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Decorating around the sauna stove. Protecting a wooden wall from oven heat

Reliable insulation of the stove in the bath from the walls is one of the most basic works in the construction of a bath. Protection of combustible surfaces avoids not only fire, but also deformation of the wall material. It is important for home craftsmen to know the basic requirements and step-by-step instructions for working on thermal insulation from various materials.


First, let's figure out if it is always necessary to protect the surfaces of walls and ceilings in a bath.

When is it necessary to insulate the walls from the oven?

If the stove is made of bricks, or is located at a distance of more than 1000 mm from the wall, it makes no sense to carry out a full cycle of thermal insulation work. In these cases, it is enough to make a protective screen from foil on moisture resistant kraft paper. It is important to know the gaps between the wall and ovens with different surface materials:

  • the stove, laid out with a wall thickness of half a brick, is recommended to be moved away from the bath surfaces by 350-400 mm;
  • a metal heater, not lined with brick or a layer of thermal insulation, must be at least 1000 mm away from the walls;
  • it is recommended to install a steel stove with an extended part of the firebox and protected by thermal insulation at a distance of 700 mm.

But most of the individual baths are made small in size and it is not always possible to withstand the required clearances. Therefore, the optimal solution to the problem is to protect the walls and ceiling with a reliable layer of thermal insulation made of non-combustible moisture-resistant materials.

Example of wall protection

SNIP requirements

Protection of the walls of the bath from the heat of the stove is carried out according to the requirements building codes... It is important for a home craftsman to know the main ones.

SNiP III-G.11-62

"Heating stoves, smoke and ventilation ducts residential and public buildings. Rules for production and acceptance of works. "

According to these standards, the gaps from the heater to the wall surfaces:

  • the thickness of the coated wall panels of the stove is 24 cm, with a layer of plaster made from lime solution, or with the addition of a layer of cement, the thickness of which is 25 mm, as well as when applying a layer of asbestos and clay mortar, 4 cm thick - the distance should be at least 13 cm;
  • the wall thickness of the half-brick stove and the application of a layer of lime plaster and the addition of asbestos, 25 mm thick, or when protected with 4 cm thick asbestos-vermulite plates - distance from 300 mm;
  • when installing steel furnaces, with covering the furnace walls with refractory material, minimum distance up to plastered wooden walls 700 mm, with a layer thickness of gypsum and lime mortar of 25 mm;
  • when installing a steel stove in a bath with unplastered walls, the distance to them should be at least 1000 mm.

The inspector of the fire service checks and signs the permits for the use of the bathhouse when carrying out control measurements. Only after this procedure can you use the sauna.

SNiP 2.04.05-91

"Heating. Ventilation and air conditioning."

When purchasing an industrial design of a furnace, the installation requirements can be found in the instructions. Home craftsmen must know and fulfill several requirements:

  • the ceiling in the bath is protected by an asbestos slab, plaster and sheet metal, up to 1 cm thick, in this case the brick-built stove is made high so that the gap to the ceiling is at least 250 mm;
  • when installing a steel stove with a protective heat-insulating layer, maintain a gap to the ceiling of at least 700-800 mm, if the ceiling is plastered and protected with non-combustible materials;
  • in all other cases, the distance to the ceiling should be 1200 mm.

But the question arises before the homemade ones, how to sheathe the wall near the stove in the bath?

Wall insulation methods

Industry produces various materials and I want to choose the best option for the price and quality. Let's analyze the main options for protecting surfaces in the steam room.

Fire resistant drywall

This material is produced in the same way as ordinary drywall, but the outer surfaces are treated with special substances that make it impervious to high temperatures. At the same time, it is able to withstand the effects of open fire for 1 hour, without losing its properties and without emitting smoke and soot.

You can distinguish it by the color of the sheet marking. It comes dyed red. When buying, pay attention to 2 main characteristics of the material, which are indicated in the certificate:

  • limit of resistance to fire. The time of exposure to high temperatures is indicated here before the destruction of the material. The higher this number, the more reliable the surface protection will be;
  • leaf weight. Sheets are used with a thickness of 12 mm, such drywall weighs more than usual, so it is important to take this characteristic into account, especially for laying on the ceiling.

Work on laying fire-resistant drywall is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. prepare the walls, for this they must be cleaned of dirt, remnants of the old finishing layer. After that, it is necessary to prime the surfaces and level them with a solution;
  2. fix waterproofing and thermal insulation on the walls;
  3. we go through the walls and ceiling with impregnations that increase the fire resistance of surfaces;
  4. we mark the place of installation of profiles for fastening drywall and fix the guides at a distance from the ceiling covering of the walls - 100 mm. The gap to the wooden floor is 50 mm. The frame is fixed with long screws;
  5. sheets of material are installed on the frame and fixed with self-tapping screws, the caps of which must be twisted flush with the surface of the sheets;
  6. you can proceed to finishing work, but do not forget about the high humidity in the steam room, so you can treat the walls and ceiling with water-repellent impregnations. After that, the walls are putty and a layer of decorative finish is applied.

Finishing work on the walls and ceilings of the bathhouse with fire-resistant plasterboard is over.


How to isolate the stove in the bath from wooden wall? Many builders use the material "Minerite", which combines thermal insulation properties and protects surfaces from the effects of open fire.

These boards are manufactured with a fiber cement backing and a hard face. Materials produced specifically for damp rooms and baths are not affected by humidity and heavy loads. With the help of Minerita slabs, the wall covering is installed without gaps, it is not subject to deformation when heated, so there is no need to leave temperature gaps.

Plates can withstand heating up to 150 0, without changing their physical properties... Environmentally friendly when used in damp rooms and under the influence of high temperatures do not emit harmful substances and are resistant to the formation of fungi and mold.

Work on their installation is carried out similarly to the installation of drywall, but does not require the manufacture of a frame:

  1. before work, we clean all surfaces from dirt and old coatings;
  2. if necessary, we align the walls, especially the floors to prevent the sheet from bending;
  3. slabs are laid on the floor or walls without gaps to the wall and fixed with self-tapping screws;
  4. on the walls and floor it is necessary to make a gap of 30 mm for air access. Therefore, self-made or industrial bushings are put on self-tapping screws. Therefore, when buying self-tapping screws, you must take into account the size of the indent;
  5. when installing slabs in a new bath building, it is important to make small grooves or drill holes of a larger diameter in the place where the self-tapping screw passes. This is necessary to prevent damage to the plates when the building shrinks.

After completing the work, the slabs are putty and decorative.


Fire-resistant material, consisting of quartz and quicklime with the addition of additives, is able to withstand temperatures of 120 0. It is used for decoration of fireplaces, walls, ceilings of a bath from the heat of the stove. When heated, no substances harmful to humans, unpleasant odors are released.

Plates with a thickness of 25-80 mm are fixed in the same way as drywall on glue, self-tapping screws or heat-resistant mastic. Thermal insulation of a stove in a bath with Superizol is not a cheap way to finish the coatings of a steam room, but you should not buy cheap Chinese stoves.

Stainless steel protective shield

For these purposes, screens with a matte surface or mirror are used. Stainless steel sheets are perfect solution how to protect the coatings of the steam room from fires, and how decorative finishing premises.

But the material is quite expensive, so you can use a screen to protect the lower surface of the walls near the stove, and install a cheaper material on top.

Insulation sauna stove from a wooden wall using stainless screens is carried out according to the scheme:

General scheme

The screen is ready. It is better to use mirrored surfaces of the screens, in this case, they will reflect heat, it will be faster and evenly distributed throughout the steam room. Thus, we create a protective screen around the stove in the bath, prevent burns and perform a layer of decorative trim.

What is the best way to choose?

The decoration of the wall from the stove for different types and sizes of baths is used in different shapes and materials. The main thing, in this case, is to ensure the fire safety of your steam room and to protect the walls from deformation at high heating temperatures.

Otherwise, everything depends on the capabilities and desires of the owners of the steam room. You can use heat-resistant tiles or expensive tiles, or you can simply close the walls and ceiling mineral wool and a layer of metal foil. By leveling the walls with drywall sheets with surfaces that are not exposed to open fire, you can paint the steam room with heat-resistant paint with Minerita.

With a large bath, it is possible not to perform these works if the conditions of SNIP and fire safety are met. By making concrete base larger than the stove and with a 1 m gap to the walls, you can safely use the heater and enjoy the steam. In any case, it is important to take care of safety and then your bath will serve you for a long time.

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Finishing - the final stage of construction. It is incorrect to include insulation work in it. When it comes to cladding floors, walls, ceilings, installing doors and windows, painting surfaces, then this can be called finishing. We need to somehow be defined with terms if we want mutual understanding.

