you need to use the appropriate glue for them. For example, for wallpaper on a non-woven basis, your own - on paper - your own. The same with respect to coating - for vinyl and structured paintings - its type, for acrylic - another. Do not want to fool your head? Buy universal. There are also such compounds.

Light or dark

If the room is too light, or the interior is too monotonous, it is not necessary to use dark wallpaper on all walls. You can paste the wall opposite the window dark, let the rest be light. As a result, the room will not be very light, and you will get rid of the oppressive atmosphere created by the dark walls.

This technique works and vice versa: to brighten the room, it is enough to glue the light-colored canvases on the wall opposite the window. It will become much brighter.

How to build

There are several methods of gluing wallpapers of two types, which can be used "in pure" form or combined two or three at a time. It is important to have a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you specifically want to achieve.

Vertical combination

Probably everyone knows that vertical stripes give a visual increase in ceiling height. Moreover, the bands do not have to be regular. In the modern interpretation, one wall can have striped wallpaper, and the rest can be plain-painted or with a dim, slightly noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at a constant interval. As you can see in the photo, the interval on different walls can be different.

The stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture with this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you get an incomprehensible hash. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns produce several drawings that combine with each other. As a rule, they are in several scales. In one collection there are two or three plain background and several options with drawings.

An example of using three wallpapers from one collection you see in the photo below and above. The combination is almost perfect - they were repeatedly tested for compatibility before starting production. By the way, in most other photos, wallpapers are also combined from one collection. It's just that it is very difficult to compose different textures normally.

With vertical combination, there is still an interesting trick that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the strips "goes" to the ceiling. In this case, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of a larger volume.

To make the principle of strip arrangement a little clearer, here are a few options in a graphic image. Drawings are made as seen from above.

These are win-win options that will always play when choosing paintings from one collection. If you need a guarantee that wallpaper gluing of two types will be spectacular - use one of these schemes. This wall design has been tested thousands of times, and each time the result is excellent.

Horizontal division

Reception, which can be attributed to the classics of design. It has been used for a long time, but with the current abundance of colors and textures, it got a completely new sound. This technique is often used in rooms with a small area, but high ceilings. Remove the effect of the "well" and helps horizontal division of the room. It can be just a horizontal strip that surrounds the room. Often it is tied to the height of the window sills, but in general it is carried out by dividing the plane into three parts and can be located in the lower or upper third.

This rule is often violated: sometimes the strip is made at eye level and some decorative elements are hung at this level. It often looks very good. This technique is often found with

The division zone can also pass at the top. Traditionally, the lower part is made in darker colors, the upper - lighter. But this rule is also violated. An example is in the photo below.

Traditional variants of combining wallpaper-companions of two types with horizontal division:

  • bottom (1/3) - striped wallpaper. top - smoothly painted or in a small pattern;
  • bottom - 1/3 - in a small pattern, top - large monograms or plain;
  • 2/3 at the bottom is a large picture - up-plain.

Traditional pasting with horizontal division - one of the options


Wallpaper of different colors in the same room is used if it is necessary to emphasize zoning. For example, in studio apartments this way they share different functional areas: dining and relaxation.

The same principle can be applied in the nursery. In this case, gluing the wallpaper of two types serves to separate the playing part, bed, table. Also, if two children live in the nursery. Only this is possible if there is no competition between them, otherwise the number of conflict situations may increase.

With this combination, the use of different textures is allowed. But the separation of their moldings is used very rarely. Try to either dock in the corners, or pick up the wallpaper so that the junction does not look defiant.

Panel or decorative insert

Different wallpapers in one room were glued for a long time, only once they were made of fabric, but they were framed in frames because they were very expensive and were available only to the upper class. From that time on, it still happened: sticking wallpaper of two kinds in the form of a panel. And today classic interiors are designed like this, using silk-screen printing, embossed or textured options for insertion.

If style allows, elements of a different color are framed. This design fits perfectly into the classic interiors or in the style of Provence, country.

