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Crafts and figures from plywood.

Plywood is a very affordable, relatively inexpensive material for various crafts. Things made from it can have not only decorative value, but also be useful in our daily life, in everyday life.

Plywood is an easily processed building material, which is produced by gluing several layers of veneer, specially processed wood chips.


These sheets, which can be used for making crafts and structures, may differ:

  • the number of veneer layers - three-layer, five-layer and multi-layer;
  • the type of wood from which the multilayer sheet is made (deciduous or coniferous);
  • according to the degree of processing (sanded on one or both sides, not sanded).

Building codes and standards

To learn more about the building material in question (about the classification of the entire plywood nomenclature, grade, standard sizes produced), which can be purchased for the manufacture of many products and crafts, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following documents:

  • GOST 3916.1-96 "General purpose plywood with outer layers of hardwood veneer".
  • GOST 3916.2-96 "General purpose plywood with outer layers of coniferous veneer".

Schemes, drawings and patterns for products from plywood sheets

Drawing programs for computers

Today, you can easily find a diagram, a pattern for a plywood structure, so that later using computer-aided design systems to prepare any drawing (including the above pattern of a cat). Then, using a plotter, print on a paper sheet of the required format.

Drawing popular programs are the easiest to learn and can be used in 2D and 3D modeling, including for plywood structures:

  • "KOMPAS" - a complex of automated systems, with the ability to draw up drawings in accordance with the standards of the ESKDi SPDS series;
  • AutoCAD is a two- and three-dimensional computer-aided design and drafting system.

So, if you cannot find a detailed drawing of the product you need made of plywood material, then the application capabilities of the given software will help you make a full drawing according to any schemes and patterns posted on the Internet.


The price of construction plywood from which the kayak is made is simply incomparable with the pleasure that a person who made it with his own hands, who loves water trips on row boats, will receive.

A kayak by the Eskimos, this is the same kayak by the Aleuts - a traditional rowing boat of the peoples of the Arctic. Such a boat can be single, double or triple. Let's lay out the drawings of the kayak from plywood for one person.

The algorithm for building a rowing boat from plywood sheets is, in principle, general, with the exception of some nuances. The step-by-step procedure for cutting, processing and assembling the kayak can be viewed in the video in this article.

Plywood table - simple and functional

Do-it-yourself clear drawings of a plywood table, which will be easy to implement even for a person, without special carpentry skills and experience. Table cover (1 sheet) - 1300 x 600 x 16 (mm) Inner wall (1 sheet) - 1170 x 400 x 16 (mm)

Plywood constructor

Various plywood constructor drawings are now gaining more and more popularity. Assembling such models from safe material is a very useful activity for children and adolescents. Such crafts will become good examples of collections, decorate the corner of modellers.


The stages of installation of the tank model are as follows:

  1. Plywood is sanded (first with medium-grained, and then with fine-grained sandpaper);
  2. Drawings are accurately transferred through a carbon copy onto sheet plywood material sanded with fine-grained abrasive.
  3. In the corners of the contour translation, through holes are drilled with a drill (drill 3 mm or more);
  4. Fasten the saw in a jigsaw and start cutting out the elements of the tank;

Cutting out the parts must begin inside the contours of the tank blanks, and only then along the very office.

When assembling the plywood assemblies of the model, keep various types of files on hand so that the elements fit together at any time.

  1. After adjusting all parts, you can start gluing them (for example, with PVA glue, "Titan");

To make the knots and elements of the tank more firmly and reliably grabbed with each other, you can tie them with thread or rope for some time after gluing them.

  1. A cannon can be made by cutting the wooden handle of a watercolor paint brush or other auxiliary material;
  2. If desired, the side number or other inscriptions and patterns can be applied to the tank, or to any other model;
  3. For greater safety and decoration of the model, they can be coated with varnishes and paints.

Retro car (old Mercedes)

When you transfer these drawings of a machine from plywood with your own hands to the plywood sheets themselves, do not forget to transfer the numbers as well.

When assembling the model itself, carefully look at the numbers.

