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Bryusov about the universe. "In the depths of the secret universe", analysis of Bryusov's poem, composition

© A.B.Filimonov, B.P. Filimonov
© State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga
Section "Research of scientific creativity of K.E. Tsiolkovsky"
2011 r.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. in the circles of writers and poets, more and more the topic of the search for brothers in reason sounded. The belief that somewhere out there in the vast expanses of the universe there are other civilizations similar to ours inspired Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov.

Being one of the main representatives of symbolism, V.Ya. Bryusov, at the dawn of his career, addressing scientists, said: "I will be a companion of your space disputes."

Bryusov realized his promise in a number of "scientific" poems. The most famous of them is "The world of the electron":

Maybe these electrons

Worlds where there are five continents ...

Their measures are small, but still the same

Their infinity, as here.

A poetic response to the ideas of the multidimensional geometries of Lobachevsky and Riemann was Bryusov's poem "The World of N Dimensions", where the poet tried to supplement dry mathematical conclusions with fantastic conjectures about the population of other dimensions.

But they live, live in dimensions

Whirlwinds of waves, cyclones of thought, those

Who are we funny with our children's eyesight,

With our step along the same line!

Our suns, stars, everything in space,

All infinity, where the light was wingless,

Only festoon in that festive decoration,

Than their world hid its proud appearance.

An equally important place was taken by Bryusov's theme of man as a conqueror of nature, a tireless worker and an inspired creator. The heroic image of the man-builder formed the basis of the odic poem "Praise to Man" (1906). Since then, concern about the fate of man on Earth and in the universe has not left the poet. Moreover, she received from Bryusov his characteristic constructive form, led him to a kind of planetary rationalization proposals. “Humanity,” Bryusov wrote, “while spending its life like a careless youth: the best proof of the youth of the earth! How many immediate tasks before mankind, all understandable, simplest, not to mention more complex! It is necessary to irrigate deserts on the ground, drain swamps, insulate cold countries, dig canals: the area of \u200b\u200buseful soil would multiply tenfold! ... And what has mankind done to take a worthy position in the family of inhabitants of our solar system? " It is easy to understand how far from decadent individualism such thoughts took Bryusov.

In 1895-99 V. Ya. Bryusov worked on a relatively small work - the novel "Mountain of the Stars". It was conceived as an adventure game with elements of mysticism and fantasy. The manuscript of Star Mountain remained in the desk (it was first published in 1975). Instead, Bryusov published other lines that fully fit into the stereotype formed by the efforts of the then intelligentsia:

I'm waiting to finally see the shiny ball

Like a small point, lost in the lights,

Flying in a way planned to another earth,

To recreate the brotherhood in scattered worlds.

In the story Night Journey (1913), the hero, together with the Devil himself, goes on a journey to one of the planets in the constellation Orion. The unfinished play "The World of Seven Generations" (written in 1923, first published in 1973) also takes place in outer space. The plot unfolds on an inhabited comet approaching the Earth, whose inhabitants are faced with a dilemma: should a less developed civilization sacrifice itself for the sake of a more perfect one.

In the mature period of Bryusov's work, his passionate and excited attitude to scientific knowledge and technological progress in the present and his dream of immeasurable achievements of science in the future were reflected in his poetry even more vividly and consistently. Suffice it to refer at least to those poems of Bryusov, in which he glorifies aviation or, rising to true lyricism, expresses the hope for rapprochement with the hypothetical inhabitants of neighboring planets (Who is, 1908; Son of the Earth. 1913, Children's Hope, 1914; etc.) ...

In our time, when a human genius managed to pave the first paths into outer space, one cannot but recall with what enthusiasm, with what stubborn and ardent faith Bryusov thought about establishing a connection between the "small Earth" with other distant worlds, her "sisters" in the universe:

And son of the earth, one of the countless,

I throw a verse into the endless, -

To those beings, bodily or disembodied,

That they think that they live in other worlds.

I don't know how my call will reach its destination

I don't know who will bring my greetings,

But, if they loved and grieved,

But, if they dreamed in their turn

And with greedy thought they plunged into secrets,

Watching the rays burning in the distance -

My passionate sigh, rushing from the ground!