This article will focus on interior decoration steam rooms, but the finishing will also be partially affected washing. If the site has thematic articles that reveal this or that issue on the subject, read it, there will probably be useful information, and for your convenience we have made links.

Steam room decoration

When it comes to finishing options for finishing the steam room in the bath, then it would be worthwhile to somehow classify them and tell about them from different points of view. That is, you can talk separately about floors, walls, ceilings, doors and windows, or you can talk about materials. This is all we will try to cover below.


In a double room, the floor is available in three versions:

  • wood;
  • tile;
  • concrete.

The latter option is generally not intended to be stepped on with bare feet, but people wear rubber slippers or on ladders on such a floor. We mention it here only for completeness. Although, if you paint it with something waterproof... In general, be that as it may, there are three working options for flooring in the steam room. Wooden floor can be torrential or dry, you can read about the features of both options.

We will not touch on how to make this or that floor, we are only interested in what it is and how it looks in the end.

Pouring wooden floor - these are boards fixed on logs without joining. The gap between adjacent boards is up to 1 cm.

Dry flooron the contrary, it is a very tightly joined boards, most often grooved.

Both sex after completion installation works can be colored either acrylic varnishor impregnation for floors in the sauna... This will make the floorboards water-repellent and the floor more durable.

Tile is also fully present in the steam room, because no one wants to change the floors every 5-7 years, as it should be with the pouring option, and the dry floor can also deteriorate - this is still a tree, but it is not particularly friendly with water (except species such as larch).

IMPORTANT!The main argument against a tiled floor is that you can slip on it. But there are enough tiles on sale that have a rough surface that prevents slipping.

Concrete… If the screed is made of high-quality concrete, then the water will not harm it for a very long time. But it will also look as if the finishing of the steam room in the bath was left half way. To give it some completeness, we would advise to paint it with paint for concrete pools - everything will be somehow prettier.

How to decorate the walls and ceiling

We have combined walls and ceiling into one category - they are usually made from the same material.

If there was still some variability in the choice of material for finishing them in the steam room regarding the floors, then there is only one material for the walls and ceiling in a standard bath - wood. And it is right. Firstly, tradition, secondly, useful, thirdly, pleasant and beautiful.

But in general, the design of the steam room in the bath, if we talk about the walls and ceiling, comes down to the choice lining. True, some leave unprotected walls made of a bar or a log house, but this is if the bar or logs are thick enough or the winters are moderately frosty, which is why it is not cold in the steam room.

But there are a lot of types of liningso that those who do not want the standard option have plenty to choose from.

ATTENTION! To begin with, let us clarify that imitation of a bar and a blockhouse (imitation of a log house) are also varieties of lining. After all, this word means, in essence, just a profiled board, and it can have many different profiles.

euro and non-euro

Primarily varies tongue-and-groove connection design. Based on the differences between them, such types of lining as standard (according to the Soviet GOST), euro lining, "American" are built.

Secondly, they may differ profile of the front side of the bar... The presence and absence of chamfers, the measure of rounding, various protrusions and depressions, and create all the variety of surfaces finished with these boards.

Also worth taking into account presence or absence of ventilation grooves on the back of the lamella... They were not in the Soviet standard, but they are needed, and the euro lining has them.

TIP! For those who want a creative approach to the interior decoration of the steam room in the bath, we recommend combining several different profiles, for example, smooth with a bevel or without a bevel and some of the carved profiles.

You can read more about the types of lining and sheathing methods in this one.

Of course, there is also a decoration around the stove in the steam room of a bath, and it is made, in particular, from tiles - ceramic or natural stone. But we'll talk about this in a separate chapter below.

Doors and windows

For doors and windows, the most important thing concerns not so much design as the right choice wood.

After all, you can't put a plastic door in the steam room, unless glass, which are made for the sauna, of course (that is, with a healthy gap under the door, necessary for the ventilation of the sauna). But if you saw off the box, then you can put a glass door in the Russian bath. And you will have no problem closing doors.

But if the door is still made of wood, then high humidity will affect it primarily change in wood volume, that is, it will change the dimensions of the doors. And they will periodically not fit into the opening.

To avoid such problems, you need to choose a tree that deforms least of all under the influence of moisture. And it's very affordable - it's common linden. By the way, it is worth making not only doors from it, but also shelves, and someone will prefer linden lining. The properties of wood will be discussed below.

We decorate inside the steam room

Since buildings are made of different materials, the owners are interested in whether there is any difference in how to decorate the steam room in the bath, say, from brick or foam concrete. Basically, there are no differences even at the level of the insulation cake device, and the finish is all the more independent of what the walls of your bath are made of.

However, options do exist.

Interior decoration in a bath from a bar or a log house

Bar or log - a material that itself has excellent decorative qualities, so there is no point in hiding it under the cladding, unless it is arctic cold in your area, that is, if the thickness of a log or bar is enough to keep warm.

In this case, the main concern of the owner will be insulation of joints between logs or beams, their sealing (which we will talk about separately). In addition, the number of finishing works can be attributed to the protection of log walls from various misfortunes (fire, water, insects, fungi and bacteria) and the identification of the decorative properties of wood - both are done using impregnation.

BUT! In the steam room, protective measures are limited to an antiseptic on the lower rims and an impregnation for the walls as a whole, which will protect them from water.

A well-sanded log has a beautiful “moire” pattern that can be made more visible with varnish or impregnation. On our website there is a website that tells about paint and varnish materials acceptable for processing a steam room.

Clapboard decoration in a bath made of aerated concrete, foam concrete, brick, frame

The decoration of the steam room of a bathhouse built from the materials listed in the title in the overwhelming majority of cases will be reduced to sheathing clapboard. This is the easiest way to make the interior "wooden". In addition, the lining is a convenient and affordable material, and the difference in profiles gives the owner the freedom to choose according to his tastes.

Baths not built of wood are accepted insulate. In this article, we will not describe the thermal insulation cake - you can read about it in this one on our website. However, let's spoil: methods of heat-insulating finishing of a steam room in a bath made of aerated concrete, foam concrete, etc. are the same... And the lining is the final stage of this finish.

The lining is attached to the counter lattice. There are several ways to attach it discreetly. Previously, this was most often done with finishing studs through the groove, but this is hard work, especially when compared with modern way fastening to staples or nails using a pneumatic gun through cleats. Alternatively, it can be mounted on self-tapping screws.

IMPORTANT! Cleamers do not replace fastening with nails or staples, they only simplify it. Nice and handy addition.

Watch the video, which clearly demonstrates the method of fastening the lining using clamps:

Regarding the finishing of the steam room with clapboard, it is worth saying this: there are two mounting options - vertical and horizontal. Accordingly, the counter-lattice should run in the perpendicular direction.

Since we are talking about a humid and hot room, it is worth noting that the vertical fastening of the lining is not optimal. With this arrangement, each individual lamella is unevenly moistened, which leads to stresses inside the wood. In the future, it may crack.

In the same time horizontal fastening makes the lamella moisturizing more even... The main thing is not to forget when fastening that the groove should be on top, and the spike should enter it from below. Then the water will not flow into the castle.

In addition to what has been said, the described types of lining installation also have such a feature: vertical fastening visually makes the room taller, and horizontal - lower.

Washing and steam room options: materials

Let's briefly go through the materials suitable for finishing in a washing bath and steam room.


In the photo: finishing the steam room of the bath with wood (clapboard)

For the floor, you can use more resistant rocks, for example, larch. Conifers should not be used because of the resin they contain, which flows out when the temperature rises. But the temperature on the floor is usually low, so there are no restrictions.

However, it should be said that linden trees and aspen low indicators of resistance to decay and bioinfection (for example, fungi). Therefore, we recommend that you additionally protect surfaces made of this wood with impregnations and varnishes.

IN sink it makes no sense to use wood, unless it is a design decision. In this case, it is worth recommending just conifers - they are more resistant to water.

A rock

An option for decorating a steam room in a bath is stone tiles... Of course, we are talking only about partial finishing, for example, near the stove (more on that below).

What types of stone are best for decorating walls in a steam room? You will be surprised, but there is practically no limitation hereth - the main thing is that it is not rock salt, for example. But pink Himalayan salt is often used as interior decoration. Of course, it will not dissolve as quickly as cooked in a saucepan of soup, but its composition is the same as that of salt in a salt shaker.

The wall behind the stove, of course, heats up, but the stones are quite capable of withstanding such temperatures without harming themselves. But the situation will change if you decide to put the same stone over the stove. The temperatures there are somewhat different. And you should be guided at least by those stones, in the enclosure of which ready-made stoves are sold, for example, talcomagnesite .

