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To dream about what to eat. Eat: what is the dream about

Food and the very process of eating it is interpreted by different dream books in a completely different way. Someone predicts future luck because of this symbol, and someone troubles and even illnesses. Therefore, it is so important to find out what the symbol means?

What if you eat in a dream?

In fact, seeing food in a dream means counting on future success in your career and personal plan. Food is vitality, wisdom, success, therefore, a positive symbol. However, if a person eats sweets, then, most likely, failures and disappointments await him. Moreover, these same disappointments will be associated with the best and closest friends who dare to betray. In the future, you should be much more careful in choosing your social circle. Otherwise, such failures will be repeated over and over again.

It is important to know exactly what you eat in a dream? After all, the most competent and accurate interpretation of events depends on this. If it is problematic to remember the details of sleep, then it is better to keep a special notebook near the bed, where you can enter all the details and then interpret them more accurately.

According to some dream books, eating in a dream is not at all a positive symbol. Such dream books consider a dream as a sign of future illnesses, troubles and disputes. Such a dream can change a career for the worse and negatively affect the future as a whole.

If in a dream a person eats fish, it means that soon he will go traveling. If he eats meat, then a shock, a sudden surprise or fundamental changes in life awaits him. It is necessary to prepare yourself in advance for them. However, find out. What kind of these shocks will be, positive or negative, is still impossible.

What portends?

Why dream, what you eat in a dream, but, but at the same time nausea and nausea - it means there are serious problems ahead. Most often, such troubles are associated with career problems or academic failures.

If a woman dreams that she is eating fruit, it means that she should expect great love or an addition to the family. Most likely, the woman has already become pregnant, but does not know about it yet. A similar symbol for a man means success on the personal front, which will soon be diminished by some disappointments.

If a person eats little in a dream, it means that he applies very little strength and desire to achieve his goal in real life.

Such a vivid symbol, diverse and versatile, is incredibly difficult to interpret. It is necessary to refer to several dream books at once so that the prediction is accurate and does not fail in the future.

The interpretation of all the details will contribute to drawing up a true picture of the future.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the symbol, of course, is twofold, it can mean both good luck and problems. However, it is better to set yourself up not in a positive way so that in the future you will not face problems that your own pessimism has generated.

Food is an integral part of human life. Therefore, it is not surprising that we often see the process of absorbing food in a dream. Many would like to know what such dreams mean and what they are associated with. In many ways, the interpretation of dreams about food depends on the type of dish seen in it.

Eat fish in a dream

As a rule, dreams of eating are interpreted positively. This dream is considered an omen of good luck and success, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. For women, such a dream promises pregnancy in the near future.

Eating fried fish is also considered good sleep. He can portend good news, success in professional activity, even quick career growth. You may be suddenly hit by financial gains. Moreover, the size of this profit directly depends on the size of the fish eaten in a dream.

A more accurate prediction is given by the species of fish. If it was a large sea fish, then you will have a rather successful completion of the case. Small river fish promises empty chores.

If you dreamed of eating salted fish, then soon you will attend a noisy fun event. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, then this should be taken as a warning and revise her diet.

Eating a herring is an unfavorable dream. It warns of impending monetary difficulties. However, you can cope with them by contacting relatives for help.

Eat meat in a dream

Dreams about eating largely reflect the state of a person's health and give clues on what to do in the future. For the most accurate decoding, you need to pay attention to the details:

  • If a woman had such a dream, then she will have to overcome obstacles on the way to her goal. It is best to choose a different path to get what you want, or wait a little.
  • Eating raw meat is considered a bad dream. Scandals, problems at work and other troubles await you soon. Your plans for the future are also in jeopardy.

  • If you dreamed of eating human meat, then you should not be frightened or upset. Such an unpleasant dream promises a long journey that will end happily.
  • Eating your own body parts promises you loss of property. If a woman sees this dream, then she should reconsider her behavior. She probably leads a dissolute life.
  • Boiled meat seen in a dream symbolizes an imminent improvement in the material side of life or an improvement in health after a long illness.
  • The lean meat dish portends financially difficult times. If you ate fatty meat in a dream, then expect a quick profit.
  • The meat in your dream was fried, which means you need to lead a more righteous life. If the food you eat is not fried meat with blood, then in reality you will suffer from your own physical or spiritual satiety.

Eat cake in a dream

Eating a cake in a dream, as in life, promises only positive events and emotions. A happy intimate life or pleasant communication awaits you. It is even possible to improve your financial situation in the form of an unexpected bonus or win.

On the other hand, such a dream speaks of your superficial attitude towards others. You should not be distracted by the outer attractive shell, but look deeper.

Was there a lot of cream on your dream? This means that soon you will be unexpectedly invited to visit.

Eating a wedding cake that a woman dreamed of is the only dream with an unpleasant interpretation. Such a dream speaks of an upcoming streak of failures both in work and in personal life.

Eat an apple in a dream

The appearance of these fruits in dreams is almost always associated with health or heart affairs. For example, there are ripe and juicy apples plucked straight from the tree promise joy from communication, love relationships or an unexpected gift from a loved one. Sometimes eating portends a woman's pregnancy with a girl.

Also, such a dream can mean your desire to acquire new knowledge or a desire to change your life.

If you eat a rotten apple, then in reality you have to go through a loss. You should be attentive to incoming offers and work responsibly.

The worms in the eaten apple portend the arrival of false information. Therefore, carefully consider everything you hear and see, perhaps there is a catch somewhere.

If the apple is unripe in a dream, then you are surrounded by deceitful friends or you make decisions too quickly, which can be harmful.

Eat bread in a dream

If you shared with someone in a dream, expect stability in the material plane in life. The dreamed crusts of bread, on the contrary, portend material difficulties and need.