“Is interplanetary communication even possible? - wrote Bryusov. In any case, there is nothing in them, in the idea, that contradicts the data of science. Maybe "travel" from Earth to another planet is unlikely due to the fact that it would take too much time (which creates too many technical difficulties: the need to carry a huge supply of oxygen, food, water). But the wireless telegraph opens up broad prospects for "negotiations." If humanity, instead of wars, devoted its energies to such a cause, perhaps we would have already managed to catch the "signals" of other worlds as the receivers of exceptional power. That so little we have done so little in this direction puts us on a low stage of development among the inhabitants of the universe. However, the inhabitants of other planets have not yet managed to declare themselves in a certain way - the Earth: this, to some extent, justifies us. This passage, testifying to the direction of Bryusov's interests, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe very style of Bryusov's thinking, which has no analogies among the poets of his circle.

The last science fiction work of Bryusov is the story "The First Interplanetary Expedition", which tells about the flight to Mars. The writer worked on this story in 1920–21, and it was published only in 1976.

When mankind first entered space, Bryusov's poems written 40-50 years ago were much more adequate than the poetic responses of our other contemporaries, were adequate to the feelings and thoughts that overwhelmed modern mankind. Despite suffering and death, he affirms the greatness of Man, whose thought and deed know no barriers. And in the poet's verses, burned by an insatiable passion for knowledge of the world, for creativity, life - one of the undoubted sources of our today's movement:

Sang over a generation

Flaming copper your challenge

Signing that body sluggishness

We must overcome by will.

Our century again believed in Daedalus,

His stern face lifted

And measured with a dead compass

The possibility of impossible dreams.

May the mighty whirlwind triumph

Cut the wings of the ship

And down there, in the breakthroughs of the clouds,

The Earth turns blue and glides.

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov - Russian poet, literary critic, historian, playwright, translator, prose writer, founder of Russian symbolism. In the second half of the 90s of the nineteenth century, as a young poet, Bryusov became close to the symbolist poets, and in 1899 he united supporters of the "new art" in the publishing house "Scorpio". In 1900, the collection The Third Guard was published. The poem "Into the depths of the secret universe" was created in the same 1900, but it was not included in the collection.

In this work, the author raised the topic of the problem of preserving the cultural values \u200b\u200bof mankind... The poem figuratively represents the work of generations who are striving to regain what their ancestors owned and to increase this wealth. The central image in the poem is sea monsters, it is they who concentrate the ideological meaning of the work.

The poem "Into the depths of the secret universe" is made in the tradition of symbolism, one of the largest trends in art, characterized by the use of symbolism, hints, mystery and mystery. The energy of the word and the special intuition that the author feels are put into the lines of his creation.

The artistic medium in this work is a symbol - a monster taken from the bottom of the sea. It is fixed in the element of artistic speech and in its image is based on a polysemantic poetic word. Poetry becomes a form of thinking, it begins to play with meaning. The author uses a symbol that carries the secrets of humanity, and at the same time, poetic ambiguity.

Although the poem consists of only two stanzas, its content is not affected by the size. In the first part, the author describes how humanity throws with "Mortal boat" gold nets in "Dark waters of centuries"... Networks are a symbol of using history, experience, knowledge to extract from the ocean of centuries "Treasures"... In the second stanza, we already observe that in the boat in which the human race is located, the number of these "Treasures" - the heritage of ancestors, forming a whole bulk.

The main purpose of the tropes in the poem is metaphor - to create this figurative meaning of the symbols used: the depths of the universe, the waters of centuries, we throw golden nets, sea monsters, we get out of strong bonds, huge treasures grow.

The sound of the poem itself is of great importance for the expression of symbols. In the construction of the verse, the author turned to the two-syllable poetic size trore, using cross rhyme by position in the stanza and feminine rhyme by syllable volume, when the stress falls on the penultimate syllable of each line.

The poem "In the depths of the secret universe" can be attributed to civic lyrics. Bryusov in the traditional lyric poetic genre declared the direction of symbolism. It determined the style of the era during which the author worked on his works. The poet's creation is imbued with the spirit of mystery and mysticism.