Alternatively, you can trim part of the steam room not with smooth tiles, but with cut pebbles or cobblestones, which are mounted on the mortar with the convex side up. The decor is pretty pretty. As you can see, even street boulders can come in handy.

On the picture: interior decoration steam rooms baths with stones around the stove

IN sink stone can be used, but this is rarely done, because it is easier and cheaper to cover the walls and floor with ready-made ceramic tiles.


The tiles in the steam room are used either on the floor or on the wall behind the stove. As for the floor, rough tiles behave best here, for example, metlakhskaya. It can generally be recommended for wet rooms. But all varieties of smooth glazed tiles are best not considered as flooring for a steam room.

IN washing it is better to use rough tiles on the floor, but for the walls ... here, in general, you know better how sober visitors will wash in your washing room. If not particularly, then give up smooth tiles there, eliminating unnecessary opportunities for injury.

In the photo: finishing the shower room inside the bath with tiles


A separate mention is made of such finishing material as sealant for a steam room in a bath.

Steam room sealants can only be used in two cases: if it is log bath and needs to seal the joints between the logs, as well as to seal the cracks in the logs themselves, and the second option is to seal the joints, for example, foam glass, if used as heat insulator.

In the first case, you can recommend special sealants for wood, which have a certain elasticity, because wood tends to constantly change volume under the influence of moisture. In addition, you should ask the sellers which of the wood sealants can withstand the temperature of the steam room well (name the numbers at which you are used to steaming).

We came across a report from one sauna owner praising the wood sealant Perma-Chinkwhich he used for seams and Check mate for sealing cracks. However, we cannot say with certainty that it was not promotional material.

As for the sealant for the heat insulator, then you need to take silicone without impurities, for example Ottoseal S 73.

Furnish around the stove

The space around the stove needs special finishing for the reason that the proximity of the hot stove to the combustible material of the walls (the same lining) can lead to fire.

Refractory board for wall decoration when installing a stove for a bath

Therefore, a heat-insulating material is usually placed on the wall, for example, minerite or superisole (mounting on ceramic bushings is desirable). To reflect heat, you can attach a sheet of stainless steel.

Stove tile

If the walls are not wood, you can protect them with heat resistant tiles. Since tiles are used for lining stoves and fireplaces, there are many varieties on sale, from which the seller will select the right one for you.

Of course, stove tiles are more than suitable for wall decoration, but they can be more expensive, so it is worth measuring the heating temperature of an object located at the same distance that will separate your stove from the wall.

And one more thing - you need to take into account the fact that in the baths on the personal plot in winter, with long non-use, the temperature can be below zero.

Some types of tiles are not designed for a sharp change in temperature when melting a bath - this issue should also be clarified with the seller. If you choose the wrong tile, it will crumble.


Steam room decoration

Steam room and washroom interior decoration together

Sauna-like interior decoration of the steam room

Antique decoration of baths and steam rooms

We have many other interesting and informative materials on a variety of issues related to the bath. We recommend using it to find the material of interest.

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Protecting walls in a bath from stove heat: how to make a protective screen or sheathing correctly

When you heat the bath for taking procedures, the surface of the stove can heat up to 300-400 degrees. In the process, it emits infrared rays and itself becomes a source of heating. The radiated heat is distributed throughout the steam room, but first of all it touches the walls, which are located near the wall.

If the walls in your steam room are made of wood, the heat will cause them to char. And this can cause fire and fire.

Despite the advertisements of various wood protection products and other options for eliminating this problem, the most effective insulation method was and remains the arrangement of a protective screen and sheathing made of non-flammable materials.

Our work

In what situations do you need wall protection?

There are situations where wall protection near the stove is not needed. For example, if there is a safe distance between the stove and the nearest surface from the point of view of fire regulations. This distance should be enough to scatter infrared rays so that they are weakened and their number does not damage the wall.

fireproof distance from the metal furnace to the walls of the bath

The distance from the wall is considered safe:

  • to a brick oven (with masonry in ¼ bricks) - not less than 0.32 m;
  • to a furnace made of metal not lined - not less than 1 m.
  • to a metal furnace lined with bricks or fireclay inside - not less than 0.7 m.

Such a safe, fire-prevention distance can basically only be organized in steam rooms with impressive parameters. In more miniature family-type steam rooms, when there is a need to save every centimeter, installing the stove at such a distance is not a justified luxury. Therefore, for such small steam rooms it is better to use screens or special sheathing to protect the walls.

Protective screen around the oven

The shield is an insulating shield that covers the sides of the oven and reduces the amount of heat rays. Screens can be made of brick or metal. They are mainly used for metal furnaces.

Option number 1 - a metal screen.

The most commonly used protective screen is made of steel or cast iron sheets, bought ready-made. It is mounted around the stove, departing from the walls of the firebox 1-5 cm. There are side and front screens, choose depending on which side of the stove you need to close. Often, manufacturers make ovens already equipped with a screen - a casing.

bath walls protection - metal screen

The protective screen makes it possible to reduce the temperature of the outer surfaces of the stove to 80-100 degrees, thereby reducing the safe distance to 50 cm. As a result, the distance from the firebox to the wall, inclusive with an assembly gap of 1-5 cm, will be 51-55 cm. The protective shield is not difficult, it is usually equipped with legs that just need to be bolted to the floor.

Option number 2 - a protective brick screen.

With such a screen, you can close all the side parts of the oven, thus making an outer casing for it. As a result, the furnace will stand in a brick casing.

And you can simply separate the oven and the fire hazardous surface with such a screen.

The material for the screen used as wall protection is a corpulent fireclay brick... For binding, take a solution on cement or clay. Masters advise to lay the brickwork in half a brick (thickness 12 cm.) But if you do not have enough material, you can make a screen in ¼ brick (6 cm.), But this will lead to a decrease in the thermal insulation performance of the protective wall by half. And then you need to take such changes into account when calculating the safe distance.

bath walls protection - brick screen

When laying, small holes should be left in the lower part (sometimes with fire doors). They will serve to create air exchange in the space between the stove and the screen.

The height of the brick screen must exceed the height of the stove by at least 20 cm. There are times when the protective screen is laid out to the ceiling.

They make such a screen not close to the stove - you need to leave 5-15 cm. In order for the protection of the walls to be a reliable, optimal distance between the screen and the wall should be from 5 to 15 cm. Using a protective brick screen, you can reduce the distance from the stove to the wall to 22- 42 cm (stove + 5-15 cm gap + 12 cm brick + 5-15 cm gap + wall),

Non-combustible wall cladding for protection

Any wall that is adjacent to a hot oven is not immune to spontaneous combustion. To prevent overheating of the walls, it is advised to use special sheathing, which consists of heat-insulating and non-combustible materials.

Reflective sheathing.

The claddings, which include non-combustible thermal insulation and metal sheets, have proven themselves very well. So on a wooden surface you need to attach a heat-insulating material, and already a sheet on top of it of stainless steel... Someone uses galvanized steel, but there is information that, when heated, it can emit harmful substances... So it is better to use stainless steel.

To increase the efficiency of such cladding, you need to polish the metal sheet well. A specular surface will improve the reflection of heat rays from the wood and naturally prevent it from heating up. Another plus is that by redirecting hard infrared rays back to the steam room, the stainless metal makes them softer and easier for people to perceive.

reflective wall cladding

Under a sheet of metal, you can install the following material for thermal insulation:

  • Basalt wool - it has high thermal insulation and increased hygroscopicity. It is safe even in the extreme conditions of the steam room, and it does not burn.
  • Basalt cardboard - basalt fiber in the form of thin sheets. Refractory, sound and heat insulating material.
  • Asbestos cardboard is a refractory heat-insulating material in sheets. It is characterized by excellent strength, durability and the ability to protect surfaces prone to fire from ignition.
  • Minerite - non-combustible slabs, which are made specifically to create screens near stoves, fireplaces and other surfaces in the bath or sauna that can easily catch fire.

The following sheathing scheme is popular:

Wall - ventilation gap 2-3cm. - insulation 1-2 cm. - metal sheet. The safe distance from the oven to the wall is at least 38 cm.

Ceramic bushings are used to fix the cladding to the wall. They do not heat up and additionally serve to create a ventilation gap between the wall and the layer of thermal insulation material.

If you did not manage to install the stove at a safe distance, then you need to make the casing in two layers of heat-insulating material. In this version, the sheets are fixed through the bushings, maintaining a gap of 2-3 cm, and the top sheet is covered with a metal sheet.

Sheathing with cladding.

Reflective sheathing is an excellent protection for wood walls from heat and fire, but it may not always look nice and appropriate in a steam room. If you have a steam room with a specific design or decor, you can disguise such a covering with heat-resistant tiles. For laying such tiles, you need to use heat-resistant glue.

