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Troparia and kontakion of Passion Week. Orthodox calendar

© CJSC "Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf", 2016

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Over the two millennia of Christianity, many people have appeared who have performed feats for the faith. History is full of memories of their selfless service to Jesus Christ and His covenants. Every day of the year is a day of remembrance for such people. To worship them, you need to read special texts - troparion and kontakion. The troparion in the Orthodox Church is a short prayer chant in which the essence of the holiday is revealed, a sacred person is glorified and called for help. Kondak is a poetic narrative sermon dedicated to one or another church holiday.

To the prophet

Troparion, voice 2

Thy Prophet (name) memory, Lord, celebrating, so we pray to Thee: save our souls.

(Transfer: Thy Prophet (name) memory of the Lord, celebrating and calling him, we pray to You: "Save our souls!")

Kontakion, voice 4

Your pure heart of prophecy, enlightened by the Spirit, has become your brightest friend, see it as if the real one is far away, for this sake we honor you, prophet blessed (name), glorious.

(Transfer: Your pure heart, enlightened by the Spirit, has become a container of the clearest prophecy: for you see the distant future as the present. Therefore, we honor you, blessed prophet, (name), glorious).

To the apostle

Troparion, voice 3

Holy Apostle (name), pray to the Merciful God, that he will give forgiveness to our souls.

(Transfer: Holy Apostle (name), pray to the merciful God, that He will give forgiveness of sins to our souls).

Kontakion, voice 4

As if the Church has always acquired the blessed star, the Apostle (name), she is enlightened by Thy great teaching. The same we call to Christ: save those who honor by faith the memory of Your Apostle, Most Merciful.

(Transfer: As a bright star, the Church always has you, Apostle, (name), enlightened by the abundant manifestation of your miracles. Therefore, we cry out to Christ: “Save those who honor with faith the memory of your Apostle, Most Merciful).

To the saint

Troparion, voice 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence of the teacher, reveal to your flock Even things Truth, for this reason you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty, father priest (name), pray to Christ God, save our souls.

(Transfer: By the rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence, the teacher showed you to your flock an immutable truth. Therefore, you have acquired high wealth by humility, wealth by poverty. Father, saint (name), pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls).

Kontakion, voice 2

Divine thunder, spiritual trumpet, faith to the planter and cutter of heresies, the Trinity saint, great saint (name), from the Angels coming ever since, pray ceaselessly for all of us.

(Transfer: Divine thunder, spiritual trumpet, planter of faith, and eradicator of heresies, Trinity minister, great saint (name), always standing with Angels, pray ceaselessly for all of us).

To the monk and the pillar

Troparion, voice 1

A desert inhabitant and in the body, an Angel and a miracle worker appeared Thou, our God-bearer (name), by fasting, vigil, by the prayer of Heavenly talent, receive, heal the sick and souls by faith of those who flow. Glory to the one who gave you a fortress, glory to the one who crowned thee, glory to the one who acts by you for healing.

(Transfer: A desert inhabitant, and in the flesh as an Angel, and a miracle worker, you appeared, our God-bearing father (name): by fasting, vigil, prayer, having acquired heavenly gifts, you heal the sick and souls who come running to you with faith. Glory to the One who gave you strength, glory to the One who crowned you, glory to the One who works through you to heal all).

Troparion to the pillar, voice 1

Thou was a pillar of patience, jealous of the forefather, reverend, Job in passion, Joseph in temptation, and incorporeal living in this body, (name), our Father, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

(Transfer: Patience you have become a pillar, imitating the forefathers, the monk: Job - in suffering, Joseph - in temptations, and the life of the incorporeal - abiding in the flesh, (name) our father, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls).

Kontakion, voice 2

Divinely armed with purity of soul, and ceaseless prayers, like a spear, handing over tightly, behold the demonic militia, (name), our father, pray ceaselessly for all of us.

(Transfer: Armed with purity of soul with God's help, and unceasing prayers, like a spear taking strong, you put down the demonic militia, (name), our father; pray incessantly for all of us).


Troparion, voice 4

Thy Martyr, O Lord, (name), in his suffering the crown is imperishable from Thee, our God, have Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls by prayers.

(Transfer: Thy Martyr, Lord, (name) by his exploit received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God; For he, having Thy strength, overthrew the tormentors, and crushed the weak insolence also the demons. Through his prayers, Christ God, save our souls).

Kontakion, voice 2

Thou art a bright star appeared, immortal to the world, proclaiming the Sun of Christ, with Thy glances, passion-bearer (name), and you extinguished all charm, but give us light, praying ceaselessly for all of us.

(Transfer: You appeared to the world as a bright star, not deceiving, the sun - Christ - proclaiming with your radiance, passion-bearer (name), and extinguished all deception, but you give us light, praying ceaselessly for all of us).


Troparion, voice 4

Both by the disposition of the partaker and by the throne the viceroy was an Apostle, you gained the act, God-inspired, in the vision of the sunrise, for this sake, correcting the word of truth, and for the sake of faith you suffered even to the roof, holy martyr (name), pray to Christ God to save our souls.

(Transfer: And having become their heir to the morals of the Apostolic participant and the throne, you, inspired by deeds, have reached the ascent to contemplation; therefore, proclaiming the word of truth right, you suffered to the blood for faith, holy martyr (name), intercede before Christ God for the salvation of our souls).

Another troparion, voice 4

Having learned goodness, and sobering in everyone, with a good conscience, you clothed yourself with a sacred splendor, you drew from the vessel of the chosen one inexpressible and, observing faith, you made an equal current, holy martyr (name), pray to Christ God to save our souls.

(Transfer: Trained in virtue and moderate in everything, endowed with a good conscience worthy of the priesthood, you learned from Paul - the vessel of the elect - the ineffable and, having preserved the faith, finished the path equal to him, holy martyr (name), intercede before Christ God for the salvation of our souls).

Kontakion, voice 4

Having piously lived and tormented the path of the past in the saint, you extinguished the sacrifice of the idols, and the champion of your flock, God-wise. Even so, thee respectfully, secretly cry out to thee: save us from troubles with your prayers, our father (name).

