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  Modern venetian plaster. Features, types, methods of applying decorative Venetian plaster

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Venetian plaster

Among all types of decorative plaster, the Venetian is rightfully considered the most spectacular and refined, and therefore costs more. Despite the fact that the technology for applying Venetian plasters is well known, dealing with it is not so simple. This material requires a certain skill and a steady hand, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

The plaster itself is a thick translucent mixture that is sold ready to use. It is tinted in different colors, and when applying compositions of two or three shades forms a coating with the effect of marble. The more layers, the deeper the color, and the more luxurious the finish looks. The plaster gives a special expressiveness to the gloss, which refracts the rays of light and makes the coating play in different shades. To enhance the gloss, the surface is coated with special wax and polished.

Plaster composition

The plaster mix consists of a finely divided filler, a binder, organic and inorganic additives, stone chips. The most commonly used filler is gypsum, lime, marble, quartz and granite flour, and as a binder, latex and acrylic emulsion, slaked lime. The final result of the finish depends not only on the composition, but also on the size of the particles: the finer the grinding, the more tender the pattern.

Properties and characteristics

There are two main types of Venetian plaster - relief and smooth. The first type contains small granules up to 2 mm in size, so that the coating acquires a certain texture. The second type forms a perfectly smooth transparent surface, which allows to achieve an indescribable play of light. In turn, smooth plaster is divided into glossy, semi-gloss and matte, and each variety is attractive in its own way.

Venetian plaster has the following characteristics:

  • high strength - in the process of drying, a very hard carbon film is formed on the coating, which provides protection from scratches, scuffs and other mechanical damage;
  • plaster withstands temperature differences ranging from -50 ° C to + 80 ° C;
  • the coating is waterproof, therefore it tolerates wet cleaning and even washing with soap and water;
  • in the composition of such plaster there are no substances hazardous to health, therefore it can be used in bedrooms and nurseries;
  • properly applied coating lasts 15-20 years without loss of appearance.

Despite the strength and moisture resistance, the "Venetian" is not intended for external surfaces. Prolonged freezing, exposure to rain and wind will lead to cracks and the rapid destruction of the finish layer. And the price of such decoration is very high, considering how much material is required for the facade. True, some manufacturers have already begun production of special formulations that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

To achieve a marble effect, the mixture must be applied in layers - from 3 to 10 layers. There are strict requirements for the base: it must be perfectly smooth, even, dry and clean. Despite the multilayer structure, the coating is very thin, so the smallest irregularities will be clearly visible. And transparency and gloss these defects are emphasized even more. As for the base material, it can be brick, wood or concrete.

Popular types of plaster

High demand for Venetian plaster contributes to the continuous expansion of the range. Each manufacturer tries to lure customers with something new and unusual. So there were compositions with gold pigments, coatings with a metallic sheen and bronze streaks, shining from the inside and a velvety-looking surface. Products of such brands as San Marco, Clavel, Candis, Croston, Alpina, Optimist Elite are particularly diverse and quality.

Classical plaster is divided into types depending on the composition, since it is this criterion that determines the external characteristics of the finishing layer. Consider the most popular varieties.

NameMain characteristics

Water-soluble polished marble effect. Flavourless, ready to use, filler - marble flour. The temperature range of operation of the coating is from +5 to +35 ° C. It takes 24 hours to dry, the consumption is 0.350-0.5 kg / m2 with a three-layer application

Depending on the application method, it creates the effect of cork and polished marble with terracotta impregnations. Contains limestone filler and aged slaked lime. Drying time - day, flow rate 0.7-0.8 ml / m2 with two-layer application

Composition with the effect of natural stone with colored splashes. Contains stone flour, lime dough, terracotta granules, inorganic dyes. It does not require dilution with water, has antiseptic properties. Full drying time - 24 hours, up to operational loads - 20 days. Consumption 0.6-0.8 / m2

A water-resistant composition with shiny veins, creating the effect of a velvety coating with chopped edges. Complete drying time - 24 hours; consumption per layer - 0.350 g / m2

Synthetic composition with a mirror effect. It forms a very decorative coating that is not prone to cracking. It does not require dilution, the drying time is 24-36 hours. Material consumption - from 170 to 200 g / m2 per layer

Lime composition containing gold pigment. It forms a coating with a metallic sheen and thin gold streaks. Not to be diluted. Drying time - one day, mixture consumption - 200 g / m2 per layer

Acrylic compound imitating roughly processed marble with gilding and mother-of-pearl shimmer. The coating has an incredibly luxurious look. Full drying time - from 12 to 24 hours, material consumption 0.6 kg / m2 for the base layer and 0.2 kg / m2 for the finish

Prices for popular types of plaster


The technology of wall decoration with Venetian plaster

Tools and materials

The decoration of the walls is preceded by careful preparation, and for a start you need to stock up with the necessary tools:

  • a trowel with rounded edges;
  • metal spatulas;
  • construction mixer;
  • foam roller;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint brush.

Depending on the condition of the walls, you may need a stucco mixture, putty, cement mortar, primer. The primer composition can be taken alone for all stages of work, and deep penetration acrylic soil is best suited. Professional craftsmen recommend using a special primer, for example, SuPrim100, as the basis for the finishing layer. This composition overlaps the color of the base, so that the walls do not shine through the layers of plaster, and the coating takes on a deeper color.

It is very important to correctly calculate the volume of the mixture for the Venetian plaster. Since a mixture of different shades is usually used, the amount of each of them is calculated separately. That is, first find the total surface area and multiply the plaster consumption per square meter by it. Now you need to determine how many layers of the same color are needed and multiply the resulting volume by this amount. In the same way, consider the volume for the rest of the compositions of a different color.

For example, for finishing it is planned to take white and black plaster. Black will be applied in 2 layers, white - in one, intermediate. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is 10 m2, and the consumption of plaster on average is 0.350 g / m2. Multiply the area by the expense:

10 x 0.350 \u003d 3.5 kg will be needed to apply one coat. That is, white plaster needs to be bought 3.5 kg, and black 2 times more - 7 kg. Additionally, you need to add 5-10% in reserve.

As for tinting: as a rule, stucco mixtures are delivered in three versions - color, base for light colors and base for dark colors. Basic mixtures are much preferable, since they can be given absolutely any color and shade, while the color palette of the finished compositions is very limited. Choosing a base, you can order tinting from specialists or make it yourself at home. It is not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow three rules:

  • plaster and tinting paste must be from the same manufacturer;
  • mix plaster and pigment immediately before application;
  • so that individual sections of the same plane do not differ in tone, the proportions of the components should be the same for each batch.