Wall protection near the lined stove can be made of the following materials:

  • Terracotta tiles are made from fired clay and have excellent strength, heat resistance and service life. Terracotta can be matte or glazed, with shades ranging from pastel yellow to brick red.
  • Clinker tiles are clay tiles, similar to facing bricks. Its structure is denser than that of terracotta. Maybe we love the color, even white or black, or not at all usual for tiles - blue or green.
  • Tiles are a type of ceramic tile. A characteristic feature is an embossing in the form of a pattern or ornament on the front part.
  • Porcelain stoneware is a tile of increased strength and heat resistance. Different way of processing the front side creates a different surface. Porcelain stoneware can imitate stone, brick or wood. The color palette includes natural shades, from white to black.
  • Talcochlorite is a natural mountain stone of gray or green hue. Distinctive features: fire resistance, water resistance, strength.

protective sheathing with cladding

Using fire retardant wall tiles will not provide thermal insulation. The walls will heat up anyway. The tile serves only as one component in this design:

Wall - ventilation gap 2-3 cm. - refractory material in sheets - tiles. The distance from the stove to the tile must be at least 15-20 cm.

Refractory material can be:

  • Fire-resistant gypsum plasterboard (GKLO) - gypsum plasterboard, which includes fiberglass. It does not deform under the influence of heat.
  • Minerite is a non-combustible fiber cement board. In addition, it is moisture resistant, not subject to decay or decomposition.
  • Glass-magnesium sheet (MSL) is a slab material, which includes fiberglass and magnesia binder. Such material is famous for its properties for heat and sound insulation, and resistance to temperature extremes and the influence of water.

If the wall is protected in compliance with all the rules and the organization of the ventilation gap, then such a sheathing will have a low heat absorption rate, and the wall will hardly heat up. In addition, using tiles for cladding will well mask the protective layer, and you will not spoil the style and design of the steam room.

Our team is ready at any time to answer your questions or help you with the construction of your bathhouse on your site.

Source: http://heatmaster.com.ua/vozvedenie-sten/zashhita-sten-bani-ot-zhara-pechi.html

Facing the stove in the bath: we disassemble how to decorate with ceramic tiles, decorative stone and plaster

The stove in the bath is not only a device for heating rooms, but also a stylish element of the interior. Therefore, special attention is paid to its external cladding. The construction market offers reliable and practical materials, from which the furnace is finished in the bath.

The correct choice of a suitable material depends on the design idea, interior style and financial capabilities of the customer.

Features of the decorative facing of the stove

High-quality finishing of the sauna stove must meet the basic operational requirements: withstand high humidity, temperature drops, ensure the durability and safety of the surface. The lined stove should quickly heat up the bath rooms and create a comfortable microclimate inside.

The lining of the oven in the bath has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • fast and uniform heating of the premises;
  • accumulation of heat for a long time;
  • minimal risks of getting burned from a heated oven;
  • no overdrying of air;
  • simplicity and availability of maintenance of the finished cladding;
  • attractive appearance of heating equipment;
  • resistance to mechanical damage and deformation.

Types of oven cladding

In addition to being the main heating equipment, the stove also serves an aesthetic function.

The lining of the sauna stove is carried out using practical and durable decorative materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • refractory bricks;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • decorative plaster;
  • tiles;
  • frame made of metal plates.

All materials are high operational characteristics and installation features.

Ceramic tiles - elegance and durability

The best material for cladding a sauna stove is ceramic tiles. It is characterized by ease of installation, affordable cost and durability.

The following types of tiles are used for facing works:

  • Clinker room. It is made of red clay with the addition of a fireclay component, a melting agent and a dye.
  • Majolica. Material with a pressed base, covered with a protective glaze layer. This type of tile stands out for its rich colors, decorative patterns and ornaments.
  • Terracotta. Facing material that is similar in performance to majolica. Important differences are porous structure and lack of protective glaze. Terracotta is distinguished by its durability, increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. This type of tile is made in a round shape.
  • Marble. Such material is distinguished by increased wear resistance, practicality and availability of installation, it is devoid of almost all disadvantages.

Choosing a similar type of finish, the owners of stoves ask themselves an important question, which tiles are best to cover heating equipment. Experts believe that the best option is a material with a minimum coefficient of thermal expansion and a dense structure - clinker tiles.

Refractory bricks: reliability and safety

Decorating a sauna stove with bricks is the simplest and a budget option for owners who decide to do the cladding on their own.

The material has several advantages:

  • fast and safe heating;
  • accumulation and maintenance of heat for a long time;
  • resistance to increased moisture;
  • low cost and ease of installation.

The work on lining the stove in the bath with brick consists in arranging a reliable decorative screen around the entire perimeter of the equipment. To increase aesthetics and attractiveness, it is allowed to combine materials of different colors.

Artificial and natural stone: exquisite nobility

The main advantage of cladding decorative stone is to create a noble and attractive look. High strength, durability, environmental friendliness, resistance to high temperatures, a variety of color palettes and textures makes it possible to use the material for finishing bath rooms.

The following types of stones are used for facing work:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • coil;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • talcochlorite;
  • jade.

Decorative stones are able to withstand an unlimited amount of heat, they accumulate thermal energy well and maintain a given temperature for a long time. In addition, this material is resistant to acids and alkalis.

Artificial elements are not inferior to natural stones in their operational characteristics. With their help, you can qualitatively overlay the stove in the steam room or the fireplace in the house.

The technology for laying stones is simple, so no additional preparation is required. Non-standard shapes of elements can cause some difficulties in the fitting process, therefore, it is recommended to lay out the material on a flat base before installation. The stones are numbered and fixed on the surface of the oven with an adhesive.

Decorative plaster: simplicity and affordability

A simple option for facing a Russian stove is to plaster surfaces. Over time, the decorative and protective properties of the plaster composition decrease, which will require frequent renewal of the cladding.

Important! Decorative plaster is only used for brick ovens and is not suitable for metal appliances.

Plastering a stove in a bath is simple, all work is performed in the following order:

  • the surface is cleaned of dust, debris and residues of the joint solution;
  • the seams are cleared 10 mm deep;
  • before the lining begins, the oven warms up;
  • a mesh of metal rods with fixation on a wire is installed on the surface;
  • the surface is moistened and the primary layer of the plaster mixture is applied;
  • after the plaster hardens, a second layer is applied.

The thickness of each subsequent layer does not exceed 6 mm. The plaster mortar is applied with a trowel, leveled over the surface with a spatula. When plastering the surface, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of defects - air bubbles and sagging.

After hardening, the top layer is thoroughly cleaned to obtain a flat surface.

Tiles: originality and practicality

The use of tiles is an old way of lining stove equipment for a bath. Tiles are tiles made of pottery plastic clay by firing in a kiln at a temperature of over 1000 degrees. On the back of the tile there are grommets designed to fix the material on any surface. Tiles are presented in several categories:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • majolica;
  • with glazed surface;
  • with a relief surface.

Tiles are distinguished by high performance characteristics - durability, practicality, strength and high heat transfer.

Tiling work should be entrusted to professionals who will perform well the installation of the material on the surface of the stoves.

Metal frame: accessibility and safety

The sauna stove can be faced with a metal frame, which is installed on top of the device and covered with protective shields. The steel frame provides reliable protection of the furnace portal and an optimal level of air heating in the room.

This cladding has the following advantages:

  • accumulates the released heat energy;
  • quickly heats the air and walls in the room;
  • is different affordable price and ease of installation.

A serious drawback of such a cladding is the likelihood of getting burns in direct contact with the surface. Therefore, experts do not recommend installing metal frames for stoves in saunas in order to avoid possible injury.

A competent choice of decorative material for cladding and adherence to the technological process will ensure the correct operation of the sauna stove and the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the premises.

Source: https://SdelatBanyu.ru/pechi-i-dymokhody/otdelka-pechi-v-bane.html

Furnishing the stove in the bath - how and with what material to finish the stove in the bath

In recent years, metal stoves have gained great popularity among the owners of home baths. The reason for this was the ease and speed of installation, affordable pricing policy. However, they have a number of disadvantages, ranging from unpresentable appearance and ending with the likelihood of a fire. Furnace decoration in the bath is performed to reduce negative factors.

Furnace decorative finish

Distance from wooden wall to stove

During operation, the temperature of the metal furnace in the bath reaches about 4000. A metal heated to such a temperature can cause a fire in nearby wooden structures. In order to fire safety there are permissible distances from the metal source of heating to the wall established by SNiP. In the absence of protective screens, the distance should be at least 1 meter.