The beginning of Russian Symbolism is considered the beginning of the Silver Age of Russian poetry. And although this trend originated in Europe, it was in Russia that it reached its peak. The Russian symbolist poet Valery Bryusov introduced something completely new, original sound, the frequent use of metaphors and allegories. The poet was a creator who glorified artistic and spiritual personal values.

Poetic images seem to rise above reality, are embodied by the author in a musical form. With his talent, Bryusov exposed in these images the eternal correspondences and interconnections of the world, which are reflected in our consciousness, thus shedding light on the secrets that lead us to Truth.

  • "To the Young Poet", analysis of Bryusov's poem
  • "Sonnet to Form", analysis of Bryusov's poem
  • "First Snow", analysis of Bryusov's poem
  • "Woman", analysis of Bryusov's poem
Literature grade 8. Textbook-reader for schools with in-depth study of literature Collective of authors

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

The name of V. Ya. Bryusov is already well known to you. This wonderful poet was one of the most educated people of his time. He believed that the cultural values \u200b\u200baccumulated by mankind over the entire period of its existence are the most important property of people. He was very worried about the problem of preserving the cultural values \u200b\u200bof mankind. In 1900, at the very beginning of the new century, he wrote a poem, figuratively representing the labor of generations striving not only to increase the achievements of their ancestors, but also to regain what these ancestors owned.

Think about what artistic image is central in this poem, how it concentrates the ideological meaning. Pay attention to the combination of metaphors and symbols in the poem.

"Deep in the secret universe ..."

Deep in the secret universe

Into the waters of the darkest centuries

We throw the mortal from the boat

Gold nets.

And from strong bonds we are glad

Get out sea monsters

And the masses grow in the canoe

Accumulated treasures.

Questions and tasks

1. Explain why the mined "treasures" the author calls "monsters", as it relates to the first two lines of the poem.

2. Make a rhythmic diagram of the poem. Establish a connection between logical stress and rhythm. Explain the intonation pauses.

3. Prepare an expressive recitation of the poem by heart.

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II. Valery Bryusov [**] (Strict teacher and disobedient, but grateful

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Valery Bryusov Adelaide Gertsyk. Poems. SPb., 1910 Ts. 75 kopecks. - Teffi. Seven lights. Ed. "Rosehip". SPb., 1910 Ts. 1 R. Ms. Gertsyk is looking for her own way in art. Its rhythms, its language, its images are peculiar. She likes to look more for the musicality of verse in its freedom than in

Literature lesson in grade 8

Teacher N.N. Bochkova.

Topic: The basis of literature - national tradition

(Valery Bryusov "Into the depths of the secret universe ...")

Tasks:TDTs (triune didactic goal):

A) educational:

To foster love for native literature, the artistic word as an object of art, love for the cultural heritage of ancestors, foster a civic sense of responsibility for the preservation and enhancement of this wealth

B) training:

To form the skills of linguistic analysis of a literary text,identification of its artistic potential, to consolidate the concept of literary tradition, its features on the example of a poem by V.Ya.Bryusov.

C) developing:

To intensify the cognitive, research activities of students, their creative abilities, to develop imaginative thinking and ways of displaying it in different types of activities (in particular, drawing), the emotional sphere of students.

Lesson type: research lesson, analytical reading

Lesson technologies: variable learning technology, analytical reading as a creative activity

During the classes

Lesson stage and its purpose

Teacher activity

Student activities

Use of visual material

I. Organizational moment, psychological attitude of students, goal-setting

Introductory speech of the teacher. Setting goals.

Attitude of students to the lesson

Portrait of V.Ya.Bryusov, (a small presentation about the poet of the Silver Age, prepared by students is possible)

2. Conversation in pairs.

Focuses on literary concepts: literary tradition, image, symbol, types of two-syllable verse sizes

Working with a dictionary and speaking in pairs of literary terms and concepts.

3. Incoming control

Oral survey on the glossary of terms and on the teacher's questions (answer one representative from the group (row).

Main questions:

1. How do you understand what the literary process is.

2. Name the factors with which the literary process in Russia is closely related (folklore and spiritual literature)

3. How has the Russian national tradition influenced the literary process?

Based on the results of the answers and depending on the feeling of the strength of their knowledge on the stated topic, the teacher proposes to take a place in one or another group

Verbal answers to questions.