(Transfer: Having served as a saint reverently and having traveled the path of torment, you abolished the sacrifices of the idols and became the defender of your flock, God-wise. Therefore, honoring you, we mysteriously cry out to you: "Deliver us from troubles always with your prayers, our father (name)!").


Troparion, voice 4

Thy Lamb, Jesus, (name) calls with a great voice: I love you, my bridegroom, and they seek you, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Thy Baptism, and I am suffering for Thy sake, as if I reign in You, and I die for You, Yes, and I live with You, but as an undefiled sacrifice, accept me, I will sacrifice to You with love. With those prayers, as if Merciful, save our souls.

(Transfer: Your Lamb, Jesus, (name) cries out loudly: “I love you, my Bridegroom, and, looking for You, I suffer, and I crucify and bury myself with You in Your baptism, and endure torment for You, so that I reign in You, and die for You to live with You; but, accept me as an undefiled sacrifice, offered to you with love! " At her intercession, as the Most Merciful, save our souls).

Kontakion, voice 2

Your most honorable temple, as if you have gained spiritual celibacy, all your faithful crying out loudly, virgin martyr (name), great-named, pray to Christ God ceaselessly for all of us.

(Transfer: Having found your all-sacred temple as healing for souls, all of us, the faithful, loudly cry out to you: "Virgin martyr (name), whose name is glorious, pray to Christ God incessantly for all of us!")


1st of January

Day of Ilya Muromets (1188), princely warrior-warrior and monk of the Pechersk monastery

The Monk Elijah of Muromets of Pechersk, nicknamed Chobotok, was a native of the city of Murom, and folk tradition identified him with the famous hero Ilya of Muromets, about whom Russian epics were sung.

It is known about the Monk Elijah that he died, folding the fingers of his right hand for prayer, as is customary now in the Orthodox Church - the first three fingers together, and the last two bending to the palm. In the period of the struggle against the Old Believer schism (late 17th – 19th centuries), this fact from the life of the saint served as strong evidence in favor of the three-finger constitution.

Day of the martyr. Boniface (290)

There was once a woman in Rome named Aglaida. Her father was a former city governor. Being young and beautiful, possessing rich estates, she indulged in various sins. She had a slave Bonifatius, who managed her estates and was her partner. Bonifatius was not devoid of virtues: he was merciful to the poor and responsive to everyone who suffered misfortune. With a strong desire to reform, Bonifatius often prayed to God to help him become master over his passions. Aglais and Bonifatius felt remorse and wanted to somehow wash away their sin.

Aglaida learned that if the relics of the holy martyrs are kept in a house with reverence, then through their prayers it is easier to receive salvation. She equipped Boniface to the East, where at that time there was a cruel persecution against Christians, and asked them to bring the relics of a martyr so that he would become their leader and patron. At parting, Boniface, laughing, asked: "And what, lady, if I do not find the relics, and myself suffer for Christ, will you accept my body with honor?" Aglaïda, laughing, called him a sinner, but then, reproaching him, she said that he should carefully guard himself from any disgrace and ridicule: the holy work must be done honestly and reverently.

Bonifatius pondered over her words. On the way, he thought a lot and decided to fast: do not eat meat, do not drink wine, and pray earnestly.

Finally Bonifatius and his entourage arrived in Cilicia (Asia Minor), in the city of Tarsus, where the tsar Diocletian and his co-ruler Maximian carried out a cruel persecution against Christians, believers were subjected to severe torture. Bonifatius left his companions at the inn and went to the town square, where they tortured the righteous. There he saw a terrible sight. Many people gathered to watch the suffering of Christians. One of them was hanging upside down, and a fire was lit on the ground below it. Another was tied in a cruciform manner to four pillars. The third lay sawed through with a saw. The fourth was ravaged by the tormentors with sharp weapons. Others had their eyes gouged out, body parts cut off, and impaled. One had broken bones, the other had his arms and legs cut off, and he was rolling on the ground ... But it’s strange: all their faces showed spiritual joy, because God Himself helped the martyrs endure unbearable torments for man.

Shocked by the spectacle of terrible tortures, seeing the enlightened faces of the holy martyrs, Bonifatius rushed to them, began to embrace the martyrs and loudly exclaimed: “Great is the Christian God! He is great, for He helps His servants and strengthens them in such great torments! "

Then the judge asked Boniface who he was. Boniface replied: “My first and most beloved name is Christian; I came here from Rome; the name given to me by my parents is Bonifatius. " Then the blessed one refused to offer sacrifice to idols. They immediately betrayed him to torture: they undressed him and, hanging him upside down, beat him so that the meat fell from the bones. Then the executioners stuck needles under his nails, but a miracle! - he remained unharmed.

Finally, an order was given to pour molten tin into the martyr's throat. While it was being melted, the saint, raising his hands to heaven, prayed: “Lord my God, Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in the torments I endured, abide now with me, relieving my suffering. You are my only consolation: give me a clear sign that you are helping me to defeat Satan and this unrighteous judge: for your sake I suffer. " Then he asked the holy martyrs with his prayers to help him endure the terrible torment. The torturers opened his mouth with iron implements and poured tin into his throat, but did not harm the saint. Those present, seeing such a miracle, exclaimed: “Great is the Christian God! Great is the King - Christ! We all believe in You, Lord! "

The people surrounding the court became indignant, they began to throw stones at the judge, and then rushed to the pagan temple to overturn the idols. The next morning, when the excitement subsided somewhat, the judge called Boniface again. They wanted to throw him into a cauldron of boiling resin, but he was protected by an Angel who came down from heaven. Then the saint was sentenced to death. Before the execution, the martyr prayed to God, asking for His mercy and admonition to people who are deluded in paganism. Blood and milk flowed from the wounds of the executed Boniface; seeing such a miracle, about 550 people believed in Christ.

Companions of Saint Boniface found his body, bought it for 500 gold coins and took it to Rome.