In large rooms, maintaining such a distance is not difficult. But if the question is about a small home bath, every centimeter of space is important.
To reduce the permissible distance, a number of measures are carried out:

  • install protective screens around the oven itself;
  • sheathe sections of walls located in the immediate vicinity of the source of ignition. Installation of protective screens around the furnace

Metal screens

Installation of steel sheets allows to reduce the fire hazard distance. From a wooden surface to a steel screen, it is enough to withstand 50 cm.
Protective screens made of metal can be either factory-made or self-welded. During installation, it is necessary to create a ventilation gap between the heating part of the furnace and the metal screen. The presence of the ventilation duct contributes to the heating of the casing up to 1000. Factory screens are equipped with legs and fasteners, using them, it will not be difficult to install the sheets.

Brick screens

There are two options for installing a brick screen:

  • a brick partition is erected only between the wooden wall of the bath and the metal stove;
  • the oven is laid with brick walls on all sides.

It is enough to leave a distance of 10-15 cm between the wooden wall and the brick screen.

A brick partition is erected only between the wooden wall of the bath and the metal stove

Wall cladding with heat-reflecting screens

Reflective sheathing is a heat-insulating material covered by a stainless steel sheet on top. This option allows you to reduce the distance from the protective coating to the working surface of the oven to 38 cm.
As a protective layer that does not allow the wood surface to catch fire, use non-combustible, durable materials with low thermal conductivity:

  • basalt wool (basalt canvas, basalt slabs, basalt cardboard), sometimes it is called stone wool. Made from rock (basalt), it is an environmentally friendly material. Does not emit harmful compounds when heated, withstands temperatures up to 6000, without collapsing and without losing its properties. Possesses good water repellency, absolutely does not absorb moisture and does not corrode adjacent materials;
  • minerite slabs - the main component in them is cement. They are able to withstand a temperature of 6000, but the operating temperature at which the properties do not change is 1500. It absorbs and gives off moisture well. Minerite is harmless to the respiratory tract when heated;

Bath wall cladding around the stove with heat-reflecting screens

  • asbestos boards or asbestos cardboard. Some consider it to be a carcinogenic material that is harmful to health, but this has not been scientifically proven. Asbestos dust can be harmful to the body if inhaled. Asbestos closed on top with a metal sheet has established itself as a good thermal insulation material;
  • slabs made of expanded vermeculite do not contain asbestos, they are made of mountain mica. They have a low specific weight, high mechanical strength. Such boards can be applied with a layer of plaster and tiled with ceramic tiles.

The top of the insulating layer is covered with a sheet of stainless steel. In some cases, galvanized iron is used, but it is "transparent" to IR rays. The polished surface of the steel is capable of reflecting heat rays, directing them back into the bathhouse.

Metal sheets are mounted on ceramic mounts that are not exposed to strong heat. For free circulation of air flows, preventing heating of the wooden wall, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap. For this, a ventilation gap is provided between the thermal insulation layer and the wall. The screen is mounted, leaving a distance above the floor and above the ceiling.

Cladding followed by cladding

It is possible to provide an aesthetically presentable appearance of the bath by decorating the heat-insulating layer with refractory tiles, the installation of which must be carried out on heat-resistant glue.
To ensure high thermal insulation protection of a wooden surface from the heat of the furnace, refractory materials are mounted on it, which can be used as:

  • glass magnetic sheets resistant to high temperatures and high ambient humidity. They are characterized by high elasticity and mechanical strength. When heated, they do not emit toxic substances;
  • expanded vermiculite sheets;
  • minerite slabs.

Facing types: tiles

The following types of tiles have proven themselves well for facing heat-insulating areas:

  • Terracotta tiles. Eco-friendly unglazed tiles made of colored clay without mechanical impurities by long-term firing in ovens. Possesses increased heat resistance, does not emit harmful substances and specific odors when heated. During operation, it does not lose its original color. Has a color palette from gray to beige. Has textured options for wood and stone. Able to keep warm for a long time.
  • Clinker tiles are made from slate clay. It is fired at a temperature of about 12,000 in one cycle. Does not harm health during heating. Such tiles are durable, have increased resistance to abrasion and discoloration. The available colors range from black to white.

Facing tiles around the stove in the bath

  • Porcelain stoneware tiles. Artificial finishing material, consisting of clay, quartz sand and kaolin. It withstands a humid environment and high temperatures well, does not deteriorate during "thermal shock". Has a long service life. Manufacturers produce glazed, matt, polished, leather, wood, stone structured porcelain stoneware.
  • Soapstone tiles. Natural material of mountain origin, more often - gray, but found interspersed with brown, cherry, yellow and green shades. Withstands repeated heating and high humidity, accumulates and gives off heat well.

Construction of a brick casing around a metal plate

The brick casing for shielding the furnace has a significant weight, and a prerequisite for its installation is the presence of a foundation.

Foundation device

If the brickwork around the metal stove is already made in a built bath, you will have to dismantle the floor covering. The size of the concrete base is calculated by adding the size brickwork 20 cm + ventilation gap 10 cm + horizontal dimensions of the metal stove.

Installation is started by choosing a layer of earth. The depth depends on the degree of freezing of the soil and is about 60 cm.

Reinforcing grill under the stove in the bath

In the case of a close occurrence of groundwater, geotextiles or roofing material well-coated with bitumen mastic are laid on the bottom and on the sides of the pit, and a sand cushion is placed on the base of the pit. The sand is laid wet and carefully tamped. A layer of gravel or crushed stone is poured on top and compacted.

Another layer of sand 15 cm thick is poured.

  • collect a reinforcing lattice from reinforcement or metal rods, with a mesh size of 10 * 10;
  • they are poured with concrete mortar, not reaching the edges of the pit by 10 cm;
  • after that, the concrete needs time to “mature” within three weeks;
  • several layers of roofing material are laid on top of the concrete base and a heat-resistant slab is installed;
  • a continuous row of bricks is laid, which should not protrude beyond the refractory sheet, voids in the masonry are also unacceptable. The excess solution is immediately removed;
  • the second row is laid similarly to the first, but with an offset of the seams;
  • compliance with the horizontal plane is considered a prerequisite.

Preparation of mortar for masonry

The ready-made mortar can be purchased at the store or use a sand-clay mixture. To determine the best ratio of sand and clay, a small batch is made from which a cylinder or block is formed. Pay attention to the possible appearance of cracks, the absence of which is an indicator of quality.

Preparation of mortar for masonry for a stove in a bath

The clay used for masonry is preferably used from deep layers, without earth and mechanical impurities.

To give the clay the required consistency and plasticity, it is kept in water for several days, after which it is rubbed through a sieve to remove debris. The ratio of clay to sand 1: 1 is considered good, liquid is added to it in small portions. A quality mixture does not stick to a trowel and does not flows down from it. When carrying a trowel over the solution, the left trace should not blur or have a torn structure.

To improve the quality of the masonry, rock salt is added at the rate of 0.1 kg per bucket of the finished solution. It is also good to add cement and chamotte powder.

Furnace lining technological process

The laying of the protective casing around the metal plate is carried out:

  • red solid brick, which has a high degree of heat resistance and a long operational period;
  • fireclay brick, which has the same characteristics, but a higher cost;

Lining the stove with bricks in the bath

  • ceramic refractory brick: all the positive properties of solid brick are inherent in it, but at the same time it has a more aesthetic appearance and can be used as a facing.

In some cases, masonry is carried out with hollow bricks, but it must be borne in mind that it has the worst heat retention characteristics.
It is advisable to soak the brick before starting work. Dry brick is able to quickly absorb the liquid fraction through capillaries and does not allow the binder part of the solution to penetrate inside to increase the adhesion of the masonry. In the summer, this method is not difficult.

If the construction process takes place in the autumn-spring period, it is quite problematic to dry the wet brick in the finished product in cold, humid weather. To heat for drying means to strike a blow to the strength even before the oven starts operating: uneven heating will destroy the seams.

It is also impossible to leave the oven undried for the winter, the cold will tear the masonry under the influence of negative temperatures. In this case, a more liquid solution is made and the surface of the brick is slightly moistened.
With insufficient building experience, for the convenience of observing the horizontal plane, a cord or fishing line is pulled along the perimeter of the masonry.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to raise the line with each row.

Use electrical appliances in the same way as before, and pay 2 times less!

You will be able to pay for light by 30-50% less, depending on what kind of electrical appliances you use.

Usually the masonry is finished flush with the level of the slab, but in some cases, the pipe is hidden to give a presentable look.