In this case, the process is carried out according to the following algorithm, in accordance with the digital designations:

  • part or node number 1 must be connected to another number 1;
  • and the part under number 2 is attached accordingly with the next number 2, and so on, until the machine is assembled.


Drawings of a bulldog model plywood pistol. When assembling, we follow the same rules as when assembling a machine: the same numbers must be mounted with each other.

It is better to cover this pistol model from a spray paint bottle; layers of black paint can be applied to better resemble the original.


Drawings of dinosaurs made of plywood, for example, presented below, can be executed in any scale you need when designing according to the pattern presented in the drawing program for the computer.

The preparation of the material, model elements and the assembly itself is not difficult, but you have to be patient when working with a jigsaw and fitting the model nodes to each other.

Napkin holder - "Grape leaves"

This item in the shape of grape leaves is always useful in the household for its intended purpose - for napkins, and for storing, for example, sheets of paper of the selected format:

Vase, pencil holder, pens, brushes

Drawings of a plywood vase, according to which you can easily cut out a craft of the size you need:

Plywood panel

It is the ease and simplicity of cutting with a jigsaw from plywood sheets of various configurations with different sizes, installation of various designs from them, that allows us to make a variety of decorative panels for the walls of our homes. Any carefully executed panel is a great gift to family and friends.

Drawings of a plywood panel, which also serves as a shelf in the household:

Some helpful tips and warnings:

  • When transferring patterns, drawings to plywood, use the thinnest and sharpest pencil lead. It is even better to use a used ballpoint pen, then the lines will always be the same, and the copy paper will not tear from the ball. It is convenient to transfer drawings to plywood using a laser printer.
  • For better fixing of parts, it is recommended, where possible, to match the width of the slots
  • There are two types of files with large and small teeth. It is more convenient for beginners to learn how to use a thick file, and small parts are cut out with a thin one, already having some experience and skills in using a jigsaw.
  • The saws must be cut from top to bottom, so pay particular attention to the correct attachment of the saw to the jigsaw.
  • Saws can break easily, so cut carefully, do not let the parts hang on the saw blade.
  • When purchasing a file, make sure that the teeth are sharp, and it itself should not bend easily, but, on the contrary, should be firm. Convenient to work with are not flat, but the so-called "twisted files" - they can cut in any direction.
  • For those who have a hobby of cutting out structures from plywood sheets, there is no need to purchase a band saw, it is enough to purchase a jigsaw. Although everything is not for everybody, some craftsmen still often resort to hand-held jigsaw when “you need to feel the material”.


  1. Before choosing, purchasing and directly working with the material from which you will cut models, panels, designers and structures, familiarize yourself with its types, classification according to building documents (GOST).
  2. For cutting, purchase quality tools, equipment and accessories for it.
  3. Choose quality plywood responsibly. Do not limit yourself to visual inspection, tap it for internal voids and delamination due to poor adhesion of veneer layers.
  4. Before you start working with a jigsaw, equip your workplace optimally. Pay special attention to good lighting so that the cut is clearly visible, the markings and the eyes do not get tired. It is not bad to use a stroboscope to illuminate the place of work with a jigsaw. Convenient and comfortable sawing!

Plywood. Friends, do you know what is hiding under this word? So I'll tell you. It is a wooden laminated board. And it turns out as a result of gluing an odd amount of veneer. In order for the material to be different, glue it so that the fibers are perpendicular to the previous layer.

What can be made of plywood?

Novice craftsmen with "golden hands" are encouraged to start their work from this material. This versatile material is renowned for its versatility and ease of processing. Photo of plywood crafts for clarity. With the help of this material, we have new furniture, environmentally friendly children's toys. After all, people appreciate what? That's right - health! With such material, you should not think about the harm to the human body.

And how wonderful it is to walk in the fresh air while in a country house. But every owner dreams that the home would be much more comfortable, look more promising than that of a neighbor!

All this is real, do not be lazy, take the site design into your own hands. A little creativity, imagination, patience and your house or cottage will become the center of the universe!