On the eve of their arrival, an Angel appeared to Aglaida in a dream and told about what had happened, instructing her to venerate the relics of Boniface. Aglaida built a temple in the name of the holy martyr and placed relics there, glorified by many miracles.

Having distributed all her possessions to the poor, she retired to a monastery, where she spent eighteen years in repentance and during her life acquired the wonderful gift of casting out unclean spirits. The saint was buried near the grave of the martyr Boniface. They pray to Martyr Boniface for deliverance from the sin of drunkenness, drug addiction and smoking.

Troparion to Martyr Boniface, Tone 4

Thy Martyr, Lord Boniface, in his suffering the crown is pleasant incorruptible from Thee of our God, having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of the weak insolence of that with prayers, save our souls.

Troparion Martyr Boniface, Tone 4

Martyrs were sent to the estate, the martyr was true, suffering for Christ the strongest, the greatest of all, with relics you returned by faith that sent you, Blessed Boniface, pray to Christ God to accept our sins forgiveness.

St. Boniface the Merciful, bishop Ferentiysky (VI)

Saint Bonifatius was a native of the Tusky region in Italy. Since childhood, he was distinguished by his love for the poor, when he had to see someone undressed, he took off his clothes and gave them to the beggar. Therefore, Bonifatius could return home without a chiton or retinue (the names of Greek clothes - lower and upper), and his mother, who was herself a poor widow, was often angry with him and said: "It is in vain that you do this, dressing the poor, being a beggar yourself."

Once she entered the granary, in which bread was prepared for the whole year, and found it empty: Bonifatius secretly distributed all the supplies to the poor. Mother began to cry, began to beat herself in the face and lament: where now she could find supplies for the whole year. Hearing her, Bonifatius tried to console her, but his words could not calm her sadness and anxiety. Then he asked his mother to leave the barn. The boy himself fell to his knees and began to pray fervently - and immediately the barn was filled with wheat. Bonifatius, thanking God, called his mother. Since then, she no longer forbade her son to help the beggars and allowed him to give as much as he needed.

Saint Boniface later became bishop in the city of Ferentino (in Italy) and performed many miracles. The Ferentine bishopric was in great poverty. The bishop did not have any church property for his sustenance, except for one income from a vineyard that belonged to the church.

Once there was a great hail and broke all the vines with berries, so that only a few clusters of grapes remained. Blessed Bonifatius, entering the vineyard, saw that everything was beaten, and only thanked God for the new test.

One day he told his elder to prepare all the vessels for wine in the house. He himself and an assistant poured little by little a small amount of wine squeezed from the preserved vines into all the vessels. The saint ordered to call the beggars and, according to custom, distribute church wine to them. And a miracle: as much wine was formed in the jugs as was required for all who came. The vault was then sealed. And after three days it turned out that all the vessels and jugs were overflowing with wine. The saint forbade him to tell anyone about this, avoiding human glory.

Another time, on the feast day of the holy Martyr Proclus (July 25), Saint Boniface predicted the death of the wicked buffoon.

Once Bonifatius, not having his own money, gave the poor twenty coins of his grandson, Presbyter Constance. Constantius was greatly upset upon learning of this. Then the saint went to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and prayed to God. And the Lord helped His servant - suddenly twenty new coins appeared before the saint.

Once Bonifatius received two travelers, seeing them off, he blessed them with a small vessel of wine. During the journey, they drank wine from it several times, but it not only did not subside, but always filled the vessel to the brim.

It is also known about another miracle performed by a merciful and generous saint, about which one of the clerics of that country told. Once Bishop Bonifatius entered his vineyard and saw that many caterpillars were covering the leaves of plants, all the greenery was supposed to die. Then the saint said to the caterpillars: "I conjure you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, go away from here, and do not dare to eat this grass any more." And according to the word of God's saint, every one caterpillar immediately left the vineyard.

They pray to Bishop Boniface the Merciful that he would help humbly to do alms and intercede before the Lord, so that through his intercession "what is needed for a temporary life" does not end. They also pray to him for deliverance from drunkenness.

Troparion Boniface the Merciful, Tone 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, / the abstinence of the teacher, reveal the truth to your flock even more than things: for this, you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty. Father Superior Boniface, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion to Boniface the Merciful, Voice 2

Divine thunder, spiritual trumpet, faith to the planter and cutter of heresies, the Trinity saint, / great Saint Boniface, from the Angels coming, pray ceaselessly for all of us.

Day mchch. Elijah, Provas and Aris, Egyptians (308); mchch. Polyeuktus and Timothy the Deacon (IV); St. Gregory, bishop Omiritsky (about 552)

January 2

Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ

Troparion of the forefeast of the Nativity of Christ, voice 4

Prepare, Bethlehem, / open to all, Eden, / flaunt, Euphraphus, / like the tree of the belly in the den, prosperous from the Virgin: / paradise bo Onoya's womb appears mentally, / in the same divine garden, / from worthless, we will live, / not like Adam will die. / Christ is born before the fallen one to raise up the image.

Memorial Day is right. John of Kronstadt (1908)

Righteous John of Kronstadt was born on October 19 (according to the new style - November 1), 1829 in the village of Sura in the Pinezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk province in the family of a poor rural deacon Ilya Sergiev and his wife Theodora Vlasyevna. The newborn seemed so weak and sickly that his parents rushed to baptize him at once, and they named him John, in honor of the Monk John of Rila, celebrated on that day. Soon after his baptism, the baby John began to noticeably recover. Pious parents, attributing this to the blessed action of the holy sacrament of baptism, began with special zeal to direct his thoughts and feelings to God, accustoming him to diligent home and church prayer. From early childhood, his father constantly took him to church and thus instilled in him a special love for worship.