Deep penetration primer prices

Deep penetration primer

Surface preparation

The base configuration for the Venetian is not of particular importance, such plaster has been successfully used to decorate arches, columns, semicircular niches and arcuate walls. But surface quality means a lot, because the appearance of the finished coating largely depends on it. The base must be strong, free from defects, voids, as smooth and even as possible.

So, first they remove all unnecessary from the walls, carefully inspect the surface. Especially carefully you need to check the plaster, which may visually seem solid, but in fact has already begun to exfoliate. Lightly tap the walls with a hammer - if the sound is dull, you need to clean off the old coating and plaster again.

Be sure to close the through holes and cracks, cover the solution with deep grooves. For better alignment, use dry building mixes, which, unlike cement-sand mortar, lie more evenly and do not crack.

After the base layer has dried, the surface is wiped with sandpaper, dust removed and a finishing layer is applied - a coating that allows you to eliminate the smallest irregularities. The solution is smoothed with a polyurethane or metal grater to an ideal state and left to dry.

Drywall walls also require prior preparation.

Fill the seams between the sheets with putty, put a reinforcing tape on top and gently rub it into the solution with a spatula. The surface must be primed to increase the adhesion of the mortar to drywall, and then a rough coat of the starting putty is applied. The layer should be uniform, thin, as far as possible without sagging and scratching. After drying, grinding, dusting and priming are performed. If the roughnesses on the walls are no longer visible, you can apply the finishing putty, otherwise you will need another intermediate layer.

Video - Sealing GKL seams

You can start decorating only after the leveling solutions are completely dry. Then the walls are again wiped from dust and treated with any waterproof deep penetration primer.

If you have never had to deal with decorative plasters, first practice on a piece of plywood or drywall about 70x70 cm in size. The material must be fixed on a flat surface so that it does not move during operation. Or you can try your hand at a section of the wall that you plan to sheathe with wood or plastic: so you quickly determine the application technique, and the trial results will hide the sheathing.

Step 1. To create a background, pigmented soil in 2 layers is applied to the walls with a roller. The composition must be well rolled over the surface in one direction. The second layer is applied 8-12 hours after the first. Complete drying of the soil takes 24 hours.

Apply soil with a roller

Step 2  The dried walls should be sanded with fine-grained emery paper, then dust off thoroughly. The base should be a uniform white color, smooth, silky to the touch.

Step 3  Add color to the plaster mix and mix well with a mixer until smooth. Kohler can be added gradually to choose the optimal shade of plaster. Just keep in mind that after drying, the color will become a little lighter.

Mix the color and base

Step 4  Gather a little mass on a trowel (about a tablespoon) and smear it on the base.

You need to start from the top corner, the tool should be held at an angle of about 30 degrees to the surface. Smears are done with a little pressure, in a chaotic manner, rubbing the layer as thin as possible. Do not try to close the base, it should be visible through the solution.

Dial the solution all the time in small portions, treating site after site. You can’t go back to the already completed places - this will violate the coverage structure. Instead of a trowel, use a narrow spatula at the joints and indentations, being careful not to hook the layer with sharp edges.

Tip. In order not to leave streaks from the tool, the trowel should be moved from a dry surface to a wet one. So the composition is leveled faster and more evenly. If you do the opposite, the solution will begin to reach behind the trowel, and noticeable traces form. In the process, wipe the tool more often with a damp, clean cloth, as the dried-up crumbs of the solution and accidentally spilled grains of sand also leave ugly marks that appear through the coating.

Step 5  After completing the first coat, wash the tool thoroughly and pause work for 6-12 hours. After that, it is necessary to treat the walls with “null” sandpaper to eliminate possible protrusions and sagging, and to clean of dust.

Step 6  For the second layer, plaster of a different shade will be needed. Apply it in the same way, but it is desirable that the new strokes do not coincide with the previous ones, where it is visible. Try to observe the same pressure when rubbing, as if compacting the layers with uniform movements. Having completed the process, again leave the walls to dry for 8 hours.

Step 7 The third layer should be the same color as the first, or have a different shade, the main thing is that it differs in color from the second layer. The plaster is applied as described above, carefully leveled. Since this layer is the last, we do not need to wait until it is completely dry. Manufacturers recommend starting polishing approximately 2-3 hours after application, since wet plaster can come off the base, and completely dry can no longer be polished.

Step 8  So, we begin to polish the coating. By this time, the surface should be slightly porous and matte, like untreated stone. They take a clean and dry trowel, apply it flat to the base and with a pressure on the front of the tool in a circular motion wipe the plaster layer. It is very important to properly maintain the given rhythm and pressure, then the coating quickly acquires a glossy shine, becomes smooth, and a pattern appears. Make sure that the edges of the trowel do not damage the coating. After polishing, it is necessary to allow the plaster to dry completely and gain maximum strength. This usually takes about 7 days.

Step 9  The final stage is waxing.

The walls must first be wiped with a dry rag from dust. The wax has a thick consistency, it is most convenient to apply it with a flexible spatula or sponge. The composition is collected in small portions and distributed by smears on the surface. Try to rub it as evenly as possible, since after drying a thick layer of wax remains darker than a thin one, and the finish seems spotty.

Step 10  After 2 hours, when the wax has dried sufficiently, it should be polished with suede fabric, in intensive circular movements.

Depending on the type of plaster, the finishing process may have some differences. First of all, this concerns the drying time and the number of layers. Before starting work, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging of the composition - this will help you avoid application errors and ensure a high-quality result under all conditions.

The described technology allows you to get the simplest classic drawing. If use   plaster of three colors,  shades of coverage will be richer and more expressive. To create a more refined pattern, increase the number of layers and apply strokes in a certain order. A lot depends on the artistic flair, experience and skill of the person involved in the decoration.

Venetian plaster in the interior will last a long century, with time it will become more beautiful and stronger. You will love the variety of effects it is capable of. Find out about all kinds of options for using it in more detail later in the article.

Material Features

Venetian plaster (also known as “polished”) is a wall covering that imitates various noble surfaces - from polished marble to natural stone effects - for a luxurious decorative design. Its application was a laborious process requiring patience and skill, so the work was mainly limited to masters.

Today, even a beginner in the DIY industry can create impressive results. The coating imitates the appearance of stucco or polished marble, characteristic of European architecture of the old world. The modern version of Venetian plaster has a multidimensional appearance with a textured, slightly raised surface, which is the result of two or more layers.

