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How to be decisive and confident. How to be confident in yourself: advice from a psychologist, practical recommendations

In a given situation. True, feeling uncertainty is justified - this is one thing, and another thing when a person doubts everything constantly. can easily ruin a person's life. If this state of affairs does not suit you, and you are thinking about how to become a confident person, then you can still fix it.

Three types of behavior

There are three main types of behavior:

  1. Aggressive.
  2. Passive.
  3. Confident.

An aggressive person humiliates people and infringes on their interests. Such a person tries to achieve his goal no matter what. Those around, naturally, do not accept such a person and try to avoid.

A passive person, on the contrary, concedes in everything to other people, thus infringing upon his own interests. Such an individual gives society the right to decide everything for itself, and as a result does not achieve its goals.

The behavior of a confident person is significantly different from the above types of behavior. man, what are his characteristic differences can be distinguished? Self-confident person:

Doesn't solve all issues at the expense of other people;

He achieves his goals without affecting the interests of others;

People are always drawn to such a person;

A confident person often experiences mental comfort;

He brings a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive into the life of others;

Such an individual expresses his thoughts without offending the interlocutor.

How to become confident and successful based on these theses? Psychologists advise, first of all, to start with the body. Be sure to watch your gestures, posture, posture. Do not slouch, do not lower your head, but, on the contrary, always walk with your shoulders straightened and with your head held high. When communicating with the interlocutor, look directly, and not at the floor or around.

A very important element for developing self-confidence is, of course, the voice, as well as the rate of speech. How to become a confident person with the right speech? It is very important that your voice is firm, even and calm. Control it even when you are angry. The rate of speech should not be fast, no hesitation and words such as "well", "like", "you know", etc.

Self-esteem is another significant aspect. How to become a confident person? Boost your self-esteem! High (but in no way will help a person become much more successful in many areas of life. Unfortunately, many people have low self-esteem. They are used to focusing on their failures and very quickly forget their achievements. It will be good to keep a diary where you are You will record your successes, even the smallest ones, After some time you will find in your journal quite a few goals achieved.

As practice shows, women most often suffer from self-doubt. and confident? We advise you to analyze first your attitude towards yourself, and then towards others. Think about how you communicate and how you feel, what is preventing you from being confident. Remember, your self-image should not be constantly changing due to negative assessments of your behavior or other failures.

Systematic work on yourself will definitely help you become a self-confident person, improve the quality of your life.

Forgiveness is different from reconciliation. If reconciliation is aimed at a mutual "deal", which is achieved through bilateral interest, then forgiveness is achieved only through the interest of the one who asks for forgiveness, or forgives.

Many people have learned from their own experience that the power of positive thinking is great. Positive thinking allows you to achieve success in any business, even the most hopeless. Why does not everyone have a positive mindset, since it is a direct path to success?

If someone calls you selfish, that is definitely not a compliment. This makes it clear that you are paying too much attention to your own needs. Selfish behavior is unacceptable to most people and is considered immoral.

There are times when a series of problems falls on a person and a black streak comes in life. It feels like the whole world has rebelled against him. How to get out of a losing streak and start enjoying life again?

There are over seven billion people on Earth. All of them are unique and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in a set of psychological traits. There is a category of people who easily communicate with strangers, easily fit into unfamiliar companies and know how to please almost any person. Such people are more successful in their personal life and career than others. Many people want to become just such people, a kind of “soul of the company”. Today we will talk about what to do to please people and become a more successful person.

Conflicts can arise everywhere, regardless of the people around and the circumstances. An angry boss or unscrupulous subordinates, demanding parents or dishonest teachers, grandmothers at bus stops or angry people in public. Even a conscientious neighbor and a dandelion grandmother can cause a lot of conflict. How to get out of the conflict correctly without incurring damage - moral and physical - and will be discussed in this article.

It is impossible to imagine a modern person who is not subject to stress. Accordingly, each of us is in such situations every day at work, at home, on the road, some sufferers do experience stress several times a day. And there are people who constantly live in a stressful state and do not even know about it.

Life is a strange and complex thing that can throw dozens of troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. In the event that the lesson was incomprehensible, life will collide with it again and again. And many people take this literally, making life difficult for themselves! But sometimes you shouldn't put up with certain things while looking in those life lessons! What specific situations should be stopped?

Everything seems dull and gray, close people are annoying, work enrages and there is a wash, that all life is going downhill. In order to change your own life, you do not have to do something supernatural and difficult. Sometimes the simplest and most accessible actions for everyone can significantly increase energy levels and make you feel much better. Try to implement 7 effective practices in your life that will drastically change your life for the better.