Mutual evaluation of responses with short comments

Choosing your group (one of 3 levels)

4. Analysis of literary text

Introductory remarks about V. Brusov. Then the teacher offers to refer to the text of the poem (the day before it was set by heart). Analytical reading, during which students must answer the questions posed for discussion:

1. Explain why the mined "treasures" the author calls "monsters"? - 3rd group

2. What artistic image in the poem can be considered central? How does he concentrate the ideological meaning? -2 group

3. How are metaphors and symbols combined in a poem? Make a rhythm chart. Establish a connection between logical stress and rhythm. Explain intonation pauses. -1 group

Pupils' perception of literary text.

Work in groups of varying degrees of difficulty. Group leaders' responses. Comments of opponents from other groups.

Writing abstracts by all students.

Mutual evaluation.

Poetic echoes
Valery Bryusov

The leader of the Symbolists, Valery Bryusov, treated Lokhvitskaya with undisguised antipathy. “I don’t remember now where (either in Truda or Russkoye Obozreniye) I saw Lokhvitskaya’s poem The Dream,” he writes in a letter to P.P. Pertsov from June 14, 1895 - “I was a butterfly in a dream, and you were a moth. We hugged and flew away. " At the same time, it is reliably known that Ms. Lokhvitskaya, in fact, did not see this in a dream. What remains of the whole poem? Expressions: morning, butterfly, roses, "like a young dream", moth and azure? It is bad that a "poetic dictionary" has been compiled; combining his words, they get something that we call a poem. "

“There is too much novelty and too much old in it,” he wrote to Pertsov later. Apparently, he is inclined to explain the novelty exclusively by outside influence.

In a letter to Pertsov dated July 19, 1896, Bryusov says that the “Balmont school” began to form in Russian poetry, to which Lokhvitskaya also belongs. About two years later (in January 1898) in a letter to Balmont, he writes: “Here is a new collection of Mirra Lokhvitskaya. I agree, I concede - a lot is not bad here. But here I am, who does not write poetry, I propose to write a poem on any topic no different from these, such that you recognize it as not different, just as "not bad, good." All this is a stencil, new stencils of poetry, all the same gods of Olympus, the same Cupids, Psishi, Iovish, but in new clothes. No, this is not necessary, not this. Better not to write. " Balmont at this time was completely delighted with the poetry of Lokhvitskaya, his admiration was fully shared by Prince A.I. Urusov is a connoisseur and lover of new French poets. Bryusov, however, recognizes the merits of Lokhvitskaya with great reluctance.

It is noteworthy that in his diaries he gives her a slightly higher rating than in letters: "However, her last poems are good," he writes in November 1897.

A little later, giving a humorous characterization of modern poetry in the form of biblical prophetic lamentations ("Woe to you, Russian literature! ..."), he puts Lokhvitskaya in a row with decadents - Balmont, Gippius and others, contrasting "his" "insignificant poet Fedorov and ... Rathaus" ...

He studies her creativity quite seriously. Its archive contains four volumes of Lokhvitskaya's poems (two - with the poet's dedication). Individual verses are underlined. To the poem "At noon" in volume III, he even ascribes a stanza from himself. Unfortunately, it is impossible to read it - Bryusov uses abbreviations, but it is known that he considered this poem one of the most powerful in Lokhvitskaya, and it is really difficult to argue with this.

Judging by the diary entries, humanly Lokhvitskaya is unsympathetic to him: he is too picky about her appearance and demeanor. During the life of Lokhvitskaya, only one review of Bryusov appeared in print - on her IV volume. “The numbering of Ms. Lokhvitskaya's three collections can be changed without a noticeable difference. In the IV volume of her poems, the same themes, the same methods, the same soul, as in the two previous ones. Isn't it boring for a poet to repeat himself? And what is the point in this multiplication of identical verses, even if they are sonorous? "

The response is rather strange: in volume IV, Lokhvitskaya just declares a departure from previous motives and turns to religious and philosophical topics. Naturally, this is not close to Bryusov, but if the poetess can be blamed for something, then it certainly is not in self-repetition. However, with the light hand of Bryusov, this thesis was firmly established in literary criticism for a long time. Stylistically, in Volume IV there is a noticeable strengthening of the rhetorical tendency, which is just close to Bryusov himself - but for some reason he does not notice this. It is clear that he wants to say: "It is not worth reading, it is not interesting."