This interior decoration gained popularity in the 1550s in Venice, hence the name. It includes several layers of plaster applied with a spatula to create a three-dimensional effect. The final layer is smoothed to create a shiny appearance.

Stucco Facts You Did Not Know

Polished plaster is a versatile, elegant decorative wall decoration, used from the 1st century BC in traditional Italian architecture. Known for its durability and beautiful finish, the method creates a stunning decorative effect that inspires, motivates, and adds value to any building.

Venetian is a special type of polished plaster mixed with marble dust, quartz or kaolin and applied with a spatula on the walls in a special way. It is painted to give the surface a wide range of colors. Depending on the method of application, there are methods called:

  • marmorino (marmorino);
  • scagliola (scalola);
  • sgraffito (sgraffito).

It is applied in thin multilayer layers, which are then polished to create a smooth surface with the illusion of depth, texture. When used correctly, Venetian plaster can be used to create a polished, stone, marble coating. It is especially useful on surfaces on which marble panels are difficult to install, as well as on surfaces which would imitate natural marble, for example:

  • columns;
  • protrusions;
  • curved walls.

Venetian plaster can be painted with natural or synthetic dyes. The special play of its shadows is especially useful when a certain color of “marble” is desired or when an illusion of volumetric color is needed.

Venetian plaster is one of the oldest building materials known to mankind.

The Romans learned to mix it with:
  • marble dust;
  • larger lime;
  • sand aggregate.

The same technique is used today by us.

There is no standard name for Italian decorative plasters. Names may refer to composition, style, or may simply be branding or some combination of these three factors. The term “Venetian” was established among the people, as a definition of any types, methods.


The Roman method became popular in 15th-century Venice, where it was well adapted to classical architecture, which was valued among wealthy Venetians. There were many terracotta wastes in the local brick, tile sectors that were crushed to serve instead of sand, mixed with hydraulic lime.

They were then applied to walls to achieve a surface with significant “breathable” quality in buildings. They were naturally susceptible to moisture due to their location next to the Venetian lagoon.

The plaster coatings were made from earthworks waste in neighboring marble quarries that were mixed with lime to create a style called Marmorino. It could be left white to mimic a fashionable local stone or finished with paints to make it look like solid marble. The lighter weight of the plaster was a significant advantage for building on unstable land in Venice.

Fashion changed, and the use of Venetian plaster declined markedly until the architect Carlo Scarpa revived it in the 1950s. Some simpler modern plasters are made from synthetic acrylic resins - this option only mimics the famous recipe.

While real Venetian stucco still refers to the age-old formulation of marble powder with lime, it now contains the addition of some adhesives to make the structure more suitable for use on modern building materials.

Stucco varieties

Polished plaster can have many images, including marble, slate or stone, include stencils, logos and even include glitter. It can be applied in any color, with almost any effect.

It is applied directly to walls, ceilings, windows - it is truly universal, suitable for private homes or commercial buildings. It can be used in any room, even the nursery, as it does not contain toxic compounds.


The famous marble plaster is called "Marmorino". Literally means “small marble” in Italian: tiny marble particles are mixed with lime to create a smooth polished plaster.

Its surface is smooth, shiny, has a gradual movement between light and shadow due to the craftsmanship of manufacture, which gives a sense of depth and reflects light well. To the touch, such a wall will be smooth, cold.

Marmorino can be applied to interior and exterior surfaces and is suitable for both modern and historic interiors. It has mold-resistant properties, excellent waterproofing, antibacterial properties, which makes it very desirable for luxurious bathrooms and other wet rooms. With age, the finish becomes stronger.

This is the most versatile of Italian plasters, can be used to make many textures, from polished marble to rustic, unprocessed, natural stones such as Travertine. It can be brought to the appearance with even shine or marbled.   It can have a variable degree of gloss depending on how long it has been polished.  Finishing can be improved with color pigments.

Marmorino is available in different grades of grain, which gives many shades and decorative effects:

  • thin marmorino;
  • classic marmorino;
  • matt marmorino.

Thin marmorino is suitable for achieving a smooth polished surface with a glossy effect and a noticeable play of chiaroscuro.

Suitable for modern and traditional interiors, it is recommended for use in places with low traffic, such as bathrooms, kitchens, stairs, corridors or bedrooms, and should be treated with the same care as wood or soft stone floors.

The final effect also depends on the protective treatment. Flaxseed oil gives it the most natural look and is widespread in the role of final processing. Polyurethane varnish gives the surface a stronger finish, which is more difficult to scratch and which has a more satin finish, closer to a glossy finish. This is, of course, a non-slip surface, but sometimes special anti-slip procedures are used. Cleaning is very easy.


This is polished plaster with a true “WOW” factor. Made from very fine marble dust, it is applied with thin layers, and the last layer is polished to create a stunning high gloss and reflection with great depth.

Glossy like a perfect mirror, this plaster is cool and sensual to the touch.. Unlike paint, this product has a high reflectivity from the corner and almost does not reflect in front.

This is a wall and ceiling decoration, suitable for almost any interior space, suitable for both modern and classic rooms, as well as for residential and commercial.


This is a stucco that is very similar to Marmorino but has more sand and coarser aggregate, which makes it evenly coarse with slight color variations. It is an ideal plaster to achieve the effect of natural stone and is available in subtle and rough textures. A durable, grainy appearance is combined with a less polished surface to create the appearance and feel of honed or slightly polished limestone.

This finish is suitable for different interiors and is of high quality. Although it is visually expressionless over large areas, it can be used as a rich background for combined walls and is often used in the design of walls with horizontal stripes to achieve varieties in textures, as well as for working with emblems.

It is also used for the external facade, as it has durability and functionality. The breathable properties of sand allow it to dry quickly and have a high pH, \u200b\u200bso it is also resistant to mold and bacteria. Being a natural lime-based plaster, it has strong adhesion and is suitable for use on heterogeneous surfaces such as brick, stone and concrete. It is crack-resistant and self-healing, which means it will serve well under adverse conditions.

This polished plaster has a smooth appearance, a thin velvety finish, which varies depending on the refraction of light from the surface and the point of view.

Venetian metal plaster personalizes any modern room, it looks especially organically in a high-tech hi-tech design. It also looks great in the dining room, office, restaurant, salon or bathroom. On the other hand, you can apply it on the walls in the living room, including in combination with antique furniture, to create an amazing contrast.