A similar panel is possible in more modern styles - modern, for example. But then the frame can be made from the border of the same color - from the same collection, or cut from the "body" of the wallpaper.

Another option is to paste in a niche. In this case, the pattern and texture are selected according to the style, as well as a different design.

And in this case, it is best to use wallpapers from one collection. A professional decorator will pick them up from experience or using a flair, but for lovers, this may not work. If you do not want to take risks, use one collection.

Color accents

There are two principles for applying this technique. The first one is to divert attention from some element that you consider unsightly. For example, uneven walls. In some apartments, they may be beveled. So that the eye does not cling to this fact, the opposite wall is distinguished by wallpaper of a different color, with or without a pattern. It is important that they attract attention.

The second method is gluing wallpapers of two kinds to attract attention to some kind of object in the interior. In bedrooms, this is often either a bed or a wall opposite. Then someone wants to emphasize (). In kitchens, a table is often allocated - thus forming a dining area. This is partly zoning, partly an emphasis. Still, attention is distracted from the kitchen area.

Accenting a wall near a piece of furniture is an interesting way to stick wallpaper in two colors

Actually, the emphasis can be not only a vertically directed strip, although this option is more common: our rooms do not sin high ceilings, because any means are good. In a high room, the emphasis can be a wide horizontal strip - or some part of the wall, as in the photo below.

Two tricks at once: both different colors and different textures

In some rooms there are ledges of load-bearing walls or niches. Often they are trying to disguise. Doing this is completely optional. Having distinguished this zone with wallpaper of a different color, it can be turned into an architectural highlight that will give individuality to the room.

Wallpapering of two types: protruding “remains” of load-bearing walls can be turned into a dignity

In general, the options for sticking wallpapers of different colors in one room are endless. Choose what you like best, and to have more ideas, below there is still a whole section with different photos.

Wallpapering of two types: photo ideas

The strip is combined not only with plain surfaces, but also with a pattern. It is important that the interior is in the same colors.

Bright heel in a monotonous interior - ideal for wallpapering two kinds of wallpapers

In the photo, different wallpapers in one room are chosen well, the color is also repeated in textile

Zoning Using Different Colors - A Proven Method

To remove the “trailer” effect - break a long wall with a partition that can be glued with eye-catching wallpapers

Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling

Arbitrary wall division is another interesting approach

The accent is a burgundy wall. Precisely attracts attention

Considering a large selection of finishing materials, it should be noted that wallpaper is the easiest option to make the atmosphere of the room original and unique.

Due to the great demand for wall decoration using wallpaper, more and more offers from manufacturers appear - new types appear that have different structures and designs. At the same time, the possibilities of various combinations have been taken into account - on different wallpapers they create patterns and shades that combine with each other, and this makes the choice between different options for gluing much easier.

Today, there are many varieties of sticking and combining wallpaper.

The most fashionable are now considered:

  1. Use two types of wallpaper that have the same color but different tones. This combination is suitable for decoration of one or several walls in the room. The best shades for such wallpapers are beige, gray and blue. Strict shades will be an excellent choice to design your office.
  2. Combine plain wallpaper with wallpaper with drawings or ornaments. This option will give the interior dynamics. Also, with the help of such a technique, zoning of the room is carried out, because attention will be focused on a certain area. It is necessary to take into account when choosing that the wallpaper should mix well in color. When making bold decisions, it is best to consult a professional.
  3. Use wallpaper of different types with a pattern. Quite often combine wallpaper with ornament with wallpaper on which horizontal or vertical stripes. Considering the compatibility of shades in this case is very important. With wallpapers that have an ornament, the wood theme or wallpaper with geometric patterns also looks beautiful.

Playing with contrasts will also help to bring originality to the room. For this, wallpapers that differ in color are used. Accents in vibrant hues will help create zoning. The most common such pasting is among young people, because in the modern style is quite a popular use of bright contrasting colors.