If a woman saw a dream about eating bread, then she should wait for the excitement associated with her children. If she dreamed of dried bread crusts, then this speaks of her frivolity and irresponsibility.

The dream that you are eating freshly baked delicious bread with a pleasant aroma says that your life will be full of pleasant impressions and significant events. If you were treated to bread in a dream, then wait for the conclusion of profitable contracts soon.

Anchor points:

The dreams in which you ate

If in a dream you ate something, then in reality you have to work hard... If you ate in a company, then such a dream portends success and pleasant events, if you had to eat alone, then such a dream portends small losses. You ate alone, but there were a lot of people around - such a dream suggests that you are not happy with your life, you would like to change everything. A dream in which you ate with a deceased person portends trouble, illness. If you tried to feed someone in a dream, then you should moderate your desire to help someone - you are too intrusive. You were invited to dinner - such a dream promises a good day. Eating together - you would like to keep your partner close to you forever.

The process of eating took place in accordance with all the rules of etiquette, with the use of the necessary devices, with beautiful dishes - this means that you strive to live only by your own rules, focusing on intuition and experience. If you ate without mannerism, everything was simple and ordinary, then you should be less arrogant and respect the feelings of other people. You saw how others eat, but you yourself did not eat - such a dream occurs in cases when you want to be cleansed spiritually, to be above earthly problems. The spoiled food that you ate in a dream dreams of loss. The food is tasty - you strive for the ideal, tasteless - serves as a warning of an imminent illness. Bad news comes from burnt food. There is sweet - to joyful chores.

If in a dream you ate something inedible

In your dream, you ate glass - such a dream is a dream to slow down your affairs, obstacles. There are cleanings, husks - to trouble, straw, hay - to disease. Surprisingly, I have a dream where you eat plasticine. Eat the bark of trees, small sticks, perhaps a pencil in a dream - in reality it will turn into the truth that you have been looking for for so long. In your dream, did you eat snow, ice or hail? Such a dream for a joyful event... Various types of metal - to sad news. You ate manure, feces, such a dream predicts an obstacle that you cannot overcome. Eating land in a dream means a close departure.

Edible food in a dream

Did you eat bread in a dream? Such a dream portends material well-being... Eating eggs in a dream means losing money. A dream in which you ate many different fruits is a bad sign that portends misfortune; eating vegetables is also a bad sign that promises illness. Separately, there is a watermelon - to get bad news, grapes promise a win, cherry - to worsen mood, sadness. You ate a pear in a dream, which means that your material condition will worsen. Apricots, peaches, persimmons dream of parting with a loved one. If in a dream you ate oranges or tangerines, then your health is in danger. Plums are a bad sign, you have a showdown.

Eating garlic in a dream - such a dream predicts natural disasters, onions - you need to be more restrained for the next few days - the risk of a fight is too great. Eating eggplants can talk about replenishment in the family.

The dream in which you ate raw meat symbolizes misfortune, and, conversely, cooked meat is a good sign, happy. If in your dream you ate pig meat, then you are threatened by illness, chicken, duck - this is a good dream that portends well-being, a dream with eating a goose is a bad sign - a loved one may get sick. Eating a dish of lamb - fortunately, dog meat - is a lawsuit. Eating beef - to a quarrel on your initiative, your intemperance will bring trouble. Trying to eat dumplings, manti, khinkali - in the near future you will try to suppress anger. Pancakes say that your dreams are not destined to come true. Eating peas or beans is a waste of time. In your dream, you ate rolls - beware of theft. - to problems with digestion. A woman who eats nuts in a dream can expect pregnancy, a man - prosperity.

A good dream in which you ate honey, butter and white rice - good luck in all your endeavors... If you ate porridge, then your plans will soon come true.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

minor troubles; watching others eat - elevation; seeing food is good; there is bread - wealth.

To dream is

according to Loff's dream book

Within the framework of the interpretation of a dream, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, by ordinary necessity. Did you get your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances? Is this a familiar dish to you or something hitherto unknown? If you observe how others eat, then this indicates your unmet material or emotional needs. This applies when you think that others are too restless in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited. How people eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of an excess in your life or the nature of relationships with other people sitting at the table. If the process of consuming food proceeds with the observance of all appropriate rules of decency and resembles a sacred ritual, then in one of the aspects of your life you are guided by Providence or feel an epiphany.

The meaning of the dream about nuts

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about nuts, your subconscious mind says that you are very careless about your body and therefore there is a great threat to your sexual health. Treat yourself to nuts in a dream - your dream means that soon you will have to experience pleasant emotions in communicating with a stranger.

Why do nuts dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

squabbles; stabbing - a strange, unpleasant meeting; there is - strong anxiety; collect - monetary worries.

I dreamed about nuts

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, picking nuts - portends successful entrepreneurship and favored in love. There are nuts - a sign of that prosperity that will help you fulfill your every desire. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. Seeing scattered ripe hazelnuts in a dream promises a peaceful home life and good shopping.

Why is oil dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

even rancid - to well-being.

The meaning of a dream about oil

according to Freud's dream book

To see in a dream how someone smears bread with butter is an acquaintance with a pleasant person, which quickly led to complete mutual understanding. If, in your dream, you had difficulty spreading butter on bread, since it turned out to be too cold, then you will not be able to find harmony right away. If you dream that you are dropping oil on the floor, then you will offend your partner, without wanting it, - it will seem to you that you are opening his eyes to the true state of affairs. Buying oil on the market in a dream - you feel guilty in front of your "counterpart" and therefore try with all your might to appease him. In fact, all that is needed is attention and care.