This finish imitates the famous travertine stone - a special form of light-colored limestone - and can be found in white, brown, cream, even rusty colors, has a fibrous or concentric appearance.

Stucco with a travertine effect has a thin stone-like effect with a soft texture of varying degrees, depending on the grain size and method of application.

It is suitable for an antique effect, for decorating and painting decorative items, for example, for mother-of-pearl or metallic wax.

Venetian polished plaster can certainly create the right factor that you are looking for. Whether it is a compact bathroom, a huge open plan, or on the outer wall of a high profile, its color, texture, craftsmanship guarantee the right impression.

Smooth or textured, with wide or tiny strokes, modern or traditional - the Venetian polished stucco will give your walls the style, sophistication, creating the background that you always wanted for your home.

Venetian plaster recalls the atmosphere of the old world, suitable for a romantic bedroom or a unique dining room. It requires more labor than traditional paint, therefore, it costs more, so most homeowners use it selectively, and not throughout the house.

It imitates the classical architectural style of the Renaissance, when this decoration became so popular. Suitable for an upscale library or accent wall in the gourmet kitchen.

Design plaster from more modern materials - for example, acrylic - creates a soft, earthy texture for the living room, bedroom, which fits into the style of rustic decor, will look good in a large room or dining room with high ceilings. It takes much less time to apply than classical Venetian, but additional colors will be needed to create the effect.

Acrylic glaze reproduces effects such as:
  • artificial antiquity;
  • weathered walls.

These walls have only one drawback - it is difficult for an amateur to achieve the effects that this technology is capable of. Of course, these projects have artistic skill, require the experienced hands of a craftsman or professional artist. Such advanced techniques really need expert touch to achieve good results. They may look just because of the uneven application, but achieving this look requires knowledge, skills, specific experience.

The coating also has waterproofing, antibacterial qualities, and coupled with visual effects, it has become desirable for bathrooms and other wet rooms. It is an ideal alternative to floor, wall tiles. Plaster is not only resistant to water, but also has A1 fire resistance, therefore it is suitable for the kitchen, as well as for other rooms with an open flame source.


Not limited to internal use, it can be seen on the outside of many buildings. When applying natural Venetian lime-based stucco, it will eventually return to its original state of lime with marble or stone.

Venetian plaster is easy to clean, withstands steam, mold, fungus, serves as an alternative to tiles.

Venetian wall decoration in the kitchen

Venetian stucco adds texture, variety to the walls of the kitchen with its warm, earthy appeal. Since it resembles the characteristics found in stone, marble, it works well in kitchens that have rustic, Mediterranean or modern motifs. Due to the neutral tones for most Venetian gypsum walls, you have many color options for the kitchen, but you must make sure that your the walls are combined, coordinated with your accessories, devices, accent colors.

Elegant earth tones

Although you can paint or apply Venetian plaster of almost any color, it seems most authentic when it contains soft earth tones such as brown, bronze, beige, gold, taupe or dark green. These colors are very similar to the shades found in natural stone.


Choose a consistent kitchen color that matches one of the shade options. For example, choose light green accessories or soft gray-green accent colors if your Venetian walls resemble green marble.

Choose a taupe or beige accent color if your plaster looks like a brown stone. Earth tones in Venetian stucco also look attractive when combined with stainless steel appliances, natural wood.

Lighter shades of gray can be used almost everywhere - cabinets, fittings, floor coverings, appliances, tiles, lamps, accessories. The combination of earthy Venetian walls and gray accent colors is modern, sharp, often with a slightly masculine atmosphere.

Living room

What could be more expressive for a living room than a stone wall? It is amazing how such a cold and heavy material can turn into a warm and attractive feature indoors. No matter what texture and color you choose, you can combine it with many design styles. These finishes add solid, robust appearance to the elegant, contemporary living room. It is also the perfect combination for a spacious dining room. Accent Venetian stone wall adds dynamics to the room, and it is also a brilliant way to hide damaged drywall or plaster surfaces.

The combination of plaster and brick

Try combining plaster with different surfaces, such as brickwork, to get the Loft style in your living room. You can also choose a different architectural stone for interior decoration, which comes in a variety of organic forms, surfaces and shades that will work with almost any internal color palette. Or maybe you will discover the possibilities of your living room to reproduce historical design with this combination - for example, Art Deco.

A brick wall partially hidden under a layer of plaster is a textured splash that can work on the design by itself to create an appearance and texture that is unparalleled in relation to any other surface of the internal walls.


Venetian plaster will certainly be relevant in any era, because it is a natural material in which there is depth and warmth that nourish the soul.

The type of texture you choose will have a decisive effect on the wall finish. Sandy textures can be used to simulate the appearance of granite or natural stone, while finer textures will give you the look of old plaster, marble or even suede. The method used to apply textured paint also affects the appearance of the finish. Using color and how it is applied to the wall will be the final step in creating the illusion of antique or artificially aged plaster.

Create a special wall in your bedroom - this is a simple but very effective way to transform a room. If you have a fireplace, beat it with plaster, with which it will always look advantageous, since in itself is the central focus in the room, most often.

It is not easy to choose a material for wall decoration. It must be beautiful, practical, durable and, preferably, inexpensive. Venetian plaster meets almost all of these requirements. It is beautiful - it looks like natural marble, it is practical - it can be washed repeatedly with a waxed surface, it is durable - if it is not scratched on purpose, it is not damaged, it can be applied to any surface - even, curved. Just the perfect finishing material. But, as usual, there is a "but." She is expensive. This is the first minus. The second is to apply it with your own hands is difficult. Rather, it is simple to apply, it is difficult to obtain a beautiful surface without experience. But you can try or hire a wizard. But before concluding an agreement, ask for customer contacts. If you succeed, see the results yourself, or call and ask about your impressions.

What is Venetian plaster and its composition

If the wall in appearance resembles a marble surface, but there are no seams on it, it is finished with Venetian plaster. This decoration material was invented centuries ago in ancient Rome. When someone came up with a mix of marble dust and slaked lime. It turned out an elastic composition, which on the walls looked like natural marble. For a clearer picture, natural dyes were added to the mixture.

The most popular was clay. The walls had reddish or pinkish (depending on the color of the clay) stains, which gave the finish a big resemblance to natural marble. In order for the coating to be durable, the plastered surface was covered with a layer of wax, which was then polished. The walls were indistinguishable from marble. Only there were no seams.