How to beautifully stick wallpaper in a room

In addition to choosing which colors and how to combine, there are many options for sticking them to the walls - depending on the direction, number of types and other nuances.

Pretty popular today is the technology for wallpapering horizontally. In this case, the wall must be divided into two parts to paste wallpaper with a different color and design, though there is a tendency to use wallpaper of the same color. Various textures in this variant of sticking are also relevant. For the design of joints use special borders. They are offered large - paper, wood, plastic, PVC and others. Professional advice teaches that the width of the bottom wallpaper should be at least 1 m wide.

The use of vertical stripes for decorating walls looks rather interesting. This option involves sticking wallpaper of two or more colors, the same in texture and width.

The ideas for this method can be very diverse - you can use both monochrome and contrasting materials.

Selection rules

When choosing wallpapers that have a pattern, it is necessary that they fit well in design:

  1. An interesting choice is to stick wallpapers with different sizes and designs. It is recommended to stick molding on the joints between such wallpapers, as a result the panel effect is obtained and the room takes on an elegant look. Such an unusual sticking creates an interesting zoning.
  2. Very popular is the allocation of a certain wall. To do this, we glue on it accent wallpaper that imitate a panel. Often, these methods are used in the design of bedrooms to highlight the wall at the head of the bed.
  3. A fairly creative way of pasting is to use flaps. In order for everything to look beautiful, it is necessary to glue wallpapers that combine well with each other.

The sticker is as follows: first you need to cut the trimmings of the desired size from the wallpaper, then stick them back to back. You can glue both randomly and following a certain sequence. Such an original stick will give style to any room.

  • For vertical pasting, it is better to use the same type of wallpaper with the same thickness to avoid too pronounced joints;
  • When choosing combinable wallpapers, you should attach them to each other to assess how much they fit;
  • When choosing wallpapers with drawings, take into account the features of the room, because they can visually adjust the space.

If there are niches in the room, they can also be decorated with wallpaper. To do this, it is recommended to use either decorated wallpaper, or just a different color.

Glue wallpaper: interesting ideas for different rooms

An important aspect when choosing a wallpaper is the material from which they are made. Now manufacturers offer a fairly large selection, the main types are as follows.

Paper wallpaper

The most affordable option. Many colors, patterns and patterns are offered. The advantage of such wallpapers is also their excellent breathability, plus this material is environmentally friendly. The downside is that they wear out faster than others and that getting rid of them with plans for the next repair is quite difficult.

Vinyl wallpapers

Pretty persistent type of wallpaper. They look pretty attractive and do not wear out for a long time. This is a good option for walls with bumps. The pasted area looks even and smooth. If desired, in the future on the pasted wallpaper, you can easily apply paint to change color.

Non-woven wallpaper

They are a novelty of the market. The advantage of this type is the ease of pasting. They breathe and there is no need to glue them. In addition, when planning the next repair, it is quite simple to remove them from the walls.

Textile wallpaper

To create a rich and luxurious interior suitable textile wallpaper. They are very good, the minus is the high cost and the need for additional care.

The choice of wallpaper color is very important, because the pasted wallpaper sets the general atmosphere of the room.

Wallpaper color selection

Cold colors have a good effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, quick-tempered and impulsive people are best suited for dark blue or green tones.

Light spots against this background will be inappropriate. It is not recommended that this type of people use bright colors (yellow, red, orange, purple, etc.) in their design.

Romantic people will like a room whose interior is decorated in warm colors. It is important that they are not too bright, as this can be annoying. The best choice is to use shades of pink, beige, orange.

Depressive tones, which include black, gray, brown, are best used for decorating small details.

Wallpapering (video)

Wallpaper is a good way to bring originality to the interior and give it an interesting look. You can use them to design any room in the house - they will help create comfort and give space for creative solutions.


Today, people increasingly attach special importance to the unusual design of the room. Due to the large number of finishing materials presented in construction stores, everyone can create a unique interior. The most universal way of decorating a room is wallpaper. Thanks to them, you can easily beat the space, carry out zoning of work areas and recreation areas, with the help of visual effects to expand the space and, if necessary, reduce it. A variety of wallpapers, their colors and surfaces allows you to translate any ideas into reality.