Dreamed of oil

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream that you are eating fresh golden oil is a sign of good health and fulfilling plans. This dream will bring you property, wealth and knowledge. There is rancid oil - means prosperity, a condition acquired by hard physical labor. Selling oil promises you a small profit. If a woman sees a dream in which she lubricates her body with oil, this portends that soon she will go headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dreamed of strawberries

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - perfect excellence

Dreamed of strawberries

according to Miller's dream book

Strawberries in a dream are a sign of success and joy. You will achieve the desired goal. Eating strawberries in a dream means shared love. To trade strawberries in a dream means a bountiful harvest and happiness.

Why do strawberries dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

presents; there is - to the disease; there is a lot - to fall in love; collect - change.

Why is the onion dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to clean - success in a difficult matter; there is a quarrel.

Dreamed of a bow

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a large number of onions in a dream portends you the anger and envy that you will meet when you achieve success. If you eat it, the enemies will retreat in front of you. If you see in a dream how it grows, there will be enough rivals in your affairs, the struggle with which will add pungency to your experiences and a taste for life in general. Frying onions means serenity and a small profit in business. To dream that you are cutting onions and feel that your eyes are moist is a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals.

Dreamed of a pomegranate

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes stupidity

See pomegranates in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The meaning of a dream about pomegranates

according to Freud's dream book

The dreamed pomegranate is a symbol of passion and pleasure. So, eating a pomegranate in a dream means that soon you will have a chance to try spontaneous sex, which will give you a lot of emotions and pleasure. Peeling a pomegranate in a dream - a dream indicates that in an intimate sense, you tend to delay pleasure in order to thus enhance it. You are very skilled at this, and therefore sex with you is an incomparable pleasure.

Why is jam dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is - success, love pleasure; see - empty dreams.

The meaning of a dream about jam

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were eating jam, it means that in reality you are striving for pleasure, not caring at all about which partners it will be received with. You can be reproached for the disorderliness of your intimate relationships, which is probably what others do. Cooking jam in a dream - a dream indicates that you love to please others, while sacrificing your own interests. Such sacrifice will someday have a negative impact on your intimate relationships - you cannot perceive sex without renouncing yourself. Such self-sacrifice is good, but only to a certain extent.

Why is the frog dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(jumping across the road) - spy, spy; to hear croaking is good news; an ordinary frog is a deception in love.

The meaning of the frog dream

according to Freud's dream book

Pick up a frog in a dream - do something in real life that you are disgusted with, for example, practice oral sex, which your partner may like. Try to discuss the problem with him, maybe you will find something that suits both of you and you will not have to make any sacrifices. Hearing the croaking of frogs in a dream - to exotic sex. Perhaps you will meet a person of a different nationality, and you will be seized with curiosity - but how is it with them? Just remember to take precautions. Step on a frog in a dream - your health will be at risk, and carelessness in relationships with the opposite sex will be to blame. If you do not change anything in the very near future, then the prediction will come true in the worst case.

See a frog in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Lunar animal bringing rain. Symbolizes fertility, fertility, eroticism. As rising out of water means renewal of life and resurrection. Life and resurrection also depend on the moist skin of life as opposed to the dryness of death. The Great Frog, on which the universe rests, personifies dark and undifferentiated primordial matter, the element of wateriness and primordial mucus, the basis of created matter. For the Celts, the frog is the Lord of the Earth, the power of healing waters. For the Chinese, a frog is a lunar creature that belongs to the yin principle. The frog in the well represents a person with a limited range of vision and understanding. In Christianity, its meaning is ambivalent: it symbolizes both the resurrection and the disgusting aspect of sin, evil, heretics, insatiable enjoyment of worldly pleasures, envy, greed. For the Egyptians, the green Nile frog is a new life, abundant offspring, abundance, fertility, reproducing the forces of nature, longevity and strength born of weakness. Hekt's attribute as a symbol of the ability to generate life in water. Protector of mothers and newborns. Isis' emblem. In the Greco-Roman tradition - the emblem of Aphrodite Venus, fertility, debauchery, harmony between lovers. Among the Hindus, the Great Frog holding the universe symbolizes dark, undifferentiated matter.

Why do eggs dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

one, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; to beat or see the broken is a loss; too many - endless petty worries.

Dreamed of eggs

according to Miller's dream book

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream - portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies. Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home. Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously gift you. A lofty mind and a high sense of justice will make you a favorite of many people. Rotten eggs - promise loss of property and decline in business. A basket of eggs means you will be engaging in profitable business transactions. Finding bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives.

Why is borscht dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

is - success in business.

Dreamed of tomatoes

according to Miller's dream book

If you eat tomatoes in a dream, it means that you are recovering. Growing tomatoes promise you happiness and joy in your family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, it means that she will be happy in marriage.

Why do tomatoes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

secret love; collect - personal troubles, claims to the sleeper; there is a disease (of the soul or body); wash - get rid of unnecessary feelings; to grow - the joy in the family will be postponed for a while.

The meaning of the dream about fat

according to Freud's dream book

There is fat in a dream - to the troubles associated with the fact that you do not calculate your capabilities a little and after that you will feel unwell. This may be about food or sex, so try to conserve energy. The melted bacon is a symbol of the fact that you will have to experience very strong sexual arousal in a completely inappropriate environment.

I dreamed of fat

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of pork fat means a happy turn in fate. For a woman to see her hands in melted lard - portends disappointment in attempts to rise higher in social position.

Why is fat dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

buy - the hostility of a woman; to see fresh - good luck in personal or business; cut - a break in business, financial or personal relationships; salty - treason; fry - beware of a dirty trick; see Fat.

The meaning of a dream about garlic

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to smell garlic or see someone eating it - you are sympathetic to a person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. Alas, in fact, this person is indifferent to you and is not at all inclined to communicate. You should not force events - the subject of your dreams simply will not understand this; moreover, he may be afraid of you. If in a dream you yourself ate garlic, it means that thoughts of a possible betrayal to your partner are visiting you more and more often, and this happens because married life seems too bland, mundane to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new to your bedroom, and then, perhaps, everything else will not seem boring to you.