  • The metal oven can be temporarily insulated with polyethylene to avoid contamination.
  • The row starts from the corner. Most often they use masonry in a "half-brick", placing each on the bed (flat). To save money, they are sometimes placed on spoons (with an edge).
  • The thickness of all joints should be the same with good filling with mortar.
  • Each row is laid with a reinforcing mesh to increase the strength of the masonry.
  • The second row also starts from the corner, but use the first half of the brick to offset the seams.
  • In the next row, you must leave ventilation gaps... They are placed on the side surfaces of the casing parallel to each other.
  • Subsequent rows are performed without gaps, leaving a distance opposite the fire door.
  • In the penultimate top row, gaps are left similar to the lower ones to ensure convection to air flows.
  • Usually, the masonry ends flush with the level of the slab, but in some cases, the pipe is hidden to give a presentable look.
  • Finished masonry can be plastered or finished with facing material.

During the kindling of the bath, the surface of the stove heats up to 300-400 ° C. At the same time, it begins to emit infrared rays and itself becomes a source of heating. The running heat is distributed throughout the steam room, but first of all it gets on the walls adjacent to the stove. If the walls are wooden, then under the influence of high temperatures their charring begins. And there it is already a stone's throw from the fire! The only truly effective way to isolate wooden walls from heat is to create protective screens and claddings made of non-combustible materials in the bath.

When is protection needed at all?

It is not always necessary to install protective skins and screens. If a fireproof distance is maintained between the stove and the nearest flammable surface, additional protection is not needed. At this distance, the infrared rays are scattered, weaken and the amount that the wooden wall receives can no longer lead to its damage.

It is believed that the safe distance from the wall to the brick kiln (quarter-brick masonry) is at least 0.32 m, from the wall to (not lined) - not less than 1 m. 0.7 m.

Thus, compliance with fire-prevention distances is more possible in large saunas, where the issue of saving space is not relevant. In family steam rooms, where every centimeter of space counts, installing a stove 0.3-1 m from the nearest walls is impractical. In this case, the established safety distances must be reduced by means of screens and cladding.

Protective screens near (around) the oven

Shields are insulation shields that cover the side surfaces of the oven and reduce the intensity of heat radiation. Screens are metal and brick. Typically used for metal ovens.

Method # 1 - metal screens

The most common shields are factory-made steel or cast iron sheets. They are installed around the stove, at a distance of 1-5 cm from the walls of the firebox. Depending on the need to insulate one side or the other of the oven, side or front (front) screens can be purchased. Many metal furnaces are initially manufactured with protective shields in the form of a protective casing.

Protective screens allow reducing the temperature of external metal surfaces to 80-100 ° C and, accordingly, reducing the fire-safe distance to 50 cm. The total distance from the firebox to the wall (together with a gap of 1-5 cm) will be 51-55 cm.

Installation of protective screens is not difficult. Thanks to the presence of legs, metal shields are easily bolted to the floor.

Method # 2 - brick screens

The brick screen can cover all the side surfaces of the metal furnace, representing its outer skin. Then the stove will be in a brickwork casing. In another case, the brick screen is the wall separating the oven and the flammable surface.

For laying the protective screen, solid fireclay brick is used. The binder is a cement or clay mortar. It is recommended to lay in half-brick (120 mm thick). But, with a lack of material, it is possible to allow the wall to be a quarter brick (60 mm thick), although in this case the thermal insulation properties of the screen will be reduced by half.

Small holes are left in the lower part of the shield (sometimes with furnace doors) for convection of air between brick wall and a stove.

The brick walls of the screen must end at least 20 cm above the top surface of the oven. Sometimes the laying is carried out all the way to the ceiling.

The brick screen is installed not close to the walls of the furnace, the optimal distance is 5-15 cm. The acceptable distance from the brickwork to the flammable wall is 5-15 cm. Thus, the use of a brick screen allows reducing the distance from the furnace to the wooden wall to 22-42 cm (stove - ventilation gap 5-15 cm - brick 12 cm - ventilation gap 5-15 cm - wall).

Protective non-combustible wall cladding

Walls adjacent to the hot oven walls are susceptible to spontaneous combustion. To prevent them from overheating, special skins are used, consisting of heat-insulating and non-combustible materials.

Option # 1 - reflective sheathing

Claddings consisting of a combination of non-combustible thermal insulation and metal sheets are effective. At the same time, thermal insulation is attached to the wooden surface, which is covered from above with a sheet of stainless steel. Some people use galvanizing for these purposes, but, according to some reports, when heated, it can emit harmful substances. It is better not to risk it and purchase a stainless steel sheet.

To be effective, the metal sheet of the screen must be well polished. The mirror surface helps to reflect heat rays from the wooden surface and, accordingly, prevents it from heating. In addition, a sheet of stainless steel, directing infrared rays back to the steam room, turns hard radiation into softer, better perceived by humans.

As thermal insulation for stainless steel, you can fix:

  • Basalt wool - it has high thermal insulation properties, is absolutely safe when used in a bath. It is highly hygroscopic and does not burn.
  • Basalt cardboard - thin sheets of basalt fiber. It is used as a fireproof, sound and heat insulating material.
  • Asbestos cardboard - sheet refractory heat insulator. Possesses high strength and durability, protects combustible surfaces from ignition.
  • Minerite - non-combustible sheets (plates), specially made for shielding stoves, fireplaces, easily combustible surfaces in baths and saunas.

A popular example of cladding using a metal sheet is such a "pie": wall - ventilation gap (2-3 cm) - insulation (1-2 cm) - stainless steel sheet. The distance from the wooden wall to the stove is at least 38 cm (SNiP 41-01-2003).

Ceramic bushings are used to fasten the cladding to the wall. They do not heat up and allow the formation of ventilation gaps between the insulation and the wall.

If the distance between the wooden wall and the stove is minimal, then the cladding is made of two layers of refractory insulation, for example, minerite. In this case, the sheets are fixed through ceramic bushings with a gap of 2-3 cm. The top sheet is closed with stainless steel.

Option # 2 - cladding with cladding

Of course, the protective sheathing with stainless steel perfectly protects wooden walls from heat and fire. But it can spoil the impression of the most expensive finishes. Therefore, if the steam room is sustained in decorative style, the refractory cladding is masked with heat-resistant tiles. The tiles are laid on heat-resistant glue, for example, produced by Terracotta.

The best materials for wall cladding near the stove:

  • Terracotta tiles - made of baked clay. Differs in strength, heat resistance, durability. Terracotta tiles can be matte or glazed (majolica) and range in color from pastel yellow to brick red.
  • Clinker tile - also made of clay, looks like a facing brick. Unlike terracotta, clinker tiles are denser. The color scheme covers almost all colors, from white to black, including green and blue tones that are unusual for clay.
  • Tiles are a kind of ceramic tiles. Usually it has an embossing on the front surface in the form of a pattern or ornament.
  • Porcelain stoneware is a heat-resistant, durable tile. Depending on the method of processing the front surface, the tile can imitate natural stone, brick, wood. The color scheme includes all natural shades, from white to black.
  • Talcochlorite is a grayish or greenish rock. Possesses fire resistance, water resistance, strength.

Fastening refractory tiles directly to walls will have no thermal insulation effect. The wall will still heat up, which is fraught with spontaneous combustion. Therefore, the tile is used only as an element of the protective "pie" of the following design: wall - ventilation gap (2-3 cm) - refractory sheet material - tiles. It is recommended to maintain a minimum of 15-20 cm from the tile to the oven walls.

Any material from this list can be used as a refractory element in cladding:

  • Refractory gypsum board (GKLO) is a drywall supplemented with fiberglass fibers. It resists heat stress without structural deformation.
  • Minerite is a fiber-cement slab, absolutely non-combustible. Minerite slabs are moisture resistant, do not rot, do not decompose.
  • Glass-magnesium sheet (MSL) is a material in the form of plates, made on the basis of magnesia binder and glass fabric. It has heat and sound insulation properties, does not collapse under the influence of water and temperature extremes.

The protective sheathing with the obligatory observance of the ventilation gap has a very low heat absorption coefficient, so the wall under it practically does not heat up. In addition, the use of cladding makes it possible to disguise the protective "cake" and maintain the finishing of the steam room in the same style.

The Russian bath, built according to all the rules, is always a source of pride for its owner. After visiting the steam room, your health improves, and problems fade into the background - this is a place where you can have a wonderful rest. The "heart" of the sauna building is the stove, the lining of which is of no small importance.

Sauna stove

The main room in the sauna building is the steam room, where the temperature should be high during the procedure. Steam is no less important. In order for the steam room to function in the desired mode, the oven, the main element of the entire bath, will help to achieve the necessary parameters.

When building or purchasing a heating unit, you must pay attention to the compliance of its functionality with a number of requirements:

  • fast warming up of the room;
  • resistance of the furnace structure to high temperatures;
  • the ability to work for a long period;
  • beautiful appearance.