Today, a common way is to paste two kinds of wallpaper. In this regard, manufacturers at construction stores present a large number of wallpapers that differ in structure and design. At the same time, manufacturers take into account the fact that the wallpaper should have a good combined ability. Therefore, customers will be able to find those combinations that will suit their interior.

The combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes

This type of combination is the most common. It creates dynamics in the interior through the use of wallpaper with vertical stripes of different textures and colors. When choosing a wallpaper, any color combination and strip width is allowed. It can be monochrome or multicolor combinations. You should observe moderation and remember that as much as possible you can work with three colors.

When using wallpaper with vertical stripes, you create a visual effect of increasing the height of the ceiling. This should be considered if the ceilings in the room are initially high.

In this case, gluing wallpaper with vertical lines to the middle of the length of the walls is the right option, the remaining part is best glued with wallpaper of a neutral color or pattern. It is important that they match the color of the ceiling.

The combination of wallpaper with horizontal stripes

Using wallpaper with horizontal stripes, you can divide the walls horizontally. This method is a great design decision. It makes it possible to combine a huge number of colors, patterns and textures of the wallpaper.

Horizontal stripes create the effect of lengthening the walls. This can be a great option when pasting such wallpapers in small rooms. With this decision, you should choose a wallpaper with fairly narrow stripes.

The combination of two types of wallpaper

The most common option for wallpapering is the choice of wallpaper of the same color scheme, but in different tones. If you select this combination method, the correct solution will be to use it when pasting several rooms at once.

The following shades will look most beautiful:

  • white and turquoise;
  • beige and gray;
  • pink and black.

The method of zoning the room

This design aims to create a special interior atmosphere. It is based on the combination of plain wallpaper and wallpaper with a special texture or pattern.

It is important to remember that the most successful way of combining such wallpapers is to have a common gamut of colors. However, it is allowed to use a bright pattern when pasting several walls.

The combination of wallpaper with different patterns

This is a common way of wallpapering. You can use wallpapers with different patterns. Most often, one room is pasted with wallpaper with a specific pattern, and the rest - using wallpaper of a perfect pattern. With the right combination of different patterns, the room will look stylish and unusual.

It should be remembered that even wallpapers with different patterns should have something in common, for example, the color scheme. A good solution would be wallpapering with vertical and horizontal stripes, but with similar color combinations.

The combination of contrasting wallpaper

If you need to make a clear separation of zones, for example, work and rest areas, this method of combination is ideal.

In it, calm shades can be combined with bright shades:

  • yellow, light green and gray;
  • black, red and white;
  • purple, light green and beige.

Design options for wallpapering (video)

Interesting ideas and wallpapering options

Wallpapering the walls can be done in different ways, or by applying several methods at the same time. The most original ideas are listed below.

Patchwork pasting of walls

Patchwork ideas in our time are a popular and common way of design. It is suitable for people who are not afraid to experiment and want to create an original and unusual atmosphere.

The algorithm for gluing wallpaper in a patchwork way:

  • Choose a wallpaper should be with various patterns, colors and textures.
  • Wallpaper cut into pieces of different lengths, the shape of a square or rectangle.
  • Stick pieces of wallpaper should be a method of joint to each other, but in an arbitrary order.

Wallpapering the walls with different designs

This method is excellent options for distinguishing between zones, for example, study areas and recreation areas.

For sticking, wallpapers of different designs and sizes are taken. In order for the joint of the wallpaper to look elegant, it is decorated with a molding.

The method of dividing the walls into two parts

This method is considered one of the most stylish design solutions. The wall is conditionally divided into two parts. Then each part is glued with a different type of wallpaper.