And only centuries later, during the Renaissance, Venetian plaster appeared in Venice, where it began to be used instead of marble slabs. The technique of applying it was not simple, but working with Venetian plaster is much easier than fitting and polishing marble slabs. Therefore, this type of finish has become very popular. She trimmed the walls, ceilings, columns in the palaces. The decoration was beautiful and durable, reacted poorly to changes in humidity and temperature, which in conditions of high humidity of the Venetian canals led literally to the widespread use of this material. The fact that marble dust was easier to bring, also made it cheaper, contributed to its popularity. The remaining components were added mined locally. The fame of the most beautiful decoration material spread quickly by merchants, and it was called Venetian stucco. Since then it has been so.

The composition of Venetian plaster described above - marble dust, slaked lime and coloring additives - is still used. Absolutely natural finish. But there are compounds in which synthetic dyes (acrylic) are added or modern binders are used instead of lime. There may still be sap of rubber trees, crushed granite. All or some additives are contained - it depends on the manufacturer, but this material is also called Venetian plaster, since the main component - marble dust - remains the same.

Application technology

Do-it-yourself venetian plastering is difficult. The problem is that this is a creative process and there are a lot of ways to apply it. From various movements, a surface that is different in appearance is obtained. It’s impossible to predict what you’ll succeed without experience. To find out which movement will lead to what result can only be experimentally, that is, one must try. But. Venetian plaster is quite expensive, so the experience is expensive. Although, somehow learning is necessary ...

The only thing that can be advised is to plaster a piece of plywood with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 1 square, and preferably 2, to sand, coat with a primer and try to apply Venetian plaster on this surface, honing the technique. Proceed immediately to the finish is not recommended. Most likely, you will have to remove everything and redo it all over again, which is insulting, expensive, and long. If you are lucky, you can go to dealers who are trained in working with Venetian plaster. They provide material and a stand for work, show how to do it. But this rarely happens.

Preparatory work

The base on which the Venetian plaster is applied must be perfectly even. It is pre-puttyed and leveled to absolute smoothness. Use latex putty. If you apply the composition on an uneven wall, it will only emphasize the shortcomings and increase the consumption of the Venetian. You can align the base layer, but this alignment will be very expensive.

An even wall is covered with a deep penetration primer. Desirable in two layers. This will ensure good adhesion of the finish, remove dust that remains after sanding the plaster, and prevent the development of fungi. After the wall dries, you can start work.

Mixing and tinting

Venetian stucco is sold in buckets, it looks pasty. The basic version is white, color is added to obtain color, for different effects there are decorative additives - mother of pearl, sparkles, etc. You can tint the composition in the store or on your own.

For independent tinting, you need a drill with a nozzle for mixing. In some cases, Venetian plaster is covered with a layer of water - to prevent it from drying out. In this case, before use or tinting, the water is drained. Then, using the nozzle on the drill, the composition is mixed until smooth. And only after that dye is poured into the mass, mixed for several minutes (5-10) with a drill and nozzle.

When mixing, be careful: near the walls of the bucket, the composition is often not painted. Having taken out the nozzle, take a clean wooden block of a small section, draw it along the walls. Most likely, there are places where the dye did not get. Draw a bar several times along the walls, making sure that the walls have painted material. Re-mix the composition with a drill until a uniform color is obtained. This procedure can be repeated again - for greater certainty. There is another caveat: some manufacturers recommend waiting after staining for 12 hours.

With independent tinting, it must be remembered that in some compositions, when dried, the color changes (not all). Therefore, to determine the future color, you need to make tests: apply a couple of strokes and wait until it dries. According to the results, either add dye, or an uncoated composition.

Also remember that with manual tinting the same color cannot be repeated. The new batch will be different. Therefore, the material should be painted in a larger quantity than the expected consumption: it is better that something remains than is not enough.

Layering Rules

Layers when applying Venetian plaster can be from two to ten. It all depends on the desired result. And the correspondence of the “desired result” and the actual is a matter of experience.

You can do such beauty with your own hands ... if you practice before

The layers are applied in different ways, but each of them is leveled and polished to smoothness, each must be allowed to dry. And only after applying and drying the latter, the surface can be coated with wax - bee or synthetic. Depending on the type of wax, either a glossy surface (beeswax) or a matte surface (on a synthetic basis) is obtained. Walls covered with a synthetic protective compound also become water and moisture resistant, so if you want to finish the walls in the bathroom with Venetian plaster, take a synthetic wax.


The first layer is the base. It is applied evenly, according to the rules for applying ordinary plaster - it is necessary that it is even. It can be tinted, it is possible - no. Depends on which background you want to have - white or color. If 2-3 layers of material are applied, it will shine through them. If there are 5 or more layers, most likely, it will not be visible (again, it depends on the type of composition).

Second and subsequent

The second layer of Venetian plaster, and all subsequent ones, are applied with chaotic strokes. The composition is taken on a flexible thin metal spatula or a special Venetian trowel. The composition is applied to the edge of the spatula / trowel, with small strokes in different directions applied to the wall. In this case, you must try not to see the trace from the first touch of the tool surface. The subsequent smear, as it closes, lubricates this place. Moreover, do not seek uniformity. The whole point is in the randomness of directions, shapes, lines, bends. About the same as in natural marble.

Application of the second layer - chaotic or in one direction - depends on desire

Venetian plaster dries 1-10 hours - depending on composition, manufacturer, temperature and humidity. See the exact time on the packaging. After drying, the surface is wiped with a dry trowel. In this case, all differences that remain after applying the layer are smoothed out. The following layer is applied to the cleaned surface, dries, smoothed out. And so on until you get the desired result. And the result - usually such - through thin layers shines darker bands in those places where, when applied, the composition lay down more densely. The depth and brightness with which the bands “shine through” depends on the number of layers applied.


The last layer of Venetian plaster is necessarily applied with a thin metal spatula. The technique is called “to cut” and the layer is almost transparent. A little composition is taken on the spatula, applied to the wall, tightly pressing the blade, the composition is collected from the wall back. In this case, a very thin layer of material remains on the wall. Here at this stage, we must try to keep the surface smooth. Minor irregularities will be removed when grouting, but you must try.

This is a tool for applying Venetian plaster - a special trowel


The last thin layer of Venetian plaster is not fully dried. In about 20-50 minutes we begin to iron the surface. Please note that some compounds need to be ironed in small areas. They applied Venetian plaster to a small area (about half a square meter), wiped it off. Other manufacturers allow a longer period of time. You should definitely look at the packaging or ask the manufacturers.