You may already have some ideas for beautiful plywood crafts that you once read in your favorite magazine. And you are ready to bring them to life right now. For such works, you do not need to be a famous master, the main thing is to have your own opinion, different views on some things, and a little fantasy.

We decided to make it easier, in this article we have collected the easiest plywood crafts for beginners for you. At the beginning, I want to note that having decided on the type of work that you want to perform, you should pay attention to the quality of the purchased material.

So, for a workpiece, which will then be painted, varnished or treated with another type of processing, you can take a cheaper variety. After all, all the "shoals" will be hidden under the makeup. And if you really want to leave the product in its original form, you will have to spend a little of your savings.

Having studied this material in detail, you can also find drawings of plywood crafts for making the necessary thing.

Curly shelf for small items

We are composing an image, we will further work on it in detail. The next step is to apply these data on a piece of wood with a simple pencil. If the scheme is very complicated, use a carbon copy. We mark the area that we will delete later. We make a hole to start the jigsaw file.

Shelf making process

  • Having inserted the file into the hole, we clamp it with screws for precision work
  • Move the sheet with light movements to cut the required shapes
  • Move away from italics - nothing, just return the jigsaw a little back and start moving from the problem area

How to cut with a jigsaw correctly

Important! For the convenience of working with the tool, it is recommended to choose a surface that will be waist-high for you.

Garden snail

This figure is perfect for teamwork in a family circle. Even a child can do simple elements of work.

  • First you need a sketch of a snail on paper.
  • We transfer the drawing to plywood. Or you can immediately draw what you want on the tree.
  • We cut out the figure.
  • Then we give it to children for decoration in different colors. They will be happy to complete the task.
  • For the brighter colors, you can varnish on top or apply a second coat of paint.

This is the look of step-by-step instructions on how to make a DIY craft.

Do the figures of the children's direction only of the highest type in the category, so that the child does not get hurt or hurt himself with a splinter on the handle. The finished item must be carefully processed with two different types of sandpaper.

Season 4 tree

The work is aimed at the development of children. Having collected everything according to the instructions, you, without much difficulty, will help your heir to understand the quirks of our world, to understand what time of year it is now, and what will happen tomorrow.

  • Draw a tree template for a product in the amount of 2 pieces
  • Cut out a circle for a stand
  • We carefully grind the details
  • Make a cut on one template at the top, on the other at the bottom
  • Connect the parts in a crosswise manner and fix them on a round stand with self-tapping screws.

Each side symbolizes the season, we need to creatively decorate our tree with small details. The first side is summer, we glue butterflies, green leaves, sun, apples. The second - autumn leaves of orange, red color, pumpkin, birds. The third winter - white snowflakes, cotton wool, snow woman. The fourth spring - we fix flowers, bugs, birds.

Make all the details with felt, paper, decorative figures. It is better to fix it on double-sided tape. As a result, we get very interesting designs of your personal plot.

  • Interesting curly images
  • Flower beds
  • Newspaper collections
  • House for titmouses
  • A variety of funny fences

I love to update the garden with different figures made of practical wood. I take the moisture-resistant version and go!

It is imperative that the product be treated with special paint or a moisture-repellent agent, otherwise it will not work out for a long time to admire the beauty. Environmental impacts are doing their job ...

Here are such a simple master class on plywood crafts.

For some reason, they did not deserve to forget such an unusual kind of decorating their garden. YOU will become a unique owner of a fabulous courtyard, for example, by decorating a small fantastic corner using this method.

Photo of plywood crafts

Hello craftsmen! What can be made of plywood, a material that is not too sophisticated and does not have a special beauty or interesting texture?

It will not work to call plywood a universal material for creativity. Men will embody the ideas they like. Wonderful things will turn out from it, it remains to apply imagination and skill. And women, in their desire to create coziness at home, not forgetting about the beauty and practicality of the interior, should pay their attention to plywood.

Plywood crafts for children

Being glued sheets of thin veneer, the material is affordable, easy to process. The building material is used for interior decoration, for making furniture, creating interior items and children's toys. All this can be done by hand.