The wallpaper gluing algorithm by dividing into two parts:

  • The bottom of the walls is papered with wallpapers with various ornaments, horizontal or vertical lines.
  • The top of the walls can be pasted with wallpaper of the same color or with a simple and elegant pattern.
  • A prerequisite is the aesthetic decoration of the joints between the wallpaper curb.

Wallpapering design stylish and original

Often designers use original tricks that come to their mind right during the workflow. Determine what an interesting decision to make, you can only be at the place of repair, knowing the interior and layout of the room.

Accented insertion:

  • First you need to decide in which part of the room the insert will be.
  • The shape of the inserts can vary from classic, square and rectangular, to arbitrary. However, care should be taken that they do not violate the general style.
  • An interesting solution will be the use of vinyl stickers that are popular today, which can be glued directly to the wallpaper.

An excellent design solution will be the decoration of ledges and niches. Designers know how to glue wallpaper on ledges and niches. They advise not to hide them, but to focus on them.

Technology for the proper use of room layout:

  • Paste niches and ledges with bright colors that will contrast with the wallpaper in the main part of the room.
  • Decorate the ledge with a bright pattern. For example, if the wallpaper contains a small pattern, a stylish solution would be to design a ledge with a larger pattern.

These tips will help the successful acquisition of wallpaper, their proper design, combination, decoration of rooms. Following simple instructions, making a design repair yourself will be easy and interesting.

Important points when choosing and sticking wallpaper:

  • Wallpaper should be bought in one place. Then they will match in texture and shades. If this is not possible, it is necessary to carry with you samples of existing wallpapers so that you can attach them to new rolls and choose the right combination with other wallpapers.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the width of the wallpaper matches. This will greatly simplify the task of combining, matching and finishing the wallpaper.
  • The right combination will help not only to create visual effects, but with the right design and use to hide the imperfections of the room.

Unusual options for wallpapering (video)

Today there are a lot of design options for wallpapering. Variations in various ways of combining wallpaper, combining texture and color schemes make it possible to bring a design project to reality as closely as possible. A variety of manufacturers, wallpaper with a myriad of drawings, will realize the brightest ideas. Thanks to the correct use of combination techniques, you can achieve many design effects: visually expand the room, increase the height of the ceilings, focus on the ledges and niches, make the room brighter and warmer.

Wallpapering options (photo)

Let's talk about how to beautifully stick wallpaper in different living quarters. Let's start with how you can modernly paste over a room such as a hall. It is this room that appears before the guests, forms their impression of the whole house or apartment. Interior planning must be done slowly, pay attention to various small details.

How to glue wallpaper in a modern and beautiful way? This question worries all owners of urban and suburban housing.

Attention! In order to stick wallpaper in your room, you need to choose the right glue.

Interior Options

For those who have decided to beautifully glue the room with finishing materials, we note that you need to first select their specific type.

Paper webs, currently offered by manufacturers, are divided into several types. The photo shows paper wallpapers with which you can paste over a small living room.

Advice! In the living room, it is better to glue two-layer paintings.

Such materials have excellent mechanical characteristics, they are easy to work with, they can be bought at affordable prices.

The photo shows an example of the interior, demonstrating how you can beautifully paste wallpaper in the living room.

Washable materials with a variety of patterns are best glued to the walls of the kitchen or hallway. In the hall, such wallpapers are inappropriate; they will not create the necessary atmosphere in this room.

Non-woven fabrics can be glued in those rooms where the walls have significant defects. The dense structure of such materials will perfectly cope with the task, will help get rid of protrusions and depressions on the surface.

Original solutions

How to beautifully wallpaper a room to enjoy the result? Currently, there are a huge number of different options for wallpapering, involving the use of a combination of wallpapers of different textures, colors. The photo shows an example of how to paste a single room with several wallpapers.

Among the fashionable examples of how to glue wallpaper beautifully, let us single out the use of two types of wallpaper that have the same color but different shades. Thanks to this combination of wallpaper, you can beautifully paste the walls in the room.

Advice! An interesting solution is a combination of gray, blue, beige colors. Such shades can be used to design a study.