Bryusov did not respond to the death of Lokhvitskaya. The 9th issue of "Libra" for 1905 contains only a short message about her death (one line). Undoubtedly, it looked like a sign of “official” non-recognition. However, it cannot be said that this event passed unnoticed for Bryusov.

Of great interest is the draft of Lokhvitskaya's obituary, entitled "In Memory of a Witch", stored in his archive. Judging by the abundance of edits and variations, Bryusov carefully considered this article. In its first lines, he very accurately, and most importantly, very atypically for modernist criticism, defines the main meaning of the poet's work: "The work of Lokhvitskaya is an unchanging, unquenchable longing for the unearthly, unearthly." And it is precisely the search for liberation from the "shackles of being" that explains her initial appeal to love themes: "Lokhvitskaya glorified passion for the brightness of her moments, liberating" amid the dullness "of life ... But already in the second volume of her poems ... other ways of liberation begin." Next comes outright falsification. "Other ways", according to Bryusov, lead to the witches' sabbath and further to hell, to Satan. The obituary ends eerily: “There is no return from this path. Whoever crosses this line must stay forever in that country. Lokhvitskaya did everything that ... ”- further completely illegible. The poems that he quotes: "At noon", "Murgit", "Sorceress" - really belong to Lokhvitskaya's best (although his choice is very tendentious in terms of content). In the context of everything that Bryusov himself wrote in those years about the "creation of life" and with this understanding of the end of the earthly path of the poetess, he should have publicly honored her memory, since it turned out that it was she who fulfilled his cherished aspirations. However, for some reason he did not.

Only seven years later, in the critical collection Distant and Close, he published another note about Lokhvitskaya, called an “obituary”. It is possible that he did it under pressure from Balmont, who wrote to him in a letter: "It is impossible to publish a review of poets, in which you include all sorts of nameless rubbish ... and not give characteristics of such true bright colors as Lokhvitskaya." Probably, in the original version of the book there was no note about Lokhvitskaya. Nevertheless, the assessment that Bryusov gives to the poet's work in it is quite high. For artistry, her "songs of sin and passion" are rated above all. The article ends with the words: "For a future anthology of Russian poetry, it will be possible to choose from Lokhvitskaya's poems 10-15 truly impeccable, but an attentive reader will always be excited and carried away by the inner drama of the soul, captured by it in all its poetry." As a matter of fact, "10-15 truly flawless poems" in the anthology of Russian poetry (without specifying the era) is something that only a first-class poet can claim.

Against the background of such a skeptical attitude towards the poetry of Lokhvitskaya, Bryusov the critic is especially striking that Bryusov the poet often re-sings her poems. Often these overhauls are downright sadistic. It is completely incomprehensible why he continues to create them even years after the death of the poetess.

If you look closely, you can see that at the time of maturity between Bryusov and Lokhvitskaya there is a certain commonality of style: the desire for laconicism, sonorous rhetoric. It is interesting that Bryusov writes his article "In Memory of a Witch" just at the time when he himself begins work on the novel "The Fiery Angel", which also contains many allusions to the poetry of Lokhvitskaya.

In a word, the suspicion arises that the main reason for his negative attitude is the desire to hide his own (in fairness, let's say: partial) dependence on her - what the very young Tsvetaeva wrote about:

I forgot that your heart is only a night light,

Not a star! I forgot about it

That your poetry is from books,

And out of the envy of the critic. Early old man

You again me for a moment

Seemed like a great poet.