Each person wants to radiate confidence so that the people around him have no doubts that he knows his worth and is able to cope with most tasks. This is important not only for the stronger sex, but also for beautiful ladies. Unfortunately, people do not always have self-confidence, so it must be formed. For some, it is enough to read books or go to trainings, but sometimes the help of a specialist is needed. Below we will talk about how to become a confident and intelligent woman, we will consider tips.

Find your favorite activity

How to become a confident woman? The psychologist's advice sounds like this - do what you really like. One of the mistakes most women make is taking on the role of earner. No, it will be great if a woman can get a good salary and do what she likes. But if you have to go to work in a bad mood every time just because it brings a lot of money, this is a reason to think.

After all, if a woman does what she likes, her mood will always be positive, she will be able to achieve success and develop herself. There will be an incentive for further development, and there will be a thirst for success, which will help a woman feel confident in her abilities.

Stop trying to live up to the norm

People who are insecure are constantly striving to achieve the generally accepted (in their opinion) indicators of "normality". In fact, they are wrong - there are simply no such parameters. This concept is different for everyone, and in this way they try to meet the expectations of other people. Psychologists give the following advice. How to be confident in yourself? To learn, first of all, to pay attention not to what makes a woman "normal", but to what is important for this woman and her family.

Learn to analyze your behavior

How to be confident in yourself? The next advice of a psychologist: do not engage in self-condemnation, but look at how you behave from the outside. When a person manages to objectively analyze his behavior, then he has the opportunity to develop and grow as a person.

Accept flaws

One of the signs of insecure women is paying a lot of attention to negative (in their opinion) character traits or flaws in appearance. After all, for someone, what upsets you the most is virtue. How to be confident in yourself? Psychological advice recommends learning to accept yourself for who you are.

An important point: you need to not just tell yourself that you have short legs or a quiet voice, but do nothing, but look for positive sides. Short legs? But there will be no problems in public transport! Quiet voice? With it, you quickly calm those around you. It is this positive approach that will help women become more confident.

Look beautiful

Most of the advice on how to become self-confident in female psychology is about appearance, because it is important for women of all ages to look good. Therefore, most of us can spend more than one hour in front of a mirror. And the first sign that a woman is unsure of herself is her unkempt appearance.

Experts note that buying new things (especially bright colors) cheers you up, a smile appears on your face, and your gait becomes flying. Therefore, the next advice from psychologists on how to be confident is to take care of your appearance. This does not mean that you only need to buy fashionable items and spend all your salary on the purchase of cosmetics. In everything, measure is needed, the task is to be not only beautiful, but also elegant. Study fashion trends, figure out what suits you specifically, do not be afraid to try on different looks - all this will help create the image of a stylish and successful lady.

Pay attention to body language

How does a confident woman appear? Posture is straight, confident gait, head held high, arms move smoothly. Therefore, the next of the psychologist's advice on how to be confident in yourself concerns gestures and body language. Seeing a stooped woman gives the impression that she is afraid to attract attention to herself, wants to get lost in the crowd, so you need to work on the correct posture. Do special exercises and you will see that others look at you differently. And you will feel more confident. And correct posture is also important for health.

To achieve a feminine gait, it is recommended to wear a pencil skirt slightly below the knee - then your step will be beautiful and smooth. Pay attention to your hands: do you play something when you are worried or do not know where to put them? During the movement, the hands should move freely and smoothly to the beat. And during a conversation, try to avoid active gestures, make sure that your gestures complement your words and give liveliness to the conversation.


People with a sense of humor always attract attention. Individuals who can laugh at some of their shortcomings or incidental situations adequately relate to criticism and do not react so sharply to comments. How to be confident in yourself? Psychologist's advice is to learn to laugh at yourself.

This also applies to the shortcomings of appearance: if a woman can turn them into advantages, then the attitude towards her appearance will change. There is an awareness and acceptance of their uniqueness, girls stop chasing mythical standards. A great example of how self-irony increases self-esteem are the stars who turned flaws into a highlight of their personality, and many of them are considered beautiful and intelligent women.

Learn to talk about your feelings

It is very important to be able to accept and talk about experiences and emotions. Insecure people are afraid to open up to others or share doubts with others, believing that this is a manifestation of weakness. But the ability to talk about what is important for a person is a quality of a self-confident person.

After all, it is not at all necessary that the person will begin to criticize or will not listen carefully to the interlocutor. In a conversation, it may turn out that problems that seemed global will turn out to be insignificant. If a woman is not satisfied with something in the relationship, talking with the other half will help bring the relationship to a new level. Conversation helps people understand each other better.

How to be confident in yourself? The psychologist's advice is about developing the ability to talk about your feelings and what is important for a woman. Confidential conversation helps to realize that all people tend to doubt and everyone needs support. Self-confident people understand this, so they are always ready to make contact with their loved ones.

One should not think that success is a quality available only to a select few individuals. Everyone can become confident, because the acquisition of this quality is constant work on oneself, self-development. Such people always strive to grow, want to reach even greater heights. How to become a confident girl? Psychologist's advice all boil down to one thing - to constantly self-develop.