Plain wallpaper can be combined with wallpaper that has an ornament or pattern. This option will bring dynamics to the interior. In addition, thanks to this unusual technique, it is possible to carry out zoning of a room, putting emphasis on a specific area during gluing.

You can stick the canvas (sample in the photo) with a different type of pattern. For example, a combination of materials with an ornament, with canvases having vertical or horizontal stripes, gives an excellent effect. Looks beautiful wallpaper with geometric shapes, complemented by wood theme.

Thinking about how to beautifully paste the wallpaper, look at the contrasting options. For example, you can glue the walls of the room with contrasting materials, making the interior fashionable and unusual.

Young homeowners prefer to glue bright accents on one wall, this is especially true in studio apartments. The photo shows an option on how to paste the walls in a small living room.

Answering the question of how to glue wallpaper beautifully (see photo below), we turn to the advice of professional designers offered in the video fragment

In addition to the combination of several types of wallpaper when pasting, there are many other options for how to glue wallpapers.

Advice! The original appearance are (in the photo) horizontal stripes. The technology of wall pasting with horizontal stripes is considered a fashionable trend in interior art.

The wall is divided into two parts. Each is papered with wallpaper of a different color and design, having the same color. Relevant with such gluing are materials with a similar wallpaper structure. To eliminate joints, select special decorative borders.

Attention! The bottom wallpaper should not be more than one meter.

You can choose canvases of a contrasting color, use monochrome colors. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the apartment.

Features of choice

If you decide to pick up wallpapers that have a picture, they should be combined in design. The joints between such decorative materials need to be glued molding. It will give the effect of the presence of a decorative panel in the room, will bring sophistication and grace to the room.

With this unusual sticking you can create an original zoning in the living room, study. For example, highlight the area of \u200b\u200bthe fireplace, TV.

Recently, interior experts consider the allocation of a certain wall in the interior to be a fashionable trend. The photo shows a sample of how to glue the finishing materials in such a way as to imitate an unusual panel on the surface. Patchwork technique involves the use of several wallpapers at once, which are interconnected by color, texture.

The technology of such decoration consists in preliminary cutting of pieces of the desired size and shape from the canvases, gluing them end-to-end. If desired, you can carry out the sticking randomly, especially when decorating the walls in a modern interior style. A similar variant of sticking can be used in a teenager’s room, since they are prone to maximalism due to psychological characteristics, including in the interior.

If you have chosen vertical gluing of finishing materials, try to select the canvas of the same type, having the same thickness. In this case, you can avoid ugly joints between individual paintings.

Advice! Before embarking with surface materials, first try attaching the materials to each other. You can appreciate their combination in order to avoid disappointment after the completion of repair work.

Particular care should be taken when combining decorative materials with a three-dimensional pattern. It must be remembered that such canvases can affect the visual perception of the parameters of the room.

For vertical gluing, the same type of canvas is suitable, having an equal thickness. If there are any niches inside the room, they can also be distinguished using decorative materials. Professionals advise using tapestries with a slight pattern for such purposes.

When choosing paper materials, do not forget that they have excellent breathability, but very quickly lose their original aesthetic appearance. It is better to design children's rooms with such materials, but they are not suitable for gluing walls in the bathroom, corridor, and kitchen.

Vinyl materials are ideal for use in patchwork technology. Their dense texture allows you to conduct numerous experiments with the creation of decorative panels, the implementation of zoning in the room.

Textile fabrics are suitable for lovers of a luxurious interior. They require additional care, in addition, have a fairly high cost.


When gluing walls with any kind of finishing materials, it is important to take seriously not only the selection of special glue, but also the choice of their color and texture.

Cold shades have a positive effect on the mental state of a person. For a hot-tempered and impulsive person, psychologists advise choosing green or blue saturated tones for wall decoration. It is advisable for romantic natures to choose warm shades.