The summer Violet, languishing in the drought, perished in the forest And to the sky with the prayer of the latter, Its petals turned ... A harsh cloud across the sky Without a drop of rain swept And lightning like a flash of mighty Gloomy snaked through the mob. But she felt sorry for the dying flower in the green grove And droplets of icy moisture Fell over the poor violet. Wed verse. "Aster"

* * *

O Vestal, O lily of God, Pale youthful dream of a dream. This is me between the shadows of darkness. This is me at the door. I am exhausted, I am all exhausted, I am powerless, I am dead of desires ... Oh! everything around is in a crimson fog, Oh! ringing around. Come out! Come meet me! I am languishing, I am waiting, I am standing! I will bind you with my hands, I will meet with wild laughter! And we will shudder and we will fall, And, weeping, we will entwine like snakes, On the cold floor of the gallery In the twilight of the night. O vestal! In a tired dream, I will feel your throat, I will squeeze it passionately, and everything will be over with a groan. 1895 cf. verse. "The Vestal's Dream", "The Magic Wand".

K. Balmont

Your poems are like a random ray Over the eternal abyss of darkness. And now - a painful secret Flowers sparkled in the darkness. Submissive to the imperious radiance, They burn and waver, And go into the distance, with a light cloth Weaving colors and lights. But the wind will tremble, swooping, Patterns will whine and tear. And the same ray, trembling and melting Powerlessly, will fall into the abyss. Wed verse. "My soul is like a pure lotus ...",

Priestess of the Moon

1. On your sleepy smile The moonlight slipped, Imperious, affectionate, in love, He whispered your call. Above your sleepy smile, the Moonbeam has bewitched, Imperious, affectionate, in love, He kissed you. And hearing the call of spells, Like native voices, - You turned your eyes to Hecate with Darkness. Hearing the vague call of spells, Filled with pale light, You turned the dead lips to Hecate. In the thirst for affection, in the thirst for passion All of you are a mystery, all of you are a lie. You are in power with the lunar forces, You betray your body to God. In a thirst for affection, in a thirst for passion, That I kiss you! Astarte has you in power, you are her, you are not mine. 1904 2. The ruler of heavenly words, He, - He noted You in the earthly crowd, - Only those hours does your spirit live, When He reigns, it is dead and light. The lord of heavenly words, Thoth, Called you into his sacred host: Keeping the mysterious sequence, You follow the alternating month. The day comes, the moment comes: Recognizing the cherished omens, You renew your vows to the Night God of secret books. The day comes, the moment comes: You are in the host of priestesses, in an unearthly temple, You kiss the dead, bright face with Your scarlet lips. You are alien to our world, Tailing jealously the signs of Thoth, And in the noise of the day you are always Possessed by a prophetic slumber. You are alien to our world, Where Isis blindly rules. Between us - eternal enmity, Between us - an ancient offense. Wed verse. "Union of Magicians" ("Priestess of the Moon"), "Sonnambula".


Astarte! Astarte! And you laughed, In hell, you marked us with your sign, And the horrors of torture were forgotten as a little, And the joy of hopes opened up like smoke. One thing is left for me - to draw closer, to merge, To stick together with my lips, like to hang in bunches, To touch the shrines with the hand of the blasphemer, To intertwine with my whole body in the Hephaestus net. Give me pale hands, where are the ulcers of the crucifix! Give me poor chest where the spear has stuck! I want to kiss the edges of the shroud, Your body rebelled from the grave! The queen of desires, who brought souls From the abyss of Irkalla to the fiery light! to you, neoblastic, we are childishly obedient, And the bed is like a temple, and love is like a vow! Heavenly Astarte, the harbinger of the morning, Above us shining night and day, I am a dark-eyed priest, with a dark-haired sister, And I sing a psalm night and day. July 28-30, 1905 Wed verse. "Spell of the XIII century."

In the crypt

You are prostrated in a tomb in a crown of myrtle. I kiss the moonlight on your face. The circle of the moon is seen through the lattice windows, In the clear sky, as above us, the secret of silence. Behind you, at the head of the bed, is a crown of wet roses, In your eyes, like pearls, a drop of old tears. The moonbeam caressing the roses, the pearls silver, The moonlight goes around the marble of the old slabs. What do you see, what do you remember in your deep sleep? Shadows dark all lower to me. I came to your tomb through the black garden, Lemurs guard me viciously at my door. I know, I know, I won't be alone for long. The moonlight makes its circular path measuredly. You are motionless, you are beautiful in a crown of myrtle. I kiss the heavenly light on your face. 1905. Cf. verse. "Under the cross".