The quality of materials used for its manufacture is of no small importance for the full functioning of the furnace.

Sauna stove cladding

A heating unit installed in a bath building must not only provide the required temperature regime, but also have beautiful view... One of the best solutions in this case is the lining of the stove in the bath.

When finishing the stove structure, they most often use:

Each of the above materials has its own quality characteristics.

Using tiles to decorate stoves

The tile belongs to the popular type of materials that are used to decorate the stove in the bath, due to its affordable price and ease of installation.

When facing a furnace structure, the following varieties can be used:

  1. Clinker tiles... For its production, clay is used, adding energy melters, chamotte and various dyes to it.
  2. Tile "Majolica"... These ceramic products are made from fired clay and covered with glaze. The finished product has a bright and rich color, which can be clearly seen in the photo. Ornaments and patterns are applied to such tiles, if desired.
  3. Tile "Terracotta"... In terms of the components used in the production process, it has a lot in common with Majolica. But such a lining for a sauna stove is not covered with glaze. The main advantage of "Terracotta" is its high strength. The product is produced in a round shape.
  4. Marble tile... The stove with this finish looks presentable, creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room. These marble products are characterized by strength and durability. This type of tile has no disadvantages.

Furnace brick finishing

This design option for the heating unit is not only economical, but also easy to implement.

Decorating the stove in the bath with bricks has advantages, including:

  • rapid heating to the desired temperature and maintaining it for a long time;
  • the furnace structure is not destroyed by steam and moisture.

Stone in the design of sauna stoves

When the stove in the bath is decorated with decorative stone (artificial or natural), the interior of the room acquires a noble and aesthetic appearance. If in a bath building the heating unit is lined with such material, it belongs to the buildings of the extra class.

Application of the steel case

When using this type of finish, a metal frame is placed on the surface of the furnace and covered with steel shields. Thanks to the steel case, heat preservation is ensured and at the same time an optimal level of room heating. But this type of cladding has a significant drawback - when the furnace heats up, the material also begins to heat up and a person's touch to it is fraught with serious burns.

Plastering the walls of the furnace structure

If the most inexpensive and simplest option is chosen than to decorate the stove in a bath, then the use of plaster will be the best solution.

The work is performed in two stages:

  1. The walls of the stove are plastered to remove dust and dirt.
  2. The second time, plaster is used to level surfaces, leveling chips and dents.

After completion of the work, it is advisable to whitewash the furnace structure.

Tiles for cladding

The old way of facing is the laying of tiles. Such finishing of the portal of the sauna stove and its surfaces gives the structure an unusual and rather original appearance. As a result of facing with tiles, the stove in the room becomes a separate element of the interior.

Perform this reliable and durable finish can only be a master. As a result, the furnace structure has a higher degree of heat transfer compared to the use of other finishing materials.

Finishing the stove in the bath: facing with bricks, decorative stone, tiles of the portal of the bath stove, how to finish it better, photo and video

Finishing the stove in the bath: facing with bricks, decorative stone, tiles of the portal of the bath stove, how to finish it better, photo and video

Furnishing the stove in the bath: practical and reliable cladding materials

The stove in the bath is not only a device for heating rooms, but also a stylish element of the interior. Therefore, special attention is paid to its external cladding. Reliable and practical materials are presented on the construction market, from which the stove in the bath is finished.

The correct choice of a suitable material depends on the design idea, interior style and financial capabilities of the customer.

Features of the decorative facing of the stove

High-quality finishing of the sauna stove must meet the basic operational requirements: withstand high humidity, temperature drops, ensure the durability and safety of the surface. The lined stove should quickly heat up the bath rooms and create a comfortable microclimate inside.

The lining of the oven in the bath has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • fast and uniform heating of the premises;
  • accumulation of heat for a long time;
  • minimal risks of getting burned from a heated oven;
  • no overdrying of air;
  • simplicity and availability of maintenance of the finished cladding;
  • attractive appearance of heating equipment;
  • resistance to mechanical damage and deformation.

Varieties of furnace lining

In addition to being the main heating equipment, the stove also serves an aesthetic function.

The lining of the sauna stove is carried out using practical and durable decorative materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • refractory bricks;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • decorative plaster;
  • tiles;
  • frame made of metal plates.

All materials are distinguished by high performance characteristics and installation features.

Ceramic tiles - elegance and durability

The best material for cladding a sauna stove is ceramic tiles. It is characterized by ease of installation, affordable cost and durability.

The following types of tiles are used for facing works:

  • Clinker room. It is made of red clay with the addition of a fireclay component, a melting agent and a dye.
  • Majolica. Material with a pressed base, covered with a protective glaze layer. This type of tile stands out for its rich colors, decorative patterns and ornaments.
  • Terracotta. Facing material that is similar in performance to majolica. Important differences are porous structure and lack of protective glaze. Terracotta is distinguished by its durability, increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. This type of tile is made in a round shape.
  • Marble. Such material is distinguished by increased wear resistance, practicality and availability of installation, it is devoid of almost all disadvantages.

Choosing a similar type of finish, the owners of stoves ask themselves an important question, which tiles are best to cover heating equipment. Experts believe that the best option is a material with a minimum coefficient of thermal expansion and a dense structure - clinker tiles.

Refractory bricks: reliability and safety

Decorating a sauna stove with bricks is the simplest and most affordable option for owners who decide to do the cladding on their own.

The material has several advantages:

  • fast and safe heating;
  • accumulation and maintenance of heat for a long time;
  • resistance to increased moisture;
  • low cost and ease of installation.

Work on facing the stove in the bath with bricks consists in arranging a reliable decorative screen around the entire perimeter of the equipment. To increase aesthetics and attractiveness, it is allowed to combine materials of different colors.

Artificial and natural stone: exquisite nobility

The main advantage of decorative stone cladding is the creation of a noble and attractive appearance. High strength, durability, environmental friendliness, resistance to high temperatures, a variety of color palettes and textures makes it possible to use the material for finishing bath rooms.

The following types of stones are used for facing work:

Decorative stones are able to withstand an unlimited amount of heat, they accumulate thermal energy well and maintain a given temperature for a long time. In addition, this material is resistant to acids and alkalis.

Artificial elements are not inferior to natural stones in their operational characteristics. With their help, you can qualitatively overlay the stove in the steam room or the fireplace in the house.

The technology for laying stones is simple, so no additional preparation is required. Non-standard shapes of elements can cause some difficulties in the fitting process, therefore, it is recommended to lay out the material on a flat base before installation. The stones are numbered and fixed on the surface of the oven with an adhesive.

Decorative plaster: simplicity and affordability

A simple option for facing a Russian stove is to plaster surfaces. Over time, the decorative and protective properties of the plaster composition decrease, which will require frequent renewal of the cladding.

Important! Decorative plaster is only used for brick ovens and is not suitable for metal appliances.

Plastering a stove in a bath is simple, all work is performed in the following order:

  • the surface is cleaned of dust, debris and residues of the joint solution;
  • the seams are cleared 10 mm deep;
  • before the lining begins, the oven warms up;
  • a mesh of metal rods with fixation on a wire is installed on the surface;
  • the surface is moistened and the primary layer of the plaster mixture is applied;
  • after the plaster hardens, a second layer is applied.

The thickness of each subsequent layer does not exceed 6 mm. The plaster mortar is applied with a trowel, leveled over the surface with a spatula. When plastering the surface, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of defects - air bubbles and sagging.

After hardening, the top layer is thoroughly cleaned to obtain a flat surface.

Tiles: originality and practicality

The use of tiles is an old way of lining stove equipment for a bath. Tiles are tiles made of pottery plastic clay by firing in a kiln at a temperature of over 1000 degrees. On the back of the tile there are grommets designed to fix the material on any surface. Tiles are presented in several categories:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • majolica;
  • with glazed surface;
  • with a relief surface.

Tiles are distinguished by high performance characteristics - durability, practicality, strength and high heat transfer.

Tiling work should be entrusted to professionals who will perform well the installation of the material on the surface of the stoves.

Metal frame: accessibility and safety

The sauna stove can be faced with a metal frame, which is installed on top of the device and covered with protective shields. The steel frame provides reliable protection of the furnace portal and an optimal level of air heating in the room.

This cladding has the following advantages:

  • accumulates the released heat energy;
  • quickly heats the air and walls in the room;
  • differs in an affordable price and ease of installation.

A serious drawback of such a cladding is the likelihood of getting burns in direct contact with the surface. Therefore, experts do not recommend installing metal frames for stoves in saunas in order to avoid possible injury.

A competent choice of decorative material for cladding and adherence to the technological process will ensure the correct operation of the sauna stove and the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the premises.