Dreamed of garlic

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are weeding a bed of garlic portends an elevation from extreme poverty to a prominent position in society. For a young woman, this dream portends that she will marry not for love, but for convenience. If you dream that you are eating garlic, then the dream portends that, having taken a prudent life position, you will abandon your previous ideals.

Why is garlic dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(see) - protection from squabbles; health; there is - squabbles with loved ones; misfortune; collecting, buying is an unpleasant sharing with loved ones. Rosehip is a danger.

Dreamed of a pear

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating a pear portends not very successful business and weakened health. Admiring the golden fruits on a beautiful tree means that fate will open up promising prospects for you. To dream of collecting ripe pears means pleasant surprises that will follow some disappointment. Canning pears means that you are philosophical about the vicissitudes of fate. Drying pears means boring and colorless love and friendship.

The meaning of a dream about a pear

according to Freud's dream book

The pear personifies the female figure - desirable and very seductive. Therefore, seeing a pear in a dream for a man marks a meeting and acquaintance with an unusual woman. There is a pear in a dream - for a man it means sexual relations with a very feminine and affectionate partner. For a woman, a pear symbolizes familiarity with all the ensuing consequences.

Why is meat dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is a disease; seeing raw is a nuisance; disease; tearing with your hands is a painful break in relations; scandal; eating human meat - (unfamiliar) - success; win a lawsuit; relatives or friends - to their death; his own (for men) - wealth to the poor; to the rich - ruin; a woman eats her meat - to prostitution; salty - interference; raw - to illness or loss; boiled - the device of affairs, if you do not eat; eating boiled meat - delays; fried - to quarrels in the family or with friends, especially if you fry yourself; see Cooking.

Dreamed of meat

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams of raw meat, this means that she will face many overwhelming events in achieving her goals. If she sees cooked meat in a dream, this is a sign that others will achieve the goal she was striving for.

The meaning of a dream about a melon

according to Freud's dream book

If you treated yourself to a melon in a dream, it means that in your intimate life you love to be pleased, naively believing that you, in turn, should not do this. Therefore, when you are tactfully given to understand what is wanted of you, it is a revelation. We can say that for you intimate relationships have become a duty, some kind of obligation that you have to work out. Learn to find pleasure in sex, and then the problems will disappear. Cutting a melon into pieces in a dream indicates that in real life you very skillfully delay the moment of orgasm for yourself and your partner, thereby prolonging the pleasure. You devote a lot of time to foreplay that stimulates orgasm, and often it does not even come to intercourse. Plus, you recover quickly.

Dreamed of a melon

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing melons in a dream means illness and unhappy risky business ventures. There are them - it means that rash actions will cause your anxiety. Seeing them growing in the garden means that your troubles will turn into good luck in the future.

Why is melon dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

see - disposition to the sleeping person; to rip off - to deprive yourself; there is - disorder, illness due to feelings; to choose is false sympathy; mistake in personal.

I dreamed about corn

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - abundance

Why do raspberries dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is a disease; seeing is a dangerous relationship.

Dreamed of raspberries

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing raspberries in a dream means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, but in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will be interested in them. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

Why is cancer dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

safe departure; big - departure far; to catch - a happy marriage, love; is - a fun life; (if there are many) - the past gossips and takes revenge; we must spit with the past and former friends; swarming - pregnancy for women; for men - the revival of old projects or affairs.

The meaning of cancer sleep

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of living cancer, it means that in real life you are worried about something intimate. Some complex prevents you from objectively perceiving yourself and your capabilities. Maybe you are not satisfied with some features of your body. Treat yourself to crayfish in a dream - such a dream promises you an acquaintance with the opposite sex with a smooth transition into a very close relationship.

I dreamed about an apple tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes splendor

Why is the apple tree dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

without apples - the news of death.

Why do peas dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

settlement in personal.

The meaning of the dream about peas

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you scattered peas, this indicates that you yourself are to blame for the quarrel with your partner. Plucking pea pods in a dream - you strive for pleasures, without delivering them to anyone and without making any effort. But you can't. If you want to have fun, give it to someone else.

Why do mushrooms dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

help through advice; (for a woman) - pregnancy; poisonous to see - a lucky break; is - long life; collect - a reward.

Why do potatoes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is - dissatisfaction; digging is a thankless job, work; in bags or in a heap - unnecessary purchases.

Why do peas dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

marriage of convenience; unprofitable business.

Dreamed of peas

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating peas means good health and increased income. For peasants and their wives, this dream portends vigorous activity. To see growing peas in a dream means successful entrepreneurship. Sowing peas is a sign that your hopes have solid foundations and will be fulfilled. To dream of harvesting peas promises you the fulfillment of plans: soon you will enjoy the fruits of your labors. Seeing canned peas - predicts that your bright hopes will be very vague for a while, but in the end you will succeed. Eating dried peas portends resentment and neglect that will follow good luck. Seeing dried peas means that you will be very tired.

Why pears dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to loss; anxiety; the pear tree is oozed from the fruit - litigation; shake off - the end of worries or labors; help from neighbors.

Dreamed of apples

according to Miller's dream book

This is a very good dream for most people. Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream. If you dream that you are eating spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well. Ripe apples on the tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true, it's time to think carefully about what you are going to do and boldly move forward. The ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to push your desires too high. Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by fake friends and flatterers. Rotten apples promise fruitless efforts.

Why is cabbage dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

failures; cabbage leaves - gossip; sadness in the family, in the personal.

Why is a watermelon dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unexpected departure or move.