Following the example of his parents, son Vanya was used to patiently enduring need and always relying on God's help. In the sixth year, the youth John, with the help of his father, began to learn to read and write. But at the beginning, the boy was poorly given both at home and in the parish school, where his father assigned him, collecting the last funds. John often prayed for the gift of understanding in the sciences. One night, after such a tearful prayer, “as if the veil had been lifted from his eyes, as if the mind had opened in his head,” “it became light and joyful in his soul,” as Father John later recalled. He clearly saw the teacher of that day, his lesson, he even remembered what and what he was talking about. It was a little dawn, he jumped out of bed, grabbed his books - and oh, happiness! - from that day on he began to read much better, began to understand everything well and memorize what he read. As he himself recalled: “In a short time, I moved forward so much that I was no longer the last student. The further, the better I did in the sciences. "

One of the first Ioann Sergiev graduated from college, then just as successfully the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary, and then he was admitted to the state account in the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. While still at the seminary, he lost his father and, in order not to leave his mother without support, achieved an appointment on the board of the academy for clerical work and sent all his meager earnings to her.

Once, reflecting on the upcoming ministry to the Church of Christ during a secluded walk, he returned home, fell asleep and in a dream saw himself as a priest serving in the Kronstadt St. Andrew's Cathedral, which in reality he had never been before. He took this as an instruction from above. Soon the dream came true with literal precision. In 1855, when Ioann Sergiev graduated from the Academy course with the degree of candidate of theology, he was asked to marry the daughter of the archpriest of Kronstadt St.Andrew's Cathedral, K. Nesvitsky, Elizabeth, and to be ordained as a priest to serve in the same cathedral. Remembering his dream, he accepted this offer.

On December 12, 1855, he was ordained a priest. When he first entered the Kronstadt St. Andrew's Cathedral, he stopped almost in horror on its threshold: it was exactly the temple that had long before been presented to him in childhood visions. The rest of Fr. John's life and pastoral activity took place in Kronstadt, which is why many forgot even his surname "Sergiev" and called him "Kronstadt", and he himself often signed this way.

Marriage is required by the customs of the Church for a priest in his ministry in the world. But the marriage of Father John and Elizabeth of Nesvitskaya was not fleshly, they lived like brother and sister. “There are many happy families, Liza, without us. And you and I, let's devote ourselves to serving God, ”he said to his wife on the very first day of his marriage.

From the very first day after the ordination, Father John gave himself entirely to the service of the Lord and people and began to serve the Divine Liturgy every day. He prayed, taught and helped many. His diligence was amazing. At the liturgy, Father John prayed fervently, demandingly, boldly.

At the very first acquaintance with the flock, Fr. John saw that here he had no less field for selfless and fruitful pastoral activity than in distant pagan countries. Disbelief, disbelief and sectarianism, not to mention complete religious indifference, flourished here. Kronstadt was a place of administrative expulsion from the capital of various vicious people. In addition, there were many laborers working mainly in the port. All of them huddled, for the most part, in miserable hovels and dugouts, begging and drinking. The city dwellers suffered a lot from these morally degraded people. At night, it was not always safe to walk the streets, for there was a risk of being attacked by robbers.

“It is necessary to love every person both in his sin and in his shame,” said Father John. “There is no need to confuse a person - this image of God - with the evil that is in him” ... With this consciousness he went to people and walked all his life, conquering and reviving everyone by the power of his truly pastoral compassionate love.

The great shepherd, filled with the spirit of true Christ's love, turned his attention to seemingly morally perished people, despised by all. Every day he began to visit their squalid dwellings, talked, consoled, looked after the sick and helped them financially, distributing everything he had, often returning home naked and even without boots. These Kronstadt "tramps", "scum of society", whom Fr. John, by the power of his compassionate pastoral love, again made people, returning them the human image they had lost, were the first to discover the holiness of Fr. John.

Such an unusual pastoral feat of the young pastor began to arouse criticism and even attacks on him from all sides. For a long time, many did not recognize the sincerity of his mood, mocked him, slandered him verbally and in print, called him a holy fool. But all these trials and mockery, Father John bravely endured, in no way changing the way of life he had adopted. And, with God's help, he won.

Father John never left his ministry of mercy. He knew firsthand what need and poverty are. He spent the huge sums that he was already donated as a popularly known righteous man and pastor on the poor. He fed a thousand beggars daily. He arranged a wonderful institution in Kronstadt - the House of Industriousness, with a school, church, workshops and a shelter. At this House there was a hospital, courses for teaching crafts, schools for children (for 300 people) and for adults, a lodging house and a hospice. Righteous John did not forget his homeland, Sura. He often came there. He opened a shop there, where the goods necessary for peasant life were sold at a cheap price. He built a stone church in honor of St. Nicholas, as well as a school. And in 1899 he founded a convent in Sura. Under him there was a school where from 30 to 50 peasant girls studied annually.

Although Fr. John once said that he did not lead an ascetic life, this, of course, was said to him only out of deep humility. In fact, carefully hiding his asceticism from people, Fr. John was the greatest ascetic. His ascetic feat was based on unceasing prayer and fasting. Strict fasting, both mental and physical, demanded from him the daily celebration of the Divine Liturgy, which he set for himself as a rule.

Soon the wondrous gift of miracles was revealed in Father John, which glorified him throughout Russia and even far beyond its borders. The unbelieving intelligentsia and its press deliberately kept silent about these manifestations of the power of God. But still, a lot of miracles are recorded and preserved in memory. Father John himself humbly accepted a new pastoral duty. After the first two healings, which God performed with his prayers, Father John said: "I then directly saw the will of God in these two cases, a new obedience to myself from God - to pray for those who ask for it."

Through the prayer of Father John, many wondrous miracles were performed and now, after his blessed death, many wonderful miracles continue to be performed. The most serious illnesses were healed by prayer and the laying on of the hands of the holy righteous man, when medicine refused. Healings were performed both in private and with a large crowd of people, and often in absentia. Sometimes it was enough to write a letter to Father John or send a telegram for the miracle of healing to take place. Through the prayer of Father John, the blind saw their sight. Especially remarkable is the miracle that happened in front of everyone in the village of Konchanskoye (Suvorovskoye), described by the Suvorov commission of professors of the military academy that was accidentally there at that time (in 1901). A woman who had suffered from demonic possession for many years and was brought to Fr. John in an insensitive state, in a few moments was completely healed by him and brought to a normal state of a completely healthy person.