Plywood is made of coniferous or birch veneer, an odd number of sheets are placed perpendicular to each other. Thanks to this, the material is durable, flexible. Therefore, plywood can be used to make objects of various, sometimes quite complex shapes.

We make plywood products for home

Covering the floor

Traditionally, plywood is used for sub-flooring, intermediate coating for parquet, linoleum, laminate. Plywood sheets 10-12 mm thick are laid on the old plank floor.

There are several options for laying the subfloor: directly on concrete or on logs. It will not hurt to additionally insulate the floor, although plywood has good thermal insulation properties. An adjustable floor option is available to solve the problem of significant height differences. As a result, the surface is leveled for the finishing coating, and its durability is ensured.

Can you make a finished plywood floor? Yes. Strength, durability, ease of use - makes plywood an excellent floor covering. The main point about which doubts arise is appearance.

There are two possible solutions:

  1. Use film faced plywood.
    It is made of birch veneer and covered on one or both sides with a film (laminate). The coating increases the strength and moisture resistance of the material.
  2. Cover the plywood sheets with stain, paint.

Using various techniques and techniques, plywood sheets are turned into a work of art, you can make a unique and beautiful floor in the house.

The plywood floor has served for a long time, with the correct preparation of the material. The room must be dry, not experiencing sudden temperature changes.

I will not tell you how to lay the plywood floor. If the question is relevant, you can easily find a lot of information on the Internet with step-by-step instructions, photos and videos.

We make furniture

What else can be made of plywood? A rocking chair, a coffee table and even an entire kitchen. Material properties and modern decor techniques can do a lot.

The main thing is to emphasize the beauty of the wood from which the plywood is made and to figure out how to use it. Imagination is indispensable.

Working with plywood is quite simple. You can experiment with shapes and make, for example, unusual shelves or a doghouse for your pet.

What other plywood furniture to come up with? Tables, chairs, shelves, a dollhouse, finally. What is enough imagination.

Plywood goes well with other materials. Once my father made my sister and I a wall shelf made of plywood and metal fittings. It turned out to be stylish and practically weightless: despite its decent size, it did not eat up space at all. The regiment has served for many years and its fragment is still used for its intended purpose. Things made of wood and plywood will be no less beautiful and practical. There are no prohibitions.

Interior things

Anyone who has done something with their own hands and enjoyed seeing the end result knows how hands begin to itch at the sight of an interesting handicraft thing. I would like to try to do something similar myself and it is not so important whether this thing has a practical application.

It is possible to make interesting interior items from thin plywood, and not always useless. For example, an openwork napkin holder on the dining table.

A simple organizer will turn out from scraps of plywood sheets left after repair.

The remnants of plywood will make a wonderful chest of drawers for little things.

If you decorate it with decoupage, paint, you get an author's thing. Distribute responsibilities: dad collects a chest of drawers, mom decorates, a little daughter uses for doll things. Isn't that great?

Do you own a jigsaw and other special tools? The possibilities of using plywood for interior decoration are expanding significantly. The shape of the products depends on imagination and skill. Start with a housekeeper, a clock. Things are beautiful and useful in the house. And there, perhaps, you will come to plywood lace.

When making interior items from plywood, a difficult question arises: to decorate them or not? Since plywood is made of natural wood, things made from it attract with their naturalness and organicness, which many of us lack in the world of artificial materials and synthetic coatings.

Wood is hidden under the decor and the impression is not the same. On the other hand, the natural color of wood does not always fit into the interior, and by decorating an object, you can get the thing you need in style and color.

You can make wonderful Christmas tree decorations from plywood. Children will be happy to paint them with bright colors.

What you need to know about plywood?

Difficulties arise in working with plywood. What should you pay attention to?