The ironing process itself is a grout with a dry, clean metal surface. We take a clean, without stripping, scratches or other defects Venetian trowel and in a circular motion smooth the surface. In the process, the pattern appears, luster appears, and gradually the Venetian plaster acquires the “depth” and layering, which distinguishes natural marble.

When ironing Venetian plaster it is necessary to carefully monitor that scratches, tears do not form. To do this, the trowel should not have sand grains, particles of material, etc. It is also necessary to iron the wall with the plane of the trowel, without touching its edges. We process a small area at a time, when a drawing appears on it, move to another area, not forgetting to pay attention to the boundaries of the two sections.

Iron plating of Venetian plaster may be the last step. In this condition, you can leave the walls or ceiling in the rooms. For corridors, baths, kitchens, a protective coating with wax is required.


The wax is applied after the Venetian plaster is completely dry. To be sure, it's better to wait a day. Wax is applied with a wide trowel with a thin layer “on the seam”. The thick layer begins to peel off and peel off over time, so we leave a minimum on the wall.

About 30-50 minutes after application, we begin to polish the wax. For this, a fleecy nozzle for a drill or grinder is suitable. Pile nozzles should be short and soft, should not crumble. Turnovers set no more than 3000 rpm. At higher speeds, the wax is erased, not polished. Polishing lasts until you get the desired degree of gloss (depending on the type of wax).

Full wax drying - about two weeks. Only after this time can you wipe / wash / rub. If it’s about a bathroom, it’s best not to use it too much (if possible).

Several application methods

To independently fill up cones with the case of Venetian plaster is an expensive business. At the same time, it is not clear from the description what and how to do, how to apply strokes is incomprehensible, the phrase “in a chaotic order” does not explain anything at all, because there is still no complete chaos. There is some order or bias of application. So, to make it easier to find your own way, we will tell you at what angle to apply strokes in each layer. So there is a chance that after a couple of samples “on plywood”, independently laid Venetian plaster will make you happy.

Method one: the pattern is not too bright, not very pronounced, smooth lines, without sharp transitions. Apply layers as follows:

A good option with a good effect. Not too heavy equipment gives hope that the Venetian plaster will look normal even if it was applied by a beginner without skills. But pre-test everything on plywood.

The second method: with a color base, multidirectional strokes in each layer. The application procedure is as follows:

This method is also not bad if you can master multidirectional movements. At the same time, do not forget that strokes should be thin. In general, we try.

Venetian plaster: video tutorials on application techniques

Modern building materials are pleasing with their diversity, ease of use and functionality. Decorative plasters have long been firmly established in the group of popular products for interior decoration - their choice is huge, there are many effects and it can be difficult to dwell on any one option.

There are many beautiful effects and textures, with imitation of different materials, stone, fabric - when choosing, they simply run their eyes! However, for those who want to get a spectacular decor that definitely will not go unnoticed, the best option is Venetian plaster.

Why is it popular?

This type of plaster very skillfully reproduces the imitation of natural rock - marble, granite and other expensive rocks. This type of decoration was invented in ancient Rome and for more than two centuries continues to remain popular as the most refined and expensive. Some pomposity is inherent in it, so Venetian plaster is not suitable for every interior.

Most likely it looks in spacious living rooms or bedrooms, salons, pools and offices, this is a kind of sign of luxury. If the room is small, then it is better to limit to partial decoration in the Venetian style.

The composition of the Venetian decorative plaster?

Mixtures for Venetian plaster are made entirely from natural ingredients. As a rule, this is gypsum, marble, lime. Since harmful and toxic additives are not used in the production, this type of material is considered environmentally friendly and can be used in children's rooms, kitchens, restaurants, bathrooms - anywhere!

Finishing in the Venetian style has many varieties, however, the main idea is the same: imitation of a cut of expensive stones, mirror shine inherent in natural material, appearance as close to natural as possible.

This decorative plaster is always applied manually and this makes each concrete performance unique; it is not possible to repeat it, even with a great desire.

The visual Venetian effect is achieved not only due to the composition of the plaster - it is mainly an aqueous emulsion, in which finely ground marble flour and lime mortar are added - but also by a special application technique.

Everyone can master the technology of execution, however, for an accurate and effective result, some experience is necessary.

Photos of completed work

The technique of applying Venetian plaster

The mixture for the implementation of Venetian plaster is presented on the shelves of construction stores in a ready-to-use form. Usually it is packaged in buckets or banks, depending on the volume.

The appearance of the finished mass is a transparent, thick, but elastic mixture. Before drawing on walls it needs to be tinted in the necessary color. The color scheme is extensive, almost any shade can be obtained! The most successful is the combination of several shades in one key - so the design will be as similar to a natural stone as possible.

Naturally, before applying decorative plaster, special surface preparation is needed. Initially, it should be completely clean and dry. There should not be any traces of dust, dirt, old finishing materials or oil stains! The slightest defects on the surface will inevitably come out on the finished finish, your work will simply be wasted.

Previously, the surfaces must be coated with a primer in several layers. Acrylic paint can also be used as a primer. Before proceeding with further work, you need to wait until the soil has completely dried.

Applying Venetian plaster is a painstaking and time-consuming task. To achieve the desired visual effect, apply the mixture with small dashes, finely and densely to each other.

The main task is the multi-layer coating, in order to get a beautiful imitation of a slice of natural stone, you will have to apply from four layers or more. The maximum possible layering is ten layers.

Real masters of their craft skillfully alternate different shades that are suitable for each other, thereby enhancing the resemblance to the natural coating.

To work, you need a special spatula for the Venetian plaster, it is made of forged stainless steel and has a certain triangular shape. In addition to it, you will also need: a trowel, a simple steel spatula, a flexible spatula and soft flannel rags.

  1. It will be correct to visually divide the entire cultivated area into small areas, up to about one square meter, and apply the plaster in portions to each area.
  2. The first layer needs to be given special attention - it is a kind of foundation on the basis of which the whole decoration rests, so you need to apply it with a continuous neat layer, avoiding gaps and gross irregularities.
  3. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one is completely dry! Moreover, it is advisable to thoroughly dry the dried plaster so that the surface is smooth and as smooth as possible.
  4. All the layers following the first serve already as finishing, they form the necessary “pattern” typical of Venetian plaster. The pattern is formed with a flexible spatula; soft, slightly greased strokes are applied to it.
  5. After layering the required amount of decorative plaster, it must be carefully smoothed out and leveled with a medium-sized ironer.
  6. A very important point in achieving a beautiful surface appearance is a wax coating. It is performed after all layers of the plaster are completely dry and fixed on the treated surfaces. It is recommended to use natural bee or synthetic wax. Natural can give the finish a beautiful shine, transparency and enhance the depth of color.