The meaning of a dream about a watermelon

according to Freud's dream book

It symbolizes the peak of the highest pleasure, that is, orgasm. So, if you dreamed about how you cut a watermelon, it means that in real life you rarely reach the very peak and true pleasure from sex is not available to you. Often you have to pretend to not disappoint your partner. It's not your fault in what is happening. It is your partner's responsibility that you are unable to experience a full orgasm. Talk to him frankly and try to figure out together what the problem is. Usually, after this, men begin to pay increased attention to foreplay and ways to stimulate their partner. Plucking a watermelon in a dream - a dream suggests that in reality you easily reach orgasm and can easily help your partner experience it. There is a watermelon in a dream - a dream means that soon you will have to experience extraordinary sensations.

What the hell is dreaming about

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

elevation (for a woman); good luck for a man.

Dreamed of a horseradish

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing horseradish in a dream promises you pleasant meetings with intelligent and close-minded people. This dream also promises good luck. For a woman, this is an omen of elevation in society. There is hell - this means that you will soon become the object of someone's good-natured prank.

Why is soup dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of soup

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream about soup, expect good news and peace. If in a dream you see people eating soup, then you have a great chance to get married or get married. If a girl is preparing soup in a dream, it means that she will not have to do housework, since she will marry a wealthy man. Soup in a dream portends the sincerity of friends who will support you at the right time. Quickly cook soup in a dream - portends that you will boldly and successfully dispose of your destiny.

Why is the fork dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

resentment; drop - fright.

Dreamed of a fork

according to Miller's dream book

A fork in a dream warns that someone is preparing a small trap for you. For lovers, this dream portends separation.

The meaning of a dream about raisins

according to Freud's dream book

To see or eat raisins in a dream - you are destined to experience a small love adventure, into which you will plunge without hesitation. And although it will not have any serious continuation, you will not regret what happened.

Incredible facts

You parted a long time ago, breathed freely and continued living, forgetting about the failed romance. Suddenly one day you saw your ex-boyfriend, husband or wife in a dream.

Does this mean that you still have not experienced your breakup, or does such a dream have a deeper meaning?

Dreams about exes are, in fact, among the most common, and much more common than dreams about current partners. Moreover, they do not necessarily indicate that you are still interested in them. So why do the people you have erased from your life continue to appear in your subconscious mind?

There are several possible explanations for this phenomenon.

The ex-partner usually represents some kind of your character trait, or the quality and memory associated with that person. It can also be a symbol based on your honest memories and feelings for him or her.

But the ex can also reflect bad habit or failurewhich you are experiencing at the moment, the return of some problem and the repetition of an unpleasant situation.

If you still have feelings for your ex, the dream symbolizes the rest. attraction to this person. He can personify your desire or desire for something that is currently unattainable.

If you hated your ex, or if he threatened your safety, the dream is bad choice, regret, or negative experience that you cannot get out of.

Example 1: The girl saw an ex-boyfriend in a dream. In her memory, he remained a man who cheated on her in the past. In real life, she was faced with a situation where one of her friends was cheating on her.

Example 2: In a dream, the girl saw her ex-boyfriend and began to run away from home. In the present, she realized that her current boyfriend had many negative qualities inherent in her ex-boyfriend. She felt that she needed to try harder to find someone who would have a different character.

Example 3: A woman in a dream saw how she entered the house of her ex-husband, and she was told that he wanted to marry another girl. In real life, she lost confidence in her current partner after repeated skirmishes and quarrels. The ex-husband in a dream became a reflection of the fact that she stopped feeling love, a sense of security and devotion.

In general, son about exes represent the qualities and emotions you have experienced in the past. A casual dream about your ex doesn't necessarily mean you want to return to your ex, but more about how you view yourself in your current relationship and romantic life.

What does the former mean in a dream

There are several psychological reasons why you may dream of ex-partners.

1. You still have feelings for your ex

Do not be alarmed, because we are not necessarily talking about romantic feelings. Often, these dreams mean that you want to end the relationship. You may be feeling guilty or trying to internally work through your past relationships.

2. You are worried about whether a new relationship will develop

Chances are, dreams of your ex will come up when you start a new relationship with someone. You are comparing two partners to make sure everything goes well this time. Your psyche is trying to figure out all the pros and cons of the new chosen one.

3. Sign of a more serious problem

In most cases, dreams are symbolic rather than literal. Your senses are focused on recovering from what happened. Therefore, if you see your ex in a dream, think about why the relationship did not work out, and what could have been done differently. When you figure it out, dreams will stop appearing.

4. You still have feelings for your ex

While there are many reasons unrelated to how you feel about your ex, this can be the case too. You need to honestly admit to yourself if you would like to return to your ex, and how you will build a relationship.

5. It has to do with you, not your ex

Some experts believe that your ex represents a part of you. Perhaps you gave too much of yourself in a past relationship or neglected yourself. It can be difficult to analyze your own behavior while you were with your ex to make the changes you want.

6. You are afraid of getting burned again

Most people find it very difficult to get over a failed relationship because of the fear of repetition, especially if the breakup was painful. Sometimes a dream can even be a way to understand that new relationships are developing in the same way. You can still change the development of your new relationship in the wrong direction.

7. The former is you parting with yourself

As one could understand, the former can symbolize absolutely many things. This can be one of the ways in which your psyche tells you that you are suppressing some part of yourself and you need to understand yourself.

If so, reuniting with your ex will only make the problem worse. You need to first build a relationship with yourself before building a new relationship.

8. You try to forgive your ex after breaking up.

If the relationship ended in pain and you didn't have a chance to talk it over, the dream tries to create an opportunity for you to forgive your ex. If you want dreams to stop appearing, forgive the waking ex.

9. You miss living with your ex

The dream interpretation interprets dreams about the ex as a part of your past life that you miss. It may not be the person himself, but the house where you lived, the business you were doing, or the place that you often visit.

10. You don't feel happy

It can also be noted that the former in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality something upsets you. There is something that you need to part with in order to move on.