During the service, letters and telegrams were brought to Father John directly to the altar, and he immediately read them and prayed for those who were asked to be remembered. The saint healed with the power of his prayer not only Russian Orthodox people, but also Muslims and Jews, and foreigners who turned to him from abroad. This great gift of miracles was a reward for the righteous man for his great deeds - prayer labors, fasting and selfless deeds of love for God and neighbors.

Father John is a wonderful preacher. A collection of works by Fr. John was also published, consisting of several volumes. His pastoral diary "My Life in Christ" is especially popular with believers. It was a diary of the spiritual life of the holy father, a record of the gracious thoughts and feelings that he received, in his own words, "from the enlightening Spirit of God in moments of deep attention and testing of himself, especially during prayer." "My life in Christ" vividly testifies to the ascetic struggle with sinful thoughts, this "invisible battle" which the ancient great ascetic fathers command all true Christians. This diary cannot only be "read" - it must always be reread, and you will always find something new, living, sacred.

"My Life in Christ" soon after its publication attracted everyone's attention so much that it was translated into several foreign languages, and even became a favorite reference book among Anglican priests. The main idea of \u200b\u200ball the written creations of the Kronstadt saint is the need for true fervent faith in God and life by faith, in an incessant struggle with passions, devotion to the faith and the Orthodox Church as the only saving one.

For over twenty-five years Fr. John was a teacher at the Kronstadt school and the classical gymnasium, where he taught the Law of God. There were no incapable in his studies. He did not force the disciples to cram the Gospel commandments "out of the way", but tried to make them learn them with their hearts and follow them in life. Father John attached particular importance to the reading of the lives of the saints and always brought separate lives to the lessons, which he distributed to the students for reading at home. He interceded for unsuccessful students, he himself took up their correction and helped to become useful to society.

According to the testimony of eyewitnesses and concelebrants, the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by Father John represented a continuous fervent prayer to God. Tears of affection flowed from his eyes, but he did not notice them. Everyone was reborn and felt how the ice of doubt and unbelief gradually melted and was replaced by the warmth of faith. During the service, he was truly a mediator between God and people, an intercessor for their sins, was a living link connecting the earthly Church, for which he interceded, and the heavenly Church, among whose members he soared in spirit at those moments.

After the service, accompanied by thousands of believers, Father John left the cathedral and went to St. Petersburg on numerous calls to the sick. And he rarely returned home before midnight. It must be assumed that many nights he had no time to sleep at all.

But the very glory of Father John was his greatest feat, hard work. Everywhere, wherever he appeared, a crowd of those who were eager to at least touch the miracle worker instantly grew up near him. At the request of the believers, Father John had to make trips to different cities of Russia. These trips were a real triumph for the humble servant of Christ. The crowd of people was determined by tens of thousands, and everyone was embraced by feelings of heartfelt faith and reverence, the fear of God and a thirst for a healing blessing. Not only the Kharkov Cathedral, but also the square around it during the ministry of Father John on July 15, 1890, could not accommodate the worshipers, which even filled all the adjacent streets.

On Monday

Ethereal Celestial Officers

Troparion, voice 4
Heavenly armies of the Archangel, / we always pray, unworthy, / yes with your prayers protect us / with a shelter the krill of your immaterial glory, / preserving us, crouching diligently and crying: / save us from troubles, / as the rulers of the higher Powers.
Kontakion, voice 2
The Archangel of God, / the ministry of Divine glory, / the angels of the chief and the men of the mentor, / ask us for useful and great mercy, / like the Blessed Archangels.

On Tuesday
Baptist and Forerunner John

Troparion, voice 2
The memory of the righteous with praises, / you are dominated by the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner: / showed that you are truly the most honest of the prophets, / as if you were honored by the Preached in the streams of baptism. / For the same, having suffered rejoicing for the truth, / you have proclaimed the good news to those in the hell of God, who appeared in the flesh, / taking away the sin of the world / and giving us great mercy.
Kontakion, voice 2
A prophet of God and the Forerunner of grace, / your head, as the most sacred thorn from the earth is found, / healing is always acceptable, / for packs, as before, / preach repentance in the world.

Wednesday and Friday

Troparion, voice 1
Save, Lord, Thy people / and bless Thy heritage, / giving victories to the resistance / and Thy keeping with Thy Cross the residence.
Kontakion, voice 4
Ascended to the Cross by the will, / the same name of your new residence / grant your bounty, Christ God, / make us glad with your power, / giving us victories for comparison, / assistance to those who have your weapon of peace, / invincible victory.

On Thursday

Troparion, voice 3
Apostles of the holy, / pray to the Merciful God, / let sins be forsaken / will give to our souls.
Kontakion, voice 2
Firm and divine preachers, / the top of Thy apostles, O Lord, / you have accepted for the pleasure of Your good ones and peace: / You have received sickness and death more than any all fruitfulness, / Alone, the good heart.

And Saint Nicholas

Troparion, voice 4
The rule of faith and the image of meekness, / the abstinence of the teacher / show thee to your flock / Even things are Truth. / For this, you have acquired high humility, / rich in poverty, / Father Nikolai, / pray to Christ God, / save our souls.
Kontakion, voice 3
In Mirekh, holy, the priest appeared to be, / Christ's more, venerable, having fulfilled the Gospel, / laid your soul on your people / and saved you innocent from death. / For this reason you were sanctified, / like the great mystery of God's grace.

On Saturday
All Saints and For the Dead

Tropari, voice 2
Apostles, martyrs and prophets, / saintly, reverend and righteous, / the good deed accomplished and the faith of observance, / boldness of property to the Savior, / for us the One who is Good, pray, / be saved, we pray, to our souls.

Glory: Remember, Lord, for it is Good, Your servants, / and the tree in the life of sinning, forgive: / no one is sinless, only You, / may give peace to those who have passed away.
And now: Mother Holy of Inexpressible Light, / with angelic songs we revere, / we magnify with piety.