It is important to use beeswax, and not varnish or any other material, they can easily spoil a half-finished work - it can become unclear and greatly ruin the final result.

Synthetic waxes are also used quite often, firstly, because they are much cheaper than natural, and secondly, because of their water-repellent and protective properties. The use of synthetics is justified in rooms with high humidity - kitchens, pools, bathrooms.

Be sure to keep in mind that covering Venetian plaster with synthetic wax, you will not get a mirror-glossy, but a matte finish. Waxing is also best done in several layers - this way you will definitely avoid missed areas, even tiny ones.

We apply each layer to the already dried up previous one, they dry quite quickly, so there will be no problems. After applying the last layer of wax, polish it with soft flannel or special polishing rags.

True, you can avoid the last, waxing stage by buying a ready-made Venetian plaster, which does not require additional topcoat.

The technique of applying Venetian plaster is not a simple matter and requires skill and experience. There are also some nuances: you need to carefully adjust the pressure on the ironer, observe a uniform coating thickness, and this is not easy, given the fact that there are many layers.

You need to perform work in sections and move on to the next, only after finishing the finish on the previous one. But when smoothing the plaster and coating it with wax, it is necessary to capture nearby areas during work - so the coating will look uniform.

The plaster dries completely in about seven to ten days, however, it can be washed or subjected to any mechanical stress no earlier than a month after application.

As you probably already understood, work with the implementation of Venetian plaster is best entrusted to specialists with experience in such work.

It will not be easy to apply it independently the first time, the result is unlikely to turn out really beautiful. Venetian plaster is a kind of artwork, talent, a creative vein and a subtle sense of color are required here - then the finished finish will be spectacular and will decorate any interior.

Benefits of Venetian Plaster

This type of decorative plaster has only one drawback - its cost. However, it is quite justified and is due primarily to the multi-layer application, that is, a large consumption of material, and secondly, the manual execution of the coating with the involvement of highly skilled specialists.

But the advantages of this type of finish are many and they are all very significant:

  1. The appearance of Venetian plaster  - This is her first and obvious advantage. This finish looks really chic and will give a touch of luxury to any room. In addition, it is always individual and unique - like a work of art, and this is a direct way to distinguish your interior from millions of other options.
  2. The durability of the coating.  Plaster is not subject to mechanical damage: it does not crack, does not shrink, it also does not tend to change color. Roughly speaking, a job well done can retain its original appearance for several decades.
  3. Huge selection of shades, the ability to dye in different tones of the same color, perform smooth color transitions. It is possible to add pearlescent or golden pigments to the mixture, which makes the decor look truly fabulous.
  4. Good vapor permeability.  Surfaces covered with Venetian stucco can breathe. This means that the use of Venetian plaster maintains a normal indoor microclimate, avoiding moisture accumulation and thus not forming condensation on the walls.

Venetian decorative plaster  - one of such materials that can be used in almost any case. It can be used as an independent coating of the entire area, or in the form of decorative finishes, covering it with only a ceiling, arches or columns.

It is suitable for rooms for various purposes and can be used even in children's rooms or kitchens, as it is completely safe for health.

If you want to get a strong and durable coating, be sure to pay attention to this type. This finish is truly luxurious, spectacular and practical.

Venetian decorative plaster has been used in construction for quite some time. It is made in two versions, it is for external and internal works. Today we will tell you how the Venetian decorative plaster is selected and then applied. You can see the most difficult moments in the video in this article and in the photo. So de do after that all with your own hands and this will be the key to quality.

Venetian decorative plaster has become a material for decoration in the homes of many people from around the world. It effectively fits into the interior (see. Decorative stucco in the interior: beautiful, stylish, non-standard), it gives the rooms a unique style and will create an atmosphere of home comfort.

Advantages and disadvantages

Venetian decorative stucco video tells about the main advantages of this material.

In addition to its impressive wear resistance, Venetian plaster has many other advantages:

  • The composition of the mixture for plaster is environmentally friendly, it is based on natural and safe components that are not able to harm human health.
  • The wall, covered with Venetian plaster, is never cracked and will retain its original appearance for many years.
  • The Venetian mixture easily copes with all kinds of wall defects and bumps.
  • Walls covered with Venetian plaster are not subject to thermal effects and will not be affected by moisture.
  • Stucco from Venice lends itself to restoration, in case of mechanical damage it can be returned to its original form.
  • Using a Venetian mix of the color of marble, you can achieve a unique visual glow effect that will provide the interior with an unusual look.
  • Warranty of Venetian coverage up to 10 years.

But decorative paints and Venetian plaster also have some disadvantages that complicate decorative work:

  • The high cost of material and wall covering.
  • Easy preparation for plastering.
  • Venetian decorative plasters and paints are applied simply, but here you also need to be able to create the desired relief and this is not for everyone to do.

For those who have not yet decided on the choice of decor for their walls, Venetian plaster will be an excellent option that will help create the interior of your dreams.

Mixture composition

In the manufacture of Venetian plaster one of the most important materials is stone dust.

  • The “Venetian” with the smallest fraction of dust, which includes granite, quartz and others, has a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Instead of slaked lime, often used in the creation of plasters, a variety of synthetic materials are included. This mixture is very similar to that used by the ancient Roman builders.
  • But modern masters argue that only decorative plaster, the composition of which does not differ from classical, has the best overflow effect.
  • Decorative paint for Venetian plaster is sold separately from the main mixture; when choosing it, you must take into account the shade of the main coating and select the dye according to it.


Most construction stores have in their assortment Venetian plaster of all colors and shades. Decorative paint and Venetian plaster can imitate marble, granite, jasper and other minerals. For example, an interior created in the antique Greek style, this wall covering will easily fit in and complement the spectacular design.