  1. There are several brands of plywood that differ in the wood used and the adhesives used. FK plywood is suitable for use in the house, it does not contain formaldehyde in the glue (unlike the FSF brand), it is safe, rather moisture resistant and durable.
  2. It is recommended to use plywood as a finishing material in those rooms where the humidity is low and there are no sudden changes in temperature. Plywood is pre-coated with an antiseptic and varnish.
  3. The edges of the workpieces are processed with a grinding machine, file.
  4. Plywood is produced in different thicknesses, depending on the number of veneer layers. The top layer can crack during work, it is necessary to be careful in work. Drill a hole before screwing in a self-tapping screw or hammering in a nail.

What Can Be Made Of Plywood For Sale

Beginner decorators thin plywood will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with different decor techniques. Plywood blanks for watches, caskets, trays, etc. are sold in the shops "Everything for needlework and decor".

What to make of plywood for sale? See ideas.


High chair.

Chair for giving.

The original shelf.

Figures of animals for room decoration.

Watch master classes on the youtube channel, specialized sites - and you are in a fantasy world where everything is possible. Didn't find a workpiece to your liking? Make it yourself.

Stumbling on the balcony, in the garage on plywood remains, any other handy tools for crafts, do not rush to throw them away. Ask yourself what can be made from pieces of plywood?

Plywood crafts in 45 minutes: video

Drawings for making crafts with a jigsaw from plywood

To make a plywood craft quickly and easily, I suggest using ready-made drawings.

Best regards, Natalia Krasnova.

Sawing out of plywood is one of the most exciting and also useful leisure options! It develops creative skills, accuracy and precision, instills work skills and helps to master various tools.

As part of our article, we want to acquaint you with the technology of sawing out of plywood sheets and two simple crafts. All drawings are attached, so if you wish, you can repeat them with your own hands, together with the children, who will certainly be interested in this process from start to finish.

General cutting technology + plywood craft ideas

Plywood is a versatile material used in a wide variety of areas! Many amazing things can be created from it, which now we will do. Like any other creative activity, cutting out of plywood sheets begins with the preparation of tools and material.

An uncomplicated set of tools

So, we need:

  • ... It is a wooden or metal frame, shaped like the letter "P". At the ends of this frame there are special clamps with screws, into which the nail file is fixed.

For information!
Jigsaw files are thin and narrow steel strips with sharply sharpened teeth on one side.
Alas, they break easily, so it's better to take them with a margin.
Fortunately, the price of these devices is quite low.

  • Special key for securing the saw blade to the jigsaw.

  • Three-layer plywood sheets (thinnest) - This is the best material for sawing something with a jigsaw. But if you do not have a thin one, then you can use thick plywood (from 4 to 9 mm).

  • Sawing stand... You can make it yourself from a plank about 10 millimeters thick. The stand is placed on the table in such a way that the part with the cutout hangs over its edge. It can be fixed in the workplace with screws or nails.

  • Skin (coarse-grained and fine-grained).
  • Awl, files and file.
  • Pliers - in case the nail file gets stuck in the plywood - they are very convenient to pull it out.
  • Hacksaw (suddenly you have to).
  • Copy paper.
  • Several sharpened pencils.
  • PVA glue .

  • Drawings of the future.

Cutting technology

For convenience, below is a step-by-step instruction in which the process of working with plywood is detailed in all details:

  1. The first step is to prepare your desktop. Wipe it with a damp cloth to remove small mounds of sawdust and dust. Check if all the tools are in place. The room in which your workplace is located should always be ventilated and well lit.
  2. This is followed by the preparation of the most important tool - a jigsaw. To do this, after unscrewing the screws, fix the ends of the file in its clamps.
    A nail file is inserted so that the direction of its teeth is not inside the jigsaw frame, but forward with a downward slope. The slope of the teeth is easy to check - just slide your finger over them. The file already inserted is tightened with a few turns of the tensioning screw.

The file must be pulled tight, otherwise it will not cut well and will quickly break.

In this way, the nail file is fixed in a wooden hand jigsaw. As for the metal tool, here this process takes place a little differently.

First, one end of the file is inserted into the lower clamp, then the end of the jigsaw, where the upper clamp is located, rests against the edge of the table. Next, you need to lightly press your chest on the handle so that the jigsaw frame is slightly bent and the clamps come together.