Kontakion, voice 8
Like the beginnings of nature to the Planter of creation, / the universe brings Ti, Lord, God-bearing martyrs; / those prayers in the deep world / Thy Church, Thy residence, / Observe the Mother of God, Most Merciful.
Voice 6
Rest with the saints, / Christ, / the souls of Thy servant, / where there is / illness, neither sorrow, / nor sighing, / but life is endless.

Tropari and Kondaki of the Days of Week

On Monday

Ethereal Forces

Troparion, voice 4
Heavenly armies Archangels, / we, unworthy, constantly pray you, / that you protect us with your prayers / under the roof of the wings of your immaterial glory / preserving us, who crouch diligently and cry: / "Deliver us from troubles, / as the leaders of the Higher Powers!"
Kontakion, voice 2
Archangels of God, ministers of Divine Glory, / Angels chiefs and mentors of people, / ask us for useful and great mercy, / as disembodied Archangels.

On Tuesday
St. John the Baptist

Troparion, voice 2
The memory of the righteous is honored with praises, / you are satisfied with the testimony of the Lord, Forerunner, / after all, you were truly the most glorious of the prophets, / for you were worthy to baptize the Preached in streams. / Therefore, having suffered with joy for the truth, / you preached the gospel to those who were in the hell of God, manifested in the flesh, / lifting up the sin of the world / and giving us great mercy
Kontakion, voice 2
Prophet of God and Forerunner of grace, / having found your head as a sacred rose in the earth, / we always receive healings, / for again, as before, / you proclaim repentance in the world.

Wednesday and Friday
Holy Cross

Troparion, voice 1
Save, Lord, Thy people / and bless Thy heritage, / granting victories to Orthodox Christians over foreigners / and preserving Thy people with Thy Cross.
Kontakion, voice 4
Ascended to the Cross voluntarily, / to a new people of your name / grant your mercy, Christ God; / make your faithful people glad with your power, / giving them victories over enemies, / - may they have help from you, / the weapon of peace, an invincible sign of victory.

On Thursday
To the Holy Apostles

Troparion, voice 3
Holy apostles, / pray to the merciful God, / may forgiveness of sins / He will give our souls
Kontakion, voice 2
Unshakable and God-minded preachers, / the highest of Thy disciples, O Lord, / Thou hast received Thy good things and peace for pleasure; / for their labors and death you recognized as the supreme of all sacrifice, / One who knows what is in the hearts.

And to St. Nicholas

Troparion, voice 4
By the rule of faith and the image of meekness / abstinence as a teacher / she showed you to your flock / immutable truth. / Therefore, you have acquired high by humility, / by poverty - wealth. / Father, St. Nicholas, / pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.
Kontakion, voice 3
In the Worlds, you, saint, became the performer of sacred rites, / for having fulfilled the Gospel of Christ, / you laid down your soul, saint, for your people / and saved the innocent from death; / therefore you were sanctified / as a great minister of the sacraments of God's grace.

On Saturday
To All Saints and For the Rest

Tropari, voice 2
Apostles, martyrs and prophets, / saints, saints and righteous, / valiantly accomplished feat and preserved the faith, / having boldness before the Savior, / for us, as good, pray, pray, / for the salvation of our souls!
Glory: Remember, Lord, as the Good One, Thy servants / and everything in which they have sinned in life, forgive: / for no one is sinless except You. / You can give rest to those who have passed away.
And now: Holy Mother of Inexpressible Light, / we, reverently revere You, / magnify with angelic chants.
Kontakion, voice 8
As the first fruits of nature to the planter of all creation / the universe brings, to You, Lord, God-bearing martyrs. / Through their prayers and intercession of the Mother of God, / Your Church is Your people / in a deep world, save the Most Merciful.
Voice 6
Rest with the saints, Christ, / the souls of Thy servants, / where there is no pain, no sorrow, no groaning, / but life is endless.

This article contains: troparion prayer of the day - information taken from all over the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

Troparion of the day, or holiday.

(If Week (Sunday), the troparion is Sunday in the voice. If not, the real troparia, voice 6):

"Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us,

for, finding no excuse for himself,

we, sinners, bring this prayer to You, as the Lord:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit:

Lord, have mercy on us, for in you we trust,

don't be angry with us

and do not remember our iniquities:

but behold now, as the Most Merciful

and deliver us from our enemies.

For you are our God and we are your people,

we are all the work of your hands

and we call upon your name.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen:

Open the doors of mercy to us,

so that we, hoping in you, are not ashamed,

but through your prayers we got rid of troubles,

for you are the salvation of the Christian race. "

Explanatory Orthodox Prayer Book

How do you learn to understand prayers? Translation of the words of prayers from the prayer book for laity from Church Slavonic, clarifying the meaning of prayers and petitions. Interpretations and quotes of the Holy Fathers. Icons.

Day tropari for the whole week:

On weekdays (weekdays), services are performed for the faces, or ranks of the saints. Each day of the week (week) is dedicated to a specific memory and has a corresponding troparion. The daytime troparia are included in the Followings to Holy Communion; it is also desirable to include them in the daily prayer rule, in the number of morning prayers (it is most convenient at the end of them, along with the troparions to the revered saint and troparion to the Cross).

On Monday:

On the first day after the Week (Sunday), Monday, the Church commemorates the ethereal Heavenly orders, which in the cathedral of saints after the Mother of God, the Most Honorable Cherubim, take the first place and were created before man.

Troparion to the Heavenly Ranks incorporeal, Voice 4:

Heavenly warrior of the Archangel, we pray to you that we are unworthy, but with your prayers protect us with a shelter of your immaterial glory, which keeps us falling down diligently and crying: save us from troubles, as the rulers of the highest Powers.

Arhistratizi - military leaders (archangel - the supreme strategist); we turn to the supreme officials of the higher Powers - the leaders of the Heavenly Angelic Host. Always - is always. Blood krill - the cover of the wings.

The creator of this troparion is the Monk John of Damascus.