Facing the stove in the bath: we disassemble how to decorate with ceramic tiles, decorative stone and plaster

The stove in the bath is not only a device for heating rooms, but also a stylish element of the interior. Therefore, special attention is paid to its external cladding.

Facing a metal stove in a bath with bricks

Metal stoves, which are so popular among lovers of the Russian bath, are improved with brick cladding. What is it for? The fact is that a metal furnace, despite all its advantages, has a number of disadvantages. The following disadvantages of iron can be noted:

  • thermal radiation negatively affects human health, brings certain inconveniences;
  • to maintain the required temperature, the furnace must be heated all the time, because the iron cools quickly;
  • the metal surface must be insulated due to the possibility of overheating.

Due to these shortcomings of the metal, additional lining of the sauna stove is required. Why is brick used for this purpose? First, hot bricks are not as dangerous to humans as metal. He does not threaten such serious burns. Secondly, if you overlay the stove, then it does not cool down so quickly, this significantly reduces heating costs. In addition, the following advantages can be noted:

  • a covered metal oven does not dry the air, the steam will be more humid;
  • heat in the steam room spreads more evenly - the air is softer and smoother;
  • with the help of facing bricks, you can give a beautiful, designer appearance to the steam room itself.

How to brick an iron stove?

Decorating a stove in a bathhouse is a snap. Let's divide the process into four stages, it is necessary:

  1. Select materials.
  2. Pour the foundation.
  3. Coating a metal oven.
  4. Perform decorative work.

Let's consider each point in more detail.

Selection of materials for work

What kind of brick is better for facing the stove? It must be borne in mind that the facing brick will be constantly exposed to high temperatures and must withstand all loads. Therefore, it is better to cover the furnace with a refractory solid material that copes with the tasks set, retains its properties for many years. In addition, you can line the bath with both smooth and textured bricks.

For brick lining of the furnace, you must use a refractory material

In addition, for facing the furnace you will need:

Pouring the foundation

Filling the foundation is an extremely important stage of the bath lining, because it directly affects the reliability of the bath, its service life.

First of all, you need to mix the solution. A traditional mixture of clay and sand is perfect for this purpose. In addition to him, cement-based solutions with various impurities are used. It may seem that they are more reliable (because they are more expensive), but, in reality, their durability is not much different.

The scheme of pouring the foundation for the furnace

When you decide on the facing mortar, you can start pouring the foundation. If the plane used does not inspire confidence, then you will have to fill the foundation for it. Additionally, the floor can be reinforced with planks or metal rails. In other cases, the process is simpler.

The foundation is poured in the following way:

  1. Determine the size of the base.
  2. Set up the formwork.
  3. Prepare the solution.
  4. Fill it up.
  5. Wait until it dries.

Brick laying

When the foundation is fully seized, you can start laying. Before starting this stage, in order to properly tile the stove, mark the location of the brick.

First of all, calculate the required space from the oven to the walls. Too much space will interfere with high-quality heating and heat exchange, too small will significantly reduce the life of the brick. The optimal space is 3-5 centimeters.

Install an iron sheet along the edges of the marking. Such a sheet will protect the material from overheating. Put asbestos cardboard on it. This refractory material will additionally protect the brick from wear.

Scheme of brick lining a metal stove

Upon completion of all these preparatory work, you can impose a bath. To get the desired result, follow these instructions:

  1. Soak the brick in water. Remember to soak it before laying it.
  2. Shake it, the first row should be laid out in full.
  3. You can use reinforcement to strengthen the masonry.
  4. Wire the corners of the mesh.
  5. Start laying the second row in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Apply mortar to the space between the bricks.
  7. Reinforce the top edge of the hole with a metal corner. This is done to arrange the opening of the firebox. Please note that the opening should be comfortable, the firebox should open without touching the walls.
  8. To ensure air circulation, special holes are made in the penultimate row. To do this, one row is laid across the previous one and four holes are made on each side.
  9. Laying the finishing row does not require anything specific - you can do it however you want. You can make it decorative, tile it, or just pour stones.

Lining the bath with a brick, you can level it by lightly tapping the handle of a trowel or hammer.

As for the laying technology - keep the seams within 3-5 centimeters, do not forget to bandage the brick.

Decorative works

Before starting decorative work, clean the remaining traces of the solution. If you do not want to additionally finish the brick, then you can make a so-called "fur coat". To do this, sand it with a brush dipped in soapy water.

Most often, the sauna stove is decorated with:

  • smooth multi-colored bricks;
  • textured brick.

You can also tile or paint, arrange in the form of some kind of decoration.

In conclusion, we want to say that the first firebox must be done very carefully. Do not overheat the oven; let the solution harden completely. After covering the oven, wait three days. Do it right - your bathhouse will serve you for many years.

Facing the stove in the bath with bricks: we make the lining correctly, instructions for finishing a metal bath stove

Facing the stove in the bath with bricks - how to revet it and how to properly make the lining with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction for finishing a metal sauna stove.

Furnishing the stove in the bath

What is the meaning of a bath for a Russian person? This is not just a place to wash. This is the place where a person rests, can afford to relax. We can say that the bathhouse is one of the favorite resting places. Furnishing the stove in the bath is not the last place.

Bath heart

What is the heart, the basis of any bath? Steam and high temperature are important in the bath. To achieve them, you need to build a furnace. It is she who is the key element of the entire bath complex.

It is very important to pay special attention to the compliance of the sauna stove with the following requirements:

  • high temperature resistance;
  • the possibility of continuous continuous work;
  • fast warming up of the room.

When building a furnace, you should pay special attention to the materials for its manufacture. All further work of the bath will depend on their quality.

What can be the cladding

The stove in the bath should not only provide the maximum level of heat, but also have an aesthetic appearance. Perhaps the best solution would be to cover the oven.

Furnace decoration can be carried out using the following materials:

  1. Tile.
  2. Brick.
  3. A natural stone.
  4. Fake diamond.
  5. Steel case.
  6. Plaster.
  7. Tiles.

Each of the materials presented has its own characteristics and characteristics.

This type of material is one of the most popular due to its affordable cost and ease of installation.

The facing of the stove in the bath can be made with the following types of tiles:

  • Clinker tiles. It is made of clay with the addition of energy melters, dye and chamotte.
  • Tile "Majolica". It is a pressed material coated with a special compound (glaze). This type of tile has a bright and rich color. Also, a pattern and ornament are often applied to the tiles.
  • Terracotta tiles. Its composition is similar to Majolica. However, this type of tile does not have a special glaze coating. Differs in a high level of strength. By its composition, this type of tile is more porous than others. The tile is rounded. Which creates a cozy atmosphere in the room.
  • Marble tiles. Differs in durability, strength. The appearance is quite noble. Creates the effect of indoor comfort. This type of tile has no drawbacks.

The most economical and easy-to-execute option for finishing the sauna stove. A brick lined stove has the following advantages:

  • heating speed;
  • keeping warm for a long time;
  • the oven is not destroyed by moisture.

Also, using brick as a facing material, you can significantly save money.

The main advantage when facing a sauna stove with a stone (natural or artificial) is a noble and aesthetic appearance. The bathhouse, the stove of which is lined with stone, can rightfully be considered an extra-class building.

The following types of natural and artificial stones can be used as facing material:

Using a steel case

This type of cladding is an installation metal frame on the surface of the furnace and covering it with steel shields.

The steel case retains heat well, provides an optimal level of heating. However, this type of cladding is unsafe for human health. During the operation of the oven, the steel case is also heated, touching which is fraught with burns.

Bath stove walls plaster

A primordially Russian version of the cladding is the plastering of the walls of the sauna stove. The easiest and most inexpensive way.

Furnace plastering takes place in two stages:

  1. Plastering the walls to remove dirt and dust.
  2. Re-plastering to level the walls and remove dents and chips.

After the process of plastering the oven is complete, it can be whitewashed with lime.

Use of tiles

The use of tiles is an old way of lining stoves. This type of finish gives the stove an original and unusual appearance. The sauna stove becomes not a part of the room, but a free-standing element of the interior with its own individuality.

Note! This cladding method is rather complicated. Only a specialist can do it, however, such a cladding is reliable and durable.

A sauna stove lined with tiles, in addition to its unusual appearance, has a higher level of heat transfer compared to stoves lined with other materials.

There are many options for lining sauna stoves. Work with each of the submitted materials should be carried out with special care. Materials should be selected of high quality and durable. In this case, the sauna stove will delight its owners for more than a dozen years.

Furnishing the stove in the bath - how and with what material to finish the stove in the bath

After reading the article, you will learn about finishing the stove in the bath. The choice of material for covering the stove depends not only on the preferences of the owner of the bath, but also on some other factors.


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