Holding the tool in this position, you need to fix the second end of the file in the upper clamp. After that, the jigsaw is released: the frame takes its original shape, the ends with its clamps diverge again and pull the nail file.

  1. Have you noticed that the surface of the plywood is a little rough, and in some places there are cracks and chips? You need to get rid of them with sandpaper, cleaning all defects against fibers. It should be qualitatively even, absolutely smooth, silky to the touch and glossy in the light.
    After that, check the plywood sheet again - if there are no visible defects, then you can proceed to drawing the drawing.

  1. A drawing of the future craft is drawn on a sheet of paper. Then a suitable piece of plywood is covered with a sheet of carbon paper, a drawing is placed on top, fixed with buttons and outlined with a sharp pencil.
  1. The plywood with the translated pattern is placed on the stand, and the jigsaw is positioned so that the file is in the slot of the stand. Parts are cut with up and down movements. The file cuts only when moving down, at this time it is necessary to slightly press it forward.

Advice! Watch carefully - the file should move straight perpendicular to the plywood, without tilting. And when the drawing requires a turn, then turn the plywood, not the jigsaw.

In the event that there are internal holes on the parts, then cutting should be started with them, and only then proceed to the external contours. To make a quality cut out a hole, make a puncture at its edge with an awl or drill. Next, release one end of the jigsaw file from the clamp, thread it through the puncture made and secure it again with the clamp. Having cut the required hole, remove the file in exactly the same way.

During operation, the file gets very hot and, becoming hot, quickly becomes blunt and breaks.
Therefore, cool it periodically by wiping it with a damp cloth or taking a break.

  1. Clean all sawn parts: holes and edges of deep grooves with a file, the rest of the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. The final stages are assembling and gluing the craft with PVA glue. There should not be any difficulties, the main thing is to correctly deal with the drawing.

If you wish, you can also paint the product, varnish it or burn out a beautiful pattern on it. It all depends on your imagination!

Mercedes car model

Try cutting out a simple Mercedes model that could be the first in your collection of toy cars. Drawings of crafts of machines from plywood with a jigsaw will be presented below. When collecting the craft, look at them, or rather, at the numbers by which the assembly is carried out.

This is done according to the following rule: part 1 is attached to another part 1, two to the second, and so on. If some parts cannot be inserted into the desired grooves, file them, or clean them with files. Did you manage to assemble the product without any problems? You can safely glue all the details together!

Animal figurines

A very simple but nevertheless interesting idea. So, together with your children, you can have fun cutting various animal figures out of plywood. To do this, you only need to cut out four legs and glue them to the body on both sides to give the toy stability. In some cases, stands are made and the figures are fixed on them.

As a result, you can end up with a whole toy zoo or a plot scene. Believe me, children will be delighted with such an exciting activity, and it will not take much of your time. Then you can ask your wife to help the guys paint new "friends".


Handcrafting all kinds of products is always exciting! After all, personal labor, time and a piece of creative thought are invested in every detail. Therefore, finished crafts are evaluated as a real work of art and are in the house in the most honorable places. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic. Creative flight for you!

Similar materials

Plywood is a material undeservedly offended by furniture manufacturers. It is environmentally friendly, has high wear resistance and durability. Despite the low cost, manufacturers continue to give preference to even cheaper, but short-lived chipboard.

Of course, you can order plywood furniture, but why not make a set of it yourself? Such a new interior design will be exclusive, in which you can show all your imagination. In addition, for this you do not need to become a carpenter at all: a minimum of tools and skills are enough.

How to choose plywood?

The extremely easy-to-use material as if encourages creativity and experimentation. Despite its strength, plywood is easy to cut and design. The sheet can be shaped to any desired shape: it bends and will not break.

Plywood is a number of veneer sheets glued together. As a rule, birch or coniferous trees are used, and inside the leaf can be of coniferous species, and outside - birch. More expensive and better quality plywood is made from hardwood.