On Tuesday:

Tuesday is dedicated to the memory of John the Baptist, who is glorified most of all people (see: Matthew 11:11); in the person of the Forerunner, the Church glorifies all the prophets.

Troparion the Baptist and Forerunner John, Voice 2

The memory of the righteous with praises, the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner, will remain with you; showed the barefoot, I truly am and the most honest prophets, as if in streams of baptism I was honored by the Preached. The same, having suffered for the truth, rejoicing, you preached the good news to those in the hell of God, who appeared in flesh, taking away the sin of the world and giving us great mercy.

Suffers - enough. Showed barefoot I am - for you have come. Showed barefoot I am - for you have come. Honest - the most glorious (worthy of the greatest honor). In the land - who took it upon himself.

The testimony of the Lord, Forerunner, is in you. - This is, about whom it is written: behold, I am sending my angel before you, who will prepare your way before you. For I say to you, of those born of wives, there is not a single prophet greater than John the Baptist; but the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than him (Luke 7: 27-28).

Thou hast proclaimed the good news also to those in hell, God in flesh. The preaching of the Forerunner was continued in hell, where it also preceded the preaching of the Savior (before the resurrection). In the service on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, it is sung: Preceding Life in hell, preaching to those in darkness and the shadow of deaths sitting from above the East, Christ our God (stichera on the litiya).

Wednesday and Friday:

On Wednesday, the Lord's tradition of death is remembered and there are prayers and hymns to the Life-giving Cross, since the Lord suffered death for us on it. On Friday (in Church Slavonic - Friday) there is a remembrance of the Lord's suffering and His death on the Cross. Both Wednesday and Friday are days dedicated to the Cross of the Lord, therefore, since Apostolic times, the Church has been fasting on these days.

Troparion to the Cross of the Lord, Voice 1

Save the Lord, Thy people, / and bless Thy inheritance, / granting victories to the resistance, / and preserving Thy residence with Thy Cross.

On Thursday (in Church Slavonic - Thursday), the holy apostles and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker are remembered, and in his person and all the hierarchs.

Troparion to the Holy Apostles, Voice 3

Apostles of the holy, pray to the Merciful God, that he will give forgiveness to our souls.

Troparion to St. Nicholas, Voice 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence of the teacher, reveal the truth to your flock even as things; For this reason, you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty, Father Nicholas, the hierarch, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

The rule - here: measure, sample. Form - here: sample. Reveal - revealed. Even better than things are truth - is the subject of the sentence, put at the end of it, and means - the knowledge of the truth. High - here: greatness. Rich - wealth. Priest - the head of the clergy, that is, the bishop (vocative case).

This troparion is also the general troparion to the saint - that is, the troparion, which can be applied to any saint. Thus, Saint Nicholas appears before us as the "rule and image" of the saint in general.

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence of the teacher reveal the truth to your flock even of things. In the manuals of the beginning of the twentieth century, the following understanding of this expression is given: even in things, truth was translated as "knowledge of truth": "Knowledge of the truth has made you for your flock a measure of faith, a model of meekness, a teacher of abstinence"; For this sake: for the sake of Christ, for Him (although, of course, a simple understanding of the expression "for this sake" as an excuse: "because of this", "therefore" is possible).

Thou art acquired high with humility, rich in poverty. He acquired greatness (the height of the sky) by humility, and wealth (paradise) by poverty. Such oppositions (antinomies) are characteristic of the New Testament thinking, they permeate the Gospel: He who exalts himself will be humiliated, and whoever humbles himself (in the Church Slavonic Gospel: humble yourself), he will be exalted (Matthew 23:12; also Luke 14: 11; 18:14); "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He, being rich, became poor for your sake, that you might be enriched by His poverty" (2 Cor. 8: 9).

Since ancient times, the Sabbath has been revered as the seventh day after the creation of the world, when the Lord rested from the works of creation, sanctified and blessed the day. As the last day of the week, the Sabbath indicates eternal blissful peace in union with God. Therefore, on this day, the Church remembers all the monks, martyrs and all saints who have attained eternal blessed rest, and the service is performed for the dead.

Troparion to All Saints, Voice 2

Apostles, martyrs and prophets, sainthood, reverend and righteousness, the good deed accomplished and the faith of observance, the boldness of property to the Savior, for us, like Good, pray to be saved, we pray to our souls.

Good deed accomplished and faith observance ... It is based on the words of the Apostle Paul: I am already becoming a victim, and the time for my departure has come. I fought a good fight, I completed the course, I kept the faith (in the Slavic Bible: I fought a good fight, the course of the end, I kept faith: recall that the course is a run); and now a crown of righteousness is being prepared for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day; and not only to me, but to all who loved His appearing (2 Tim. 4: 6-8).

About the dead, the voice is the same:

Remember, Lord, for it is good, Thy servants, and the tree in the life of sin, forgive; no one is sinless, only Thou, mighty and reposed to rest.

Sunday tropari of eight tones:

The voice of a given Sunday (Weeks, in Church Slavonic and in liturgical terminology) can be found in the church calendar. The voice determines the numerous liturgical chants of the week, but here we cite only the Sunday troparia, since it is desirable to include them in your cell rule and they are prescribed to be read in the Succession to Holy Communion.

The stones are sealed from the Jews, and as a warrior looking for Thy Most Pure Body, Thou art raised the three-day Savior, granting world life. For this, for the sake of the Power of heaven, we cry to Ty, Life-Giver: Glory to Thy Resurrection, Christ, glory to Thy Kingdom, one Human-loving one.

The stones will be sealed from the Jews, and Thy Most Pure Body is a warrior - although the stone was sealed by the Jews and the soldiers guarded Thy Most Pure Body. For this sake - so. Wopiyahu Ti - called out to You. Watching - Providence, Providence.

They went and put a guard at the tomb, and put a seal on the stone (Matthew 27:66).

The stones will be sealed from the Jews, and Thy Most Pure Body is a warrior ... We have before us a turn of speech characteristic of the Church Slavonic language: the so-called independent dative. This construction bears the meaning of the circumstance. This meaning is translated into modern Russian in a completely different turnover (subordinate clause).