When the former dreamed in a dream

Seeing your ex in a dream can mean a lot of things. Pay attention to when you have a dream about a former lover, partner, or spouse.

Sleep after a recent breakup

If a breakup with your ex happened recently, you may be very impressed after the end of the romance. You can think a lot about this person, and his appearance in a dream is not surprising. This does not mean that the partner is right for you, but simply indicates that he or she is occupying all your thoughts, and you are trying to get used to the situation.

Dream about your ex if you have a new relationship

If you have a dream about your ex after you have a new relationship, your subconscious mind is trying to figure out whether the new situation will be for better or worse compared to the previous one. You ponder the positive and negative aspects of your relationship.

Dream about your ex if you have been in a relationship for a long time

Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend while in a relationship with someone can be confusing. What does it mean?

    You are in a happy relationship... If at the moment you are in a happy and harmonious relationship, then most likely you are trying to resolve some issues left over from a past relationship. However, a vivid dream about your ex may also indicate that you are not completely satisfied with your current relationship or that there is some kind of sexual incompatibility.

    You are in an unsatisfactory relationship... This is a completely different situation and suggests that the current relationship does not satisfy you, and it seems to you that the ex was more interesting and exciting. When you think about past relationships, you need to figure out why they didn't work out, as well as think about your current relationship and the reasons why you feel this way.

Seeing an ex-husband in a dream

An ex-husband is an important person in your life, so dreams about an ex-husband are very common. They usually appear when we get to the point that forces us to look at our inner emotions.

Dreams about your ex-husband can symbolize the fact that you are not completely happy in your current relationship. However, it is important to understand that every dream includes many details, based on which you can judge your true feelings. When analyzing your dream, it is also important to know whether you broke up peacefully and relatively calmly, or whether the breakup was hard.

If you broke up amicably, then the dream suggests that you are missing some components of your relationship with him, or that your current partner does not meet some of your needs.

Why is the ex-husband dreaming

    If you dreamed that you got pregnantfrom your ex-husband, you want more intimacy in a relationship.

    A dream that you returned to ex-husband, and the relationship has improved, indicates that an end has been put in your relationship.

    If the ex-husband wants to see you in a dream to return, he may, in fact, look for you, and you will meet with him.

    Sex with ex-husband may hint at your impulsiveness, because of which you cannot build relationships with other people.

    Kiss with ex-husband suggests that you tend to hide your feelings. If your ex-husband kisses you, a romantic adventure or acquaintance awaits you. The dream promises to start a new romance, but its fate is unknown.

    Drunk husband in a dream, warns of your frivolity. The dream suggests that you need to be careful, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

    Ex-husband's wedding promises changes in personal life, and maybe even renewal of relations with ex-husband. In general, such a dream has a positive meaning.

    If in a dream you saw ex-husband with new wife, an awkward situation may await you. You need to think about your actions to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    If the husband hugs you in a dreamyou lack love and intimacy in reality. If you hug your husband, then your ex-husband suffers from loneliness.

    See ex-husband young - you will have friendly relations with him.

    If you see how ex-husband crying in a dream, this suggests that you can turn to him for help, and he will help you in solving the problem or will treat your question with understanding.

    The death of the ex-husband in a dream, he says that it is time to act and start a new relationship.

Ex-wife dream

A dream about an ex-wife for a man can have different meanings depending on what kind of behavior the ex-spouse demonstrates. If she ignores you, walks by, this may mean cooling your feelings for her.

A love dream with your ex-wife, which includes hugs, kisses and a bed, suggests that your feelings for her have not completely disappeared. However, a dream can also mean that you may have a close relationship with a woman whom you have known for a long time, but did not have serious feelings for her.

Dreams about your ex-wife reflect your emotional state. It is important to know the details of the dream. If the ex-wife becomes your sweetheart in a dream, this is a symbolic dream that reminds you that you need to pay attention to your emotions in real life.

Typically, such dreams occur during periods of emotional difficulties in the current relationship.

Why is the ex-wife dreaming

    Dream about cheating ex-wife suggests that you need to move on and think hard about what you want in life. A dream about an ex-wife often occurs to fill the emotional void you are experiencing. According to the eastern dream book, betrayal of an ex-wife promises a meeting with an enemy that you do not suspect or whom you consider your friend.

    If in a dream you having sex with your wife, you are faced with a difficult decision at work or in another matter. Pleasant, satisfying sex can also be simply the epitome of finally letting go of the past and ready to commit to a new relationship.

    Quarrel with ex-wife in a dream symbolizes your inner struggle. Even if everything seems calm in your life, conflict can come from a family member or friend.

    When in a dream you see what you have child from ex-wife, we can say that in reality you will face problems that you can overcome.

    Dream that the wife wants you back in a dream means that in reality you are faced with a difficult situation in a relationship or are not sexually satisfied.

    If a ex-wife is pregnant, it bodes well for a new beginning, a new project, or ways in which you can express yourself. If the child is yours, you subconsciously want to return to your ex. If the child is a stranger, then you fully admit that the relationship has come to an end. This dream can also represent your fears or other people's frustrations with you.

    See in a dream ex-wife's weddingwho is marrying another means to put an end to her relationship with her ex-wife and her family. You need to move on and start looking for a new life partner.

    Death ex-spouse portends a big change in your life.

Dream about ex-boyfriend, man

A dream about an ex-boyfriend from the time early adolescence refers to a freer, less burdened relationship. Such a dream takes you back to a time when the responsibility of adulthood or marriage did not interfere with the spontaneity of the romance.

You need the excitement, freedom and vitality that your current relationship lacks.

If your ex boyfriend ignores or offends you in a dream, this suggests that you need to continue your life and stop thinking about your ex.

    If the ex gives you advice about your current relationship, listen to the message that is given to you in a dream. In fact, it’s your subconscious mind telling you not to repeat the mistakes you made with your ex. Your ex may apologize for their mistakes, which means you need to understand what you are looking for.