When choosing plywood, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • The brand is responsible for the scope and moisture resistance. For furniture, sheets of the FK, FOF and FKM brands are suitable. The second option - film faced plywood, is the best, but it costs more than others.
  • The variety characterizes the appearance of the surface. Measured from IV to I, E is the highest grade. Each side has its own designation.
  • Surface treatment. As in the previous case, it is determined separately for the parties. The designation Ш1 means the presence of grinding on one side, Ш2 - on two. SHN - surfaces have not been sanded.
  • The formaldehyde content is designated by the letter E with an index from 1 to 3 and characterizes the degree of environmental friendliness.

You also need to pay attention to the quality of gluing veneer sheets, the quality and type of wood, the appearance of the sheet. Plywood has an interesting texture and pattern that you don't need to cover with an additional layer of paint. It is worth giving preference to manufacturers from Russia.


What tools can a novice carpenter need? Plywood does not require sophisticated special equipment. Everyone has most of the necessary tools.

A ruler, compasses, tape measure and square are needed to take measurements and build a drawing.

The choice of sawing tool depends on the thickness of the sheet used. A sharp knife is enough for a sheet up to 1.5 mm thick, a jigsaw is needed up to 6 mm, a circular saw is required for the thickest sheets. You will need a drill to drill the holes.

A chisel, plane, chisel, file and sandpaper are useful for processing parts. Connect the parts with glue, nails and screws. Stock up on tools to work with them.

The choice of fittings depends on what exactly you are going to do. Don't be stingy: high-quality fittings will last longer and won't let you down at the most inopportune moment.

Stages of work

Making plywood furniture with your own hands begins with building a drawing. You can use both ready-made drawings and draw your own. Measure the room, calculate the dimensions of each part. Be extremely careful not to spot the error when it's too late.

Transfer the details to the prepared sheets. Cut the blanks with a suitable tool. Details are sanded, varnished or painted, and carved. If plywood has an interesting drawing, why not leave it? Get creative and don't be afraid to experiment.

The parts are connected using nails, screws or glue. Pay special attention to the details that take the main load.

After the glue is completely dry, check the resulting structure for strength. If the test passes, congratulations: the job is complete!


Plywood is suitable for making almost any home furniture: cabinets, tables and chairs, sofas and beds.

When assembling kitchen furniture, use moisture-resistant and wear-resistant types of material. Do not forget about the ventilation system and other communications: there should be free access to them, but when they are not in use, it is better to hide them from sight. Pay special attention to wall and corner cabinets, as they require precise calculations and care when assembling.

Plywood is ideal for creating children's furniture. Environmentally friendly material is safe, and due to its durability it will “endure” the games of the most active and restless child.

For the cabinet, select plywood of sufficient height and length, since you need to use a solid sheet. Thickness also plays an important role: the larger it is, the stronger the structure will be. When calculating the parameters of the side walls, take into account the thickness of the doors. The bottom of the bed must be at least 18 mm thick. A bar should be used for the frame.

Plywood makes a practical and inexpensive summer cottage kit.

Despite the simplicity of working with the material, a beginner should not immediately take on a complex project that requires experience. Start with something simple: a table, a chair. A rocking chair is considered the classic first job.

It is not recommended to cut plywood across the grain. If necessary, make several cuts parallel to the future cut - this will avoid cracking. Moisten the surface of the plywood and fix it in the desired position for 10-16 o'clock: this will give it the desired shape.

Thick plywood sheets (over 10 mm) should be handled like wood. When working with softwood plywood, use nails and screws with washers to avoid damaging the sheet.

At the joints of the parts, holes must be drilled in advance. The same applies to holes for fittings. Before gluing, the parts must be sanded. The cutting site is processed with sandpaper.

There will be a lot of dust during work, so it is better to work in a separate room. If this is not possible, protect the furniture with covers in advance.

If you've never worked with blueprints, search the internet for furniture blueprints. Even if you can't find a suitable one, you will get a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow to draw it correctly.

Get inspired by pictures of plywood furniture. Perhaps you will like some idea?

Photo of plywood furniture



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