Egda - when. Belly Immortal - Immortal Life (vocative case - conversion).

The canonical icon of the Resurrection of Christ is an icon of His descent into hell.

The Savior "descends into hell so that, just as the Sun of righteousness would shine on those who were on earth, in the same way for those who are in darkness and the shadow of death (see: Job 10:21), the light will shine; how the Lord preached peace to those on earth, to the captives of absolution and to the blind, insight, and for those who believed became the culprit of eternal salvation, and for those who did not believe - the reproof of unbelief, in the same way he preached to those who were in hell, so that every knee of heavenly, earthly and hells should bow before the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:10.) And thus having resolved those who were bound from the ages, He returned back from death to life, paving the way for us to resurrection. "

Venerable John Damascene

When you descended to death, the Immortal Belly, then you killed hell with the radiance of the Divine ... "Having penetrated into hell, Christ with the radiance of his glory dispelled its impenetrable darkness and the holy captives contained in the impenetrable darkness of hell, from captivity he raised with Him to heaven."

Venerable John Cassian the Roman

Thou didst resurrect the deaths from the underworld ... "The souls of the righteous were freed from the dungeons of hell by the Advocate of God and men, when He Himself descended there, and raised them to the joys of heaven."

Saint Gregory the Great

The Sunday troparion of the 2nd voice is also the troparion of Great Saturday, the eve of Christ's Bright Resurrection.

Let the heavenly rejoice, let the earthly rejoice, as if the Lord made power with His arm, death trampled on death, the firstborn of the dead was; Deliver us from the womb of hell, and grant the world's great mercy.

Heavenly - all heavenly, sky. Earthly - everything earthly, earth. Create Power with Your Arm - showed the power of His hand. Velia - great.

Create Power with Your Arm - an expression from the song of the Most Holy Theotokos (in Russian translation: he showed the power of his muscles - Luke 1:51); the words spoken by the Most Pure Virgin about the Incarnation of the Son of God, the troparion refers to His Resurrection and, thus, to the whole work of the House-building (Providence) of God. The words trampled upon death by death turn us to the troparion of Easter: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death, and giving life to those in the grave.

The firstborn of the dead was, from the womb of hell, deliver us. The line refers us to the words of the Apostle Paul: But Christ rose from the dead, the firstborn from the dead. For as death came through man, so also through man came the resurrection of the dead. As in Adam all die, so in Christ all will come to life, each in his own order: Christ the firstborn, then Christ's, at His coming (1 Cor. 15: 20-24).

The bright resurrection sermon from the Angel seeing the Lord's disciples, and rejecting the great-grandfather condemnation, the apostle boasting of the verb: death is confessed, Christ God is resurrected, granting the world's great mercy.

Resurrection sermon - the news of the resurrection. Uvedevsha - having learned. Female students - students. A great condemnation - condemnation inherited from the forefathers (that is, Adam and Eve). Be wrong - trampled.

Female students - students. In Church Slavonic, in certain positions (for example, before "and" and "yat"), the sounds "k", "g", "x" (back-lingual) alternate with the sounds "c", "z", "s". So, the righteous - but the righteous, the martyr - but the martyr (m. Genus); God is but about Boz, the spirit is but Dusi.

The original Word to the Father and the Spirits, born of the Virgin for our salvation, let us sing in faith and worship, as if we were pleased to take the flesh to the Cross, and endure death, and resurrect the dead with His glorious resurrection.

Sobezignalnoe - also without beginning and rulership, that is, also Eternal and All-powerful.

Angelic powers are on Thy tomb, and looking dead, and Mary stands in the tomb, looking for Thy Most Pure Body. Thou art captivated hell, not tempted by it; Thou hast cut the virgin, granting the belly; risen from the dead, Lord, glory to Thee.

Frightening - guardians, guards.

After Saturday, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake, for the Angel of the Lord, coming down from heaven, came and rolled the stone from the door of the tomb and sat on it; his appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow; fearing him, the guards were in awe and became like the dead; And the angel, speaking to the women, said: do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus crucified; He is not here - He is risen, as He said. Go, see the place where the Lord lay, and go quickly, tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead and is ahead of you in Galilee; there you will see him. So I told you (Matthew 28: 1-7). And Mary stood at the coffin and cried. And when she was crying, she bent down into the grave and saw two Angels sitting in a white robe, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus lay. And they say to her: wife! Why are you crying? He says to them: They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him (John 20: 11-13).

Thou art a virgin, grant belly ... The troparion line directs us to the continuation of the events of the Gospel of John: to the meeting of Jesus with Mary Magdolina (John 20: 11-18). She is called here a virgin (neither the Gospel, nor the life of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, tell us anything directly about the age and marital status of the saint at the time of the Gospel events; but the Greek word - virgin - like the modern girl, was also used to refer to a young woman in general - such , the marital state of which nothing indicates). Often in this troparion, the word "virgin" is written with a capital (capital) letter, as referring to the Most Holy Theotokos; but in this understanding the troparion defies any satisfactory explanation.

Thou art captivated hell ... In the Greek text, the troparion is disarmed.

Thou hast destroyed death with Thy Cross, Thou hast opened paradise to the robber, Thou hast made a cry for the myrrh-bearers, and Thou hast commanded to preach as an apostle, as if Thou didst rise, Christ God, grant the world's great mercy.

Offered by you - that is, turned into joy (prelate - transform).

Thou hast opened paradise to the robber ... - see: Luke 23:43.

... Thou didst offer crying to the myrrh-bearers ... - see: Matthew 28: 8-10.

... And you commanded the apostle to preach ... - see: Matthew 28: 18-20; Mark 16:15.

Thou descended from a height, Thou art a benevolent, Thou didst receive a burial of three days, but free us passions, Our belly and Resurrection, Lord, glory to Thee.

Free your passions - liberate from suffering (but, of course, from passions in the ascetic sense).

"How to learn to understand prayers?"



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