Plastering works include several stages:

  • The material is applied to the walls in several layers.(from 8 and more), each of which has unique effects of overflow in the light. Properly applied Venetian plaster will be an excellent decorative solution for walls (see Decorative wall decoration: beautiful and modern) and will surprise with its resemblance to real rocks, because it accurately imitates their modulations and natural radiance. Already from the third or fourth applied wall will look like a stone, and the atmosphere of antiquity and luxury will be in the house.
  • Venetian plasters and decorative paints are quite durableand the coating will serve your home for at least 15, or even all 20 years, without losing its wonderful appearance. Such an impressive service life justifies the high price of the Venetian mixture. For all its subtlety over the years, the coating will only harden harder, gaining high strength.
  • When creating plaster, dyes of all existing shades can be used.Therefore, choosing the perfect style for yourself is not difficult. Many manufacturers of building materials are trying to make the range of the Venetian mix as wide as possible in order to please everyone, even the most fastidious customers.


Decorative paints and Venetian plasters have not only many colors, but also a variety of species that differ in their composition.

Consider the three most popular types of plaster, each of which has its own unique features:

  • Craquelure, i.e. retro coating. Houses decorated in the style of the past often use Venetian plaster in their interiors. The main difference between craquelure and other species is a special type of wall that imitates cracks and minor damage. This effect is achieved by coating a special varnish on the applied plaster, which, when dried, “pulls” the outer layer of the mixture. This effect leads to the appearance of bumps and cracks, which, incidentally, will not affect the density and durability of the coating. A unique look of craquelure will give the room a unique effect of antiquity.
  • Carrara marble, or play of modulations.  This type of Venetian stucco is famous for its similarity with a unique rock, which includes many natural shades. Nowadays, real Carrara marble is difficult to find, since it is almost not mined. But the Venetian mixture can take on a form that is no different from real marble. In order for the coating to gain the effects of overflow inherent in the Carrara rock, it is necessary to apply the plaster very carefully, avoiding any irregularities. Layers with such work need at least twelve, and each layer should have a certain shade. Putting plaster under Carrara marble is a painstaking task, it requires a lot of patience and time. But the view that the walls will take is worth all the effort, because far from every house you will find an iridescent dozen of different colors.
  • Marseille wax, in fact being a simple stucco, except that wax has been added to it. You can use this coating in absolutely any room (even in the bathroom) since wax makes the mixture waterproof. Using the Marseille “Venetian” you can achieve a luxurious look not only in the living rooms, but in all corners of the house.


Decorative plaster Venetian plaster is applied according to the proven technology and it is time-tested.

You just need to follow all the steps in the desired sequence:

  • For work with Venetian plaster it is preferable to use well polished spatulas and trowels with rounded ends. This is done in order to avoid any mechanical damage to the layers of the mixture during their application. We must not forget that the pattern and texture of the coating will depend on the size and shape of the tools with which it was applied.
  • When you have finished leveling with the primer, wait for it to dry completely. Then gently start applying the first coat. Do it all with small strokes and carefully level it if necessary. Try to hold the tool at an angle of 15 °.
  • Then wait until the first layer has dried and clean it of possible irregularities. Now you need to repeat the action depending on the number of layers, constantly checking the accuracy of the coating. The final layer after complete drying should be cleaned with sandpaper.

How to give the mixture the right shade?

Decorative Venetian stucco paint can also give the desired shade, then you can make a truly unique coating.

To create an iridescent coating for the walls, an instruction must be followed, which consists in the following:

  • The first layer, applied on the entire wall, will become the basis of the coating. The color of the main layer will determine the background shade of overflows on the finished wall. After application, you need to give the mixture a few hours to dry completely, and then remove the bumps and dust from the surface of the layer.
  • The second layer of “Venetian” should be applied in random strokes in all directions. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tool, getting rid of the dried up elements of the mixture on the spatula. Particles drying to the second layer can noticeably spoil the final picture of the coating, so you need to carefully monitor and prevent them from appearing.
  • The third layer defines the future texture. The shape and application of the plaster strokes will be the basis for the pattern that appears on the wall. In order to give the coating an effective gloss, you need to carefully sand the layer with a tool, applying pressure parallel to the wall surface. Next, you need to give the plaster about 24 hours to dry.

Attention: The reason for the appearance of gloss and gloss is the special composition of the first two layers of the coating. The technique of applying the top layer will determine the shape of the pattern. Do not be afraid to experiment with the final layer, uncomplicated strokes can provide the wall with a unique look.

It will be possible to cover the finished wall with colorless varnish or wax only after a few weeks, when the work is completely dry. Sunlight reflected from the waxed “Venetian” will be reflected in a thousand overflows, and the room will acquire a light shade of coverage.

Nuances and Secrets

It is worth considering certain little things that should not be forgotten when working with decorative plaster:

  • The more dye is added to the mixture, the stronger the final color may differ from that specified by the manufacturer.
  • To give the Venetian plaster a certain shade, it is not necessary to use factory dye, you can do with ordinary paints.
  • The wax used when applying to “Venetian” layers cannot be diluted.
  • Before decorative work, it is better not only to align the walls, but also to coat them with paint for better application of the mixture.
  • All these subtleties belong to the standard technology of covering the walls with Venetian plaster. Other types of coatings, whose style is closer to the artistic, have a lot of their features when applied.

Features of rare species of "Venetian"

Among the many varieties of Venetian plaster, a coating on which pearlescent glaze is applied is very interesting. Such plaster can be applied to absolutely any surface, all depending on building materials.

  • The main step in creating such a coating is the application of a third layer, which includes glaze. The technique of applying layers is small strokes that need to be leveled.
  • It will not be superfluous to apply a colorless wax on the final layer, so that it is possible to use pearlescent coating in bathrooms. There are at least 40 variations of shades for such a decorative mixture.
  • An equally interesting variety of venetian wall coverings is plaster applied using a stencil. This method will help to create a unique pattern for your wall without turning to the artist-master. The stencil used when applying the mixture is a dense film of polymer.
  • The assortment of construction stores offers many stencils for the “Venetian” with a variety of patterns and drawings. Working with such materials is simple, but has its own characteristics.
  • First of all, you need to apply the Venetian plaster by the classical method, without resorting to the use of a protective layer. After drying, attach a stencil to the wall surface and with a thin spatula apply the mixture into the space with a picture.

Caution: Try to get rid of excess plaster remaining on the tool, which may stick to the main pattern.

  • Next, carefully peel off the film and repeat the application process as many times as you think fit. And when, upon drying, the surface acquires a light matte shade, proceed to the final part of the work - grinding and polishing the resulting pattern.

Decorative Venetian video plaster will help you to take into account the peculiarities of applying the material. The most important thing is not in a hurry and do all the stages of work efficiently. Its price is not so big in relation to the original look that you can create.



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