    If in a dream you see former in the store, this suggests that he has returned to the ranks of bachelors and is in search of a new partner.

    Former gives you a massage... You need to loosen up the defensive behavior you have developed as a result of past relationships. You build walls or defenses around yourself. You need to learn to trust people again.

    If the ex gives you a soft toy, you need a partner who can comfort you and take care of you. Also, such a dream may indicate that your past relationship was immature.

    If you dream that ended up in the hospital, you still can't get over the breakup. There are unresolved issues that still torment you. However, if in a dream the ex is discharged from the hospital, it means that you have completely let go of the relationship. If you see an ex in a doctor's suit, you have come to terms with the end of your relationship and were able to recover from it.

    A dream that you left the current relationship with the ex, indicates that your current love cannot be compared to your ex.

    Dream that ex you kidnapped, suggests that he still emotionally holds you and has some kind of psychological influence on you.

    You and your ex caring for a sick child... This dream means that there is something that still holds you and your ex together. Perhaps there are some unfinished business that you did not discuss. It is also possible that the dream echoes your current situation, where you are stuck in some kind of problem with your current partner.

Dream about an ex-girlfriend or woman

The appearance of an ex-girlfriend can be interpreted in different ways depending on the emotions, events and symbols that were encountered in the dream. In general, a dream about an ex-girlfriend represents the qualities and emotions that you have experienced in the past.

When these dreams occur very often, our brain informs us of the need to return this person. Often, such dreams are repeated when the relationship ended painfully and unpleasantly.

You may be angry or yearning for a failed romance and try to work through those issues in your sleep. This often happens when two people end a relationship in an unacceptable way, trying to calmly talk to each other. As a result, all emotions are relegated to the background, and we return to ordinary life. To cope with emotions, our brain dreams about the person and situations that have not been resolved.

    A meeting with an ex-girlfriend in a dream promises a new acquaintance or romantic relationship.

    Kiss ex-girlfriend in a dream - it's time to let go of the past. Your problems, which originate in the past, prevent you from acting.

    If you see an ex-girlfriend pregnant, there is a possibility that there will be some irreconcilable differences in the current relationship.

    Wedding An ex-girlfriend means the past is forever behind you and you are ready to move forward.

    Crying ex a girl can mean both trouble and surprise. You yourself may not expect other people to help you.

    If an ex-girlfriend wants to return in a dreamthen it may reflect your real desire to return your beloved, as well as memories of a past love that you cannot let go of.

Boyfriend's ex girlfriend dream

If you see your partner's ex-girlfriend or wife in a dream, this speaks of your self-doubt.

You compare yourself to her, you feel that part of her, psychologically or physically, is still present in your relationship. The dream reminds you that you should not make the same mistakes that led to the end of the relationship.

The dream ex wants to return

A dream that you returned to the ex, or he wants to return to you, does not always reflect the real situation. Such a dream may appear in response to a major change in your current relationship.

If you want ex the guy is back, the dream reflects your real desire to get it back. If you're single, it could mean that you miss the relationship and want to feel wanted.

When in a dream you really see how spend time with ex, it reminds you of the big changes coming in your current relationship. Your subconscious mind tells you to think about the past and try to understand the differences.

You can spend time with your ex in a variety of ways - hugging, massage, and even kissing - and they usually all have the same meaning. The dream says that you need to relax and get rid of distrust in order to start dating again. Your mind is trying to heal by reminding you of the good times.

At the same time the dream in which your ex misses you, wants you back and confesses his love may mean that you miss certain things in your old relationship, but not the person himself.

Kissing your ex in a dream

Why is there a dream in which you kiss with the one in the dream? The interpretation can be different depending on the plot.

If you dreamed ex-lover, this may mean that you are not satisfied with your current partner in some way. Misunderstandings and quarrels with the current partner are likely to arise.

If a kiss happened between you and former friend, it promises pleasure, pleasant events or changes for the better.

Dream of a kiss with former lover warns that you need to avoid impulsive frivolous actions, otherwise they will lead to unpleasant consequences. You may also receive unexpected news from him.

It is worth paying attention to how the kiss was. If you were kissed on the lipsyou still miss your past relationships. A kiss on the forehead talks about the remaining resentment, and kiss on my cheek hints that the former lover does not hold a grudge. A passionate kiss can indicate both the resumption of relations and problems in an intimate sense.

How did you feel after the kiss? This also matters. If a kiss caused you depressed mood, deep down you want to make up. A good mood after the kiss hints that this romance is forever in the past for you.

Former naked in a dream

Seeing a naked ex in a dream does not always make an erotic sense. Often, such a dream is only a reminder of the past and promises a meeting with a person who has not figured in your life for a long time.

According to Freud's dream book, a dream about your ex, who appeared in front of you naked, speaks of your dissatisfaction, or a lack of intimacy in a relationship.

If you interpret such a dream according to Miller's dream book, then the nakedness of the former indicates strained relations... It may be difficult for you to relax, be yourself in the presence of your partner.

Also, a naked ex in a dream can threaten you tarnished reputation... Be careful that your past misdeeds do not surface.

It is important in what context you saw your ex-lover naked.

    If you saw your ex naked on the street or in a public place, unexpected financial difficulties may await you.

    See the ex naked in the shower in a dream promises attention from the opposite sex.

    Naked view on the beach indicates your jealousy.

    Dead A naked ex can mean litigation awaits you.

    Former naked lover who crying, promises you wealth and good mood.

    If you see your ex naked and wounded or sick, you need to pay attention to your health and not expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

Former drunk in a dream

A dream about a drunken ex-lover can be a warning that unpleasant events, collisions, misunderstanding with others await you.

This is especially true of dreams where a drunken ex behaved. inadequate, aggressive, got into a fight or swore. In this case, you will have to solve problems in relationships with loved ones.