We are on the swell of the Ocean, White shadows - we swing, We smile at the caress of the sun, We catch the secrets of the starry night, We catch the moon spells Hidden by the haze of fog - And we open our arms to all those seduced by the abyss. 1905 cf. verse. "Nereid".


In the universe, terrible and huge, You were - like a leaf in a waterfall, You wandered as a homeless wanderer, * With sorrowful amazement in your eyes. You could breathe only love, But love concealed sorrow and torment. Oh, how quickly the outstretched hands were stained with blood! You were waiting for everyone's share - greedily. ** All insults, like a child, forgave, But mercilessly sharp, countless stings stuck into you. And now you are thrown on the stones, Like a flower, ground by a stream. *** Poor blade of grass, you are close to me - Past carried away by Rock! September - November 1907 Wed verse. * "Wedding wreath", ** "She and he." *** "The power of dreams is given ...",


Caressing mystery and tired Give goodbye to deceive! A full rose, a scarlet rose Stay above my dream! I kiss wearily In anticipation of melancholy Rose gently tilted Fire petals. Like a bee, I thrust a sting Into a sweet-smelling flower, Full roses, scarlet roses I drink spicy juice. Night floats, already through the curtains The thrill of the day enters. The terrible hour in which you will disappear from me is near. Oh! How few moments were How short every moment was. To a full rose, to a scarlet rose, Intoxicated I clung. The other and the third petal Die out in the hot caress of the lips ... The night floats. In the cold light You are stretched out like a corpse. 1908 cf. verse. "To the poet" (1).


Move over, girl, on the couch: There is not enough room for two. The touch of your skin and the fluff of your hair are pleasant to your fingers. Around all are crowned with roses, Slaves carry cups of wine ... But through the fragrant smoke I drink the aroma alone. What are roses? Their smell is accidental, And the aroma of wine is bitter, But the eternal sinner, unrepentant, I drink your warm smell to the bottom. What divides us? - some fabrics! I hear the body's warmth Through them and the poison of fragrances I catch with my nostrils on the fly. I foresee: August, losing his cloudy mind, will give a conventional sign. Torches will fade and at once Will cover the muddy darkness. Oh, do not I scream with my whole body Hands, chest, tongue, With my whole being cold - What is hidden in your smell. It is caustic, it is scorchingly sharp It will enter my mouth, it will enter my spirit, We will be entwined like sisters, One thrill will be in two. I will breathe in and drink your scent, I will drink your moisture ... I swear, I swear by the great oath. I am yours! Or maybe I'm yours? 1910 cf. verse Wed. verse. "To the poet" (1).


Pray for festive roses, Pray for pure lilies, For dragonflies flying in the summer, For ghosts seen in thunderstorms, For everything useless - pray. Yes, the supreme grace does not pass the Beautiful visions of nature. Love for Beauty may not perish! May the Dreamer be welcomed under the banner of freedom! There is a secret value in unnecessary Dreams and flowers and shrines, And souls, without pearl clouds Wither like palms in deserts! Not! There is little freedom and brotherhood, And the mystery of happiness is so shaky! In the temple, he performs sacrilege, Who destroys earthly wealth - Dream, beauty and smiles! Chu! Whirlwind in flying thunderstorms, That our day is buzzing: "Beware!" Dragonflies on the vines will perish ... Pray for fiery roses, Pray for white lilies. 1917

Roses, lilies, dragonflies are quite recognizable allusions to Lokhvitskaya's lyrics, especially early ones.

But how unnatural it is when “thrice Roman” (“will, ox, wolf”) - in the words of Tsvetaeva - Bryusov suddenly appears as an apologist for sentimentality.

* * *

In the eerie stars, in the bright shine, the night over the distance passed, Strictly nip to the curtain Two ebony wings. Twilight soars, twilight knits the thoughts of the day lived. Looks into the soul, will soon say: I am with you, hear me. ……………………………… Black gloom, damned guest, Here in Italy, always Dumas, clasped by the paw of the beast, Doze in horror of shame. Only in the light is the eagle's gaze To the sky the mind is destined - Will - the depths of Night, life and times are disastrous. 1922 cf. verse.


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