Yes, all people make mistakes, there are no perfect people. But you can try to be better, set certain goals and achieve them. A confident woman is a woman who lives in harmony with herself and those around her. She radiates happiness and tranquility and is a great example for other girls. Such women know how to enjoy life, make themselves and their loved ones happier!

Now you know what advice psychologists give. How to become a confident woman? Love yourself first!

Nobody is born infinitely confident in themselves. If anyone is incredibly confident, it is because he or she has worked to build that confidence for years. To become self-confident need to learn thisbecause the complex world of business and life in general can destroy our confidence. Social media, asking a customer to return an item, or being denied help can overwhelm our efforts to become a confident person. Good, but sometimes unkind, comments from people close to us can also hurt our confidence. In addition, we have to deal with our inner critic of self-doubt, who constantly tells us that we are not good enough. With so many elements attacking that threaten our self-confidence, we need to take responsibility for creating it. Building a successful business requires patience and confidence in your ability to overcome obstacles. And for this you need to become a self-confident person.

How to become self-confident? 10 ways

  1. Visualize yourself as you want to be

  2. Visualization is a way to see the image of yourself, which you are proud, in your own imagination. When we are unsure of ourselves, we have a bad perception of ourselves, which is often inaccurate. Practice visualizing a fantastic version of yourself, a person who has already achieved his goals.

  3. Assert yourself

  4. We tend to behave in accordance with our own image. The trick for making major changes is to change how how do you see yourself... Affirmations are positive and uplifting statements that we say to ourselves. They are usually more effective if say them out loud... We tend to believe everything we tell ourselves all the time. For example, if you hate your own appearance, practice expressing what you value or love about yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror. To help your brain process your positive affirmations faster, speak your affirmations with specific questions, such as Why am I so good at making deals? instead "I'm so good at making deals." Our brains are biologically connected to finding answers to questions without analyzing whether the question is real or not.

  5. Do one thing every day that scares you.

  6. The best way is to face him head-on. By doing something every day that scares you, you become more confident with each experience. So, step out of your comfort zone and face your fears!

  7. Ask questions of your inner critic

  8. Some of the harshest comments we receive come from ourselves, through “ the inner voice of the critic". If you want to become self-confident, but it is difficult for you, most likely your inner critic gained momentum and became unclear. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help you question the words of your inner critic and start looking for evidence to support or deny what the voice is telling you. For example, if you consider yourself, ask yourself, "What evidence is there that supports the idea that I am a failure?" and "What evidence does not support the idea that I am a failure?" Find opportunities congratulate, praise and reward yourself even for the smallest successes. As Mark Twain said: "A person cannot feel comfortable without their own approval.".

  9. Take a 100 Day Bounce Marathon

  10. Jia Jiang became famous for overcoming his fear of rejection by purposefully creating crazy requests to people (borrow $ 100, ask for a free supplement at a cafe) and embarrassing himself with the goal of being denied once a day for 100 days. Its purpose was to get used to rejection and take it fearlessly... He decided to do this after he was overwhelmed by the refusal of a potential investor. Overcoming fear is not an easy task, but if you want to build confidence, this is a powerful way to do it.

  11. Set yourself up for victory

  12. Too many people lose confidence in their abilities because they set goals for themselves that are too difficult to achieve. Start by setting small goals that you can easily achieve. Once you have created stream of small successesthat will help you see good qualities in yourself, you can move on to more difficult goals. That being said, keep a list of all your accomplishments, both big and small, to remind yourself of what you did well. Instead of just focusing on the to-do list, spend time doing already done list... Reflecting the milestones, projects, and goals you've achieved is a great way to build confidence in your skills.

  13. Help another

  14. Helping someone often allows us to forget about ourselves and feel grateful for what we have. In addition, you do well to the person you are helping when you change his situation for the better. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, voluntarily be a mentor, practically help or teach othersand you will see that you automatically become more self-confident.

  15. Take care of yourself

  16. To become self-confident, you must combine good physical, emotional and social health... It’s hard to feel good if you hate your body or are constantly running out of energy. Take time to exercise, develop healthy and adequate sleep. Besides, dress the way you want... You have heard the saying that "clothes make a person." Build self-confidence by making efforts through taking care of your own needs.

  17. Create personal boundaries

  18. Learn to say no. Teach others respect your personal boundaries... If necessary, get training on how to be more assertive and learn to ask for what you want. The more control you have over your own life, the faster you will become a confident person.

  19. Go for an equality mentality

  20. People with low self-confidence see others as better or deserving of more than themselves. Instead of carrying this perception, understand that we are all equal... Those people are no better or more worthy than you. Make the mental transition to an equality mentality and you will notice how you automatically become a more confident person.

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