Wallpaper for walls is a very flexible finishing material, which makes it possible to fantasize and create from the heart. They are used not only as the main wall decoration, but also for emphasis, decoration, ennoblement. Wallpaper helps to shape the desired mood, highlight the right areas, create visual effects. Wallpaper can be used in different ways: on the entire wall or in a small area, in whole stripes or pieces, one sheet or several.

Wallpaper art, among other things, allows you to save. The stores often sell leftover wallpaper at a bargain price. You can buy interesting samples for a penny and put them together. For some people, this turns into a hobby: they buy wallpaper on one roll and use them not for basic decoration, but for decoration and decor. Fortunately, many methods have been invented, and only a part of them.

1. One vertical strip

This is a pretty bold move. It is used to bring color or themed notes to the interior. Creates an external variety, relieves a smooth plain wall from visual emptiness. Wallpaper is preferably bright, active.

2. Several vertical stripes in different areas

Single strips can be located at a distance from each other or even on different walls. This technique helps emphasize or indicate symmetry. For example, strips can be glued on two sides of a sofa, bed, closet.

3. The combination of different wallpapers on one sheet

The composition of the unequal wallpaper is spectacular and very unusual. It is recommended to combine wallpaper sheets that have something in common. For example, only pastel or only saturated, etc. You can take different wallpapers with the same background color.

Usually two or four sheets are combined, thereby creating a small accent fragment behind a sofa or bed.

But sometimes a series of different wallpapers are allowed all over the wall or only along its lower side. If you managed to put together a luxurious wallpaper collection, why not take on "all the bad"?

4. Wallpaper patchwork

Another option for collectors. If a fair amount of different wallpapers has accumulated, you can turn a wall or its fragment into a “patchwork quilt”.

This design method is most suitable for vintage and "shabby" interiors (country, Provence, shabby chic). But if desired and a suitable wallpaper design, you can fit the patchwork in a modern setting.

5. Wallpaper and imitation panels

This is a popular and very common version of wall decor. The method consists in gluing wallpaper fragments on the wall with their subsequent framing. To create a framework, moldings or strips of wood, polyurethane, plastic, aluminum are used. Framed wallpapers may look like decorative panels or classic panels.

Wallpaper panels and false panels are an inexpensive and easy-to-implement technique that allows you to bring classic features into the interior and quickly refresh the atmosphere without a global alteration.

6. Wallpaper friezes

The interior frieze is a wide border located under the ceiling. Internal friezes are characteristic of classic, traditional interiors, but they are often found in modern design. Using the frieze, you can visually lower the excessively high ceiling and visually expand the room.

Friezes can be overhead (for example, gypsum or wood) and simulated. Imitate friezes by applying paint or wallpapering. Wallpaper friezes are especially interesting and expressive. They can become a real decoration and highlight of the interior.

7. Wallpaper sheets not end-to-end, but at a distance

This technique allows you to make a bit of originality and save a little on wallpaper - they leave significantly less than with classical continuous wall pasting. The step between the wallpaper can be narrow or wide, up to the width of the wallpaper sheet.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save a lot, because you have to spend money on paint for basic surface preparation - the intervals between the wallpapers should be ideal. However, instead of paint, you can use simple plain wallpaper that reproduces the texture of a painted wall.

8. Catchy wallpapers on the ceiling

Light monophonic wallpapers are often glued to the ceiling, but colorful patterns with a pattern or ornament are almost never found here. It looks unusual and spectacular. The ceiling, pasted with expressive wallpaper, aggressively attracts attention and has a huge impact on the perception of the interior. Walls and floors with such a ceiling should be restrained and calm.

9. Wallpaper in niches

Wall and furniture niches “play” in a new way, being highlighted in color or pattern. They deepen, separate, acquire a "character."

If the room has several niches, you can decorate them with different wallpapers. This will not only revitalize the situation, but also zon it.

Sometimes different wall-paper overlay niches of a rack. Furniture a la patchwork (with niches, drawers and doors of various colors) is very relevant today. Such items are accented, so the rest of the furniture adjacent to the "patchwork" should be "quiet and modest."



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