At the same time, if you saw a drunken ex-spouse or a drunk guy and high spirits, we can say that you can easily cope with any difficulties that arise.

    If the ex swears in a dream, family disputes or quarrels await you.

    Former fell asleep drunk - there is a chill in your current relationship.

    Wants to kiss you are drunk - a meeting with an unpleasant person awaits you.

    Former fighting in a dream - prepare to be disappointed with your current partner.

    If the ex drunk and shedding tearsperhaps he is looking for your support, waiting for your help in connection with the situation he is in.

The ex makes eye contact in a dream

There are several interpretations of your ex looking you in the eye in a dream. The most common explanation for gaze is deception or temptation. However, you should also consider the circumstances under which you see your ex.

According to one version, the look of an ex-boyfriend may be a harbinger of trouble that is associated with your past.

According to another interpretation, if you meet eyes with your ex, you will find a temptation that will be difficult for you to resist.

In case you look away, you can say that you feel guilty and are not ready to forgive your ex. If your partner looks away, the chances of getting your relationship back are very small.

If you dream of looking you in the eye ex girlfriend, she wants to renew the romance and is looking for meetings with you.

A dream about an ex with another

Record any feelings you had when meeting an ex with a new girlfriend or an ex with a new boyfriend. For example, an ex might get married or just start dating. The experiences that you have reflect your true feelings for him / her.

If there was a conflict between you and your ex with a new lover, you are not yet ready to move on.

Pay attention to this dream if you yourself are going to get married or get married. In this case, the dream personifies yourself and how ready you are to let go of past memories and start a new life. Perhaps mistrust and jealousy hinder you in this matter.

By miller's dream book a dream about an ex on the other suggests that you are unhappy with yourself or your personal life. By getting rid of excessive gullibility, you can build new relationships.

By freud's interpretation, such a dream can bode well with a partner if you are in a relationship. You need to trust your new lover and stop comparing him to your ex.

Version dream book of Vanga interprets this dream as a desire to find their true love.

Kiss the ex on the other has a positive value. You will either renew the old relationship, or an unexpected and pleasant acquaintance awaits you.

The former dies in his sleep

Death dreams can be frightening, especially if they involve people you have known intimately. However, do not worry, as such dreams symbolize your willingness to let go of the past and open yourself to new love.

Depending on your current personal situation, dreaming about a dead ex means just the opposite.

    If you happy in a new relationship, the dream that the ex died means that you have completely let go of the past.

    If you unhappy, sleep means that you want to return to happier times. Death as a whole symbolizes a complete ending.

    A dream about the death of your ex suggests that your feelings for him or her have completely died. The dream is a figurative representation of how you let go of the past and are ready to move on, committing yourself to a new relationship.

    If you see former in the coffin, the period of difficulties will soon end, and you will start life in a new way.

    Unexpected strange demise your ex warns you about difficult choices that will affect your future.

    If you dream of death deceased ex-husband or loved one, this marks the resolution of the internal conflict, relief after a difficult period.

Interpretation of dreams: former

Ex proposes

If the ex gives ring you or makes an offer, such a dream hints that the relationship with your ex-partner allowed you to feel whole and satisfied.

The dream marks the end and beginning of a new stage in life. You are ready to permanently leave your ex in the past. The fact that he makes an offer, and you have the choice to say "yes" or "no", indicates that the power is on your side.

The ex is cheating on you in a dream

Dreams about the betrayal of past partners symbolize a lack of trust and security in past and current relationships. Perhaps you suspect your real partner is cheating, and sleep strengthens your conviction. However, the fact that an ex is a cheater in a dream suggests that deep down you do not believe that your current partner is cheating on you.

Sex with ex

Sexual dreams involving exes reflect what is holding you back from starting a new relationship. If you are in a stable relationship and dream about having sex with your ex, then you want more passion with your current partner.

Receive a gift from your ex

Gifts from ex-partners in dreams reflect our need for attention in your present life. Pay attention to what gifts you are given, and this will tell you what kind of attention you need.

The ex is trying to kill you

In this case, consider what exactly led to the end of your relationship with your ex. When we dream that our former partner wants to kill us, it means that we feel guilty about what we did in the past. Perhaps you cheated or maybe stopped loving this person, because of which your conscience tormented you. Was he / she angry when the relationship ended? Or maybe the former partner used physical force? Then the dream is a reflection of the past.

The ex haunts you in your sleep

A dream abduction tells you that you need to deal with your past burden from a previous relationship.

Quarrel with ex

This dream points you to some of the problems in the past, by solving which you can better cope with your current situation. If you are still single and not looking for a relationship, your subconscious mind reminds you of the reasons for your loneliness.

The ex hurts you or kills you

If your ex has never used physical force, such actions in a dream have a symbolic meaning. They reflect how he / she killed part of your feelings and heart.

Accident with ex

If you dream about how your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend got into a car accident or were shot, such a dream suggests that you still care about the fate of your ex. If similar events, in fact, took place in the past, this reflects your inner fear, which prevents you from opening up to your beloved.

The former is sick in a dream

If you dream that your ex is sick or in the hospital, you are caring for him / her, this dream reflects your attempts to cope with the breakup and heal yourself. Illness symbolizes your heartache.

Ex crying in his sleep

What you feel in your dream is important for interpretation. You feel revenge or sadness when you see him or her cry. You may also feel proud and happy that this person misses you, or you want to return to him / her because you don't want to see him or her cry.

If you dream ex-girlfriend or wife your partner, it suggests that you are comparing yourself to your ex. The dream reminds you that you should not make the same mistakes that led to the end of the relationship.

The former comes in a dream: meaning by day of the week

The interpretation of a dream about an ex-husband, boyfriend or wife, girlfriend also largely depends on the day the dream had.



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